ml Read American Visitors liz Iiclvli ALI LIiiOiiS ALI ullliltll5 995 AND MORE Summer School llsllrl tin llrlii tat5 for tile oii St L1I ism limit was grown by Iilivr Al Ilillisori InstrIll the original IS Dunlop St rirox 2500 of sprouting seed ting the parent tuber OF COURSE HAVE AN ESTATE SMy Dad is building it for me right now and its going to be pretty important to me some day And father knows how important it is to have that estate properly administered no matter Irow small it may be at present He may receive advice and assistance from experienced Trust Ofcers on the disposition of his estate without any obligation Write for free booklet Blueprint For Your Family STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION BRANCH OFFIC 13 Dunlop SL Bani 53 IIEAD own 372 Bay St Toronto Want to get That regal feelfIIg Send your summer wardrobe to us for superior dry cleaning Well bring It backall fresh crisp and lilielngw Iooking EVeryihing done to the queens taste thats YOU NilSERVICE CLEANERS It WIJYIIUIIN SJSILitll Illl IVY hurl ll Service EVERETT rout Holland II Arrives not IILL ball Bxptislnal Scrv lu bayimzxai ti II In Allislon llubpiLll sorry zily1 rm IIIii tc 1ll rlliV IiiIlYtl llrrl Roi jel bidir llll Ill Ileai In Inle Iomitlo lllii Ill lllrlllt itll liiy Adair weekend It Ills liar Iecoratiori Day In Allistori Sunday afternoon at Alliston llli Li will 11 wLml Canadian II11f11l IllrltlllttiI it 14 MMH inliiizll IIItiliiilluil servzce willl Cililum RWYVi goodly IiIIIIibrv attending sci Vkmll Milli vice was lltlil at tile iIIlotzipn 11 with the Minion band in itlwiui JIluvl iiice After the service le men Jl 7m Mr SIIM llllll Mine Jean ilillltli lllllliltl NI iiy aill Miss N1 lcViilIll oronto were it Itrrll tisltlils Mr and Mrs Bruce TiltVilniill hrs of the Legion lillltltil by tile sand marched to the Irnzctlln to decorate and honor the veter Ins who had DLISHil IIj lllril heavenly reward Mar2 Mrs Mary Dams Toronto was St Davids Memorial Service plump With my Mummy My At Everett Ull Sillnlily afternoon Hi Aux p51 Dung very large crowd attended the St Davids Ccnletcry Memorial Womans Auxiliary Service with Illv lrovrnce Womans Auxiliary of former llttll as speaker met Jack llliirstiiiy The Jurist tliilrIh Mrs Illtlillllltll of Edmonton lazitliigs on Itching visiting her sister Mrs Bieiclllriall TLIIie 23 Illl good attendance MS MM pcmms Nm xlzs Howard the president led Scotia is visiting her uncle and dcwlm IJMXI SLIil aunt Mr and Mrs John Bocclik 1955 35 IWd by Ii Mr and Mrs Dick Steele El lfiiblmi 11il95 1570 llillil spent the weekend with Jfll lmllg Mr and Mrs Edward Latlmcr and mfm Dmcb CL mmny Vellil Mrs Lianne Bannng receiv Mr and Mrs Eldon Dryboligll tight Pig and baby of Burlington spent the l1 15 151m weekend with Mr and Mrs Al if 0m ml to or Hillier da It is very helpful for those who cannot travel to hear about these places of interest Mrs Mr lIetIIerington Not Well Very sorry to report Mr Iletli ciington Sr is not so well Mr Hethelingtoii suffered ii stroke some time ago and the people of Everett and Terra Nova wish him speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Holmes of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Moon Ernest Dailcy spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ross Diiiley Applcgatc read poem The Buy That Didnt Pass Next mccing will be at the home of Mrs Davis Tlicghostcss served dc iicions lunch Rev Howard closed with benediction BETHEL Church of Messiah WA Mrs Jack Synnou Manseld Church of the Messiah WA spent the weekend with Mr and Sunmdle mLl at MIS HQIRCG Gilpins on June 10 Meeting open ed with Hymn 379 followed by members prayer the Lords Pray er and prayer for the sick The Mrs Mahour and daughter Plans For New School