cv Liberal Candidate ll IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 15 1953 He first followicd his profession on the batilmlclds during thc Akriotis world war and afterwards cri gaged in general practice until 1950 when he came to Canada He has specializui in internal iiich clnc and for ihc p351 two Cuf Office Creemore lwas on the staff at Lillifiiiitf Vct ICrccmore Star lcrans and AIM the Gttltful lios Dr Akriom who mmmdzpiial at Saint John Mi an office this wcck in CrccmoriiE Dr Akrioiis is married and is native of Greece He was son of four years educated at the University of Athiis in the Noble buildzrzg and cos whore he achieved his dcgrcehu will reside in tho Sutiicrlund in medicine in 1939 at 22 years ofgresidcncc recently acutctl by Mr age and Mrs Gordon Waboii Opens Medical has ATTENTION Comp Borden Contractors for your work in Camp Borden requiring Wushedoncrele Aggregates we have new washing crushing and screening plant in stalled In our pit and our location at Now Lowell ncar amp Borden enables us to give the most reasonable prices for this material Wt also contract or rent machinery for construction work Harold Marlin Construction Ltd PHONES CREEMORE 172r3 BARIIIII ZAS4254 Why put up with emptying dirty messy bags when the Filter Queen Vacuum Cleaner is available Theres no bag at all with Filter Queen patented paper filter traps the dirt in metal container Once month or so empty out the container put in new filter and youre ready to go again Witmigraiin llis officc Nuptials are Held At Thornton Inc marriage of Miss Eleanor Lilian Cunningham daughter of Mr and Mrs Mcldrin Cunning lin of lliornton to Wilbert Ken Izith Mills son of Sidney Mills of lilurric took place on Saturday Juno 053 at four oclock in the afternoon in Trinity United Church LIlillllllon Ihc ccrcmony was per lformcti iy ilcv liuglics Mrs Arthur Black of Thornton plnycd thc wedding music and ac gcornpunicd tlic soloist Mrs lAltnian of Thornton aunt of the lbiidc in the singing of Until ibcforc hc biidc cntcrcd thc Ecliurcli and Perfect Lovc dur liiig tlic signing of the register Civcn iii riizirriagc by her fathcr tiic briric was wearing strapless igown of white taffeta with not lovcrskirt and Cliilllillly lace jacket stylcd with scalloped pcpluin llcr vcil of silk illusion was held by poor and rhinestone tiara and she was carrying cascadc bouquct of rod roscs llcr attohciints wcrc Miss Evelyn McLean of Barrie maid of honor who was gowncd in ice blue and Mrs Earl Cunningham of Thornton and Miss Lorraine Lawrence of Burric bridesmaids who were gowiicd in pink orchid and pale ycllow Their gowns were in sim ilar stylc and were of not over taffeta They were carrying cas cades if daisies and carnations tinted to match their gowns Kcith Bowcn of Barrie was groomsmziii and the ushers wcrc Earl Cunningham of Thornton and Eric Gronmzm of Barrie reception followed at the home of the brides parents where Mrs Cunningham mother of the bride received in navy blue shccr wear ing pink accessories and corsagc of red roses Later the bride and groom left our wedding trip to the United States the bride travelling in pale blue silk dress wearing white accessories and corsagc of red roses On their return Mr and Mrs Mills will be makingdhcir home in Barrie Outoftown guests at the wcd ding were from Toront0Barric Midland and Georgetown wv gvb MillsCunningham Hazel Lois Booth At New Lowell On Farm Problems Last Friday at New IAANHI lliipii Sricigrovc Lilltllli candidate for North Simcoc riding word suggestion for Inrmcrs committee to prcsciit farm problems and govtmincnt Spcuking to packed lloust Mri Siiclgrovc piUItlist that if llt wasf clcctcd committtc of four humor from each township would bc iipptiltiltd to incct at toast in 102011 times year and discuss form problems in the area Mr Snclgrovc said that the Min istcr of Agriculturc had cxprcsscdl approval of the mica illidlld cx trnucd an opcn