liih Al Regi HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE wrnllrsnArniunsurnullityscrunch CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT AT 230 pm EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm the 45m lelTJEl chli nine out on top cousiieiiiig the recrzit changeover from Lilith tank weapons to iieid gulls iegiol st Eonnservation Topic with By Minister at Vi5pringwater Park 112 lg lcczliizit of how the it it lands und lg out consul1 viii of the pro iarrir Examiner Wins Formation WEPWPAYI JULY 51132 Esetee399 MOULIN nouns srllllllilic Josr mm as TOULOUSELAUTREC snows nulls lN ITS illYEST wunrsr nosr corollriii on Serenades It ROMANCE The regiment spent the week of AND DARCE ZAND Mus lglm lUZtl in camp it lt1ltilti 4131Vil Winn Senoras REX 7V the Owen Sound battery blligideft kjiMiIi Hub 41 17 mined en route by batteries from Iiiu 76 rillin Illeliiurd and Barrie jor 9f Ivtv rill rp which took tillm through VFW jilllllli5l by lurks Falls to Mallow1 for tile 11n1 V3 mmrll idlllidiiy night stopover in 1h ullmmWM 37h Or the way to cLllnp the icg 41 Willi 111 POUR AND ii llltll ilL DLS loltl lls l1 llllt oiic for vln gt Ihh lower development ltklilliitl Clinlp 33 11 lffilliblimf gt10 MI lxl fetuwzlwu on Sunday iilcrriooli inn dllltiJxlittll5 W131 3W1 NYC 10 Mmmuy and Tmin we lycu 13 iiiout IllLli supply of wood pied with classroom work on urtill leiy subictts with the bit shoot llllll here today that ii will on lhursdoy liifllzii is going the rounds that Comedy Timmday piglli ull unitms ii mm might close down AND mulled brigade dxniicr alt wnsch Park in Gemmcll was litiltfl that the new form relimzkcd Well unit shy tlicrc vas if reference to the Queen when is illlung to that story if we an his lozist is offered at artillery tztillll in do something like ilillitl ISNPW QUClll 01 CHI that it would be only because we illinJcncml following the rcciit mm the mrk buubmm me Dl0mmm 0f HIT Mill 115 mill sitr jiiclilllrly added Mr DRAMA Cillliillllchllltlill oftzlc lloyzll Lnn GunVim ixnrossod his impam AND Am Itll for lilo bountiful lirk lt Midliurst DARING While the regiment went to and mm it which the Mu rz 011ml 11$ IUUY bulimic$ ll 35 es station was administered lwdl $1013 It 1va 31 Mr icinlnell was accompiiiiiedlt IllS ms to litlhliist by his deiuty minisl Trillli wmmilldmg ii to Frank AlilCltllR1lll by Llmlmsm baniirles Zlnilz liltll referred to as the Cmmmmding Officer Licl filiiltl of rcforcstnizoli in Ontario ll Gzindier ED of itimiullll1 mm Trmbm owl with Major Clark of Barrie mmmmf mc dwm1 mat Cummcommund illlc minister ili introduced byi Dl Iltll McDowell and thanked on belilili of Kiwnnizins illlti farmers by ll Ferguson MP of Colliiigi 31mm Wood and Jolmsiun MPP of VERSl RICARDO PIER vui RIO CYD The program was arranged by LAD LoVERSI the conservation and agriculture LA ioninxllllmy 3112112 ginntls cl it TIN LOVERS mRICKJASONVNINAFUCHKURIKASZNARVMLIERHAMPDEHIHOMASGOMHJMLGREGG iillllli the chair was turned ovcr to 171rulerKivliiiizin Charlie New SATURDAY JULY ion Music was supplied by Ken PLUS CARTOON FOX NEWS walls and Charles shim New Greens wnh llud Kelly leading the sing song At this season the new green things begin to make an appear ance and add to the attraction Last Saturday the first new Wzirba potatoes were brought in by George Rugman Oro fibln April 27 planting They were small but the price of 400 and 500 for the basket was reasonable Old potatoes were 25c to 30c basket The rst new peas were shown and sold quick ly by Mr and Mrs Morrow and Mrs Carrutliers at $1 the basket pints STARTING in MGMs nut drama duiro under firI 51JiirAuiisou new member was introduced into the Kiwanis Club for the first time in Horace Pratt with McCarroll speaking on his behalf Secretary Poisons read telegram of congratulations to Can ada on Dominion Day from the Delaware Ohio Kiwanis Club Kiwanizm Rev Ernest Lewis ex1 tended the clubs congratulations to Ross Stephens whom he re Shown here are some of the colorful and exciting scenes from John Hustons Techni color production Moulin Rouge starring Jose Ferrer as Henri ToulouseLautrec NOW ON THE IOTH WEEK FIRST RUN TORONTO W$HWINGIMPERIAI run Ruse ferred to as the towns most elig ible bachelor on his approaching marriage OPP Cracks Down Lion Top Brass Retires After 50 Years of Servuce On Fast Drivers Al Lufkin Rule Usmg No 400 Of Orillia Club The retirement of Wagner During the past weekend OPP For the final meeting of the sea front the post of General Manager officers from No District clamp son at the Lions Club of Orillla on of The Lufkin Rule Company of ed down hard on speeding on the Monday evening June 29 Past Canada Limiieiy has been an TorontoBarrie Highway and issued Deputy District Governor Art Pugh nounced by Lewis Barnard Jr summonses to some 150 drivers for Barrie made presentation to presidenL breaking the lirmt between Brad Past Deputy District Governor If Wagner established some fond and Barrie Percy Bacon This brought the total of sum thmg of record unique can menses issued during the week to BMW GVemr Wuham Gar adian business having completed 50 According to poilce nor was present and installed the 5i yearsndgh months 