Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1953, p. 13

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Church l20lh Birthday Bride and Groom at run mourn mama mo lm in Other Millicent Hear Beauty and The Feast Days of Early HiStory Of Parish and Surrounding Area By LORNE LETHERBY omenln and mementoe available There are 115 or mere members Whil they Ill3910 Riv of families with record of conlCFBVJEHnIi 801133 to borrow for tinuous church attendance by sin display in St Georges Parish H311 cceding generations during thel Th mm 01 the Panlb 13 51m past 120 years St Georges Answar in many respectsto other part lican Church Fairvallcy in that Most Townabm Many of Township 02 gamma gthe early settlers came from Eng The Fairvalley Church will cclllmd 59 had had mmtarv ebraxe is 12 birthday in alcarcers in the Napoleonic wars number of ways on the weekend 01 am campaw and came October and The other cliiirrlilhe new mum to We new in me parish St Lukes Pricesicareers Others came to Canada to serve in military establishments Corners will share in the obscrv vances Certificates will be prrul Many me man brougm th them have been preserved Sented to those who have maid5v tained recordbreaking church at and 3Pth dommg househulq endance articles farming equipment and Early records of the par13h were other items will be shown at the unfortunately burned but there are Falrvaney display many diaries and other doc some or me the beginnings of civilization in Medonte and ad jacent townships were made in Fairvalley parish or close to it During 1831 two old comrades in the 13th Light Dragoons named Ferris and McClure set out from Ireland with their families to try their fortunes in Canada Ferris died of cholera at the quarantine station in the St Lawrence but his family came on with the McClure3 and early in the next year they be came the first immigrant settlers in Medonte They located on the Oro town line near Coulson stepson of McClure James Quinn became Orillias first rceve In 1832 the same year Captain Steele RN oblaincda grant of 1000 acres in Mcdonte and settled with his family Capt Steele of Purbrook the name he gave his 10g home at Fairvallcy became ll member of the Assembly and his son Steele was an early warden of Simcoe County The Steele family including General Sam Steele of Canadian Army fame have left lasting impression on the life of the Dominion Early services of the Anglican Church at Fairvalley were held at Pur brook part of which stands to this day One hundred and thirtyfive years ago the first white settler Thomas Craig homesteaded at the site of the present village of Craig hurst Centuries before the dis trict had Huron Indian commun itics with large numbers living near Warminster and Moonstone Shifting of the Garrison supply route from the Pcnetanguishcne Road to the Orillia Coldwatei Por tage stimulated settlement in the northeasterly portion of Medontc The portage was later ektended to the shore ofthe Sturgeoanayrand the whole line of land transporta tion is still known as the Goldwater Road The Indian name for Medontes largest river was Gissinause bing meaning Cold river or Cold water and the word Ariin cized became the name of the river and of the Indian Agency on its banks in 1830 Another Royal Navy man George is CAT Fooo Yes its your cats own special food made from fresh whole fish and other valuable healthbuilding ingredients properly balanced ration for cats and kittens Buy Puss Boots tod SSOto $1000 withoutbankable security Up to24 munthsftorepay Phone or stopin for fast friendly service Cmdorlarguf H5noiorlninci 28ipunlop Stiles neond floor phone 5529 IARRII ONT chum Mime as manage so Em an use mares We can demonstrate to you justhow much work and worry the can salve younndat the some limo makoiyoui floors the envy of all who seetliem 61 See foryourselfwhohlliis world famous machine condo WAXeNo stooping or tulyrlng POLISHLeveller 10 with effortless care Fingcylight con trol no wanderi DUFFHighl polished to hard endu ing scuff free sur face CWAN SCOUR Pa uteri design per ts easy fitting with stool wool Securing pod Wallabier at sllght oxtro chum Removes old wax and dirt instnntly BELTS ToShlla no BEARINGS TO WEAR Fun DRMATION Ann onMdnsifiiArioni IN IYOUR OWNHOMEEWITHOUT nonunion ID Ewiiiiiiuii anhumournomo sold meaning sovoralFtiadrglnsto oriented 34827 loi pnlces of used Polishers in good conditions The marriage of Miss Milllcciil Eileen Fleur daughter Of Mrs Fleur and the late John Floor of dailic formerly of Orangeviile to Orwlle James Draper son of David Draper and the lair Mrs Draper of Barrie took place on Saturday lBecomes Bride of James Draper it July 18 1953 at two oclock in the afternoon in Trinity LllLiICll Barrio The was performed by Rev delcti cier Wright and wedding mimic was played by the church organ lSt Mrs Roberts of Ollllin who also HCCUUlllElDle the soloist Wallace Kennedy Given to marriage by her uncle Anglican Karl chur the bride was wearing gown of while nylon tulle chr ME AND MRS Norman Mix well whose early summer wedding took place in Si Iliomas Anglican Church Shanty Buy The bride is the former Leona Perkins daughter of Mr and Mrs Hurry Perkins of Shanty Bay and file groom is the son of Mr and MTS Earl Maxwell RR Barrio After wedding trip to Northerii0n1 tario the couple are making their home at Dalston Wilson founded his Marchburn homestead The second and larger wave of settlement followed shortly and resident agent was appointT cd to place newcomers on the land This officer Wellesley Ritchie liv ed at Bass Lake grid kept gangs of mm employed building huts for settlement of new lots directing them in cutting roads and other work Farming and lumbering were the major industries carried on by the new settlers The latter has been reduced to low point in the in tervcning years In the carly