TH Years in All Joseph Graham IHE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 72 1353 LEFROY Roy Mrs Latin 5161 ll 1110 ll LISTENING POST News Of IIll03 21 Ulllor Farmers home Maid LAJ isv Celebrates His 901h Birthday Drowns Swimming 13 and To Trans 211 01 of the Id All WIib 3N Edissmn died as stcrday Licufgllll 51 1311 Mrs Owen 511mm 13 IN Ivlr week 11221 bezel Mm Toronto Croucne Tel Conn1 Peterotiro 131 itltilurd Ivlort bu urc qKia JL Janice Lyon spevd1g Ll Lo1c Sheldon Gift of Mby Daughter Congratulation In 1111 Dy Scott the birth of the NIT kldlxgld 141 11411 311 lidw 533 Iczt ml MIWA rI 4Wv WAatQWWAOWA0AOx141WIJAo By JAMtLS llANtOt Therell Be Big Time Former Minister Here Doggeiz Lt 1111 111 op frost CLER affix cd 11 mg on 411 he ul lNIJ vlin 11 Wiiile 111 10 uml JJI Weekend At 31 Wang Bench 11 11 1101 01215 Sheep Dogs Perform LXI1 It 115 11131 Mayor vs Warden sorry Itzttli Ileetl Town t1 Llel li1l1ul TJlt of the 1ll1 the turns hoctlov1 11 111 Lou Lid GIT1 MZgt 11oI11gt 5111 Gordon li11 found to who pt Btrenvcd Boys WIII Race Calves 118111 Birthday HUI in Congruluitltlons to FcIrIer who lll 5011 birthday on Friday Mrs lcr win nus 11111 1111 ago 21111 ery much better 111 no1 Ground WW 1111x 11 11111 nut 1h lclej 1S Ctlt llII 11t1 11 5143 11 igtlllt Bevericy Carin1 zit THU Right Hand Up And llll Time of Church Service 01131 will 111 11111n 111 111 lnte L1iltf1d 15111 121 hut Left Hand Under The winner 11 1111gt11 11111 11111 12x lliullcy Tllttl for 11 may 111113 111 11otlt $110 puru 11111111 11 1111111 see somc funcv curlers 1111 11 11 1111111 11 111 111 111 Would You Lttlc111 For $1000 An Hour It IS uo cvcrv 111 you 111 the can You Remember When cllnncc to 111111v11211111y 111 111111 Porridge In Fashion South Simcoe Juniors 14 wan Offer Refreshments b1 $7111 Izc 1111110 11 1311u 11121 1E1 the ll 711 tlll 111 County Scat hour 13111 021 of ill $1111 v11 in 1111 111 Tun11 Milking Parlor At Inc Luzull 11o 1111111 Fsrrzs they 1111 the very 511 11 0111119111011 JOSEPH 11 11 Dehnzs lLtitiIvIS 13th people little Highway 27 Just opposite his home ADAM the black Bunkv 5111 llox Baffle illiktitltli lllt out The very sudden pussmg of thIs young life on Sundayivcumg July GUTHRIE Illr 411d Mrs Alex J1111z1111 Tud Teddy Spent two weeks 11 11111112 Recent visitorsehlr lllli McLaughlin 11111 Anderson Wllll Mr 11nd vell M155 Elva Moon Forest Home spent last week with 1101 1111I Mrs Jnmiesou l1 I111111111 Is now spending few 1145 For ILL Tll 11111 brother Mr Can TI 71111111 311111 31 11 Sundid jT 11 1311 To If 3111 1er At Fiddlers Ontcst I1 Len 11111 1111 contest Beck ins 1lt EC Ii111111 NY Mrs L111i Il Maurice Ronald Moore came shockmg news the of the connuunity The 12111 w1 struck by car on Iluiitl iii WLISOII lllon of Ltlitllll 111 THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 11 11de of 310011110 11 gt Time Fitldlcts 11112152 1112112114 11 11133 the serv $5000 to 1311 bxst Snmoe County ornnkftts was p1c111l Fiddler 11111 wt 1ke 111 t1c1 of The pioneers 1111111 their ll1cksniths 1tl 1111 1111 Mk mm M11r1cc wns born on June 1940 skiffg Camm SS Jr fmus He attended School for one yea oscpu 111s presc IL lllIll years nod formerly ivcd 1n Sb NO Innbfl md UM 11 house where his son Clarence 1DCI1LILEgg sion Blind of the United Church Thornton The funeral Service was largely attended and was taken by Rev Howard Ilev Hughes and Rev I1 Martin with mternnut in Thornton Cemetery cnovn This ioniifmb In 2311 111 11y b1 111 11 El111 Stlllll1t Li1h111 cclcin Luv yrStetdn his Tome 33 lcn hc rnistd us They 1111 4min ration lti lr FLlllS on 01111151 ll younger trainer 51103 ond ctortis the inky pro duction of 1lCl1 tow the 1111k thh 111111 vmr held In the mike p1l and weiutunl of lll funny 11 Ibefoze being pumped