and 38 Lloyd French at North Simcoo vs South Simcoelzlilgecgggbm Boy at AmakcoswltumMr xi Old Timers Baseball Contest Planned lorOld Home week few from here attended Jam Forum picnic at Little Lake Mldland on Friday evening mpot shell boots ame ham Hospital or lm of which the sole heel and Considerable interest 11 being min at sonh nay Archie klboysinbluc wmmmlmmkeeo Malena Basic will take place Thom 11 8th The Toronto Police becnbondthisevcnlng bulb in cxbbition ll the Barrie Police Term for tugofwnr without ctb will be used and the pro pa type rope has been located mmoll consist of equal num bon of competitors rcghrdless of nights During competition one judge and two Inspectors will be responsible for enforcing the rules short run down of these rules should enable all to thoroughly un derstand theacontests as they take place The regulation rope of not less than four inches in circumference must be without knots or other holdings for the hands AllISIOII on Top The following is the standings of the teams in the Northern Di vision of the Ontario Lacrosse Association up to MondayJuly 20 PIS Alliston 13 144 143 15 Tor Maitlands ll Brooklin 12 Bradford 12 Weeks results Tuesday July 14 TorMaillands 12 Bradford overtime Friday July 17 Alliston lZBrook lln Saturday July 18 Bradford 21 TorMalllands Bmoklin 13 Alliston 18610813 0859112 64 66 480118109 CV cff BY BARRIE MOTOR SAlES THE KEENER PERSON IS INTILLECTUALLY TN rowan conmo monks ll macs Kids of heel air perfectly flush and not prepared my wey No gloves or Adheslvo We may be unedoomehandr or rope During no part of the pull shill mmbetledormony way croc man team member may wilfully round with any part of carer than the feet All colt shall be won by two pulls out of three tape centred on the tape with side tapes six feet on each side of the centre and corresponding parallel lines on the ground will be used to determine winners pull ls won when one team shall have pulled the side tape of the opposing side over their own tide line or if any portion of the foot of any competitor of the opposing side goes beyond the cen tre line Any other group wishing to en ter team in this competition may do so by calling 3079 SOFTBALL Mens Senior TONIGHT Angus at CGE Queens radford at Mincsing Bond Head at Fennells Ladies TONIGHT Barrie at Edgar BASEBALL North Simeon TONIGHT Creemore at Barrie Agr Park South Slrncoo North Division TONIGHT Everett at Cookstown SATURDAY New Lowell at Stroud Thornton at Churchill South Division TONIGHT Aurora at Alliston Palgrave at Newmarket MONDAY Newmarkel at Palgrave Alliston at Aurora South Slmcoe Juvenile TONIGHT Barrie at Beeton Utopia at Stroud MONDAY Alliston at Barrie Agr Park SOCCER MONDAY RCAF at Barrie LACROSSE Bradford at Brooklin 900 Dajlstoniixplocleg 1951 KAISERSPECIAL SED ANS Two to choose from OntLla two tone blue the other anchor grey 1151 HENRY 1m KAISER SEDAN TRUCKS 1951 Dodge Platform 110 st 1951 Ford ton com Dump E1949 Beodrrljln CW Cab In Filth for 10 On Wonder Valley Dalston upset Wonder Valley 15 13 last night in an Oro ladles soft ball game at Wonder Valley mammoth 10un fifth inning overcame 10 deficit and sent the visitors the victory path Wonder Vally tried to overcome the big Inning but pitcher Dot Foxh es tightened up and limited them to three runs in the last three fram es tlorma Hickllng who showed ood form for Greers Aces in the Barrlcdistrlct ladies softball group was charged with the defeat Irene Forbes Jean Watson and Chris Key starred for Dalston Mar fan and Margaret Gough Carol Rix and Joyce Edgerton played top ball for Wonder Valley Play Tonight rIhe Barrie distrch ladies sofl ball tilt between Greers Aces and Edgar Toppers scheduled for last night of Edgar was postponed and will be played this evening The Sphinx ongypt is 70 feet hlgli 150 feet long and has face 14 reelwme BEWHEETS unbleached cotton App 80 x90 $235pr CASESuubleachedcotton 22 36 98c Vipr 131111111911 regular $1108 75c IYJAMAS forblldren to No preglng$l25 pr rmIEs 190 pt gle bed size 98c ea spur yardr2 main for men boysisubsofregulur $125 altruism EN scour RON BUTLER the son of Queens Mr and Mrs Jack Butler 208 Owen Street Barrie is seen here with liquid refreshments TONIGHT Maltlands at Allislon at hand t9 counteract the beat as he pegs 845 his tent at the third national Boy Scout SA AY Alum at Bradford Jamboree being held at Santa Ana Call Minorl9ue