invitation for thc Becomes Bride of Cowan The marriage of Miss lizizcl Luis Booth daughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Booth of Stroud to Rob crt Bruce Cowari son of Mrs Cowan and thc lzitc Brucc Cowan of Stroud took place on Saturday July 11 1953 Eli four oclock in the afternoon in St James United Church Stroud The church was beautifully dccoratcd wrtn tall standards and baskcts of palc blue dclphinium and wiiitc lilics with fern around the alzrir Rcv Morris pcrfomicd thc double ring ccrcmony Angus Ross playcd ihc wrdding music and accompanch tlic solo ist DcGaris of Toronto in the singing of Promisc Me bcfoic the ccicmony and My World during the signing of the rcgistcr Until was sung at the rcccption Givcii in Inznrizigc by her father thc bridc was wearing Ii stiaplcss gown of cmbroirlcrcd white nylon biocadc ovcr taffeta with gorcd skirt and matching bolero jacket tllld mittens Tiny sccd pearls trimmed the bodicc of tho dress and the pcterpan collar of tho jackctand cdgcd licr julict cap headdress licr vcil was tiiigcrtipl and she was carrying cziscudcl bouquet of red swccthcurt roscs and stcpiianotis The matron of honor Mrs Ray Ushcr of Elmvnlc sistcr of thc bridc was wearing gown of ycllow nylon not over tziffcta stylcd similarly to the gown worn by the bridc Her boicro jackct and mittens matchcd licr gown and she was wcaring matching bim dcau hcaddrcss and carrying round bouquet of yellow roses or chid glzidioli andstcpiiniiotis The bridesmaids Mrs Ncil Kan gas of Willowdalc cousin of the bride and Miss Joan Cowan of Stroud sister of the groom wcrc gowncd in pale blue nylon not over taffeta in similiar style with matching boicro jackets and mit tcns and were wearing baiidcau iicaddrcsscs to match theirgowns They were carrying round bou quets of pink ioscs whitc gladi oli and stephanoti John Bowman of Stroud was any tiiric Ihc four committh rcprcscritri tivcs would be nppoiiitcd by the liitIll township councils to picvcnt loadcd Libcral committcc Mr Snclgrovc Insured the gathering that mcctings could be called any Iiiiic flip Iiccd arose lic explained to the meeting that his knowlctlgc of farming was no bcttcr than that of the other can lidatcs and that this was in his mind the host way to understand lllltl Sctvc tlic farmer Mr Snclgiovc closud with an uppcal to the farmers for any but lcr solution to their problems and asked what they thought of the Ctillllliltitt idcn proved it unanimously Fridays micctiiig of Now Lowell little rcscmblcd political proni iscmaking caucus and took on more the air of plcaszint family grithcring Instczid of spcnding hours on hard seats listening to election spccchcs thosc who attcndcd cu joycd rcfrcshmcnts dancing and just plain gossip Topples Overboard Believed Coronary Orillia Man Dies Bclicvcd the victim of iiczirt attack Fred Burnic Orillia top plod from an outboard motorboat into Coldwatcr River nch the dock Sunday cvcning His body was re covcrcd short time later by brothcrinlnw Edward Kitchen who assisted in grappling Mr Burnic had been motorboat during the afternoon and alsoaficr supper and had groomsman and lhOUShCIS VCre liclpcd tocmnk the motor atin Mervin Booth of Stroud brother tcrvals when it refused to start the bride and Bonn 0falong with two brothersinlaw Crown Hill um Saliows and Tom Kitchen Hill rcdceptionsfor ninety guests both of Coldwatcr owc at troud Community Hall which was decorated with rum 01mm man had malted the in tlic put for fourman suggestions to the 031C committcc at 1115 office in Ottawa Tit mcctiiig ap THE GREEN FRONT suits HARDWARE CHINA cirrs rovs Where You Buy More for Less SCREEN DOORS 26 66 28 68 TYPES 210 610 COMBINATION DOORS ALL SIZES WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREENING CHROME HIGH CHAIRS RED GREY CONVERTIBLE TYPE $2100 ea BABY CARRIAGES WHEEL CHAIRS DOLL CARRIAGES BICYCLES BROOMS Special $129 ca THERMIC PICNIC JUGS $445 $750 $1150 