Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1953, p. 10

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 1953 Many entries have already Cl Hit in for the fifth annual Qollt art Rug For being trill 2r llll Bdrm Am from Wednesday to Saturday July 23 Miss lsabcl Nellly of Gllfurli popular exv hibitur of pent fairs will Show full quill ugaln this ych of these is Rose applique dc macc ln l9gt3 will Xhlbll onc called the in Mrs Lydia Ilboll of Churn is entering boil new quiit very old inc Trit of Star design and was mark this year The other was made ll ml by Iltl llitllltrltllvlll vllcl nozk of all of basket ll centre with vlnrs rug and buds Pch ill gelly of Arnilg is showing fur salc beautiful Riot quilt United Church Ii Miss creme Ritchie of Orlllu llt showing rug czlilezi ago and from Mrs Noble Lorermg of Coldwatrl two new limits trlt iltltl the ltltlwtr zin Clcd Miss Katherine Days gc tune by twelve foot 51x up rug of her own orl nal den 51 Millc Fluurs which made sucil an lmpr ssion on all who came last year to the fair vll be on display again All those who have not yet sent in their entry forms are urged to do so as soon as possible to the secretary of the Quilt and Rug Fair committee Miss Louise Collcy 53 Collier Street The clotch woman takes ozl her vacation trip are just as im portant to her as anything else about her holidayrmcvun the place that she is going Anti there is lnct over taffeta had deeper green BovvmanNelsorl Nuprials are Held At Brides Home very pretty wedding was heldlcompanicd the soloist Victor Knox less lace bodices and bolero jack ms with peterpan collars and cap thirty OCIOCR we ammoon mi in marriage by he filth sleeves edged with border of the hora I221ljgcqell30rntEllie bride was wearing gown uf pleated nylon net There were lace twhite Chantilly 15cc and net over inserts on the full nylon net skirts on Saturday June 27 1953 at onej Rosemont when their younger daughter Miss Helen Isobel Nel son became the bride of Austin Davis Bowman son of Mrs Bow man and the late Joseph Bowman of Stroud Rev Roy Specr offi ciated at the doublering wed ding ceremony which took place on the lawn in front of the flower garden beneath an archdecoratcd with roses pink Iwcigclia and cr hnge blossoms The wedding music was played by Mrs Marshall of Orillia sister of the groom zmltLMrs Gor don Dawson of Roscmont sang 0h Perfect Love and Ill Walk Be side You The bride who was given in marriage by her father chose gown of ballerina length the bod ice and yolk fashioned of chan tilly lace with very full skirt of nylon tulle over taffeta and lace jacket Her mittens were of tulle and were elbow length and her laceedgied ngertip vcil was held by coronet of pearls She carried cascade bouquet of red roses and stephanotis Her bridesmaid Miss Hope Con ally of BaruLlygcej gown 01 aqua blue nylon over taffeta with very full soft tulle stoic blue owered and veiled hat and shoes of matching shade Her flowers were pink carnations among deli cate blue buds small niece of the bride Miss Lynda McKibbon was flower girl Hcr dress was of pink nylon rover taffeta and she carried nosegay of small mixed flowers with matching fiotver headdress John Bowman of Stroud was grooms man for his brother To receive at the garden recep tion the brides mother wore an ensemble of navy with white accessories Assisting hbr was tho grooms mother in costume of summer print nylon and lace gBothiwore corsach of red roses Also rccclvingwas Mrs Elizabeth Noblcinyalid grandmother of the bride who was able to be present at both the ceremony and recep tion SheWore navy and gold 7witlla corsagc of white Queen Anne roses The weddingcake centred the luncheon table which was set on the dawn Only the immediat relatives were preserlt numbering aboutgforty Assisting wrth the certtrig were six friends of the bride The toast to the bride was proposed byrltcv Mr sneer the groom very ably responding gFor herwedding trip to Sault Ste Marie Detroit Cleveland and lingual the bride donned cos tpmc of Queens blue parchment thanking white owered hat and while accessories Hcr cor pagewas pink Carnations On their rctu the couple will take up residence in the Bowman apartments on St VincentStret Barrie Muriel Macao July 22 former moot outs 1y IltCIIK mudc for tf Rillg Around Rosy nladl four tiifs izdrob It Mrs vllllmrl Lulu it qulil ago inst 1am coverup lrl