On School Area The following Promotion RepOi as announced by the principals and teachers of On School Are indicates the grad in which men pupil will Cc enrolled in Schrll 1953 be No Shanty Bay Peter Wisemsn Principal Mrs Grace Remus Teacher Grade 9Peggy Bmvmzm Jenm= Patricia Ann fer IlzlwaIs Ruby Leach Mitchell Alvin Norrcna Wales Shirley Young Grade liJohannu Andersen Alv an Bowman floss Cameron Brian Henvie Donald Simpson Barbara Terry Douglas Viau Wales Richard Wilso Grade Tiled Bowman June Fisher Gloria King Robert Meikle Ronald Robson Grade ll SrlG Atkinson Wayne McArthnr Maeva Gillespie Grade Jr Robert Fisher Jack Robson Barry Taylor Grade drawJan Grout Grade lrlMark Andersen Janet Dingman Judith Dingman William More Donna Sutton Be tv Taylor Bonnie Taylor Isobel Wales lan Whyle Diann Wilson Grade lwshirley Caldwell Shir ley Campbell Ivan King Lynda Murphy Dwight Norrena Grade StatLinda Taylor Grade JulJoel Andersen Carol Atkinson Lisbeth Brewis Stephen Caldwell MargueriteKort Jeannette Mitchell Versha Szezc bior Irene Szyperski Grade ZCarol Caldwell Donald Caldwell Roy Campbell Peter Forbes Nora Forbes David Gar rick Pieter Groot Zeigniew Piot rowski Diane Toffun lrade Earl Summerton U3 Dalston Mrs Margueritc McLean Principal Grade 9Della Emms Grade 8Sam Benham Myrtle Emms Ronald Handy Keith Woods Winston Wright Grade 7Sandra Benham Barry Bertram Allen Blight Glen Janice Handy Sharon Lav ender William Orr Robert Spoon er Grade 6Gertrude Benham Lon nie Coward Russell Handy Grade EGordon Handy Gary Lavender Delva May Gary Mc Lean Donald Orr Helen Slater Grade 4Jean Emms Muriel Forbes Ross Lange William Slater Grade 3Teddy Bertram Judith Orr Grade 2Murray Benham El eanor Carnac Rodney Coward Gene Handy Marie Lange Mary Jane Buie Grade lBarbara Handy U4 Craighurst Mrs Lois Rowell Principal Miss Norma Fallis Teacher Grade 9Patricia Grange Peter Pedlingham Helen Sheffield Al lan Sinton Marie Vause Grade 8Dianne Ellsmere Grade 7James Ellsmere Nich olas Ellsmere Murray Greaves JO anne Hodgson William Snider El roy Woodward Grade 6Norman Baldwin Joyce Hodgson Nancy Kirton Carolyn Oades Marolyn Oades Lillian Prince Jack Shanahan Maurice Sheffield Myrna Shellswell Carol Sipes Donna Woodward Grade 5David Buker Nancy Grange Garry Greaves Leo Glis inski RobertmGlisinski Douglas Kirton Margaret Oades Anne Pedlingham John Vause Grade gt Grace Buker Allan Cameron Lynda Grange Terry Hodgson Weir Grade 3Donald Cameron Linda Hodgson Alex Oades Carol Shellswell Kathryn Shanahan Marilyn Sipes Grade SMChris Ellsmere Gary Hodgson VV Grade JrV139uglas Barrow Diane Cameron Judy Lynn Ells mere Francis Glisihski Jeannette Jensen James Nicol GradeVplBrian Buker U5 Jamal Mrs Winnifred Beard Principal Mrs Ethel Oakley Teacher Grade 9ShirleyAyers MargarV et Beard Sandra Beard Ann Har greaves Mark Lawlor Donna Lea hey Peter McKerroll Charles Mc Kinlay Lorraine Oakley Grade Mary Ayers Lewis Lawlor Lois Lawlor Murray Law lor Leona Rankin Sharon Shells well Grade 7Edith Ayers John Ay ers JohnBeard Bonnie McKay iBetty Oakley Grade Lillian Ayers Lyn Beard Barbara Lawlor Maureen Leahey Winston McKinlay John Rankin Grade Eleanor Ayers Paul Ayers William iBaverstock John Baverstock Rilla Beard Robert Johnston Gordon McArthur Don na Oakley Raymond Pattersom Margaret Phillips Calvin Vivian Murray Vivian Grade ltIris Ayers rfilacLlcd usirej SrElizabeth Groca Mary Brian Shanahan Junea Garry Bav Promotionsi one Hutchinson George Hutchinu Sam James Sheardon r1 Grade frJcan Ash Glenn Bzdv Well Leonard Bounty Robert Hackeu Douglas Hayes Helen Howard Sheurdown Grade in on Loekbarn Ruin Gunman Ga Siztzctlun Jonn TJl Grade Lulllli H11ehinsaj lDonald McLean Norman MacLeod liland Todd Douglas Todd Grade vlilal Hacked Heath Hutchinson