INSULATED TEA POTS $349 $369 $495 ONLY 20 Cubic Foot DOOR FRIGI DAIRE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERAT ORS SLIGHTLY USED GUARANTEE STILL VALID VERY CHEAP PLASTIC WASHABLE FIBRE CLOTH VENEIIAN BLINDS PLASTIC POPSICLE SEIS 45c 49c VULCAN INSECT BULBS GOOD IN HOMES RESTAURENTS GARAGES AND BARNS USED RANGEITE Burners Special $3500 INSULATED OUTING CHEST RUST PROOF WATERTIGHT INTERIOR $1250 each HOT PLATES One Burner $169 $595 Two Burner $595 $750 $925 $1250 $1395 $1795 WALL CAN OPENERS $395 $495 $595 $695 $795 50 PLASTIC 12 HOSE 10 YEAR GUARANTEE $825 each COLD PACK CANNERS $269 $295 CLUIHE SCREW DRIVERS pcs $350 pcs $450 RESULTS ARE WHAT WE CONSEQUENCES EXPECT ARE WHAT WE GET PLASTIC GALVANIZED do ALUMINUM NONMARK CLOTHES LINES any length SPINNING RODS Glass $875 ea SPINNING REELS from $1250 $2400 SPINNING LURES from 25c $150 RUBBER SWIM FINS GOGGLES MASKS AND GLOVES DAISY AIR RIFLES $315 to $995 ELECTRIC FANS $895 $1095 $1195 $1295 $1995 GE FLOOR POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS ELECTRIC IRONS KET TLES TURNOVER IOASTERS AND AUTOMATIC TOASTERS ROTARY POWER LAWN MOWERS GENUINE ROCKALITE OWL BOOKENDS $198 pair BAMBI BOOK ENDS $225 pair CHINESE BOOK ENDS $450 pair LARGE APPLE WALL PLAQUES $115 ea VANDYKE DINNERWARE with red sail boat decoration 66 pcs set $2995 Regular $3350 32 Pc Set $995 Regular $1195 WICKER CASSEROLE BASKETS from MADEIRA sizes 79c 950 $139 NEGRO BOY ANDGIRL PLAQUES WITH UMBRELLA Yellow Blue and Red $150 pr Crocodile servative North George Simcoe VIlllY riiiici 37 MIIple live PHONE 3432 $8950 $14250 motor again after it stopped as the boat was nearing the dock The Coldwatcr mcnturncd to see what was wrong when the boat veered in its course and were startled to discover Mr Burnie had disappear cd over the side His body sank to the bottom and did not reappear Dr Hall of Coldwaterwas called to the scene and it was stat ed Mr Burnie had died instantan eously of seizure before strik ing the water He had had heart ailment There wasgno water in the lungs and efforts at resuscita tion were unavailing pink and while streamers hanging from large white wedding bell Receiving the mother of the bride was in dusty pink sheer trimmed with lace and brilliants and was wcaring white accessories and corsagc of white gardenias and blue cornfiower The grooms mo ther who also received was in navy sheer and was wearing white accessories and corsagc of white gardenias and pink cornflowcr Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride travelling in dress of pale blue inarqiiisctte over taffeta appliqued with match ing ribbon Hcr accessories were white and she was wearing cor sage of red roses Ontheir re turn Mr and Mrs Cowan will be PLAYFUL KITTENS in brown or black PLASTIC SPECIAL CANISTER SET in set $295 BREADBOX SALT PEPPER FLOUR AND SUGAR AND COOKIE JAR only $1095 complete BUGS and more bugs AMERICAN FLYER ELECTRIC TRAINS $2250 $3195 HARRY and RONALD ARMSTRGNG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 033 ggggsmgngf3153 98104 DunlopSh PhoneZ801 16971 Dunlop St Phone 4946 body The fatality was investigat Ved by OPP Constable Jock Shep herd of Victoria Harbor detach Wliy let them beat you We can supply you with Dust or Spray to control and kill the brutes WE SALUTE 7W5 smwzaoy WHO SAo AN ETCHING ISA TICKLISH FEELING Also full line of Dusters and Sprayers TRY THE NEW COOPERT011 FOR sinsnr DirrING and Residual Barn Spraying iiIiIiwiI co ltd Phone 5000 stile British VCou Homrfrom Korea merit and Police Chief Williaml Beach of Coldwater There were numerous boats on the river during the afternoon and making their home in Stroud Outoftown guests at the wed ding included Dr andMrs Donald Cowan of Ann Arbor Michigan and others from Erindale Toronto Willowdale Cookstown Clarkson had been jOShEd by Others over Midland and Barrie their difficulty with their motor During the supper hour the motor was tried out in txurel