Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1953, p. 13

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New Pics institute Celebrates Fiftieth Anniversar inmmBARRIEEXAMINERWHEELDAYIULY$195351 EARLY lle 9596 mail GMS Vlslls indiumu me an summer Ca VV VV VVV VV VV VVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VVV nugil Ir 111 1L with 15 m3 VV er VV LC 1111 il 2141111 it Would 11 11111 lclllcilhI II 11 Cumu01 Wyk ml1 111 iiuln lrld 31 $1de alll 111111 llllll5ilv of on IVVVV 11 li11 old lllslltllzus 111 i113 DlstrlciV VdilVd Roirut Visitors New bios Vl and then 111 August hm 31 11g11l hiw1zl lm Al WW Mrs John Callmrolll Hull Reunion 1111 ppozllnzlg ltlil the Mary Stewart Cllliltc and lilow alzllldazu lllv litll Illilla Tl4 ll Mr Join Chum111 1l111l vlollll ll Flitiltursl lalin 11 llil 1111511 Mrs Allen 11111911 theirJlllir 47 Mil Bll 111111311 Elwrw K11 11111 owl kxd Il11lldllllrsl ladies for thcE 11 my 3111 11 1111 111111111111 ivory able they had served Auxiliary Meets ME My 1ny Vm pHmV parade of old lllllt dress of In The lTltlllllllD 11f lll2I litl 1111 Dubai 3111 lycals and the gay unlicd ultn lelllttl 11111 ilzo l1 111 Allfil Lang Sync of and Mrs all 111 31111 11 taxi vl Luifd 111 lzlslltutu for tilll flm of friends II We on lsltnrs l1llt 111111 111 ll 11 111 lilllr 11 1111l tilti 21l 1l 111 and AGENTS FOR illItl VlElt illtlllt 111 tho xktllll illlriilli Mil illnl VVVV First Meeting 11 1111 nlvoilllg was hold it my my my IV VVI VI 1311 llonu 11 Mrs liobgrt illUps was 11 chillgo 111 gt3 il1111111 lu Illl 33 03 ml 51 C511 QlliliV l3llllll llA IIIw Is lllll lflll Im 3W mu himc 01 Ml Admit ll llllxv lwlrl Olinan and 1d All 411111 11111 Mrs VlVllzalll Train 31155 Shllltlo lillllll 1Xpll55ttl 111 lilllhlll l1lgt1111 1l1ll0gt1gttll ll lil Mil lm BlYIHCLD STREET mh bIhpLlm DLICKL ii 11111l11111l 111 lls Molylv Silklllllllli 11 111111 ll1l paluni sent in Guelph convmltzoll 11 1006 WM 111th 10 ltllll illl ll1 ll1llvl 1ll and M1 111112111 1111 min11111111 was started in Tu 12ml nrmu mn llil gown and Mrs limit when tin area convention Ar Ellkfk DivGilld l11 ll 41 liirc Lately has stood lll Billllc jars were Nil 31 3111 llltllt tllIlllllIV RALllli 15111115 lll Mr 1111 PymHim ml mcmbcm ms lyVlglalllild lllc lnvmelrs for till1 Mk gum Jumls 1V1y1 slyss 114 1211 111 zitlllld lilst Dtpllllllltnl Pl 4155d ll VLl Jl jnllosI 11111111111 Ml and Mrs liral Vi lio plolllzllvzl 111c1 11 Fun lEARS or Institute history were was master of ceremonies 101 mi llllllvor 3315I1TIIIII5IIIPQI mm Mm 2IlimV VITILIIEIEJI $111 W5 W5 55 ismmfmolfltcd be n1nilV10VlsVoiV IVlew Flos saly bouquet Mrs Sam Allin occltllllg ion yum5 lilo lzilVmors lilSllllllC 119111 CVVVlVIVVVVVHVl IVVlVlVVglVVlvlVVVVVQVVf 31 II Km Ram WW Mm ryESCHmLEQY omins 11stlth1t1VVal 11 Vlllcblatlon 0f Vtreasurcrwho reported on Institute tlcllVlL 1111111 meetings in Novemool wlill undMSV ViVlunmm 15am and Willi111 1511111 Toronio 4405140 the golden alllllvclsaly ot the branch at los over the 50 years and Mrs Full1er so aimlulu 1111111111111cc of lth 011 1Illl 5mm and 112111111111 Jaln SpringWilt Park Mldhurm Over 100 mem OllCl VlCt resident Front row 10 11 mm 13 1mm msl WNW PM Last Scrvico Vllsoll Gall 11lt llLld 111111 11 ks lt 11 EU bers former members and irlends as well are Mrs Gordon Smith IlCSlltlll Mrs ft IUWiunbfliilim 1111 132 UA JWym IWHSWIEM lmm 11 US IAN FAMOUS IV IV 1111 lurl ll 11111111 ll lt 1Iv lllnnvIv wort 15 sculal llblllllllibllLd Visitors were ill at Ports continuous member 101 the 10 years Vglits wlc lzlvcn to Mrs Lallg i111 when 1111 11 collulooallulls Mix Hugh ll11llla1 and SillrllIV tendililcc Ill Vllll b1 CK TOW 19 ll right and Mrs John hllillillgs it