vVlljllr Starr No IIiIlvlcwr Alfred Frosen Principal Grade Hoycv Campbell lat Jzirnieson Harvey Street Grade dBerly Cain Duncan Grade 7David Caldwell Lloyd Caldwell Ralph Johnson Grade deillian Campbell bezl Campbell Grade 5Harvey Andrews Don aid Duncan Joyce Johnson Grade tJack Besse Douglas Caldwell Phyllis Campbell Grade SalEdna Caldwell Donna Campbell Grade JrlRona1d Andrews William Duncan Wanda Lees Pat ricia Shanahan Grade StatBetty Myrna Campbell Grade ZVtJrJEdna Hesse Mer vyn Caldwel Sandra Campbell Gordon Carruthers Jerry Shana ham Raymond RI Caldwell No Mitchell Square Mrs Velma Walker Principal Grade 9John Bertram Grade 8Ronald Dawson Marie Shaw Barry Woodrow Grade TJoy Rice Lloyd Squire Grade 6C1ara Alderdice Mari lyn Reid Bruce Robinson Eleanor Uncles Grado SHarold Bertram Gary LitsterfCarol Reid George Starr Grade 4Alfred Alderdice Leonl ard Crawford Lloyd Dawson Mar vin Starr Grade 3Garry Jcrmey Wayne Litster Beverley May Donaldi Robinson Bernice Starr Grade 2Jcan Alderdice Joan Dawson Grade SrGrayd0n May No Rugby Mrs Clara Smith Principal Grade 9J0yce Barnes Robertl Tudhope Grade Norman Langman Nancy Mchod Doreen Scott DorisScott Bernice Van Valken berg Grade George Anderson Phyllis Fraser Maureen Herring ton Helen Langman George Scott Edward Tordiff Betty Tudhope Grade 6Agnes Gouin Robert Langman John Rodgers Grade Morris Remington Charles Rodgers Shirley Tordiff Grade Donald Rutherford Fern Rutherford Twyla Scott Don aid Van Valkenberg Barbara Walker Grade 3Jean Anderson Marion Horne Allan Langman Beverley Rodgers Grade 2Lorna Herrington A1 lan Johnson Marion Moore James Rodgers Lois Tordlff James Tud hope No 10 Leighs Corners Miss Hazel Jackman Principal Grade 9Stewart Johnston Hav en McEvoy Noreen Stringer Grade 8Dav1d Crampton Ron ald Shaw Grade 7William Moore Patri Grade GJean Johnston Mary Mawdsley Grade SJohn Perryman Robert Stringer Grade 4Douglas Shaw Grade SMAllan Perryman Grade JrMadelene Barn hardt Merlene Earnhardt Olive cia Shaw BARRIE GUNNERS TRAIN AT PETAWAWA LICL II GANDIER CC Tank Regiment NCOs of his unit on the loca mental gun positions during No 16 Nevis John Culiis Principal Grade Peter ilanlie Johnstone Grade llJoan Breedpn Sumi Gillespie Grade TGlenn Bowles Grade 5Elcanor Bulllill Grade lVWilliain Bolton Mar lon Johnstone Grade liVVllllLl Haidle Grade 2Robert rlaidie Evelyn Hodgkinson Nelson MeCauley No 17 Guthrie iMiss Catharine Paterson Principal Grade Dorothy Campbell Carol Crawford Anne Husband Stanley Jackson Terry Sinclair Grade 8Donna Black Marilyn Campbcll Connie Crawford Grade 7Caroline Andrews Nor Ima Black Margaret Clark Roy Hastings Dianne Mason Grade GJames Cameron Hazel Campbell Mary Crawford Ronald Cunnington Kenneth Husband Gloria Rattle Grade SJoyce Andrews Agnes Campbell Roberta Campbell Tony Pearson Grade 4George Cameron Ruth Clark Laurie Lyons John Pear son Grade 3Morley Campbell Al lan Cunningham Kathleen Cun nington Mary Jane Hastings Stun ley Walker Grade JOAnne Crawford Rodger Husband Sharon Lyons Gail Pollock Raymond SampsOn Bruce Wiggins No 18 Argyle MissLois Miller Principal Grade ZTMarvin MacDougall Grade Myrna MacDougall Donna Miller Marie OBrien Wil liam OBrien Grade GMarlenc Millet Ruth Prophet Grade SRobertBapbury War 13 McArthur Martin Miller Eric OBrien Iris Prophet Grade 4Larry Roe Grade 3Sharon Miller JoAnne OBrien David Walker Grade EBarbara Shellswell WILSON Mawdsley Sharon McEvoy No 11 Oro Station Mrs Grace Ansdell Principal Grade 8Dianne Crawford Gwen Crawford Lloyd George rence Graham Delores Looker R0 bert McCron Grade 7Marilyn Crawford Grade GAudrey Burton Doug las Closson James Letchqr Bar bara Tapson GradesJoan Crawford Max well Leigh Allan Pirrie Cather ine Pirrie Penny Thompson Grade 4Douglas Crawford