at Max Sallows residence and it was working satisfactorily for the even ing trip Mr Burnie was an employee of HeywoodWakefield factory at Orillia Among immediate sur vivors are his widow the former IrenevKitchen of Goldwater and three daughters Lt Rutherford Posted to Borden Lieutenant Bruce Rutherford of Calgary sonof Brig and Mrs Rutherfdrd of Owen Sound has returned to Calgary after spending 14 months with Squadron Of the Lofd Strathconal Horse in Korea Lt Rutherford left for Korea in April 1952 Now having been posted to Camp Borden be will visit his parents for month before reportingfor duty in the third week in August He will prrive here in about three weeks time consecutive year Ls coQwstinu with Alberta University for Brit ish artist to be guest instructor at the Banff School of Firie Arts VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS for summer school from July to For the fifth Aug 15 He 13 William Scott 40 senior teacher of painting at the DRESSISIIOES Bath Academy of Artorsham the trio in the Kitchen outboard Gigantic Sale III incisors iiussiANrs fglwnien iarhin reglz$1295 FIRST PUBLIC SCHOOL Eton College rst of the great English public schools was founded in 1440 CALL Tori EXAMINER r01 PRINTING PHONE 2m IICIl Very first use of scathing cooling iqurl DID Prescription posnively relievs ta rod itchcaused by eczema rashcsscal irritation chafingotlier itch troubles greaseI lcss stainlcss 43c trial bottle must satisfy or money back Ask your druxgist for DDDc PRESCRIPTION irregular $895 seller ur men reg up to $495 $295 $495 172182 BRADFORD STREET PHONE 5355 BARR 1952 CHRYSLER Saratoga Sedan 180 HP Motor Powrer Steering PowersDrakes very low mileage 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Sedan 1952PLYMOUTII Cranbrook Club Coupe 1951 DODGE Regent Sedan 1951 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Sedan 1951 PREFECT Sedan 1951 VANGUARD Sedan 19511601951317 1950 METEOR Coach overdrive Sodom 1950 PLYMOUTH special Club Cbiipo 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan 1950 DODGE Deluire Coupe 1050 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan 1949 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan radio 1948 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan radio 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan 1941 PLYMOUTH Doluxc Sedan 1947 MONARCII Sedan 1094 DODGE Sedan 1947 PLYMOUTH Special Sedan 1941 CHEVROLET Coach 11940 BUICK Sedan DWELANKETSTTJOPchildrenIBEUIEIL$1504uhnutuy19g SUITS for Ws pair trousers Reg $14i95 $895 1952 Chevrolet Sedari Delivory with radio Born at Greenockof Scottish and Irish parents Mr Scott studied at Belfast School of Art and rthe Royal Academy School London Hisfirst onemain show was held in London in 1942 His works have boon purchased by numerous gall eries in Britain andabroad in cluding Canada SPORT JACKETS weather proof forimen reg $1995 $395 Diinssrzs for children washable broadclothvsizs 10 to 12 onlyRegular $350 $149 alokllgnqbiotinnonsto 25 CAMP SUITS forjchjldren regular 1951 Thames Panel ton SHEETS unbieacneucottpnpo x90 9125235 1950 Dodge Express1ion 1948 Dodge School Bus 48passenger capacity in excell DUSTER SMOCKS for women Tegumr $238 nun339 lent condition nishegin Soho bus 0010s 1947 Fargo Express ton 1947 Ford Phel ton 1946 International Cab and Chassis 10 111 Johnson nd Boat 5Bi97budget Sm spruNd COATS nor women We nced therooui $395 gt nd lust WOMENS ovunsrza PANTIES who nursed 10 at decorating here all hipsin value Come in and see for yourself Come in ondfonsultwilh oor decorating experts on any home problem Woll be plaoud to advise you without obligation For an estimate on re fvdecorotion of your home just call 3270 KSulistuciion or flush Money llafiuuleil Cash Your BabyBonus Charities atJaoksonS ti colorSr 1er WRE Ares wit or mm mow5 Wm THE WILSON BUILDING WNW 51 Wi rm Olfth so until Phone 4640 JucliSIiiis Dept Stores P11011343