in ttilll ltlllfi come of barwtopprd evening I1 Zliilll And if youre in blouSc azli Iiz Ollllil be lllittlltCLr for Live Sturdy cottons are the 121ml com wearing apparel ill the and tile lllval of Sec lt fusllzorl favoriti should 1ly travel worries about 5119 and care of clothes And you want to appear for cvcnlng liflilkt tired traveller fall twolayer skirt of to wear liver ti lm or full Bren LI an iron wont look too 5k lti drlss 1411 available it but Im sold on dark Colors for ya cation wear for the slmplc reason that they look smarter fresher and cleaner than pastels And in creaswresistant cottons alld linenl they can be worn over and oven again for literally weeks and still look good And me new 001017 of Mrs Perrier and the late William Ferrier After wedding trip to Detroit and Flint Mich the couple are making their home in Barrie combination for an extra flair to yollr travciwardrobe is hot and cold pink that look just like they soulldbllt wear them together for the best effect MR AND MRS WILMOT ROBERT FERIIIER leaving Esszl or if assassomri followed utc litid its June lzlvt Couple Leave Church After Wedding Hollows Members Entertain Hostess institute Group Womens Insti llittliflg on Iii of Mrs lien Steers on Junt1 the IlliLlows branch llcrn visitors large gainer wos in attendance to enjoy ultduor meeting The mulling was opened by the Corzlels IZiSIlltilt presid JJLlmtili FvtzVUlIe el 11 singing Illt institute Odc by the Mary Stewart The illtllilltfr decided to ctlllitt Fishers Col 11ers CUZIKLI ll ctlzlg Ill July the home of Mrs Ii Wiggins Barrie The ladies who are at tending the AtWW convention in Toronto ill August are going to gof on Illt bus being chartered bvl some local institutes The meeting was to the Hollows ladies who Settled ll varied program It bc gall ill the form of skit it which they pretended they were at tllcil own meeting at which the invita tion to visit Fishers Corners Ill lillllc was road They decided what they would have for pro gram and practised at this ima gzizl llchling Mrs Reid pwsidcnt of Hollows Wl rccitcd 21 poem about the Institute written by two of their lllclllbcrs All the ladies joined in singing many old songs accolllpallicd by Mrs Hughes and Mrs Smith playing mouth organs Mrs Joseph Vernon gave two readings dressed to suit the part This was followed by some more songs which were very much on joyed At this point the program 0V turned Queens Grad uaie MISS CATHERINE REID dough for of Mrs Reid of Elrnvalc and the lie Wlllialn Reid formerly of Cilall lililll and Barrie who has received her bachelor of arts degree from Queens University Born In Bah ric Miss Reid moved to Cllzltllam protwilll ilerfamily as small child Ilcz llllgttllcr the former Ann Train was onc of the early graduates of the Royal Victoria Hospital School of Nursing and was school nurse Ill llzlrrlc for several years before her lllalriagc The graduate will rc turn to Qucells llcxt your for post graduate studies CRAIG URST Mrs Crosby of Toronto visited her sister Miss Dora Simpson on Tuesday Mrs Jolln Baldwin Calgary and Mrs Harvey BaldtviniBlrri vis ited Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin during the week Visitors with Mr and Mrs Ro Road Presbyterian Church aftertheir June wedding The bride is the former Greta Myrtle Corbett daughter of Mr andL Mrs Chester Corbett of Barrie and the groom is the son was marred by thunderstorm and bcrt Grezlves during the week were the ladies had to move to that and Mrs Gany Cuff and Chit Vllalldillh MFS Bold gave 11 ltliditicll of Toronto and Mrs Beardsall lLi and lace 0f Cookstown Photo by Smith Studio Barrie bolero jacket of lnct topped the strapless lace bodice Allan Stephens son of Mrs Stei phens and the late Robert Ste phens of Barrie The ceremony was performed by Rev Keith Love Gordon Douglas of Burlingtoni played the wedding music and ne of Barrie taffeta styled with Iongsleevedl lace jacket held her fingertip veil and she was carrying cascade bouquet of bet for times roses and stcphanotis The matron of honor Mrs Harry Kirkpatrick of Burlington sister of the bride was wearing gown ofi green not over taffeta and the bridesmaid Miss Mary Stephens ofi Barrie sister of the groom was in yellow net over taffeta They were carrying bouquets of talisman 10505 and gladioli Miss Nancy Stephens of Toronto ilyn Ricci of Burlington niece of the bride were flower