Car ol Gilchrist Grade 3Donald Garner Judith Jackson Phyllis Johnstone Virm ginia Jones Mary Shelswell Wil liam Thompson Heather Varley Grade ZBarry Leigh JoAnne Varley Grade lBettyAnn Garner No 13 Hawkestone Mrs Jane Leigh Principal Grade 9Mervin Cuppage Brian Hart Clifford Leigh Deanna Sle5lt sor Grade BPauline Leigh Ruth Lgigh Raymond McDonnell John Pugsley Mary Sutton AllanWrigL ley Grade SrBr3d1ey Richard san Grade vi JulMarlene VBooth Allan Vivien Law erstoclc Joe Beard Jarnes Cock Phillips Grade 6John Davis Joan Hart Grade 5Sharon Gray Gail Ken dall Verna LeighvBarbara Pugs ley Ina Wrigley Grade 4David Leigh Carol Sut ton Donna Sutton Grade Phillip Horseman Lynn Jermey Betty Leigh cath erine Vivien Grade SinkDouglas Bell Grade Jr James Gray Wayne Jermey Matte Leigh Ma vis Leigh Allan Newton MariLyn Pugsley N0 15 Glowes Mrs Ruth Fraser Principal EroticaBetty Bidwell Grade Dale Fraser Valerie Larsen burn Laury Ego Robert Ego Paul Lawlor Eileen Lockhart Keith Lockhart Alice MacKay Betty Rankin Grade 3Andy Ayers Robert Baverstock Alan Beard David Beard Larry Johnston Murray Lockhart Mary Patterson Cath erine Phillips Archie Rankin Grade Sn Wayne Ayers Wayne Bavrstock Ray Ego Peter Lawlor Carol Vivian Grade JrPEter rAyersRo bort Bennett Gallic Cuppage John Dobson Jermey Clifford Lockbart Mary McArthur Janet Grade SMMarie Baverstocku No am Mr Paul Fast Principal Grade 191 Reta Bidwell man Hutchinson Grade Manley Brown Eunice Cockburn Pat icia Beckett Charles Shear Grade 7Robert Bouncy Johnston Marilyn New Guide 0nawln cockbum Marchitdon Grad Naomi Bidwell Grade 4wLorraine Keys Day lPeaCOck Shirley Wigley Grotto sunnudj Bidwell Robert Bldwell Phyllis Frasier Bruce Hobbs Shirley Hobbs Gary Knutt Larry Knuff Mary Lynn Malone Grade 2Dorls knun Peter Dr Grade MHeleu Fraser Anthony Supervising Principal Orange Sergio July 12 The Orange service will be held on Sunday July 12 at 730 pm in Lowell United Church Vis iting lodges will be rom Mans fieldVVCloquher and Creemore All are wellidme Furniture Sale Mrs Mather and sons held successful furniture sale on Satur day The weather was ideal and the crowd came quite distance Prices were good WI Plan 50th Anniversary The Womens Institute met at Mrs McQuays on Thursday Meeting opened in the usual way inging the Ode followed by the ford commanding Officer of the 45th Anti SP RCA briefs Barrie 11110 of RIBS tion of regi annual Re Ross no Principal Reviews End of 195253 term In his monthly report to the Barrie District Collegiate Institute= Board at its June meeting Princil pal Bowman stated that the annual graduation dance held in the new gymnasium had been well attended Many former students were among the guests and ar rangements carried out by Grades 11 and 13 were very commendable Mr and Mrs Empkc as sisted in the receiving line On the same evening the band assisted Lloyd Tufford with the music festival sponsored by Bar rie public schools The school magazine Overtones was ready for distribution the last week in May Chisholm was staff adviser for the production of the magazine and Norman Synnott was staff adviser for the business involved The students are given as much responsibility as pomible so it can be considered their magazine stated Mr Bow man Glenda Robinson and her edi torial staff did an excellent job The cost was about $900 and the pijoject has covered its cost nice lv The final assembly was held on June when Miss Margaret Park representing SimpsonSears pre sented fine portrait of the Queen to the school The head girl selected by vote of the senior students and the staff iSAnn Harrisreprcsenting the girls and Bud chkburn repre sents the boys Leslie Gillespie was presented with the Laking Meml orial TrOphy for outstanding abili ity and