MR AND MRS ARCIIIEII was taken on the occasion of their golden Wedding anniver sary 15 years ago Former CNR Despoltchr Here and Wife Royal Victoria Hospital Graduate Are 65 Years Married he privilege of observinga 65th cdding anniversary comes to few married couples but Mr and Archie Goodall had that pleas ure on Saturday July American Independence Day at their home 74 Mary St Their many friends joincd illl cxtcndillg callgratlzalions Cards and messages by mail or wire were received from far and man froln Toronto New Haven Coll llccticut and California Durillgi the afternoon and evening friends made personal calls and number of bouquets of lovely flowers were received including one from the Collier Street United Church The day was spent quietly bull happily with their only daughterxl Miss Nellie Goodall and MISS Etllcll Aldous sister or Mrs Goodall who is here on visit from Los An Win Holiday Cash ENTER BLUE BONNETS $10000 CONTEST Go where you want when you want this year Over $10000 worth of cash Northern Electric Sporfslllall portable radios and McBrillc Comet Aeropuckbng age will be awarded to winners tlrill this scllsational contest All you 02 state why you like Blue lSotmct Margarine best in 25 words or less Send your entry with elld llzlps with Good Housekeeping Sedls of Approval from Blue Bonnet packages or facsimiles to Blue Presbyterian Church conducted by 1932 they have spent five winters IS Boimclduc 13 can Holiday Conical Boa 9120 Toronto Ont Fin7 cloje your own name and address all your groccrs Complete contest rules at your groccrs BB 533 July BrideElect ls Enteriained With Showers Slleicj TULSJ till Ill Dow liltg has tlllrl lltllgt =zlllcuus gtIllti fiifli llfi Ctlllllltl1 St li lung of 51511 illille LIttl was ADOUI lid HI 111 o1 Irouulc lllcl ml l11l Rise linv lt was the lVll ut Illij lll ll Illl IIUSZIV lust Dow lth the ll 21 iilltli Miss Dow llt lliiiiZill ill Rog illiild IItitlllt will ILLI plle fill July it at Eli lili in St Marys Clillll Annual Reunion lOi Tracy Clan In spite of llzld Iltlllii tillt on July Tracy family met In Sprillgwatcr Park VIItIIllllSl for all clljoyablc annual rcullioll Illl children were GOODALLJTIHS photograph disappointed that there tt 1m and young lllllc enjoyed the pro glulllplcsclltcll by Homer Berth iaumc and Wallace Ilzitelldellalld their Miss Allrl olc also contributed to thc plogrlllll with her dances During sllor business lllcctillg Mrs Garnet McMastcr of topla was elected president of the fam ily for the coming year Other lnclllbcrs of the new executive arc Fred Tracy of Minlsillg vice president Mrs Ernest Harris 01 Utopia secretary Sterling Knapp of Midhllrst treasurer Carl Mit chell and Lloyd Harris sports con veners and Romeo Bclliliaunlc and Wallace Pattellden plogralll c011 veners It was decided by unanimous ap proval that the next reunion would be held at Sprillgwatcr Park on July 1951i boullteous supper was enjoyed by cousins from Binghalllptoll New York Niagara Falls Hamilton Oshawa Toronto Stayncr Clarks burg Cookstowll Barrie and many nearby centres Prizes were given to the eldest boys gelcs She is nurse who gradua ted from the Royal Victoria Hos pital and is life member of the RVH Nurses Alumnae but was unable to be here Ill time for the recent alumnae gathering Mrs Goodall the former Miss Florence Aldous was born in Kit clicncr Berlin at that time and later went with her parents to Gecrgcldwn where she first met Mr Goodall wllo was an operator with the Northern and North Western Railroad at that time Through the following few years their friendship culminated in wedding service ill Georgetown Rev Wallace DD who some years after became prominent in oncv of Torontos largest churches Since Mr Goodalls retirement in also been relieving agent for time He has vivid recollection of the re which destroycdthc form er Allandale station illtlle Nine lllg an apartment near Miss Aldous ties because on duty in the off in the vicinity of West Lake Park ice upstairs he was forced to pick Los Angeles up valuable papers etc and make Both are in good health The hurried exit The late Edward are members of Collier Street Uni Meekting was manager of the CNR ted Church where Mrs Goodall rcstsurant then and was succeeded formerly active in church by the late Frank Ward who died werk She was 21150 active in the in 1906 Archie recalls his kind Rcd Cross Her husband was at ness to those in the office particu one time chairman of the board of Iarly at Christmas when they could managers at St Andrews Church not leave their keys and he sup and after Union became member plied the full course festive dinner ofthe board of stewards of Collier for the occasion James chstcr in the Golden State where they were fortunate cacllyear in secur lbollt lTli cousins of III races because of the ram but lilI if lIlLl Were ali Til