mil3 in Jun 1516 ANNUAL KIWANIS KARNIVAL TIIEBARRIE EXAMINER MON AY JULY 13 1953 EM Old and modern dancing every Wednesday Friday and Sat urday at Club 79 Ladies 50c Gentlemen 75c 54d Obtain your tickets for BDCI Band Concert Aug featuring Rafalel Mendez famous virtuoso Weaymoulhs Book Store phone 4055 Barrie Canadian hampionship Old Time Fiddlers CUIllsl at Shellt home Friday and Saturday Aug and Reserved seals for Satur day finals and CBC broadcast 51 Mail orders to Fiddle Contest Tickets Shelburnc Ontario Gen erol admission to Friday night playdowus 75c and 504 80 Anyone interested in the educa tion of retarded children is invited to attend an open meeting at the Library Hall pm Thursday July 16 Speaker Miss lIelcn De Laporte of Auxiliary Dept of Edu cation Toronto Members of Par ents Council for Retarded Children Toronto will also speak lit With Old Home Week only three weeks away members of thereo tennial committee are working hard trying to get all the loose ends tied together The committee have iron ed out the details of openingday of old home week Saturday August At em pan on Saturday afternoon August there will be dramatic and spectacular aerial display lover Kempenfelt Bay Eight jet planes and three Har vards will be the type of aircraft used Themspectacular flypast of jet planes and Harvards will cer tainly be equal to and possibly bet ter than what is seen at the Can adian National Exhibition The cen tennial committee has been very fortunate in securing the flypast throughitba kind cooperation of the ROM Ground Observer Corps stationed here in Barrie Heres bit of news that should be of interest to all Barrie merch ants The centennial committee has offered prize of $25 for the best decorated storefront Windows will be judged on the morning of Sat urday August Speaking about decorations trumpet 8083 paid visit to iThe First Column Continued front page who come dowr out of the bush niiybe indoct 112 of the sea scr penl from Lake Siiiicoc to lllliki few Illllttiiiulitli up lliiaiway for Couple of tlJ luv3 lll West lCEIl Ontario gut iiio the prints ivory Well 11133 week but we peel lili to ire om wth more that lilittllt The bearded boys quitc stir unoii ilhc lithr nzgllt ii wellknuwn3 iesozt ZlLli 1h oiy one of lilo local thllls who hasnt shaved for sum llillt iile in appearancel lAt which ouu of the summer Viz tori wagt heard enquire of It izilr live Hill Whos the discipli if iii crvzitiiig the tourists You may recall lilill some vtcksl ngo various Kldlillllllh of Daniel Buffalo but lost two of their number iliiiost ini nicdizilcly tin hus parked For some lllilt tiu club has been try ing to Iciirn the destination of the duct Well can report now thatI hcy vere in wild coziipaiiy They spent the iiftcrioon ill the you Since then too day iiiirdly pass es that some joker doesnt walk into the office and enquire of your correspondent liows pcziCir es can report on advice from the Niagara peninsula that within 3i couple of weeks now they may be ripe for plucking was disturbed to read the fol lowing item in The Sporting News last week Eddie Walls has been relieved of the management of the Bingo and Other Games RALPH SNELGROVE president of the Barrie Broadcasting Company received civic reception recently in Salt Lake City Utah when he was the principal speaker at the annual meeting of the Utah Broadcast Admission LOBLAWS PARKING LOT MAPLE AVENUE ADULTS 10c CHILDREN FREE Fun Cilizens Band Well Known Bul Needs Help Our Cltlzcns Band is rapidly be coming well and favorably known in Barrie and the surrounding country It consists of some 40 men which 1953 CHEVROLET For All Somebody Must Give Dam may seem fairly large band yet we have 10 more men in town who wish to join Who owns our Band instruments and uniforms It is the Town of Barrie and at the time of Writing the town has an investment of Sonic 310000 in this equipment out the year crs Association Mr Sneigrove was welcom ed to the city by Mayor Earl Glade prior to the civic luncheon and tour of the Mor mon Tabernacle At left is Arch Madson president of the UBA Fort Smith baseball club of the Western Association But boy oh boy did you see what Earl did out in Edmonton the other night couple of weeks ago our staff er With the speed graphic and this reported with notebook and pencil travelled IUIGCOIqull Baygto get feature on the Blue Mountain rippled Childrens Camp That afternoon