ram Wei31m arm ILW wheat mannasans Him wPunSevanmmmdumv ymmuwmwm lumber Myanmar By Llth WHY Special been In races will be 225 class purse 8175 and 223 claw purse $200 special feature of Culdwatersz Make County Smog Diamond Jubilee Fall Fair will beI Cummilm of Simeoe County treeturall race with pars Council including Reeve Albert 3300 sgansored by Culdwater oldlCaaIvn chairman Pom McNicull boys number of lurmer resileeve Lawson Robiusun Elmvale dents haw already advised they Dcpuly Reeve John Mzclsaac Orll plan to attend 1h 6001 all Ollie lla Deputy Reeve Rots Williams EAlllsmn and Reeve Andrew Bum Ilup Goldwater have made sur wry of must of the county and are 109500 finishing their inquiry in the nor JUST them section to learn the possibll les for tourist and industrial ex 48 DODGE COACH NEW TIRES Marian the sptclal committee will be made NEW MOTOR LAST YEAR THIS IS REAL BUY to lhc Nuwmber sessiun of council Buy Will Condmcc At DANGERFIELD MOTORS LTD Battles Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford Dis 4981 Couple Die in Few Days Partners in Ilfe for nearly 69 ylars Mr and M33 Edward Els selle Purl Severn passed away within three days of each other Mrs Bridgette died on July and the and fur her husband came on July 20 The well known couple wcrc marricd Port Severn by MAcHImzwwonK REPAIRS REDESIGN We have the facilities In remodel or fabriralc machines In suit your needs Tons of steel in stock at all rmssold by the not or by the Ion mm mm mum ca 17 Mulcaster St Dial 3744 Report of the findings WMWWM IHIS BIG 96 CU FT DELUXE nlriqumtnrlw Mining makers of the wolIds nest Home Freezer playing Moonstone 745 hem July 13 jars Am new an 13 be Married or his 13m sane who was 31 was my Hemline an ya beam aw Bay She For Swath litheg Bahrgemy mwmmw lbem living in mm mm childrenzrellvmg 5me of sewer and 17 515 mam prnt m1 kink daughter1 112m are 11a 3224 many granddale 3131 chllaren and sexual grmig ab grumlthillirm NauruI5 Wilfred You Imam km watch while plain heartland During plowing again this ma bellman mulch ning as good as ever HILLSDALE 31m Km Jagger Kcvw are was 31W For ram as tuacmM YWMW Vi am 32 Purl Seven er 343 lira Wac Slum 23 Manual me mwexl La mummy Mr and give rawazgunxr v32 Mr and 368 312332 Kamila gm are Rumble 32 Maria itth Stang dirl off it wound 11 has ms Sum gm Mr and Mr Flod Wcub mai 1t usergr Cstfilllg fuller $45 Baum Img mat mg ggglar anal H633 000 SQ 9w LL inviglntr 31326 513 El at Pidyluhl Im WandaHI puma ipezlt me Wrelwml wxlh gm Mrs Hurry Trew Jfld M33 Hubert Boyle and xvimn Humble midi5 Thongs span trw Caiwwmlzayz wxlh Mid Mrs Dunn M25 llmmm are spemlmg cw 31 Mrs Itmdt 291mm Rennie Turonm 3125 Mziliguzz Tav Erynll gm Jun Wlilmzn Ruwul Vaultd Mini Rug III is MLCIung nu Tummy in Elm HJl M15 54 and Mr Wmmy and Mr and and Duns Tamale uf Wolllml spent Em xylem mm Sly and Mrs Nonlw mm Mrs Bank and mm runainug Jr 1510 wenk and Mrs Marvin Bonk md 25cc mum llurblw munmuch Sex11m was Comm b32VR1y and libs Elm Ruwnl Jlltl me LaudIm and 515 Ros jamming Lhurch at Hams Ccldakr on July Ion lnlrrmem was an Culdmazef Cemuery She was Lwdmwdg by her husband the 53 Emma Addison aqu saw gm Ilka Addison was the 10mm 