days great part of Medontc was tim bcred with hardwood pine cedar and hemlock Used for lumbar shingles iailsand tanbzirk Local Musician LAttends Fred Waring School Ross Caldwell HR Billlle choral director is among select group of 110 professional musicians attending the Fred Waring Choral Workshop at Delaware Water Gap Pa this week The sixday high ly concentrated course in choral techniques is taught by thesamc instructors who train the famous Waring Pcnnsylvnnians and is headed by Fred Waring himself Director of choral group of 30 teenage girls organized in Sep tember 1950 in Willowdale and known as the Ross Caldwell Sing ers the young teacher of music at Glen Park Public school near 170 rorto has achieved famein Oni tario during the past few years with the group that was origin ally sponsored by the North York Lions Club His singers have been making many concert appearances including recital here in Barrie and vhave also been doing radio work All members attend Earl Haig Collegiate Arspecial feature in this years instruction at the Waring Work shop is the class in television ori entation by Bob Banner director of the Waring rtelevisio Show for General Electric camera and equipment are in action in the Music Hall and ihe course is de signed to give working know ledge of television techniques to music directors DemoTistrations of choral oonL ducting microphone and tape re cording scssions lectures on choral arranging enu tion program building and Ta or practical in wliitc duchcss satin fashioned with ballerinadengtb buuffunt skirt and jacket of clizintilly lace pearl and rhinestunc headdress held her fuchngtli veil of zullc and she was carrying white biblv with cascadc of ivliitc orchids The maid of honor Miss Nollic Floor of Barrie aunt of Uh brim was gowned in French blue not over taffeta and was wearing matching jacket and apicturc lint She was carrying bziskct of pink sweetheart roses pink mums and stcphzinolis The twin aunts of the bride tlit Misses Martha and Muv Fleur of Barrie were bridesmaids wearing gowns of orchid tiered not over taf feta with flowered headdresscs to match the baskets of yellow sweet heart roses yellow mums and stcphanotis which they carried Frederick Blaincy of Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Richard Flcni and Thomas Floor of rie uncles of the bride amid gathering followed zit the ome of Mr and Mrs Edward IIarducrc Receiving the mother of the bride was wearing navy slicer with matching velvet hat and white accessories and cor sage of while carnutions and stopli anotis The bride and groom left in ii wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride travelling in twopiece ensemble of lime green linen with ceremony WITH NATIONAL SALAD WEEK opening on July 30 across Canada Lois Brcfwn of Ottawa Miss Agriculture of 1953 poses with basket of ingredients for almost any kind of delicious salad you want to make National Salad Week is held each year to promote the use of Canadian fruits and veget ables and advice and recipes are mode available everywhere to encourage the most advantageous use of this countrys highquality garden produce Iillilil Uulll II Agllcllllult Photo Fall Fair Dates in ti is the area but Iltlllitsulllkllll Indians of tlic Supt ZlElNlcuruguzin hinterlands says the OCT 14Nill0ml Geilgrlipliic Magazine Sept 2930 Sept 1415 Sept l7ltil INDIANS NOI SKEETEKS Tlll Mmquilo Coast of Central Colliiigwuod Barrie Benton Coldwzilcl Cuiiksiown CALL run EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 2414 Ann ricu Lll llt$ its mime not from Annual Matches Held in Midst Of Heat Wave $213 amoym In spite of the tremendous heataik N303 353 311 WI wave at The beginning of The week ma the lndirs section of the Barrio Country Club held the annual capi toms and vicecaptains match on Monday and Tuesday and golff iasted through the iwodayl YOUR imam ldbhold competitions 239 mop The captains prize UllS yeah lwcnt to Mrs George Dangerfield lwitli the lowest combined lscoic for the two days and Uh iicccaptaiiis prize was won by Ehfrs Roy Smith second low lday and MI no Patterson Robinson Km Cubs tr McDowell Hunt Repairs Storage and Cleaning Raining Small pain while you lift BARRES NEWEST STORE OPEN DAILY mm to Ill pin INCLUDING SUNDAYS HOLIDAYS Confectionery Gills Greeting Cards EAST END VARIETY STORE I93 BLAKE STREET Sept 2123 Sept 17193 Orxllin Sept 101 Oro Sept black velvet accessories On their return Mr and Mrs Draper will be making their home In Barrie Oiitoftown guests at the wed dimI were from Toronto Oshawa Orillin and Thornton Elmvule Midland formation of helpto The choral conductordie also being given by this professionally experienced staff of Waring singers pianists conductors andarrangers This is the WaringWorkshops seventh season and its first in its new permannt home at Deleware Water Gap Ra Students are liv ing in the newly remodeled Ennis Davis Dormitory intheeast wing of the Waring EnterprisesBuild us vl HOME OF MONSTER Loch Ness in Scotlandio 23 miles long and averages miles Wide The Tomsth or Adjlaiinrsun coe county ontario was so named after daughter of the Indian chief Tecumseh Insfitiitllonsl Householders WDIBEWQDRIED WITH SEPTIC TANK aud OilmOUSE raccoons modernohernlool wiuiellmlnito moor vendors llqulfldsin on Moth tree cant keep its age secret Since years growth farms ring in The tree on expert forester simply counts the numberof rings in the trunks crosssection init CARLING ncwuues imp GARLINGS pg WATERLOOMONTREAlTOIONICTECUMSEH canudidn Drivers Choose High 13 Blue lSunoco Blue Sunocosunbeatnblc long milcago has made steady customers of thousonds Of CanodidnymOtoriSls whowqcornparc gasoline Performs More no first bighchantiknockqunlitytoo gMAKEIumaM Mukotheloegum nilc wyour own car and fooli Lilia difforoncol

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