Conny Smythe who is honorary treasurer of the Ontario Society and great worker for the crippled children was there and that was the first time Iliad ever met him Much to my sur prise and contrary to some re ports he is very friendly pleas ant man When was introduced as from Barrie he beamed and said Oh yes thats the place they have the junior hockey team and now lets see whatever is the name of that fellow who coaches up there Miss Carol Dangerfield of Iro quois has been guest of her cous in Miss Ruth Dangerfield during the past week Mr and Mrs JohnLaing left Malton Airport Friday to by TCA to the British Isles where they will be holidaying for three weeks cable was received from them on their arrival in Prest wick Scotland They will be tra velling through England and Scot land before returning home by air ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs William Mc Nabb Edenvale wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Jessie Pauline to Douglas Ivie Milne son of Mr and Mrs Milne Stayncr the marriage to take place at Edenvale United Church on August at 230 oclock 80 at Cainscross at Hydro Employees Have Successful Picnic at Park English Newspaper Tells About Slroud Ladys Visd There Chcltcnliam Newspaper During thepastwcekcndabout Revisiting her native Chcltcn 1909 people attended the first ham for the first time In 65 years mrmc ever held by the Georgian Mrs Frld Webster 01 StroudfOn Ba Region 0f the Hydro Electric tam named after the Cotswold Power Commission at Springwater Stroud has brought greetings from Park thc Womens Institute of her home The picnic held on Saturday Village 10 its namesake institute will now become an annual event following the success of this first outing There are 17 areas in the region and among those attending the picnic were representatives from as far away as Parry Sound and Huntsville Following lunch full program of races and sporting activities took place The Ferguson Shield awarded to the area with When she visited Cainscross WI Mrs Webster had warm wel come from the members and special reception was held in her honor Mrs Websters home address is Cotswold Lodge which she runs as guest house Strouda small village in the middle of wheat farmingr area nearby village is Painswick both were named after their Costwold counterparts by an ancestor of hers who also emigrat ed to Canada His grandson Dr Little is now her family doctor First Flight At 74 Mrs Webster had no qualms about flying for the first at the age of 101 Another cousin Mrs Kersey lives at Hesters Way After 65 Years Since her recent arrival in Eng land Mrs Webster has been stay ing at Newport Mon with her brother whom she had not seen The Band tries to stand on its own feet and provides as near as possible the money to pay for all the instruments anduniforms by various ways andmearis through When you are asked to help financially or otherwise please dont forget you are only assisting your own town band Yes we need the help of every citizen Herc letter from the New markct Veterans Asociatiun Newmarket June 24 1053 Town Clerk Barrie Ont Dear Sir Please be good enough to hand the attached cheque to the leader of your Citizens Band Your line band was good enough to help out with our decoration day service No remuneration was mentionedl and in the after parade confusion we failed to contact the leader and nd out about expenses If transportation and cct will not he covered by this fty dollars per haps our treasury could stretch itl bit more We certainly appre ciate the cooperalion and neser vice rendered on our big day Many thanks Yours truly GLADMAN Treasurer Newmarket Veterans the highest total of points went to the northern group Parry Sound Huntsville Bala and Bracebridge rural operating areas The presen tation was made by Mr Ferguson The cup for the tugofwar com petition went to Hawkestonc Orillia ROA andwas presented by Art Worrall subforeman of the Barrie ROA who turned up at the picnic in centennial costume picnic cup for the are with most points was won by rkdaie ROA This was presented by Charlie Corbett area manager of Huntsville Stayner ROA won the horseshoe pitching contest while Barrie took the softball trophy Murray Richardson captain of the team received the award on behalf SOMEBODY IS GOING to hgve to give it dam about Orr Lake Recently the two top boards on thcdam at the west end of Orr Lake broke through