Plans specifications and tenders are already in for the new school at Everett to be completed before Sept Trustees are busily en gaged looking for site for the school It is to be hoped that the Trustees in charge of this build ing will see fit to give the con tract to our local builders where the money will be spent in the interest of all taxpayers It is understood the new school will cost when completed about $9000 Start Budgeting Just friendly reminder to all taxpayers to start budgeting now for their taxes this fall It is un derstood now the school rate will be up approximately three mills this year Miss Florence Talbot of Toronto is spending few holidays with Mr and Mrs Robbins Miss Isobel Leslie Georgetown spent the weekend at her horric bill was rear by Mrs Kinsley Roll call was answered by 21 mem bers and several visitors Min utcs of May meeting were read and approved and the treasurer gave her report It was decided to purchase box of sickness and sympathy cards to be used for members The ladies of the WA have made clioir gowns and have purchased black velvet to make caps to go with same Itrhas been decided not to have the usual garden party this year The meet ingwas closed by MrsE Arnold with thebenediction The hostess es Mrs GFRogers Mrs McQuay and Mrs Gilpin served lovely lunch Next meeting to be held at Mrs Fords COAL DEPOSITS Nova Scotia possesses the only here good bituminous coal deposits on CALL THE EXAMINER FOR the Atlantic coast of North or South PRINTING IIIONE 2414 America STONE and CONCRETE WATER WASH ED Driveway stone crushed concrete stone and sand For sale of pit ordelivered we Scripture from St John versesl PIT AT MIDIIUIIST ONTARIO fVARcoE BRos 300 Bayfield sI ITARRIE Ph 4600 FASTER ACCELERATIONgt the reserve power of your engine when you need it is yours with new Reliance gasoline GUICKEII WARMUPSwA Its rmnisc Youllf drive longer for less with new Reliance gasolineNcw Reliance is tIicbest wcveever marketed Not just an improved gasolinelmtau all new gasoline Make the 500niile lroad test youll be convinced thoroughly Warmedup 318 new Reliance gives you gt farless time greater economy and less risk of engine strain EASIER STARTSNew rrgrd ly controlled volatility factors LONGER MILEAGEYou travel Incan easier cold engine starts farther forlostitli IIcwReliance greater lrecdonifrom vapor Start proving that now Tank lock upwrtlinewReIiaucetoday ii II 500 MILE IIOAII TEST Ill usT noon IN IN onIIoI New Reliance isnt just an improved gasolineits iill new Its the best we have ever marketed Road test new Reliance for 500 Iniles Youll be convinced VicePresident and CI cral Manager Now more Than ever on IIIII IIII COOKE EARTA THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1953 15 ww BLONDIE By Chick Young HAT MTZW rs WA lrkn ocaswr HE ox Collier Street cabs cw TV More AT TIME WELL GOT No MORE REAL EMERGENCY ElizaWERE TIME F02 CHILDRENs GAMEE wary MM POGO ailArr 0N Var1c MIND AGAINST one Prostaliuow 405 FOR THE GILEI Ptktao ANTRE SOCIETY HEY EX ILLPOINTVOH overruns FDINTYo FINGEPAT GOOGLY PEMSE italELIE A5 WA5 POINT AT 5AIIN MAWII YOUZ ILL trip wen GET POINT BACKAM DUEL To JUDGE To BEE WHOM WHERE THE DEATH gt I9 WINNIN By Wall 2740 Mmw MUGGS AND SKEEVIEAR vouAND vourz cmv sopTALK KIDS vou TooK Tut worms RIGHT our OF MY MOUTH Bov DIG THAT new THERES crows LETS CRAZY GARDEN SEE HOW HIS VEGETABLES APE COMING ALONG vouve GOT TO EMPTY ALI me CHAIKQ AS WELLl mam WHEN VOUIZE SMOKING THAT PIPEWIJUST EMDTYING YOUIZ ASHTRAV WONT 00 mi uI JUST FINISHED EMDTVING MY ASHTRAYNOT Two MINUTES A601 WELL VOU IZE DEAR SWEET pellliilll lulu WHAT Do TsKTSIL WHAT yr M50 mass you MAKE MEES WITH THAT PIPE pl In wm puma Arm Im Innin SO 00 EA THE WORLD MOVES LAMB CIIops PEAS AND CARROTS GPINACH fAND