PERSONAL TENDERS FARM EQUlpMENT IIIIFARMI IIEIQIUlPIMIfTIImf MEMORAM MEMORlAM no BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JLLY 1953 in At LLKJ item rst DAlNES MASSAGE USED COCKSHUTT am It Iii Sunny Summary II 01 m13 said that it SPl09 COMBlNE Harvest Weather 1333 AAI II II IIIIIII Iv illiEMP3Dl Priced to Sell Prospect Warmer II 32 II II his ika so fit it been NORMAN At Al Nunywdmmmpry Mm try my Ur 1x sign of still uumrr 10111 its nggghgt Bugle 21 Id LUV smgi outlined itilcrif Lith ltflCCitll with COLLtNGVJOUD Wm WWI will III II IJII II II II II my iIilirit raid hiddleg In IvIIEIiII at III AI IV II IIIA IIIIIIrI MI NIH my mud IIIck 0v IIIII the llilthl lruigycntures iutr III Hm em xlA um III II II II II II II II IIIII II II II IIII IIII II III IIbI LJII II lI III IIIII II II um Ilml mall II II III mm II II AI unto 111 liiorntlig II II IIIII III II we iAIll muses 11 VI II IIIIII lttllptrJlurtx were iwm In JAilcs II III Iv mg II II IllWe lzzct sci1111 izrtilulicdliv illl in IA1 H111 32 JULV 15 75 54 13 II II my wzei culttl 01 111 IIIi I2 12 11 IIIIELI see bulgud to 3lle11iiu JUL II II mm 53 33 II II if or Jul 53 min 1115 wrinkles DECAL of Low II II II II gt l3 PFI BARRIE FARM SUPPLY run to it III II IIIII II II 11 It1Ii IIII II IIIIIIII III III It ytluiIg Maxk mimm IIIIIIIII IIIIII II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III II II II II II II III II in aird II CARD 0F THANKS rA iikd pitset lot tllltl in lch 1le II II my 01 tllpgi portunt to llltlli Service Ltd CANADAS LEADING fiiii on llil 1Alro cur Dcpt itliliielioi Blvd In in int lmui Lil iich iTORONlO 11 Ontario pm 29Md183 GEORCI llTF tn iii ii L7 31 Lily Qty Brut11 imilrt uLtii chair zAi II IIIII II II 1114 IIIriiILHiii 1M lhlfi READl IO II iIII II II II iIAiliIlINh diliiiIII III lllREISll JRIll I13 IIILI IIIIIIII AA IIIIII 573 Imw Iron COMPLifric DETAILS CALI 55XMER COTTAGES lff II IIIIIIIII iylliii WOW II Vcllilltlilll llsitirl Ii lililliltltell Lu iii I3l11 Will 11 11 51 H1 41 ihii 2m mil IIIVHM Ii 81 DEALER HIVw rest to lint 1m in mi 11 17 d3 lw we Paris and scrvAci tor itwiiv Vlizle MIAl 23 fa MWRNEVI Mi 3115317134 POINT 1713 Ilfli or sale IIIII SI II 1331 II Imm LUti also vi 1111 11 Zlilt II pm II II II 2mm and WWII dd lti rill RR N1 lI Bi1li ZA filillLl Villlnzi lllljlZlJ my not of kind IIIIIIIIIIII Mi III IIIIIIIIJ IIIIIMIII JI II II II II FIIIILIIIIII IIIIIII or out 01 Georgy and our lie elm1pm II II II II II II III II II ls norm of rliirrie uh illutIINHI 011 urilces lellmm IIII II Iv up Mr 33 Brock 5L illlLfl 1940 thlil inhghter Karen 32113 phum 11w 41 IIII IIIIIV II dear OIIIII II III II III 1951 MINNEAPOLIS comm III Al II II =I AII II IIIIJIIIIIIYI NCIIII iDIIIIJCVIII wlfvcl tiijmlJtITLCl EI gt IIII IkII II in II IIIIdII SIIIIIIbI II II III In II II III Dorothy iraiirofNorllilower Ontario will Plum b3 23782453 NI IL 11 iv lflr diner 14 0sz Alum IWI is truly llllHlCl tanner coriiliiiniig MM mr dwr dagmcI IIZIII MINI AtJ nt to ill IiiGil ul Wm licauty lliat bracts rlic cmrs ofiicll IID PET