Theywere replaced through quick action by Sam Farmer and James Stewart But the gradual deterioration of the dam and the collapse of its un derpinnings is sending rush of water down the Wye and seriously endangering the lakes future Among the key towu ship officials concerned are Medonte Reeve Fisher Ganth left Deputy Alvah Stewart and Clerk John White of Moon stone seen at the Warden Reeds picnic in Orillia Midlund Free Press Photo BRITISH BRASSWARE Birmingham England firm has discovered that old patterns and moulds which have lain for gotten in attics for forty years can earn dollars The patterns some of them over 100 years old are being brought out of dark cor ners dusted and used again to fashion intricate ornaments and articles in brass This old style brassware which graced the hearths and homes of England in Queen Victorias reign is today back in favor with the housewives of North America Substantial numbers of andirons fashioned as Knights in Armour dancing doi phins and galleons are being sold in big stores Candelabra Queen Anne candiesticks Shakespeare shoe lifiS Allselus bellsncrnate coat hangers and large wall plaques depicting old Tavern scenes and Raleigh laying his clock for the rst Queen Elizabeth are head ing order lists OIL TANKERS FOIL CANADA VickersArmstrongs IitdBarr0w inFurness are to build an oil tank er of 31000 tons dw for the Eagle Tanker Company of Canada whollyowned subsidiary of the Canadian Eagle Oil Company The propelling machinery will be con structed at Barrow and will con sist of geared turbines Another 31000 ton tanker has been ordered for the same ownership from Cam mel Laird and Co Ltd of Birken head day while Buck Rogers also from the Barrie regional office was pic nic chairman The following of ficials also took part Dick Down ing Softball Wib Green tugof war RegFreeman horseshoe pit ching Jeff White publications Biit Whitehead Bill Vincer Jack Kelly and Cec Young races Don Magee facilities Matt Hennebry finance Credit for great deal of the arrangements went to Burl Finch and Dave McClymount who acted in an exofficio capacity with the officials Jacob Orggeveens Dutch expedi tion in 1722 was believed the first to reach the Samoan Islands in LOOK 95000 Griffin chairman of the committee has stated that Monday July 27 should be regarded by Barrie Mer chantsas Day Day in this case meaning Decoration Day As Mr Griffin pointed out if the mer chants ot Barries main street will start putting up their decorations on Monday July 27 the down town section of Barrie should look very attractive by the end of the week In other wordsrdccorations should time in her life from Montreal to London Airport and intends to go back by air on June 10 after she has seen gondons Coronation vdccorations an watchcd the Cor onation ceremony on television One of her biggest thrills was meeting the Canadian Prime Min ister Mr St Laurent at Montreal Airport when EhcchtShe has snapshot of him taken at the time Mrs Webster who is the only of the team At the end of the races presen tation of the Canadian Electrical Association medals and certifi cates to Tupline Ma gee and Smith was made by MacLellan accident prevention branch head office and George Stark of the station construction staff Jim Poppleton Barrie regional for 65 years Recently widowed she has twri sons and two daughtersMr Ed win Webster commercial tiav eiler Mrs Doris Booth teacher Mr Jack Webster who is in part Iiciship with his mother at the guest house and Mrs Martin She has also eight grandchildren She is ying home in June to be back in time for the weddingof one of her grandsons Mr and Mrs Bailey of Cookslown announce the engage ment of their daughter Shirley Louise to Henry Edward Nevils son of Mrs Nevilsandthe late Mr Nevils of Cookstown the marriage to take place on Saturday August at pm1in St Johns Anglican Church Cookstown 80 the South Pacic 5m EXTRA MILEAGE 49 METEOR COACH OWNER AIR CONDITION HEATER GOOD TIRES Buy With Confidence At Dangerfield Motors Barries Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford St Dial 4981 Goodness gracious weve had beup by the weekend at the very beginning of Old Home Week Durinx on Home Week the cit izens of Barrie will have the op 77 portunlty of viewing one of the most spectacular and thrilling fire works displays ever seen in these parts On Saturday evening Aug ust the centennial committee will sponsor gigantic