sportsmanship in athleticsl The English classes in cooperl ation with the library selected Donna Kaigbin Lenore Bowman and Terry Seawright to give book review over Mrs Barbara Wheeli ers program on CKBB Crests and badges have been re ceived for proficiency in shooting Many students take an active part in this activity Jack Garner was the outstanding marksman for the school shooting to targets for points which qualified him as Distinguished Marksman This is the first time the award has been made in the school June examinations commenced June andrifinished June 17 for Grades to 12 It was expected that results would be announced by Junc 30 Grade 13 efaminations concluded on June 22 The attendance record for May was 741 enrolment with percenl tage attendance of 9692 Creed and the Lords Prayer Roll call suggestions for our 50th an niversary to be held on July 18 Motto Do not waste time looking at your bill climb it by Mrs LloydPatton Minutes of last meeting read and adopted Busi ness committee was formedto see about fieldday folimaking money for the park Several thank you letters fwere read Plans for the 50th anniversary were nish ed Theprogram was Historical Research Mrs Mumberson readVa short story on OldSunni dale andNew Lowell which was enjoyed hydall Meeting closed by singing God Save the Queen Lunch was served by therhostess Ves Mrs John Murray and Mrs Allenby The Late mnkuuderson The community was shocked last week to hear of the sudden death of Frank Henderson of To ronto who passed away follow ing heart attack Frank was well known as he lived here for some years Sympathy goes out to VMrs Henderson and family Mr and Mrs Blair Kitchen and Mrs John Kitchen1 Fergus attend ed the sale on Saturday also visit zed Mlj and Mrs James Laughlin At Mathia Sale Here Mr and Mrs Frank Rowe and =Bobbie Toronto Mr and Mrs Chester and daughter Paris and LawrencedPtestonr all attend ed the blather sale on Saturday Miss Pauline Martin is visiting her grandmother at Smithville VMr and MrsV James Cook and Noble 125 Pounds One fine day last week mem ber of The Barrie Examiner circu lation staff while resting was en gaged in collections and returned empties from the stores At Cusdens Pharamcy be tied up bundles of papers trapped it on the floor nearthe doors and rising quickly while still looking at the bundle swung out the door +11e thought Unfortunately it was not the drier but themodern fulllength heavy plate glass of the store front The Light Brigade bad no thing on the resulting crashwitll 125 pounds of husky It manhood behind it The glass was unperturbed but the staff came rushing up with first aid in view The object of concern greatly surprised at the road block head and dusted his sombrero be fore donning it He explained however that there was nothing inside the dome to be distunbed An unfortunate feature was that gMagistrate Gordon Foster hap pned to be witness from just loutside the glass and the chief actor happens to bea court report er To date no charge has been laid under reckless driviilg pro perty damage attempted suicide or under any ctrthe resources avail able to Her Maiqu Court familyand Mn and Mrs Jack Megan Hamilton called on Mr and Mrs Shoemaker on Sunday merely rubbed his Battalion WYEBRIDGE Taking Course In Jean hCDUlllild left Sunday luf where taking slit fic useks course or PerLer Me serve Force training at Petuwawa Military Camp last week Left to right are Sgt Stan Bcobette Sgt Sgt Jerry Kinselia and SgtMajor Jim Lorne Williams Col Gandier Photo Defenrc Award Winner National MISS MARY DAVIS daughter of Mr and Mrs Esten Davis of Ivy was recently awarded the Eliza beth Flaws Memorial Scholarship at the graduation exercises of the Wellesley Hospital School of Nurs ing This provides