through gloss was cultmuted 111 lplpcs 11 the cons 11 the Codie 11 the All t11i111115 11111 lmilkhouse shulc loads from tho Employ Chgmum town and Mary and Betty Anne Dales Willi Mr and Mrs Walter Cook Toronto 1113111151 In 01gt ltltlc5 coming to BJrrie he 112111 Ens 11111 shop Civsslnnd for 11 11111 wus zit Eileuvnle or yenrs It was 11 Iiticnvnle he met and married Emily Idn 1h11n who died few yours Iuo Signs Up fOr New Pension Plan Visiting Sun William Griffiths Bradford l5 VSIltlllg at the home of his son 11nd daughter11141112 Mr and Mrs Thomas Griffiths 1211 members 11 the day Three of Clifford 511111 two in 15 lsmull plunger on the door of each 11111 the feed storugc bin above Mrs Ferris has 1111 1111 itigcifuous udgct into the Shines which deliv of meal 1111xturc to the manger for Ieach turn of crank 113 can thus tquickly and ensily adjust the quan ltity of chop to suit the cows pro iduction Does the system mnkc milking faster or easier Well thch Blltlli 111 SLILll us clung llhcrc 15 also another son Luther ers cxnctly one 11nd onehalf pounds Now Buy Leroy SILL grandchildren gruIIGGhIItlrcu I1le on the sauna 1111e1 11 09 PCI St and ill lcnetnng St and daughter Mrs it Vlliltl lLlltlril Marie and count great11 Joseph 11 hum has been res nt Snulb BrItLSh Columbia when 11111111111 also lived Toronto your 11nd was foreman on rniirond out West for yeull he and half He was employed with he Canadian Pacific Railway in the he west const 131111 on the seventh concessionv the Township of Pickering In STEELES EOHIERS Visitors last week with Mr on rst Mrs Ernest Dales were Mrs James MIT Uiilhum hi5 Uipnssenger truinwcnt through toCook weston Mrs Ted Alford 1nd son Sum Alliston In Hospital We are sorry to report Miss leen Knecshnw is in hospital 1n dlToronto We wish her speedy recovery Recent Visitors Here Sunday Sunday visitors with Hill 5111 1111111 MACHINERY FOR SALE Case foot SelfPropelled Combine nearly newl Masseyleris foot Clipper Combines with motor like new Mount Forest Thresher 24 36 with High Elevator Blower Feeder and Clovar Recleaner Waterloo Thresher 22 30 with High Elevator Feeder and Blow Cl John Deere Model AR Tractor MasseyHarris Model 41 Tractor like new Masseyllarris 101 Super Tractor new tires jgfoflti International Model Tractor in good condition International Hay Lotuler Rake Bar and ylimlercombined Cockshutt 13Disc Fertilizer Drill Papec Cutting Box complete with pipes International Manure Spreader On steel wheels MasseyHarris Manure Spreader on steel wheels Cobey 150 bushel Manure Spreader PowerTakeOffl with High Sides MasseyHarris Corn Cultivator Two rowl for horses MDsseyHarris Hoot Binders with sheaf Carriers and Trucks International Power Takeoff Binder Case Power Takeoff Binder Yr 1111110111 111 11101115011 MASSEY HARRIS DEALER 11 5011 Scarborough Enjoy Bus Trip number from here enjoyed bus trip to Owen Sound 1351 week with Churchill WI ladies 1011 ow Ills no stoopine or bending 111111 171013111 of Iinrric for 31 101 llktSOLItheru Oftturio on July 18011 were Mrs Hi Mr and Mm cows c1111 be fed and milked in 111101km uh 10x 520 Ulldnli MI minim mull for if lt Herb Hill and Julie Port Credit hour 01 cotfiseiltherc is the washTu SUIYIC lyQTA and Lu lull Btll Llnrcmont where he skirted his MI und Mrsh David Mchon and ing up to do afterward but hcrcSmith 111 unwrvblncksmuh sliopsEluwl blacksmith 3are no milk czins to lug And vifhthu he started In Bzurle there Oi hi5 years as bucksmnh he reusonnble cure of utensils the milk were many blncksuuth shops nntzlwcalls Wm an ugly horse grid On Monday Should be exceptionally Clean ILmwlbml sud Ut1workwsilust about wcnr him out and if Mustel Brice Liberty Borne lsl Ill kl fmljlln milling the horse wns too wicked he would0n holiday at the home Of 1115 