girls Their gowns were of yellow not over 1311 feta and green not over taffeta and they were carrying small baskets of swectpcas roses cornflower and babys breath Douglas Stephens of Barrie was groomsman for his brother and James Stephens of Toronto brother of the groom and Robert Metcalfe of Burlington brotheri of the bride acted as ushers reception followed at th Esta minet lhiVthwmdthe ofmlhci groom received in lilac lace and crepe For wedding trip to points east ill the United Statcs the bride chose natural linen suit with matching bag and shoes in beige and brown On their return Mr and Mrs Stephens will be making their home in Barrie Nuptials hreHeld For Gretel Corbeii Arid Perrier Miss Greta Myrtle Corbett dau ghter of Mr and Mrs Chester Corbett of It Alfred Street Bar ric was married on Saturday June 27 1953 at threethirty oclock ill the afternoon in Essa Road Pres matchillg net headdress forming matching hefcfn niece otthe groom and Miss Mar mauve velvet band with flowers at wcre Mervin Corbett RR Barrie of her gown and the full skirt of flower trim at the waist She was weralng short lace mittens and lufflcd balldeau of rosettes Her flowers were jollanlla hill roses and pink mullls The bridesmaids Miss Helen Pat Elam Cobalt called recently on friends tendon of Barrie and Miss Jean Mulhoiiand 0f Stroud were wear Illg identical gowns of salmon pink and pale yellow styled with strap of their gowns and they were wearing gloves of matching net and net headdresscs identical in style to that worn by the matron of hon 0r Their flowers were pink tici light roses and blue mums and gloria yellow roses and orchid nlums The flower girl Miss Dora Wil liams of Cookstown niece of the bride was wearing gown oil mauve taffeta with matching net iovcrsklrt the bodice styled with puffed sleeves and peterpan col= far On her head was deep cacli side matching the deep mauve sash of her gown and she was carrying bouquet of orange delight roses and yellow mums John Coleman RR Stroud was groomsman and the ushers nhtl Delbert Cloughley of Barrie reception followed at Bay stalrs Lodge where the mother of the bride received in gored dress of pale mauve sheer wearing white hat trimmed with mauve white gloves and mauve shosre and bag Her corsage was of pink ros sc The grooms mother who also receivch was in deeper mauve and was wearing an navy hat and white gloves with La corsage of golden sccptrc roses on wedding trip to Detroit and Flint Michigan the bride travel ling in suit of soft bluc summer tweed with flecks ofred and deepl or blue with white nylon blouse and white hat trimmed with mauve flowers Her gloves were white and she was wearing navy shoes and carnage of gloria yellow roses On their return Mr and Mrs Fer ricr are making their home in Bar ric at 21l Napier Street Outoftown guestsat the wed ding were from Cookstown Stroud Port Credit Midland Alliston Bee ton lottcnham Lucknow and To bytcriall Church to Wilmot Ro belt lclrier son of Mrs Fender and the date William Ferrler of Cookstovm The mariage corej many was performed by Rev AJC GMuir Irank Dutcherthc church or ganist played the weddiny music and accompanied the soloist Mrs Henry Smethurst of Barrie in the singing of Promise Me and Perfect Love Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of nylon tulle and Swiss embroidered lace styled with full crlnoline skirt of tulle over stiffened net and taffeta and three tiers of tulle edged with borders of lace at each title The strapless bodice of elling lace had shlrled to of nylon tulle and came to point at the waist fitted lace duck fashioned with form tight lily pointed sleeves and standup collar fastened down wds wearing tonic Ant sthursih is Setling for late JuneWeddillg The marriage of Miss Gertrude Lenore Went dabghter of Dr and Mrs West of Angus to Roscoe Glover Moorman son of Mr and MrsGecrge Moorman of Corbyvlllc took place on Saturday June 27 1953 at twothirty oclock in the afternoon in Angus United Church The cerembny was per formed by Rev John Glover as sisted by RevJ Fraser of An gus Mrs AIIIISOII of Angus played the wedding music and accompan ied the soloist Mrs Alex Bass sis ter of the bride of Sudburyr In the singing of The Lords Prayer Anglican Church held their month ly meeting at the home of Mrs Luke Adamsoll in Wednesday evening with good attendance Mrs Irwin Elliott and other rela tives of