for year of postgraduate study in clinical teaching and supervision in obstet rics at the University of Toronto She is graduate of Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Institute and Wel lesley Hospital Toronto Miss Davis is now assistant supervisor on the obstetrical floor at Welles lev sr PAULS The annual memorial service at St Pauls Cemetery will be held July 19 at 11 am Summer Services Summer services at St Pauls gvery Sunday until September am Holy Communion 11 am Morning Prayer Churchill at 11 Innisfil Park Evenings The services for the summer Sunday evenings commenced July in Innisfil Park with the Vic tory Volunteers from Toronto pro viding music solos and ducts and their own special witness Plan to attend Sunday evenings at 730 Need Cemetery Bee The cemetery committee is to be congratulated for the days spent in painting fences relining tomb stones and general upkeep of the cemetery Another bee is needed from those who didhoturn up More fence needs paint KEYS CUT While wemake all types ofkeys lumoanV issurns or HUNTING FISHING dun LICENSES menu ruuansn or manner sroox Visit score and Save Money up to 50 re duction on many items OllliS HARDWARE Phone 12556 minivanV ninth vlfr Stirs lix Cagne im nine of Mrs by he one filling Lunch Par ML DilllnWJLr Toronto visited Stir and Cuzrulhrrs Ln Sunday returned ith then eraK vll Erie aile Womens Institute Womens Institute met at tsu tners Ihurs 11 evening for regular meet ig Willi the pilszliezif Mrs Curry charge Roll call was Jlgteltl telling something good about at our left hand was served the nosles aid Mrs Frank Rawn II ll IISIENIIIG POST News of interest to Junior Farmers WOXW 040 By JAMES HANCOCK Not Hungry lust Thirsty Don Meade reporting lll Ihe jollntry Guide says British Co1 mbia frail farmers have discov red they can stop the birds froml licking at their strawberries byE effing dishes of water between thel been this THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1953 N18 Committee Express Gratitude For Help in Campaign The members cf the Barrie and District Committee to the Canadier in Institute for the Biliiii take Lus opportunity at expressing appreciation all who generously assrsted in the lag days 115 places special emu mnri be paid to tie hiya girls who worked despite the inchthen lay in rent ulnapdigr and tag fazhtfuliy ltrBIZIVI an that unloading WilgunSa host of new inacnines crowd the haying picture land leave the farmer confused as to which he should adopt From casual observations around the County would say there hasV considerable increase in the forage harvester year Several new machines have been purehasud and put into operation The variety of uses to which this machine may be put interest VS Brds do 11k SIQVmas no doubt inuenced the thinki erries they say they only pick them when they are thirsty to geti he moisture That is probably vhy pickedat strawberries are llll wholly consumed Shall we iang pail of water in the cherry ree for the robins More Abou Berries Will someone please lell the why fresh fruit in season is always on restaurant menus as Special30c gxtra Berries that have been sickcd stripped to the processor processed held for year shipped to wholesaler distributed to the baker and made into pies will be on the menu at regular prices Somehow it does not make sense that extras should be charged when the product can move direct ly from the grower to the restaur ant be cleaned and served Fresh fruit is so healthful and we in Ontario are particularly for tunate to have it in abundance Let us have more of it before us at meal time in the fresh state Hayrng I955 Forty years ago when the horseless carriage frightened Dobbin back into the ditch the drama was symbolic of things to come Every