past presMolly 11111111 Mrs Galbraith Mrs Joe lholnloll llld Rubir1 111111 111111lwl Plain1111111 K1111 ll11lllalV Billr112 ill Mrs Shaw 15 vice1rcsidcnt who lalill Mrs Sago Mrs Gaolgo and pallook 111 the holy 1111111111111 3111 and 3115 Burton lllllsdalv THE TRIANDLE Mum tlraln Mrs Lolh Mrs $11110 Hill 11 the last StlYlLl 111 be culls Willi Mrs Rtltlll lSllll iMls lllluy Mrs Kcllcy1 lsllmn worn Mr and Mrs thlllml Mrs Hall Mrs l7 Villoy Mrsdi vd 81an Mrs Clark Brown andi lllSIllblE Member for Filly Yearo CV 11th MVISVSV Mm MVISVGeorgeJitlsVVVcthVlVVlVi VVVszVVlVVVVVVVVVVsl V1VlVVVVlV VVVVVVVVV NVVVVVVVVVBVVVVVVVVVV VVU VVV1VVVIVVVVI Smith Mrs Harvey Fillewellilgog In 1953 werc pmsmm mI and Byiun Wuhl Midland lm Ml Dy Mlllm MlSS Ni Killl wI cmmSV MlSV RI BlmV Mr and Mrs Evolult Evans alldj NW lIM NW111513111illslllmrlclt IN Flmllllll M131 WN Kirkpatrick 1111 vollngunls Mount 11mins 111v visiting mm Ml mlluimly Jlllli Tmm MSS Ann BC Mlss AlmlCers Blaill Mrs Callllthcls N11 and Mrs Cool11C Hawkc 11 or Splillllwutm Pillk 1111111 om Kclley Miss Train Mrs W11Mrs Covllc Mrs Ilicsl Mlh lion 100 111 lltlindallcv Ono liltl illsytalluthcrs Mrs Joe Assli tend lllmml 31 lb11y Smith Mls John Mullm Mls lutts continuous luclllour f11ll Gribme Miss Glibbou MlSiTV EV Smim Mm JV wuchVV Mm 31llnll Km lllV thc 50 years and in Mr tllll Johnston Mrs Kerr Mrsls mam DA JV KEnnvV1iS Sandra Mrs Frank Rumnv llllcl was presullt along with Area Pros1A PriestI MysI MI GI KelleylbmthLpkm Mrs konuv itll lllt lllmlill Ml idellt Mrs Ottauay Alca Scclullcll dollars was given to tllersecerS Harold Snmy Mm 15V Vine Hunt ill lllllltllllll tary Mls Dolliinvaito and 311 rotary for tell yearsiof seixlice1y1rsGV King MrsVIAV leov midi Douthwuitc District Prosidem Work done included fcnccs around l11s1R Goodtcllow and Mr Goud two churches trccs planted around SigmglEQSI lnglgll Miss Annie Bell Miss Amy bplcrs mmI spoEk1 Bell and Mix Belllsvaen burned out homes bale Mm WV CarmmersV Miss IreneV Miss Gwen Robinson and Roy ML UL mm mum med at 8500 sent money to Poms Mls Gordon smith MrsIGlallam Toronto visited Mr and former members and friends of Qucon Mary Hospital Muskoka SV Anon IMrs George MCCMV during mo New 111111 111 Annivrrsary Weekend Visitors mm mm WV post Ivcars who had lllchd llwalillospital Barrie hospital Barrie 5LL1Cld The full membership of 21 was Rust Room Red Cross Nurv Lca present billllllltt ill 530 llmwgllc March of Dimes School Fair CALL THE EXAMINER FOR vmts Hams gt VV was Served by the WA of Midhurstlilll Fair World War work PRNTNG PBONF Elf the Institute providing the menul 144 pairs socks Institute bought Mrs Show was mistressoffer yarn fansamer Institute Ambu cmonics Toasts were proposed toilanaz $125 to Red Cross $8500 the Queen JUSlildtG imd gUESlSibox sent to Dr Carruthers or Mrs Galbraith replied to hospital 17 sheets 44 hankies 10 The Guests and said she couldfdoz mouth wipes The W1 hld VV recall many happy memories whenthe 40nnniversam at the home Oil member of the New Flos VWLVMrs Harold Smith where Mrs Mrs Goodfellow brought glCOllllgSgBlain and Mrs Potts were pre from the DlSlriCl Mls JOlm Hlllsented with life memberships and gan presented Mrs Potts LifelpinsI MrsI ports won 27 regular mombu uth beautllul Colsagewattedance pnzes and MrsI Elam IV MFS 53m Allell SQVCFetaly1VSaIveixvon 25 regular attendance prizes the report of theV Institute actlvuies Branches at cmsslaudI 1311911 from 1903 to 1953 Mrs Bell said ston Edenvale Minesing Stayner Bath Oldand new enigma $119 boodxlch LIFESAVER Tubeless ixe giveVs you maximum protection against the hazard of blowouts and dangerous skids that frequently result in serious injury and ih VI even death