Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1953, p. 3

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FIFTH ANNUAL IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JELY 22 1953 PROFIT SHARING QUILT RUG FAIR ANSWER TROUBLE Continued Iron gtng Gite Outllncs JIJI Features The Iztaiu sped Iintiiiel on page oilel Moduli Utalgn rltwigi of Pin ii Tciriiace Oriilra lI WU tinW tuc guilt modern Iork cf the earlyi 51 feat JJIS of the tent In llz rent LtJUIllll utilizing the color wring flower pIk kite anl inc applapied II 11h grey and fctn Get rgc Dusti if liiiesmg his entered an pplniie tutl Itti Ill31c 110 111 Iizii ptiik trial III Illllt amt sat fmid that Is To id as ItIk that quart If in vi is of food and the iiis cook It on milk unprove the avor textIIrt iil ease of preparing IIIIJSI tllnltts You can take advantage of the fituili rect is of archknown die Zizmits as WI tLplllI few of those collictrd lay the Milk Foundation wif Tori nto ll Itlo mg iulp guilt mode by the Barrie Kennel Chit My MW Ileing shown again Iiiigt year 1l1flltll watt tile Zodmc qIl owned by ltlrs to rec We the full IAIIIIOW of Everett 12s pale lllllti lLirl ltl IJIC1 cnipli white igiplaiue lIt en creating liliill Idfflv 11 great deal If iigteicst among tliefull1l Willi VIII wtii the liltlle Iitcc Is in def t3 lLllIllltrllI fir llittt book in who Zl Lltlll 11 are male plus interest earnd itil ct Ivere in the news ISIIOIS Coronation year proudril the izt fllllzllltln far new qul made by Mrs Icatsori of Everett ltoyal fIIIidIina winch bus ioyzil centre pattern design by fier al emblems of Canadas provinces The lllllll0t ILII on ehibit that Is creating the nus Interest ll ltitd iic is the Centennial ind made in firm nd inateziailj help 1033 by the Mennonites near Viic ed in in ikiit the personnel nnrcl land the year and the iIIne of thef sfwl with their gobs original owner Sophia Fisher vovl It is credt to our cit into one corner in red and and In cxzuuple to industry in what cream It has been loaned by Mrs can be done between iiIIciucil II Farrell of Barrie Pineapple Mint Punch cups cold milk cups cold pineapple juice ll cup cream IIISPS sugar tsp lemon juice lisll salt LITIIIIHIII all ingredients until foamy Pour Into chilled glasses laruzsh With leaf of 11111 Serves IMIss chstcr Food Editor Dairy Foods Servth Bureau Worked Successfully Lush sad the plan had out succc Mr Beat Lllllplll Cream Cheese Soup lbsps chopped onion tbsp melted butter tbsp lour cubes beef extract cup boiling water cups milk cup grated old cheese salt paprika Saute onion in bu tor for mins Stir lll flour gradually Mcautiine lct bccf extract cubes dissolve iiigt boiling water Add stock to onion and labor the speaker asserted There had been union ii the plum mzy mum also mild for only nine iiIontus when it was ildcmc in mi yumis uli and voted but almost iinununoiisl Mm Pcrcy Mun of Mumng 15 However ptofit sharing was not showing qutl made in 1380 by new he pnimm out mm 2m grandmmher 0m HUUSC receive fair El1l And if any firm Steps made of 5880 pieces From we km fm nnly two reasons Mrs Clare Shaw at Scliouiborg has KM m0 pmfmv scumd come Triple Irish Chitin QUIIL 1v to beat union it would almost made of 969 different colored pieces may my of cotton some pieces about 75 years old Time To Bring Confidence ItIIIhLIL nave Amum the new pulls which mm bccii cesponsible for most of the have won prizes in recent competi tions are the Morning Glory quill trouble with labor over the past he declared Management paste and cook until smooth Add milk and cheese Heat lo steaming de not boil Season with salt and Serves Miss Mcl Monagle Director of Ntitriti0ii Association Milk Foundation made by Orilliu Womens Institutciv1 101 to lmwcr for mm II SintlL fine cmbroul Ipitka lrv1Jnd 12 PM mk and past and it Wlll lake imc tOHIJIlIIIs confidence among employees Mormng Glory quill made by At his plant Mr Lusn said they Mmesmg womcns Insulum had increased working capital by pmk green and blue on Whne over 80 in the past five years and woven gum of America had not forgotten the shareholders design has been loaned by Miss for minute Based on the exper Mary Wice of Stroud Made ofi iencc of that time and assumin W001 Spun the late MW William that conditions would not change eggs Clark sister of the exhibitor it is materially as an example he point lemons approximately 85 years Old and ed out that worker with 