Ii in pa id tl AIII II gIIIIII IIuI IIIIII II known magazines with talent for the II Jilly 15 lg II II varied jobs of fariiiers wife from HEAVY DUTY I1 yOlJNG Singig Culiuc all Tld dcpths of sorrow zit Lililllliu 1A and bzire yellow in full song Price each Wilv II c3kcltllgtf HXWIE 1161 HYDRAULIC iphum 34831 3I1I33lOIIiIlC to oroiIle we loved so well II IIIISL 1111 nor trig in it sun iiilioiit ofan Ariii wruAe she sleeps peaceful The vote on Orillias power ro ichi lAfc is Lillle oven or lltltlLl plltllvgnplcrsliglilsl PAIR OF ew Zeuldnd WlliC rubi gt1LilJA ltct llorsish ALkI really welcome bread with cool lHtS 101 Silic Rcionblt Apply 91 19111011 Vt Shall always keep ILMJX bk him vOriAlia Pocket and iimesl 121 be standing in lllctluul MOMLIYSL1 14111185decidcd PIIOSHC LnOIeum hiiaclabryLiiigerlcsaysDorotliy Ebul RWl OilIL badly missed by liioiiier fili IILIII mu IbII m0 TQM Comm IIIC Jul llo been lled zliy few month amid Dry is my standby for cnicr 111111 condinmi siiiiiibic for load GERMAN Shorthuir Pointer pup Rubber TILE $1 cacti Can be seen at 99 Donald vice Reasonable ne For EVERYBODYS the hie NA MAY CLBITT 0ft 5t Phone 6338 386 lbving heart that knew no gone the Town of Barrie in the Countyl FAV TE Dee trust in God that all Film brillation Ca Si 11 Phone 6781 SIAU WAdOV lecehidv W111 ma 321851 ghl mute the assets of the dc er blotheis sisters and grandpa III58d by daughter meeting 31 iltl tainingtooits sparklingtlavormakes mg gnuCl and for farm work Reasonable to good home Apply HHli mili dine $059 Fiepayur ieveryoncssfawnmnFurlonghsdng Thomas Lynncwood RR MLrLLgNwln memory of my may 32llllfild 10 Vch moneyrbylaWS INLAID CONGOLEUM rcfrcshmch Canada Dry yoursclh See at RiCthnd Hill 33 mother Mrs Elizabeth Mullen lWlU 115 bailth for or against islI ll dbt li Laid by Experts Prompt Ser hmydy Farmers Trading BABY HAMSTERSIdealchudre i953 We NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mg 8mm amount oil MARKET so mam 5900000 to meet the cost of the Pets Easy keel use and Ed Twu dear bright eyes tender 1hc Executors or the Estate or Her jov to make some other ci it VI 7sIs III LIiliILI pcAsons HillLO GOOD USED Sawyer Massey 2846 MULCHlNOCKM nic Roval Vic nigh August 3rd 1933 if sick or sufferiniy one sh knew Threshen phone 4961 3H234 lu it lkhtl1 011 it lQIlIlllSI Inert II torla HOSlniill Barrie on July Some gentle not of love slid do growg1 mm mi 5m 13 Adelaide St Baffle MILK COOLER can good com 16 1933 to Drund Mrs No thought of self but lf reeledL LL under Phone 2613 or 6262 dition Guaranteed Apply Box 71 glgkgngggklIfgjjIglake Stu Bi IkIIIIIOIthGeIrIII III III II COWAN IcowIiNA gt BarrieI 398163 SINLLLAmIA mfpoy Wma notheg Li Ngff Ssgigtrtm HUTTIgBIIIdeII In good com HOSpImII BIIIIIIIGI III JulyI 1953 Sadly COCKS missed by daughter Solicitors to 131 Executor dition Will exchange it for stuclg It Cpl and Mrs SillClBll Sarah 82 8245 Pho 73rll okstown 393283 Cumberland St Barrie son MAggEY HAREIIS wlADIOTnCaIkIl JargiIOIsI lviflIliaImIivI in er Aic 033 1c 0110 in excellent