United Church was held at the Later the bride and groom left WAVERLEY Guild Meeting The Guild members of St Johns Midland on Mr and Mrs Otto McMahon ZIll Visit Relatives Mr and Mrs Morris McWatters and family are visiting Mr and United WA The regular meeting of the WA home of Mrs William Corlett with large attendance Mrs Annis was presented with gift from the WA Mrs Homing Tomnto visited for few days with her Son and laughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Chester Townes and girls Orilllial and Mr and Mrs Carl Buker Elm vale were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Thomas Robson Out Of Hospital Herb Hornsby returned home after being patient in Wellesley Hospital in Toronto Home For Day Alan French was home for day while his boat was unloading in Midland DALSTON Mrs Stranaghan ahd chil children Hamilton are visiting at Handys HomeFrom USA Holiday Willis Thompson Bruce McMas tcr and Jim Sinton have returned from an enjoyable holiday in the USA Mrs Thompson and Jimmy Mrs Ball of Barrie Mr and Mrs Bristow and Bonnie Jean of Minets Point were SLlnclayvisit yrsat Jorys Attend Divine Service nulnbcrof LOBA and LOL members marched to divine ser vice at the Anglican Church Wav erley onSunday Rev Mat son proMd an excellent sermon on the Christian Principles of the Order floorlength vell She was carry ing bouquet of red and white sweetheart roses stephanotis and maiden hair fern The maid of honor Miss Elaine West of Bellcvllle sister of the bride was wearing gownof pink nylon net styled with brocaded taffeta bodice anda matching pic ture hat Miss Joanne Kennedy of Anguslittle nieceof thebrlde was flower girl in yellow taffeta wear ing matching picture hat The attendants carried noscgays of yet low andpink roses Richard Ireland of Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were Winston West of Angus and Alex Bass of Sudbury reception was held in the church basement where buffet lupcbeon was served to the Wed dihg guests Receiving the brides mother Was in navy nylon sheer and was wearing matching accen sories also received was in blue crepe trlmmediwlth lace and was wealM ing navy and white accessories Later the bride and groom left Street Address on wedding trip to Jamestown and New Yrt the bride travelling in powder bue tailored lsuit with log Grandmas Letter and Mrs Philip Wright Mrs Eric Wright and Mrs Reid sang two songs By Ithis time it was raining so hard had to move in Tllc program was colldud that everyone doors ed with lap dance number by Mrs Reid The meeting closed with the singing of God Save The Queen Mrs Reid thanked the Fishers Corners Institute for having the Hollows ladies as their guests Lunch was served by Fishers Corners WI and social interval was spoilt before returning home Dinner Party Mrs Fred Martin gave dinner on June 26 Her guests were Miss Mary Goodfellow Mrs3W Good fcllow Mrs Fred Robertson Mrs John Lucas and Mrs Frank Dut chcr all of Barrie Mrs Nelson Martin London and Mr and Mrs Mel Martin Stroud visited Mrs Fred Martin Mr and Mrs Hackett and Mr and Mrs Robert Patterson Al liston visited their cousin Mrs Buchner New York State Visitors Mrs Buchner had Mr and Mrs Harrod and son James of Barkcr NY visit her over the weekend Mr and Mrs Roy Brownell of Gasport NY called on Sunday Home from Thunder Bay Misses Anne and Marion Ferris and Carol and Nancy OrSr have returned after holiday at Thun der Bay Beach Grade Students Pass Congratulations to grade stu dents oil passing their final exams Elsie Boyd Sandra McNutt Lyle Graham Paul Pogue Next term the new school which is well un der way of being built will great ly lessen the heavy load that Mrs MacNeil had this year great leak of credit is due her on the fine standing of all the grades Mr and Mrs Noble visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hugh Bailey Toronto No July Church Service There will beno church ser vice during July Mr and Mrs Scott son Lorne Mrs Charles Harris and Ethel spntSunday with Mr and Mrs Ted Bell London Visiting In Detroit Mrs aCharlie Degcer and Joyce left Saturday morning to spend while with relatives in Detroit Not lmprovlngSo Well The many friends of George Van Doran are sorry to learn that he is not improving the way they would like to see him Mr and Mrs Dobson Ray mond Mrs Dick and family spenthunday at Orilliaand Cold water land laughter of Toronto Mr and Mrs