MRS POTTS cuts the 50th anniversary cake of New Flos Womens Institute at the recent golden anniversary celebra tion in Springwater Park Midhurst Eightyfive years oiage MrsPotts has been continuous member of the branch for the 50 years of its history She lit the candle for the past atI Tize seals punctures on qunning wheels the celebration which was attended by over 100 people Pmbm 03th annoying trouble musesi VV IbyfluEiires WilsonGibson Development Vli WI save you money 11 It can save you troubled The Goodrich LIFESAVER Tubeless Wilson YoungstbwnNY oldest gentleman Charles Wilson Barrie Accidents like the one above can happen when blowoufs occur farthest point Richard and Robert The Goodrich LIFESAVER Tubeless thats why youcine it to youxself to findutnbout the extra proton Connolly San Diego Calif1 larg Tire provides greater safety than any tire and tion in Goodrich LIFESAVER TUb91355 Tires Most blowout in water family Present Charles Wil mbe 3153f It costs lessV than the conventional are caused when the inner tube explodes through weakened or vV son youngest baby Ewart Mayes safely mmbe combination broken cords But because it has no inner tube LIFESAVER Tin Burlington Ont Several numbers changes sudden dangerous blowout to safe sssslowoub The WilsonGibson lcunlon was were drawn and prizes were won allowing you ample timetostop yourcursufclywith pexfect control mt Isguflsdlliqf7wliThsgal2i by lucky ticketholders 11 el al kuhruwmrmwwm+WW Weworwwu dance of 60 family members After short business meetinrr he weather was perfect and the gathering dispersedV with an everyone enmed into the spirit or looking folward to another reunion the gathering as the afternoon next yEar at the home of Mr and passbd very quickly Mrs chk Ulrich Youngstown bountiful supper was served NVIYV and thoroughly enjoyed by ally members program of sports was OfficersIelectedwerc president arranged for theV children and Eddie Wilson vicepresident Har piingsl were given to the VwinnersV old Wilson secreta1y Mrs Hazel 1V Awards were given to the folr Devlin treasurer LVesllVverlson TCRlaShelloisoovered21211116111 gi noni blended into Shell Premium Slmcoe CFplive Gasoline19m an end to the gleam BLbWOUT Mommas Smyrnamonou cause of power loss It is the most tread instead of uVItube the LIFESAVERhuspput TheLHESAVER treadiscrbssculintothousands V1 VVsit development in immediately seals around puncturing objects ented innerlining 111019 part of the fire In of nygripblocks At 30 miles pethour on wet HOSPITAL 51 SURGICAL INSURANCE lead1n1922 to vixion was ills ffoni Rublm Companyof Canadach JULY open mouth for enrollments Sh Kirchonenonmio Forinform ton at office Dunlo Street East esearch for aviation fuels a1 pp VV IV BarrieV is now available to motorists but only BEilsGeogdiichFEgivliirimeghf MANAGERJ RANSOM PHONE 5191 from Shell Dealers or Palent appliedlor FV IL VADDREssi17oiBoxno mu mmmumm 1canbeggorrlr5AVER and pennanntly seals the hole when the object event of dumcrge1 theres sudden blowout rqdds it stopsyoud cur lngth quiche than Offers 101 priced since the introduction of tetraerhyl hmm 9333 hmmnince and deli die $3121 iisliillyfh SSSSbmt fl 9nd l1VI9 uunonondouootoopin up Mr Gordon Cpldwell Shanty Bay Mrs Campblill MaplelauAvlsitVfllaaiidd an Li l10l IN ii WITH TCP rllnlcll 110111115 111111411151111 11011115111111 11EEM11111 1111 Andross Mldburst iii iffifiiinliliisihiissioiiioaamile The most powdrful gasoline In oss Sue V201VLIIMIITEVp VV BARRIE 51 Bowensnot Mr John Hughes Churchill MrRobert Maw Mlnesing your car can use Mr Kenneth Dicker Shanty Bay Mrs Slessor Edgar Mrs Scott Muir Minesing Ontario 011

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