Baseball Peewee Notes Tuesday night to Arena Park the leagueleading Pirates defect ed the Indians by score of 12 to The battery for the winnch was Billy Law hurling and Ken Meyers receivingw For the losers it was Dobson and Gary Judd In the hitting department it was DouguFlear Ken MoyersDol1g BibbyBill Law Billy White and Harold Ferrier who led the Pir ates while for the Indians it was Gary Judd McDonald Anderson and Lang The most spectacular play for the evening was made by Ray Thompson who caught long fly and threw to rst base to complete double Meadwhile at Gunn Street Park the RedSox defeated the cellar dwelling Dodgers by score of 17 to 13 The winning battery was Harold Boyd and Laurie Bar ton and for the losers lt was DaveFergsoun and Lloyd Givens pitching with chk Jones receiv ing For the Red Sox there were six hits and15 men walked and for the Dodgers there werc six hits and 13 walks Laurie Barron John Tobin and Tonyjurger led the hitting for the Red Sox and for the Dodgers it was Lloyd Givens and Vic Lindsay Lloyd Givens played very good all roundgame as he led the hitting with 11 bases loaded home run and relieVed Dave Ferguson in the pitchinglduties Anderson for the Red Soxand Swain and Lind ayll of the Dodger all played good Mldget In the Midget Division the Bar rie entry defeated New LoWell by scorenof 15 to For Barrie there were 18 hits and for the June team there were two Bot Ierjes for the evening were Mike Browning hurling and Ferguson and Forget receiving for Blprle and for New Lowell it wasWebb and Mumberson the Barrie Midgets was led by Eatrel Ferguson Edwards Brown ing and Forget Christie Kep nington and Ethcrington also came through with ode hit each For the New Lowell squad it was Mumborson and Pattenwho were the cloggers Juvenileff The Barrie Juveniles Tuesday night defeated thostrong Cooks town entry by search 11 to Barrie collectdwfourghlts eight walks and had 0116 lerrorlsor Coqkstown there was one hit eight walks undfour errors The hitting for Barrie was led by Neil Mines Senior softball The hitting for gt Canada and fornla The jamboree was attended by more than 50000boys from the United States foreign countries Ron who is patrol leader in the Second Barrie Troop was one of nine Scouts chosen from Ontario to attend the jamboree 1uJai $4 ng Barrie Legion took advantagcgof four costly outfield misplays Wed nesday night to clobber Minesing 8l at Queens Parkgand increase their league leadership in theBar rie district senior softball standings Ken Glenn fastuworking Minc sing righthanded dished up one legitimate homer to Steve Hines and then got charged with two more when centrefielder Glenl Bielby misplayed drives by Pat Wanamaker with the bases loaded and Henb Thompson with one male aboard Johnny Snache worked the route for the Legion and though he gave up nine hits kept them well scat tered except in the fourth when Minesing put together three safeties for their only run Legion with singlercounter in the second off an outfield error broke 11 deadlock in the bot tom of the fourth when Glenn is sued walk and two singles to load the sacks Pat Wanamaker lin ed to centre and the ball bounced past the fielder for circuit smash The winners scored five runs in the inning and addd two more 11 the fifth Wanamaker the sensational new rookie and Stevb Hines both drop ped three hits onto the turf torpace Legions 12bit attack Herb Thomp son collected pair Win Downeyrand Ken Glennpac ed Mineslnggwith twoltits each MrNESING Durnford rf Ad ams cf Adams ss Glenn pB Adams lb Miles 21 Beilby cf Win Downey Wen Downey LEGION Wanamaker 1f Shew chuok rf Hines 3b Thurlow ss Hardacr Perry 1b Snache Thompson of Gotham 21 Mineslng 000 lOO 011 010 520 118 12 Callaspr wrap IIarts Garage 93 Joans Coffee Shop continued to ride strong in the Barrie Industrial Loaiguegus they whipped Harts Gar ago 93 at Queens Park1ast night lPltcher Joe Whalcn limited Harts to fund in only the sixth inning while his mates pounced oanallop forseven runs in the first pair of frames Beach Leigh Thurlowarfd Wholly en starredfor the coffee Shop Klmlbcll Bowman and Rlchardso July 29111 lwbeb goodrocord this seasdl legion SmotherfAthleticsSplit iBrooinnuseris BY MAC Although Alliston Athletics split their weekend games they still held twopoint edge in the Ontario Lacrosse standings over second placc Toronto Maitlads Alliston came back strong