George Hodgson land family of Dcarborn Michigan larc spending week with Mrs Hodgson and other relatives Sunday School Picnic Even if the weather was unfav orable everyone enjoyed the Sun day Schoot picnic to Midland on Tuesday Attend Summer School Kay Jack and Bryan Shanahan are attending two weeks sum mer school at St Marys Churcll Barrie Recent visitors with Rev and Mrs Newman were Mr and Mrs Murray Bell and children of Or angevillc Mr and Mrs Waddell Crown Hill also the WA from Crown Hill on Thursday Valerie Jane Brown Barrie is spending week with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Caston Recent Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert Jansen were Robert Jan sen andlloward of Massachusetts Howard Cannery of Wakefield and Leon Kelly of Texas Mrs Agnes Ellsmere of Tilden Lake visited Mr and Mrs Ern Ellsmere on July Mr and Mrs Wilfred Johnstpn Atherley visited Mi and Mrs Carr on Friday Mrs Harry Bates Toronto is spendin ga week with Mr and Mrs Carr Miss Hicks of Niagara Fallsis Mrs Ellerington Mr and Mrs Graham Somers Crown Hill visited Mr and Mrs David Sommers on Sunday Married In Sudbury Best wishes to Miss Jean Mc Master andGordon Parks Tilden Lake who were married in Sud bury on Wednesday Swine Club Tour Don and Nick Ellsmere were on tour on Friday with the Swmc Club gt ROSE FOR LOVE The early Greeks and Romans regarded the red rose as ajtoken of love and happinesri FOR EXPERT REPAIRVWQRK IIIEIIIIII M0I0IIS Your DODGE DESOTO DEALER IO Ross Sh Burrie Pnonrfsrzs New High School Area Jointly for lMidIand Penetang its seal of approval to the dissolu ltl ll of Midland and Prflcldllg iDuJlCI High SCIqu Boards and gill establgsltnlcxt of new board lor the area Approval bylaw dlaxllvl like two bourds azltl refillg up Encw one to bccollx effective J2 Illc June sits 1034 was giver Esion in Barrie Official from the Penttang and Midland boards will now all fthority from Illt Dlpflllfllzlll of VEducatiozl to fllc board until the new no at the first of the 5131 this llulil zoom the twu bl pruCcLii with lllc LICI for the join school IICLISSIII FIRST TELEGRAM sent by inventor from Washington 1844 Samuel to llzlltilllolc ill Simeon County Coarlcii has given Li Itlllll will 11m cozbtluctirlrl of Ill llL The first telegraph illlssagc IlL DIUESI HES PBIGIDHIBE PAL mu nUfURIZED suns SERVICE lor Barrie and District DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MONARCH Refrigeration Co lllf Dunlon St IL Near Iulcastcr Phone 2059 OPEN FRI lTILL pm Crawford Co Est 1919 MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Governmont Municipal and Corporation Securitin 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Witl Dont let opportunity escape you for lack ofasavings plan OPEN SAVINGS ACCOUNT A1 spending week with Mr and TheCanadian Bank with icecold Coke Your family andfriends welcome ii thisfamous combination Grozers now featuring NTWNW nulls Centennial Names Committee lilo The lmlo Examiner palrte Ontario Gantlcmen wlshto inform you that The grooms mother whp Name ununum mmummuuu aIInunIulIIlluonIoluqulllnlllltm nuulnulluluuunlluIIuIIniinnnlulnnn Date Iiilglillllt okecbod of Commerce Sjgp$hop at The sign Coke and IHuuslIIIInunnun Prbv or ullmmmmunmumm tonne restdent of Barrie and know would be pleased to recelVe an Invitation to attend OLD HOME WEEK white hat white slaves and whlto nylon mesh shoes Her corsage was of red roses On their return Mr and Mrs Moorman will be making their home in Bellevllle Guests from distandefwere Mrs and to Perfect Love the front with tiny satin covered leen in marriage by her father buttons tier flngertlpdllualon vell was gathered to lace capheadu thebride was wearing it gown of dreu withya halo of tulle framing ivory satin with svreetheart nisck her face and she was carryings llne and long vsheathlikj aloeves Onioldebouttuet or Lbettgr ttmesiendlng in thy month over the Laura Neubauer ol Flesherton Meatball Itephanotis Th skirt warcliughf uvr Mr gnawing Alex Bass of Sud Mu Harryfllobbsmf II o1thevalleyburynmnd Mrs Moorman lllieru ma ylonrcoronet 01 Relieville and Mr and Mrs Adlll wm rli heldjher gltmanl of Toronto mdimdamuruswmum Autism intref CocoCold Kinda centres with CoccCola Ith PENETA BOWLING CO LIMITED Mums Onto Phone 440 Mackinaw from Kcthlqen Metcalfe 13mm emu all he Mia Bender Name

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