MISS KATHERINE DAY of Coldwater with her Millel Flcllrs hooked rug displayed lll its finished form for the first time at last years Slmcoc County Quilt and Rug Fair The rug which is nine feet by 16 and it feel and is of Miss Days own design made an impression on all who visited last years fair and will be big attraction at the fifth an nllai event being held ill the Barrie Armoury from July 22 to 25 ladies present Mrs Carrie Plough right of Millcsillg 86 years old and Mrs Tracy of Collillg wood lili years old Other pllZCS went to Tracy of Colling wood age 83 as the oldest man present Marilyn Humphrey ago two and half months daughter of Ml and Mrs Vcllloll Humphrey of St Calharincs the youngest baby prcscllt Mrs Maurice Bertlli alllllc of Toronto the lllost recent bride who had been married scvcll lllolllns and Mr and Mrs Lollson Shaw from Billghalllpton NY who had come the farthest for the reunion SS 13 lGWILLIMBlRY Hollows HHollors CConditional Names alphabetically arranged to lleargalet Carr bl Joan Vernon till Billie Vernon tel DaVld Wright hi Phyllis Wright till to 7Jolln Bucko hi Eliza beth Carr 11 to GHellli Kleiss Vernon partial to SViviclllle Wright to 4Tillcke chiss to 2D0uglas Vernon Wright Peter Wright Jr to Sr lPctra chiss SPRING Teacher TRY AN EXAMINER VANT ADi lt Rose Ami Lynda Street United Church He also was superintendent then found time for municipal work and was for 30 years secretary of the Parks Board and member of the Royal Victoria Hospital Board and the School board He took rmuch pleasure from the recent annual gathering of the CNR Veterans Association where he met several old friends He has splendid record with the railways He was made despatch or with the Northern at Allandale in1887 and held that trying poshMW tion until retilcliint with the ex ception of six months as rule in structor with James NfcMiIlin re tired CNR conductor and had oflnsoc 10W IBII leaflash Quick Stop itching of insect bites heat rash eczema hives pilplsfscales scabics athleter foot andother externally caused skin troubles Use uftkacting soothing antiseptic FREE RIPTION Greascless stainless Stops itch nrmoney back Dont suer Yoursdrug gist has PRESCRIPTION llousrlurplllc lllllr Nogdirty bag to empty paper filter frag the dirt in stead just empty container aboutionce to month muss Tnofuss so our To usn So EASY To HANDLE SELF CLEANING BRUSH CANBE USED non SPRAYING panorama under the auspices ofth LEONARDS BEACHNQOTTAGERS ASSOCIATION tobe llelclzaullej 110 coMMuN Manl July 131 WAXING at 200 pm cach dqy Iree Prizes and Shopping Bags Ill Groceries Rita Martin invites you to attehd the RobinHood Cooking School and ITuesiday Barrie Delegation 47 to Convention At New York Ci Illlldlt LLlllazidllls iill llltllil llzll ll spell1 llllliul if Inl Illlt 111 llllr l9 3N an Arranged with Coffield Com pany enables us to otter you Rgular Price less Allowance SALE PRICE Expert cooks or Vbrondnw brides will enjoy Robin Hoods modern Cooking School Uptotheminute cooking methods exciting short cuts previews of every thingthatshcw in the kitchen Its wonderful school dont miss it says Rita Martini WDireclor Hm Sfc D3pl Balance payable Robin Hood Flour Mills LimiterJ $6000 Tradein Allowance on your old washer $22995 $6000 $16995 in l8 moblhs on Convenient BudgeiPlan ballield Windsor Washer offers these Deluxe Features Large Bowl Shape Enamel Tub Heavy Duty Wringer ITYlHALL and 14 Given Away Double Tub Construction Keeps Water Hot Instant Release Automatic Timer To Dial Your wash Heavy Duty outfield Transmission One YeasFree Service Guaranteg l2 Year Factory Rjbllildlllg Guarantee Automatic Pump Available at Small ExtraCole Bur nus Sm lulu 101er llllbll 11 Ulll Itlltli 11 will in flt tlir lilt llilll v1 Dangerfield Motors RESTAU RHTEEGiEXiEM sb5is7whimsy JUNK oiim wENl CLQIHINQ FURNISHINRIDINiACAQEMI IA THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1953 Wifes Viewpoint lcsrortout As mother you are vitally interested in the financial se curit that your husbands Life Ilslulul can provide Your tllrlftlllcss as the home maker lets you and your bus blillll sure for tile future When your husband busy Life Insurance is your point of view tlll often helps your Life Underwriter recullllllcnd the best possible plan for your fll lllt glands flown TEAI am My LN ice or wild Fllr Life insurance service ltldfli just contact lill 13000 MILES sIillllSS tflllli SLII llyLRS IIil loxltlu4 so itll too MILES run SERVICE lluy With onlilicrllc At George Livingston CLU 70A Dunlap Street Barrie Phone 5594 illgirlscntnlg INE MANUFACTURERS immune conunv 10652 BarrieK Largest Dealer DIVISION Dial 4981 ISfll 23 Bradford St nu abide as mmv Tickets 35 each at the door This school will be conductd by Mrs Scriver Rubin Hood Flour Limit ed DEMONSTRATIONS ROY TRACY INFORMATION MAPLE AVENUE 3iDUNlund 3482