pyrotechnic dis play from the waters of Kempen telt Bay The actual letting off of the various rockets will be super vrsed by pyrotechnic experts from the RCA Depot 13X Angus quid see to supply demndam Himalayas and his professional ex With tickctprovidingffor trans pee cesi in lm making all over portatlonfrom Dallas Texo3 to the Barrio Ontario and return said few cameriimen in the world cap defendant WOUld be more tilt able of aceompnnymg the expedi aluminum today Om have beaten manually everything wo eat ning vegetables meat milk contain aluminumllils iiuatmprbin mmmlghih also is maximum Ahmrbmtmdilymlt obiW Wold who of hotrit on whuomm lot of wet weather lately Dont you think ltls time for change CentennialCommp Involved Lawsuil Continued from page one it difficult or impossible for the defendant to appear in person in answer to said petition of the plaintiff Forfurther answer herein such be necessary without waiving any of her exceptions herein till insisting on the same this efendant denies each and every rie if John Boys in whose office said swcr such summons for it is the belief of the said defendant that defendants mother Mrs Charles Farnfield of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe would supply the defendant with bed and board for the duration of the neces sary stay in the said Town of Bar surviving one of six members of her family who emigrated from Cheltenham to Ontario in was born in St Peters Parish of Cheltcnham and while she has been staying here with her cou sin Mrs Little at 147 St Georgesroad she has attended St Peters Church where she was baptized She is granddaughter of the late Mrs EinmaLittieof Che tenham who died some years ago The defendant further begs the pardon of the court for her Answer herein but pleads that if the de fondant has not stated reasonable answer herein it is the fault of Mr Looking defendantfirstgugot the idea that but she could the legal secretary way back in711938 Wherefore the defendant puts allegation in plaintiffs petition con herself upon the country and lained and saysthat the same are wnils the Judgment of the Court not true in whole or in part and of this puts herself upon the coun whcrcforeadefendant prays judgment of the court thatplaintiff color is being made on the con takes nothing by his suit and that he go hence without delay with his costs etc Now therefore defendant in an effort to make amicable settlement of the aforementioned matter states that if the said plaintiff happyyto appear in personto anr tlon citric TIME comma or FAST loraz kit and call Iron manor AND nauvsnv ngt EVEREST TRIUMPH full lngth feature film in At itslyea promptly to4 out of em ployed peoplemarried or sin gle The loan is fitted to your individual circumstances No bonkable security requirodJ Phone for Visit loanl If youre in hurry phoni and everythingwill be ready when you arrive or writeror come in See for yourself why thousand of people anybjItI to besurel quest of Everest and will have its British premiere in October Made by Countryman Films Ltd of London inassoclntion with Group Ltd the film will be produced from camera recordsof the climb taken by Thomas Stobartwho because of previous climbs in the rid was one of the very EXAMPLES OF lOAN wonderful tlmo at camp often begins at home wherernother chucks over emote beforehand and sends lthgm to prior dry tlmotooheok over Jun Ahm your in anything fun layman tornhum onovnli or in proportion Kan bani $50 to 9200 on Signature lurnlttqu or Auto FINANCE 2nd Fl Public Wilma lid 15 BAVFIELO STREET Phone us dunk nonId VI MAM DEN DAILY TO HATURDA TO 12 lulu no lo mlduli of all mulling imi himlfinmfmymyultmh officewas sports director for the 1883 BUSINESS FIRMS The Barrie ExaminerCentennialEdition is be ing published on Friday July 31 This edition will tinfold the historic panorama of Barrie from the earliest settlement the present time in 1817 right down to Many have linearly reserved advertising space in thoedition telling the story and develop mont oIlhEIrowii company We want everyone loliovo this opportunity but owing to the limited limb and the great number of IIIISIIIOSSIII Barrio it is impossible for the stolb to can pusnolly yixominor advertising Mon everyfirmllii you ordcontomploting placing or advertisement in ThcmConhnniol call no ExominonAd vortising Department and representative will be pleased to give you full particulars