year we nd the horse more and more is being ditched and its place taken by the ubiquitous machine Then the horse ate 25 per cent of the hay produced now we have horse less haying The power mower the sidede ing of trinity Implement dealers claim how ever that the largest proportion of3 their sales this year havo been in the smaller machines such as pow er mowers and sidedelivery rakes The tractor mowur makes light work of what used to be tedi ous Job with horses particularly in hot weather little cooperation from the weather is the greatest remaining need The Carrot Is Better Than The Stick Have you experienced any trou ble getting the youngsters to pick berries lately If so you should have them join 4H Club The annual clubs bus trip was sched uled for July and several parents report Junior was busy picking berries to raise the necessary $350 for the fare Get In The SquareVDance There is money to be made in square dancing Fifty dollars is offered for the winners in the Square Dancing Competition being sponsored by North Simcoe Junior Farmers at Agricultural Day of Barrie Centennial There is no age limit Competition is open to all residents of Simcoe County 80 get your group together and give it try Entry forms may be obtained from the Secretary of any Junior Farmers Club from the Simcoe County Recreation of livery the back rake the forage harvester the pickup baler self tee of the ice from the Centennial Commitv endlpr Alinau the original objective of $3000 was not quite realized the amount raised was slightly in ex Vcess or last year and the results etc must gratifying in the face of the most disagreeable weather in years Chairman Giidwood pre sents thy folowng list of conven ers and the returns from the re spceiwe Illllllilllriillllc ill the disL trier Tap day rweipts were MrsuG Dexter Angus $4134 Mrs Sutherland for Bond Head Wo mens institute $1302 Mrs Audrey Hopes Licikstowii WI $1665 Mrs MCQUH Thornton WI $2035 Mrs Irwin McMahon Hawkestone $1401 Mrs Campbell Totten illilll visor Mrs Mulholland Stroun $10760 Mrs Graham Llsinn $11586 Mrs Perrier Belle Ewart $1108 Miss Mary Sloan Churchill $2002 Mrs Ingram Lefroy $1212 Mrs Mc Cuig Oro 5785 Mrs Sar jeant for the Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club 378568 Mrs Art More Shanty Bay $622 Mrs Patterson Everett $1500 Mrs Lena Blackwell Bradford $10537 Mrs Hooper Beeton WI $3201 making total of $135629 for Tag Day May 1953 In addition to these as listed here the total donations of $1 and over were 5139450 making grand total of $275079 CHURCHILL Mr and Mrs Hartley Frank and children from Nova Scotia are visg iting Mrs Flower Mr and Mrs George Carter To ronto visited on Saturday with Donnelly Mr and Mrs Byard Donnelly and family of Toronto were also with Mr Donnelly for few days Families Bereaved We extend sympathy to Mrs Reid nee Eva Allen in the loss of her husband and also to the friends of Mrs Sam Todd in their recent bereavement Mr and Mrs Cecil Roper Mr and Mrs Clarence Myers and Miss McKinley of Toronto were visitors at Sloanholme Cottage Ii Sunday Mrs Gordon Moir is nome after Spending week in Toronto At Summer School Miss Catharine Paterson has started to summer school in To ronto Mr and Mrs Roy Fairhead and family spent the weekend in To ronto Pass Piano Exams Congratulations to Misses GailV Lucas and Jean Matchett who suc cessfully passed their grade piano examinations Commerce Post Office Square or from the Ontario Department of Agriculture 11 Owen Street Barrie Chamber of 595 WOMENS WHITES NYLON SPECTATOR PUMPS Dress and Sport nun BLUE WHITE GREEN to MENso BOYSV SANDALS and CASUALsV 895 CAMP OXFOROs 59527 CHI LORENES SANDALS OXFORDSV 295345 3195 CHILDRENS PACKARD LINEN as Red Blue Green FRIDAY swarms are rosrorncr