Friday here to defeat the highly favored Brooklin club 12 to Then on Saturday they journeyed to Brooklin with only eight men and suffered 13 to setback The game here was good game to watch up until the 456 mark Of the final quarter when Ross Payne no relation to Clary Payne squat ed off with Don Patterson of Brooklin and both of them were banished for five minutes for caus ing fight but that wasnt enough ry Don Craggs had to get his two cents worth in and he jumped into the midst of the fracas and for his effort be was given 10minute misconduct penalty Before these fellows were out of the box Tom Briggs of Alliston squared off with goalie Art Bradley and Robie Rob son and for this real ole setto the boys were given fiveminute majors for fighting Art Bradley was put off and while he wascolil ing Alliston got three goals The leagues leading scorer Clary Payne paced the Alliston attack worked upland the Old Iimers Bueball Game which will be staged in part of the sports pro gram at the fair grounds on Wed nesday Aug after the big cen tennial made arrive It aeemr that the Barrie Old Timers have challenged the Ivy Old Timon As the contestants are getting on In years and there is some doubt as to the number of tuning anyone can remain in action it was decided there should full quot of playefs on each So the Barrieteam will be the North Simcoe Old Timers and Ivy will be allowed tq draw from any South Simcoe Old Timers It is considered that an Old Timer Is One who goes back at least 10 years preferably further and who is not playing now that is base ball of course The South Simcoe team are rc puled to have been practising faithfully at Ivy for some weeks now and they are taking this not only seriously but it is reported are willing to put up doraymee Bert Jennett of Barrie an Ivy Old Timer at first base is the li aison man between North and South Marshall Boyd and Billy Banting are to be the coaches of the South There will be full quota of Bantings Jennctts Daviss and Arnolds on the team no doubt We can expect to see Herman Jennett inging and Elwood Jen nett receiving Among the Cooks town contingent could be Lorne Arnold Dewey Hopper and Art Kidd among others No doubt Thornton Alliston and Stroud will contribute to the roster There is some talk of bringing the great DrHolly Dyer up from Hamilton to pitch Both North and South are claim ing the services of Huck Caesar now the manager of The Eank of Toronto in Elmvale who as played for every team in Sim coe Countyover thepast half cen tury The Local Outlook Not to be outdone Manager John Dobson who piloted ve Barrie teams to North Simcoe champion ships in the early thirties plus one Ontario final and one semifinal in intermediate OBA has called three practices and averaged about ciglrt creakingjointed hasbeens each time But they are getting down to serious workouts next week if they can get the diamond away from the hundreds of kids now playing baseball in Barrie Manager Dobson reports that he has so far signed the nucleus of team all members of the 193036 aggregation which dominated the North Simone League These in clude catchers Doug Ramsay and Archie Thompson both of whom will probably have to pitch some at Sudbur Archie Marz Rev M1 yam returner $11520 now al 103113 momma on wry from 81 no Snowman in Toronto And Ref332 Hospital In Toronto ting into the younger fry we Still have Bud Kashner and Moe Sifaila The naviggbleowcmmels it man around town Msippi Rwer synem link It So there is quite an assortmentlarem Lakes mm me Gm not too far oway and follow1ugMemo the practice of next week Mana 221 Dobson expects to be abs An Ilmmrmt upon 01chm to releaso denite lineup for thelmm Monte warm us Barrie North Simcoe Old Timcrilm aluminum production and We should also have roster on hand from the Ivy South 0m mers Ready far Holidays 19 CHEV FLEETIJNE COACH ORIGINAL OWN TIRES MOTOR GOOD WAVERLEY Visit To Western Canada Mrs Matilda Mchttcrs left on Friday for Western Canada on an extended visit Patsy Fitzgerald Midland is lS fling her aunt Mrs Clarence Banl ulster Britiain Visitor William Britlnin Atherley spent last week with Mr and 1111s Clarke French and called on friends and also participated inf the Orange walk in Pcnctang Hog was the oldest member on parade 96 years of age Mr and Mrs William Wanton Cookstown called on Mr and Mrs Harry Campbell Mr and Mrs Irwin Elliott are