333M123 ing are two sans 31112 Feg male and Irvine af Enema me daughter M13 Rag Bush nymer Goldwater $152M Elm Phi Bayl mund Mal Orillia and 13m lyre them Jack of 0mm and Jmesl Vivian of Llme Gd Tam gt Charles Wadgc and like Deregu successfully rendered Ii 33 31 dome tower alnndcr sirm the switch of serving to 32 mm CPI station at Medlmle and 22V 513 ed dismamling the gramme Schll Phydh Coldwater formlled eizzizzligm from Lbs 50mm lzycrs by 0m lI This placed we semibah Ln three out of five 11 mm wits En la the end of lasx week Warmim ster had won two puns an furl Sturgeon Fall he game at Goldwater saw me me lam in fine form with Bass 11sz per forming as placket The locals were ring on and shameii Elsi catches by Doug Miller armizd Paws Arum Coldwater council km apparva plan mbrmncd by me Hm Baxire regional ofce peamar 31 md Farm aim mdgzv mm Mr and Mrs Ivan formal 31 and Mrs my Mrs Camlune Adam SEWIggy Cale Grayzun Kr Alvzn Dummn Shuw Film Maxim Mr NLWIUH Tram mlerlained v2 number nf alums an Tutsde flung Sclmul very Internsling ll mg on Maxim wn SllllWll Im val vcrc fur lhu library lv rs Gerdun Hmvzll Earl Turner vmled and Lu spent few my 215 wk wall Sir and Entertainer Al MMnstonr St Andrews WNIS were raised by steering wheel fared hmd Iateruliuns and brok arm Smtutm cur escaped wrlh minor left Lnjuzies Smpberd of Wnubuushsne imzrti gamed Bids For my No lenders were received when bids were Council for the hay on 1hr grounds Build Trailer Del Griffin Moommne one fer Cldaii UP 152mm has hunt twowhevl plyl lllc Ives it will nkcsays textile chr wood trailer will be used for trips such as hunt ing and fishing expeditions by Mr Griffin Purchases Home Mrs Turner hns purchased form including 51ml 0mm Jack Sallows home on Crudduck Mr Sallnws is starting con on new residence on stmclion Jolm St The haywill be en mI Ismked on the grounds lintmfs at Lament Bcauh MLS llmmxs Dmva be en rm weekend walk her If anan of MW Sum 13 mm pcmbomugn emer Mpunsmne ludms an H15 vife 66 sur Occumnts of the OPP Comluble lkI Culzlwatcr mix Clled by FIIIDS FORMULA It needs experience and sound judg assisled by yrFl mm to tell the qualily uI clulh and Edward Laywrk of Ann 5L Prescott Um use the same sort of suund judgment in choosing Canada Dry fur refrcshzncnt says Icd From experi ence knuw that Canada Dry has the pcrlkctllavrlr and arldc perk me up and give me rcal mtglasting refresh ment luul Canada Dry 15 world fanmus Iorils very speciIIavurcruy bulllc today The roomy vehicle and his sons EVE RYBODYS Galileo in mm Was In rst 23 and 3m malls scientic Dmirlrlil the ul zgy umr Sound hf lsmng Mrjmwn by lelswpe mwm Mr Douglas Ronald and sons $0111 Chal Hth um tun yuu maid rel trl M13 MzIs lmy drulliwdly 252 new KIONEYLIVt lllll Canadas mzpulazwn as of March Chrlswawr was the swvj 1951 mm militarily llilmlml at TH mum so mwmwmmm 5a 3am Wlllzam Boyle mu IWEI ms puma mos laxative you continually luau with masdpal dutyLira Pills will hdebunx you Quinta mo twin relm 1W rel on um manly lion ourtr Auk yum Dr Chutl K311 pill prev yonrxifl TH 3w 69 and days work ahead of him Heres man setting out with two strikes against him Hes hot and he looks hot Hes going to have bad