Gremer Herefords Ins Bill A11d1 ens 1nl Jtrc McQuany hm have hem gmndmomer Mu pom otillu ge $1111 on now 12 time Easr Slmcoe 10 111 10 10114113 TOT it which from Every Club nmnber was Dreigmpsmw he mmLI gym will 11 0055131 Bum Ml wmkdL GORDON BROWN left foreman of the assembly depart to judge two exceptionally untgpm on 11 humpdd 1L llxlgtLgtlOL sixd dcluckb Mk nlgnlp1es lzse linefords 11 the farm nunseI 111 an drive at out 11 ms IOISG ment at the Barlle Works of the Canadmn Genemlmectric ugleiimyMidhmdum the my Grim they More mm and buggy the sum mg His 01d 00 was the first employee of the local plant tube Signed up aming of me E35 Sinwc Calf IRS ubluci mm and 11 WW SM at 055181 is no 0mm for the companys new pension health and life insuranceIcahnthuwstmpe10d mug his FM he was Mr Graham fell and broke ms plTns Howard Gibbins accounting supervisor points out the ing the judging it was revealed mm about 17 ycars ol 31319511169 1111111 mp DEC 135 bu is now Can Ws answered by verse from Brown mile Veryom km the Club I330 has Wlked 39035 able to get around with the help the Bible containing the word many gOOd teatmeb 0f an 4GB Newsls ensured by Midland Kiml532111 as 11 blacksmith He could shoe ne strength The offering was Ecliub the were few who did not horm before he went in mm ca ldedicated with the sihging of know that the p1izetfioriey fox Ach rims the VWUFkmg at home dm 21318ng God From Whom All Elegy nevemem Day was mowded by me mg we Mm time mgs Flow The August program gponsoring organization The Oman It is Show 17 years Since Mr was read by the president with the Eio Department of Agmcufltuseand1l Fine Hay Cmp In meeting to be held at Mrs Guer the Canada Deparmmnt grim The farmers have finished hay aiS Angus Biblgstudv questions in the Chm work me mm lune e1ch Conslllbiltlllii $130 Tm 451 mugging wig bk 111g which was one of the best to be taken fromL119 3rd and 1th eachfmembei 00 all 11111 01 cut Lender Howard crops for years Ichapters of Ist John The meetmg It M111 litctyieuJud Wm include lenmn Edgar and Gauley havelwas brought to close with the Clle Presdexit DaleB rihef ovatitui on preparing calf fo gone to Toronto for few days lsinging of Hymn 590 followed by chamd the meeting and Us nmvmw Mr and Mrs Haugh left bythe Lords Prayer in unison All CAMPBELLS fmnl gin Mbemud $611 18G 1321 em Tm3 motor on Saturdav 101 19ek5the close dainty refreshments were th111 on 59 th tt aCdthll serve um commi eeI their hospnalny Misses Doris Ruddickand llfarszrs Ruddick Mrs Edgari Smarts ChOICC Dennel Spent The weekend in GTaland MTS MCLacman Wte 0f PLUMS LOMBARD OR GREEN GAGE 1502 tins To oz tins STOKLEYS 1111111111 Eon PEAS 1502 tins PESPINES WFANCY srzn 80s 11111111111 1012911 DELICIOUS llfgfurmnlssoisasut 119 DIAL qu 11111111115211111511 2880 4JVRAPBERRIES Termini Fresh Daily from Local Farms InI ATTRACTIVELv PRICED Delivery On all orders of $200 and over 25c deliv ery charge on smal ler orders MONEYSAvINoff PRICES Bee1 fPork Veal Cooked Meals fresh Frozen Fish PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 23 24 25 OCIIILIIIIGIIS 1110ch121111 Street West FEDERAL noon STORE Corner of Mary Dunlap FEDERAL FOOD STORE Elmvale Club Visit Form of Ed McClung It is not often 4H Calf Club members have the opportunity to judge both beef and dairy cattlc the same farmklt happened this way last week when the Elmvale 1H Calf Club heldits July meeting at the fnrmof Bill McClung Phelp ston The first class was Registered Holstein heifers in milk This was followed with class ofyearlmg Shorthorn heifers the breed fam iliarly associated with thIs farm Assistant Club Leader Bob Lambie gave the official placing and dis CL1ssed the Shorthorn classlt was splendid workout particularly for seven of the members who are BUGS