visiting relatives in Toronto Visit Gamebridgc Cottage Mr and Mrs William Corlett and family and Mrs Corlett Sui visited Mr and Mrs Fred Morley at their cottage at Gamebridge Mrs Corlclt Sr returned to Iog rento after spending the past few weeks with relatives Mr and Mrs George Wood and1 family Welland spent the weekl end with Mrwand Mrs Marry Campbell Mr and Mrs nonmd French andl boys and Mrs Owen French visited 21 Parkside Drive Barrier the Pt yo want 233 Bradford SI Buy Will Confidence At DANGERFI ELD MOTORS LTD Barries Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION Dial 4981 Insurance Tailored To Fit We take pride in tting coverages to individual needs Phone Tom tulle1W CLU PHONE 2931 in the color you want offhe time Avon pitchers Cotty Tribee and Hap Emms inelders Dobson himself JWl1bur Har rls Jack Moore Johnny Johnson Tom Hare and George LeGear outelders Ken walls Ken Mc Kenzie and Bill Dyment These figure they are more than match foranything South Simcoe can dig up butreinlorcements are on the way In Orillia there lives one Joseph McDonald JoJo who caught for Barrie in 1932 In Midland thereis Fish Sturgeon and Hec tor Kilroy in Penetang there is George Scott powerhitting out fielder onsearcral Barrie teams It is hoped to have Delbert Emms here Now living in London he ulayed second base for the 1930 champion team Herbie Hot Dog Jennings now in Espanola once speedball hurler here and at Cree more is being contacled Also Gene Butler third baseman of 1930 now Royal Bank manager at Par Sound Adam McKenzie star outelder now with Roe at Weston might be here There are apy number of former Barrie base ballers still on two feet What about Buster Clark and Ernie Me and Alan Mackay each got two tal lies Eric Branton and Bruce Mac kay scored singles Toronto Maitlands after do ing BradfordlZ to 9Tuesday returned to Bradfordsatufdfy only to bcl soundly trounced 21 to This Bradford club is really rolling now with thregoals while Ed Steacy and Tom Briggs each got pair of markers Bill Gray Bob Kehoe Aden WhelanColum Wbelan and Ross Payne were the other Alliston marksmen getting singletons Len Cook was the best man for the Brooklin Dodgers getting three goals while teammateslnon Cragg Generals Meet Redmen Here SaturdclyvNigltt Old Man Weather seems rather determined to keep the Stroud Red men from playing their only regu lar game of the season in Barrie Saturday evening is thethlrd date set to bring Stroud and the Gen1 grails tugetherSurely oldsdl will come through lhistline Coacb1Geonge BOUCIIEY felt the team Was in line shape fonlast Wednesday and hopes the addition al delay will not take the finecdg off tho hitting power the foam has practlsedoo diligentlyto attain The limit homo some of the sea son will take placenext Wednesdhy clicker um Elson with ajvery against Strand 0121191 If required will cometroin Neilsliurtubloc Nollhasbcen used tbnonerallithb roev lustaoked up ver trod vorocord with the too 31113 Wu more tbeGeoerols in 801 another pooh Ilse Ille vIISEII HEIRS 1951 glamour691121 floater radio power3111103 1951 ouEvnomr cooou Heutoupowerglldo gt 19517 CHEVROLET COUPE floater newlyynlnted 1951 com SEDAN Halonndlo 1951 erMourutiooon Likopow 1sujlauMourusEnAN fa torridr omsuouusisnbAN 21113 uij will start mm you $11 Will 700 MIN The newest most excit ing colors prescntodin Americas best color 3319130531760 dilf erent color combina tionst shown in Flat SemiGloss and GlossEnomelYoucon now hmmaniza your point color scheme with drapes rugsfur niturocurtoins wall paper etc Personalized Modern Authenticated Colors Easier to choosebatter to use Customize your decorating With Color one for every room in the house Itseasy exciting funoil finishes may be applied with brush or roller and they are all washable DontconSidor pointing or decorating till youve seen the Colorone Color Bet now on dispon hero Absoluter Amilcas finest Custom Color System IllemW4tte mums svslm colon Iooxuvuum to nicotine IK stroll 7nu1cK Convertible RADIO Furthor information on these excellent buysemay boobtallh from tho follow in salesmen VSIMMnnor 01310511150 Wlnrrovo Dmounr ROMEer 1951 DODGE crummy Exlellem conditibm EVEPYTHING IN LUMBER PHONE 2496 BARRIE low Convcuient 01111111 111111ch 1111111 151111111111 1948 OLDSMOBJLECOACH Hydramatic Like bowl 1917BIIICK SEDAR Radioirv 1946 PONTIAC smirk See this one Wicks 7195 GMC Va corneaco VAgoudlbuy