condition Ready to go Hospital Barrie on July 1933 to work Fred Pearson Minesing to Mr and Mrs Roy Walton 131 3H1I82 Penemng SIII BameI SOIL WHITBREADAI me ROI VIII FARM WAGON complete with orIa HospimI BarrieI onJuly HI II Ck and moms rem 991 Wheels 1933v and IHdUCl Apply Scott Muir Vlinesind phone wmibreadI Fumes StII BurriQI 211 39i3082MF MI Myst Emmi JOHN DEERE Pickup Baler usedI lttl is 131 gt gulch 50mm eBayI 9903 Cm 4013 3982 lt J1 CASE THRESHER 22x37 withi EiiiiogciihAhaiinigdiggdbavikisulil drive belt good running orderl 15 1953 Joseph Milton Elliotif II $750 Goodison wrestler 28x48 late of South River Ont bioi good running order $475 Mount titer of Edith Mrs TayloriI oi h24 tl ft led Fore res er 16 Mid and her 03 an gt Ivator clover attachement on rub Donald of South River in his bet years 0101 Apply Leo Mor 72nd year Funeral servica Fri eau Anten Mills phone Elmvale dayJuly 17 at pm Interment 5216 397882WF South River Cemetery IIIIIIIIIIIII II Ontdrio wills end more than fOUI million dollars for secgt Ih eredlgn Of new hon and me femOdeumg Presem ones large II portion of sum Will 50 Ipuid out in wages to cliutmosptieres Forseveral ears we have featured an 1817 Protein Lay mun craftsmen of the Mash as iemgIme mosi practical laying mash to IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII under most circumstances Coop patrons both large and sinall Will testify thith allied trodes This is gt Coop 18 Lay Mash makes them the most money gt gnome evidence of how The hi hest ualit tested ingredients on themarket tribute to the res erlt of VI gt perfectblendanodiercentagaofimimal ittLVegr our province etalile Protein The ace mmerals IOdmeMangnesecpperi on gt and Cobalt These have been incorporated in all the new blldmg and ed for over years Iv 0p SI remodelling being under The cone ratlpn Of Phosphorous an calmum and highIleel of Vimmin D3 for proper egg shell II II II taken by the Hotels assures II development Ontario Hotel guests is ghg Emails adage 0113 out of b321 tcause gt ire wear an ying iglie worn eelmg par can nest mgsf cqquthe All the abovefactors are ofI first lmiorgiance in getting break and cause acjeidentsI 385 that the steering of Ir II and maintaining economica egg Pl on our car is in Alsha mlm ip Feed 005 shoots $700 per ton less than 1351193 PM with fair pork and poultry prices the presentfeeding Situation gt might be considered fairlyIsMismcoyI II 0001 issued new Price 1151 recentIUShoWlg 11110911 prices 011 IIall reeds copy is your more askingIAn example of the lowest II II $4 00 Our technicians using latest equipment bring you fast Heuvy emf 9e scieiititic service at LOWEST cosr per ton delivered its CP gt LAY II II he Hotels of Ontario can highlevel of Vitamins includinngtamm BI 12 LOWER FEEDPRICES BRING YOUR CAR INTOIOUKISHOP FOR cost in years ed Your One Sto Semce Central 3335233353513$132323islrgiiiiiigioieim op USINESS JO01 IS YOUR SIMCOE DISTRICT coopEnAVEI SERVICES mum PHONE 2429 VI LIMITED II II III II IIIH II 83 ST OKEEFES antiwine chum