33 years5 cups milk was woven by Mr Beatty well service could retire at the end of Combine first ingredients add known weaver at that time Lemon Pudding cups sugar tbsps butter cup our cup boiling water that with 580000 10 his Cledllv Wk boiling water then egg yolks Add ing the pension and profit sharing juice and rinds of lemons Fold in system into accountThis surely wasl beaten egg whnes Bake in model an incentive to long and valuable ate oven of 350 about hour Serv service he pointed out IMi Hinton Nutritionist Display of Rugs AmOng the finer examples Ofl hooking from rags in the large rug display zit the 1953 fair is rose bordered rug designed and drawn by Mrs Johnson of Minesing that was hooked from all wool rags and home dyed Whitaker of Brantford whois goingtq give demonstraQ CENTENNIAL EDITION JULY 31 Continuedfrompagemonetu lion onlbe braiding Of rugslat the we have Stories on hundreds of fair has entered several examples of his craft in brilliant hues are some of the the churches H15 large oval FUgSWe are chronicling subjects going through 100 years the schoolsi the hospital sports IINSI samples Of this W110 yet seen of all kinds the town council thei at Quilt and Rug Fain Mrs Ada Stewart of Orillia who last year had her Mother and Fawn in Woodland mg on display has an additional exhibit this year which should cause just as much excitement among rug fanciers Called American Emblem it Of an eagle design and is large and ed deep in soft wool more suitable in its delicate beauty Another thick rug worked on creamy wool background is the 70 by 36 inches rug entered by James Baker Of Thornton Mr Baker has also entered Persian design rug of the same large dimensions Members of the Quilt and Rug Fair committee for 1953 are Mrs Cavanagh Miss Louise Colley Mrs Poland Mrs Llew Beaver Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Lorne Orscr alllof Barrie Pulp and paper accounts for one third of ab the electric power con sumption in Canadian industry TIIIs BIG 96 cu Fl DELUXE Trillium makers of The wrlds nest Home Freezer omir Deepfreqze Refrigega or has The Door The sum More IOGHOI keep eggt handy protests than from brookogo IOIILISIOI boldI loll quart bcvcrcgo and milk bolul EPIIETTS lre brigade the post tos of town life and all the en igravings are being produced In our takes the ball and thats another for wall hanging than floor rug office army service social life and many many others Our Mr Favero has been doingg tremendous job taking new phol own plant Afterthe writers get their stories processed and head the production department story also the terric wbrk done by the advertising department which we tell in another issue DANGER 0F INACTIVITY In recent months we have heard considerable from medical men re garding the danger of retirement from regular work without having some suitable activity to take the place Of work Apparently the human body should not be com pleter and permanently relaxed VictoriaInverness NS Bulletin Over the pulp and paper limits as whole the total volume Of wood grown exceeds the drain in cluding the cut andlosses by fire insects and disease Ontario Red Crosst in flour then the milk gradually gt1Curry fans may double amount Curried SalmonRice 59 cups cooked rice t7 ozl cans salmon tbsp Worcestershire tbsps butter lsps salt tbsps flour V4 tsp Pepper tsp curry powder cups milk ll cups bread crumbs Cook and drain rice Drain and flake salmon and sprinkle in WOr cestershirc sauce Make sauce in pan by heating water stirring Season with milk and curry In casserole layer half the rice half the salmon and half the sauce Repeat this layering once Sprinkle soft bread crumbsand tablespoon ofmelted butter on top Bake un covered at 375 degs about 30 mins Serves Ann Adam Radio Com mentatot TAKE of curry in above recipe Those who do not like curry may omit and use celery salt for salt TO make or milk shakers use quart sealr with the rub ber ring intact Shake the mix well Be sure and keep milk and in refrigerator 4A few cookies and glass of milk will please oldsters as well as youngsters about oclock if the dinner hour is late THE QUESTION Box covered OBLAWS FRESHLY GROUND Pride of Arabic IZDIIBT LOBLAWS 10070 PURE PRIDE 0F ARABIA 1I BAG 10 SLICD CR UNSLICED ISCZ LCAF 2t 33c SIIIll WITH CONFIDENCE SAVE IIN GUARANTEED IIIIIIIS OF QUALITY SELECTED QfLITY GOLDEN RIP Pound 19 bananas SERVE CRISP SALADS Always fine