and more 1311951 let them beatyou we can supply you with at Dust Or Spray 11mm and 11111 1111 mines Aisd 11111 line 011111511157 and Sprayers TRY THE NEW 11111111111111 FOR SHEEP VDIPPING nd Residual Barn Spraying Ottawa at Forbes Miss Joan Handy is holidsymg llnliburlon Mrs W1BL1lmnn and Wayne of Long Branch have been visiting at Stanley Watsons Billie Orr is holidaying with his grandparents at Mansfield Frank Perkins is holidaying with his brotheuat Port Arthur Mrs Celeste Watson has return ed to the home ofTMr and Mrs Nash at Carley after visiting grandchildren here are holidaying II Home From Hospital All are pleased to see Mrs Stan ley Watson home aftcri her recent Operation in Royal Victoria Hospi tal Barrie WI See TV At Meeting The Womens Institute met at Mrs Jorys Plans were mael for thewonnnunity picnic Every one enjoyed seeing the television as well sor visited last week with Mrs Bertram Mr and Mrs Moore and Eldon ofonult SteMarie visited their daughter Mrs Bob Handy on Sunday SS and W1 Picntc The Sunday School rand the Womens Institute are holding their community picriic at Bass Lake on Saturday July25 Come and bring youth basket There will be races and other sports Black her Mr and Mrs Roy FraSer Wind Mr and MYSAMWIIIHId 1va venhurst guests of Miss Marjoriethanks to the hostess and lunchi committee was moved by Mrs Mr and Mrs James McKnightDennev accompanied by Mr and Mrs Henderson visited friends in T0 ronto over the weekend 011 Trip Through States Mrs Graham is Spepdijng7a couple of weeks holidaystournrg through the States with her son=4 iiilaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Robinson TQLQntgg 7V Baxter Ladies Aid Aid Meeting of Baxter Ladies 15 with an attendance of 16 mem bers The worship service was lconducted by the president Mrs Gauley Jr was in charge of the lBible questions taken from the first two chapters of First Epistle 1Gospel of John Two very inter esting papers were read by the pro gram committee Son of TheFatn erg by Mrs GauleySr and Wait Upon The Lord by Mrs Tutnbull Reports were gIVen by the secretarytreasurer and sick committee An expression of sym made by the president for the Edgar During the business session itpvas decided to quilt at the hall was held at Mrs Ellisons July pathy on behalf of all members was bereaved family of Ithevlate Dan You Can 5137 Wednesday July 229 The straw berry festival July 3was good opportunity to thank all thosewho Calling Acredited Area includimg som THURSDAY 11111111111 11 111111 rune 5111111 heifers bud baby beef steers 40 HEAD HEREFORDS The Complete dispersal of the herd of JohnRMDntgomexy1 wood Ont Good Pasture Fit added entries HAYS SALES ARENA On No Highway mile West of Trafalgar miles North of Oakvllle JULY 30111 1953 at pm EDSl outstanding herd sires good senior bull calf registerd and unregistered cows with calves at foot and rebred open and bred Sale under the magement of HAYsrAnMs LIMITED Box 01 Oakvllle Ontario 11111111111T Oakville 1308 Yonge Street Richmond Hill TUrner 41722 We Need some good 40 41 42 cars We Have great seletion of DOST war cars in rst class condition and guaran Bring in your old car and get Our price on TradeInfor the post war model if you like Well give you goodprice On your present cargmd guarantee thatrthe canyou buy from us is as good as we say it is success The Ladies Aid take this so kindly gave of their time to help Following the business roll 1952 DODGE Crusader Sedan 1952 DODGE Crusader Coupe 1951 FORD Tudor 21951 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1950 FORD 7111110 1949 DODGE Serum 1949 PLYMOUTH Coupe 1948 MERCURY Opera Coupe 1947 DODGE Sedan ALL HAVE HEATERS All Used COIjDiylSidn Sales and Service gzllyrwxz 117 or 195111101301 sedan 4torchOOSe from TERMS ARRANGED