0f ac Burton justice of the peace here Ofcers 9f the Ouia Club tive serv1ce With Lufkin The oc had to hire Stenographer to ham 19534 fieiiiilelimiliflilsgryoiiis dle the work Mrs Pugh and Mrs Gamer were her ofiasi year at Gathering of Patml sergeant JSCR Lefvfs 913p also present and duringiheililp MIT staff and officials when several Headquaters Barne Sald The and Mrs Garner took two of their Vd highway has had few serious ac how 18 and Larw camp Sum sen ms wele md Cidems and We are trying to keep meriand on Lake Couchiching The occasion of his retirement it that way Wewill continue to J1me 30 was marked by staff haulin the Speeders meeting heldin the dining room CPL pat poiand formerly at of the Barrie plant Best wishes HQ here and now in charge of the for many years of continued health OPP detachment at Bradford said and pleasure were expressed by the stretch of highway between McDuee on behalf of the Bradford and Barrie was among staff and gift of luggage was the worst parts of the road for presented by Sandem speeding At least six cruisers Fred Johnson newly appoint had spent the weekend chasing fast ed General Manager of the Barrie drivers Olthiff Bradford plant Spoke in praise of his p1e HA iotaof drivers seem to think deessdlrsycerrsorrannml service We 39k 11 amd SW and pointed out the inspiration such record should be to those settling down to enjoy the beau in the organization ties of Kempenfelt Bay Mr and Mrs Wagnerintend to continue residence in Barrie but my AN EXAMINER WANT An plan to travel extensively before PHONE 24 FY05 SDInHCh and SWISS Chard Head table introductions were were among the newcomers at made by Roy welding and these 35c basket the rst gooseberries included Page agricultural were 35011935 SlmVbelries Wm representative Jack Gilchrist still fairly plentiful at 28cand 29c Hunter Russell and Eugene Smith box New beets onions rhubarb An amusing spelling bee on the radishes were 10c bunch some names Ofllwoodnwas conducted by for 15c also chorce leaf or head Norman Synnott with the winner lemma being Eugene Smith There were number of novelty Plants Flowers contests and the prizes were cap lured by Walter Forbes and Stan cabbage cauliower mussels Walt each taking two Peter Har sprouts and SWlSS chard plants vey Alf Perkin Charlie Newton were 10c bunch few llowei Murray warmca Tom Smith and plants included Marigolds Candy tuft Phlox Lobelia also double Gemme himself Petunias and Tuberous Begonias in single pots Cut owers were attractive including Roses Del phiniums Cornflowers Canter For bury Bells and other old fashion ed varieties Eggs IChickens House on Jilly retiring president Ron Stewart of the Rotary Club Egg prices were someWhat high of Barrie reviewed the accomplish er with range from 530 10 75Cv ments of the past year before hand pullets to extra large 3011 ing over the office to the new pres iOWIVSOllIfO 40C to 45c lb Year ident for 1354 Jim Gilmore olds suitable for roastings were 10 rietor of Gilmorels Poum 45c 14 weeks chickens 55c 1b gar Barrie alld large Capons at 58 lb The incoming executive is com Homerrsaking Honey posed of the following members lnstall Officers GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY JOHN DEREK in THUNDERBIRDS TROPICAL HEAT WAVE THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY AcTION PACKED HITS CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm EVE SHOWS THUR FRI tr 840 pm At the noon luncheon at Hart Tile ghting lSitllytJI theVgreat Cochise Pills zrn Bltillll iifiifietElfigllntift 12323 Charles Wilson treasurer Harry Layer cakes fresh fruitwies date cookies fruit cake cup cakes doughnuts tarts bread had Reid directorS Walter Carruth an appetizing appealas did the 95 John Stevenson Bill Clark Vusual good display of honey Grant Mayor mmmsmW trlourmo cont GUARD REPIIIII PICIIIE JIIDDIES DAYS Every Wed Thur undSuturtlny From to pm To Children Under 14 link ilnnsr5c Except Frris Wheel WMyym4nmwlwuunAJ xx EXRA WARNERS hATEST NEWSIV i=0 Mm MeycollopiiiijrfpnincKBB EachAernoon at 540 pin xTwo ClollingvVoocI Men Badly Hurt WH=ENYOU Bun curred CHOOSE ITCAREFULLY WHEN YOU BUY Locatedjjustsouth 01Barrie on Concession14 we AUTO msunuca As Car Hits Poe Pti BEIAS Terriny cut abouttile head and CAREFUL face when their car left the high3 SEEUS Way and 935th into telephone $313 iCe 5113 wogdivlwere shed ltoithe General GINGER ROGERS JACK CARSON 4I Dunlo St Dial 3135 ariMccgiiggx 35$ atheuiileore seri summer Is For Kids Gerald McBoing Being iously injured and it isfeared he will lose the sight of his left eye He also suffered deep gash across the bridge of his nose and cheek Over 50 stitchestere required to close numerous cuts on Schells faCe Both men were thrown through the windshield by the 1111 IN READY STOCK WHILEUWAIT SINGLE on DOUBLE BREASTED FROMV$ii5o rill Stir Juno l1 CRIIIMITY IIIIIE 75 Sale Modem novices scour snmrs SLACKS Pap appaemy went out of YVONNE DECARLO HOWARD DUFF $395 $495 to $1295 $795 $1095 to $1995 50mmghoumnswthsz Cola NEWS linwoo an gt 823 $125 glggggg $235 plfgfeglinig gigth ditlch and FORVAN ENJOYABLE TVIMEFVISITvPLAYLANDPARK gt ME and no we era Wei mm summit CALI mu EXAMINEIpron vi Mam rnmmornpnnms