day Solution Meet the heat with crisp clean well pressed clothes Look better feel better work batten CALL 2471 FOR SPEEDY PICKUP AND DELIVERY Elli13 1W3 mm and DEtIIXI IIATIIIIS IIIIOUOIIOUT ONLY Dupfreexe Rehlger aforI has the GonuIno Dupfruxo freezer Com garment Stores mllre Inn 50 Iba of frozen ONLY Deepfreexe Refriger ator has The Door that nlres MorePIJI Iomlsron hold loll quart bu sedated Sruclme Duel to mar loaded coalition of kw cimzils at Waubaushene i1 has been neces sary to advance me date til changeover at Colodwalars dlst bution systan mm to kw Temporary 3W5 have been mada usng new uranium ers on the wesz side of the IA substatim At nding Reeve Andrew Dunlap Cam lor Victor Turner aml Clerk Chess let Martin antnde the making of Georgian Bay Developmam mission at Midland Gel Club when Midland Chamber ex mml merce were busts ushands Wives wows Wei tangles an weak warnout ex M59121 because bod luck imp For new mutiny try 05m Tunic Tablels Supplies man yaw bu may need for pep supplemcn ht Virgmun BIL Introductory or gel Icqrmmmdz sure only 60 At all timqusu The lilerals say they cantcut yourrtaxes HusSERVICE qs food and gcmally keeps ice cream bard Separate freezer shelf for in cube trays Ind dessert my full ago and milk bottles 665103 hep eggs handy pro IIocIrs Ihim from weakenI mennial Mr and ms Funk me of mdth Frozen Storage Dunn Grima mm mum on Sunday night when mail arm was in collision with car tin by also of wumed Sheridan at dnwemv who was mmgom Electrical Plumbing Heatmg IOontractors near me wldgrllg Owen St some One MWSJQIIEW In After Hours Phone 852R Burma mu 1mm juries when mm mm me II gt ARE We will Bulge for Governinenlslegilimol needs LINOWUOPEN we will slop budgeng for blqciled surpluses which in Ihree yearsIoqu from the peoples pogkals the sluggering sum of $I6I8000000mora than the Government needed gt Wo willed lhe slrocklng Condiliolms in our Defenc 05315165 hihlihe Gvernmenls own Investigator We wiIIwiIIroul impairing Ilhe efficiencyggf our Armed quces correct lheiuppalling ineffieigryciesin the administrallnn chhe Department of Nationcl Defente We wiII providelire Milan will Ian admihimlim whose anode Inward Hm spending or publicrmahlgs HEADQUAIITERS I51 qul Currie described as FA general breakdown dishonesty in lire system of adminislrulion supervisiqn and attempting Accounling retards In achaoE con daioa Imo little use in delernning the nalure and cm of irregularities Waste and Inefficiech for more My in We wm reduce 6r I95 Ithn Illa covered by ocluol will be one of pwilenejejund common sense Que Iaxpuyerrilwillf replace nGOVeinmelrl W7 Govemmenlln ilielf willirennwhj f6 qrrogcnl indidrgntexlo conomy Was besljirpkssgd by Mr Iowas nomfulremrk whats Million Or lf lIlIIey need SOldzphtd piano in our lulyilo uYr gt elimrqle Igggrlless hidden indireCI loxs viklcll grosslhnf Halelhe cosI of ammo goods add lo the gtjevhusustof Tilivlngrincmse IIIe price of homes beyoind Ihe pally most gutIi PEN 9001 I0 10 pm pm mm 5WD IComlhfdll Acqwinrecl IIII people16 kamdiyscauloggwgoyingond iniliullveg wlItgreIchfdril likesOlly at leusl QuymrWilhamr admiring any signing gamma IV 7rv penslm limyullonMer ML Ev h69nIuMICmvdIu