elcction of Garden Fresh Salad Ingredients Rosebud Radish Mild Green Onions Firm Cabbage Crisp Celery Thick Shelled Pep EAcn Sweet Cucumbers pcrs From Ontarios Finest Gardens nuts Invites 25c 41 GRIEN use elery Stalks For 19 AB FROM BRADFORD MARSH ARizONA VINERIPENED Nancy Ilew IIIelIIIIs Each 29 ALWAYS TENDER GRADE FRESH Frebressed Frying or Ilouslinti Chickens 53 WEIGHT LBS IEDRESSED POULTRY COSTS NO MORE NO HEAR FEET ON INSIDE WASTE IN WHAT YOU BUY 601 JAR OZ AR Instant CBIIBB COTTAGE BRAND WHITE BROWN VACbe WHEAT Lohluws Duleil flatly Bread SPECIAL LOIlIlIWS Crispy IceWelds SPECIAL WESTONS BISCUITS LemonICBdlllellows SPECIAL QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOGLAW BAKERY Iced Banana nite SPECIAL Neilsons Jersey Illilli Cubes VOLZIVIES IIO NOW ON SALE New Willlll Encyclopedia NOW ON SALE AUGUST ISSUE IIIDllIeT baby Magazine Excretion TTLTE TB TIBET BTTRERDTRE IDEAL FOR SUMMER COTTAGES gm TEA curs FRUIT DESSERTS MATCHING SAUCERS DINNER PLATES IN HANDY CARRYROME CARTON gt1 IZCZ TIN 601 CELLU PKG OBISZUIT PKG Izcuaa NG Iccocri Lettuce Home Grown Tonia toes HEARING lNSEETIIIibES Fly10x Ilil Aerosol Insect Killer Black Flag Insert IIIIIBT Black Flag Sprayers IIeiIIz IDmulo Ilal0th 25 II Smiths Pure Strawberry Jam 32c NEW EASYTOOPEN VATJL SEALED JAR EruIICIIie Sweet Mixed Pickles mirem 32c Milk0 Skim Milk Powder pg 37 Burdens Sliced Slices 31c Weichs Grupelutle 25c IIIIISIED SEA T0005 Pun Ready PKG cave Cheese OceanPerch Fillets lb 450 I511 TIN 1095 1b 89 Bgeusls Wings Bucks and Necks CHOICE FRESH IITL lb 89 1b eggs in pint widemouthed jars Mrs asks Please tell us howto freeze eggs Answer Select fresh eggs day old for freezing Break each one separately into clean saucer and smell before putting through sieve or cOlander Place about eggs in halfpint Lbntainers or 10 We believe it is advisable to sep arate yolks from whites and pack age 11 yolks with1white Of an egg Then package whites separ ISAVE $10 to $90 ONLY $33 25 DI nous IIIIOUGIIOU ONLY Deepnemi Retrig grant has The Gonmno ibupfnoxp Freezer Com Timon Stores ore than 501559 frozen food to nctunlly keeps Ice cream bard Separate freezer shelf for ICC cube tax and dessert my IIIII width frozen Storage Drum ELECTRIC I39 Dunlap Street East Barrio Plume 312I ately Gently mix in container Seal and label Note Eggs are thawed in un opened package and used while still chilled or held in refrigerator or days The following proporlt tions will give accurate measure ment one tablespoon of thawed egg yolk is equivalent of egg yolk two tablespoons thawed egg white are equivalent to egg while and tablespoons of thawed whol egg are equivalent to whole egg FORESTS ARE FORGOTTEN Federal and provincial authori ties have wisely contributed im measurably to the development of agriculture minerals and sher ies But the forests receive much less attention even though single forest industry namely pulp and paper creates more new wealth annually for Canada than all the grain crops combined and more than all the mineral production from coal to gold and from asbes tos to petroleum HOME OF ONES Although there is much talk about the sacrice of other things to own cars and television sets no one scorns person who goes out on limb to buy home There is great satisfactin in hold ing title to piece Of ground and feeling that one can call it his very own Napanee Ooh PostExpress I2FL CZ JAR gt mg 32 Cod Fillets lb 330 AIIIIIBIDTIISTWIISMWklpst 3536 tigngiigggnagg ZEEOENAgogrhi Assorted Flavours Available In Super Market Just Heat and Eat Pic Pork Ionl 1000 Mazdalamps 254060 wan PKG Cooked Fish Sticks 10 oz pkg67e Cooked Cod 10 ozpkg53c Cooked Ocean Perch 10 ozpkg 570 Cooked Scallops oz pkgallo 13c as it EACH 20c Inn 117 15c 10FL 01 TIN 33c TIADz Concentrated lavel my 02 25 Snowflake Ammonia Powder ms 19c Stokelvs Pens Fancy ufgraded olsxiks 29 Glide Liquid SIITTclt are Snack Suck Sandwich Bugs ion1 13c III IIIIIIIIIIIs Health FoodFor bags In 29 FlEShleIorSumr DrinlgAssodded Flavours IIIIITIIileI Soup Atropine Agngizi37 Jordon Bleur But men New llinso Detergent If 39c Gae 77c Boneless CNICIIFII Copper Kettle HIEOE FAMILY TRUSTIs COMB SET OR sToowIIENjYou BUY IIIIIII COCkIIIII lilelIIon 5001i italic 18 Sovereign Sockeye Sulmunrancyaa ORDERFORMS AVAILABLEIN ALI LoBLAw STORE newkis com C59 cemsyie Com OgyfasVZSg PRICESEFFECIIIETMV 739Nl JULY 232425 man

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