Alli IN ULPLS DENT NEWSPAPKR Serving Since 1864 89m YweorAwNo 78 TREIION EARL ROWE centre is congratulated by Gordon Graydon candidate for the Peel riding after his nomination at the ProgressiveConservative convention held in the Alliston Arena on Monday evening No other FIRST DIVISION counr SITTING TUESDAY JULY sitting of the First Division Court was held onTuesday July in the County Court House Bar tie with His Honor Judge Harvie presiding There were nine contested suits on the list and 38 judgment debtors were examined Seven who failed to attend court were committed to jail for ten days for contempt of court One was ordered to pay the full amount of indebtedness for ignoring the summons issued lanelint Heads Physical Education BDCI The Barrie District Collegiate Institute Board will recommend to the next board that Dalton Ncsbiit and Miss Ruth Kissick be considered as head of the physical education department in the school for boys and girls re spectively At the Jime meeting of the boarda letterwas received from Mr Nesbitt asking that he be re cognized as head of the boys physical training departmentrrpre seating information with regardto his qualifications and work in volved Miss Kissick had also communicatcdwith the board ask ing that shebe given nancial assistance in taking special sum mer course this year Bowman principal ex plained in detail at the meeting the amount ofmwork involved in each case and the extra amount of mcial work particularly in regard athletics Mrs Douglas 1Kettle who had rcqueStedthat she be granted re muneration for the month ofAug ust to complete inventory and other records of suppliesetc in her department of home economy ics was alloWed two weeks pay to get her books set up in the new department The ICentenniaI Committee was granted periniSSIon by the board to use the circular driveway at the school for parking during Centennial Weck providing that menare providedto See that angle parking is used Thecommittec will be responsible for any dam ag to the lawn The boardgranted permission to Fisher director of the coil egiate band to holda clinic in the music room or if necessary in the auditorium on the morning of Aug Mr Fisher asked permis sion to use the music room or auditorium for as ecial clinic un der Rafael Mende worldfamous trumpet virtuoso who will be here for Centennial Week The1 clinic will be for brass instrument play ers Electrical work istobe done in the auditorium by Butler EIEctric tender was forwarded to the hoard amounting to $384 with ar angcments for outlets andwiring in and on stage The company is to be Instructed to put in new main lead and larger panel in the auditorium Further estimates are to be secured and reported to the board on the balarice of elec trical work necessary via secure hydro approval certificate Dale Cor intorrnedthe board gt TifEfTDWN 0F BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE August except 803 unwound Sound can Nail Iy tho Foot 0mm Danuan Oxhwt candidates were nominated to contest the DufferinSimcoc seat at the convention At left is Charles Evans pre sident of the ProgressiIe Conservative Association for the riding Town Zoning System Alteration Planning Board New Procedure Will IIIIoid unnecessarnav With Barrie cdntinuing its 431 rapid residential commercial and industrial expansion and with View to avoiding unneces sary delays in the consideration of any proposals to amend the zoning bylawthe Town Planning Board has altered its procedure in dealing with any such proposals This has been brought about mainly through two recent applic ations to change residential areas to commercial for the erection in the town of th0 new churches the Central United Church and the First Christian Reform Church Dutch The planning board through its secretary Blair had consulta tions with the Department of Plan ning and Development and with the Ontario Municipal Board Follow ing the discussions which took place the board has now annoUnccd that theprocedure to consider am endments to the zoning bylaw haVe been changed to help redUCe the delay in considering these In such caseno transaction could be com pleted or building program started until the amendment had been ap proved and itwas important to heme any proposal for change in the bylaw considered on its merits as soon as possible NOW the procedure provides for that steps hadbeen taken to have the boiler insurance arranged and the nonowned automobile cover age put into effect from June The company recommended that all liability coverage shouldbe with one company special re port from the principal and sec retary regarding coverage of in surance in case of accident to student recommended that the present type of policy be contin ued Dale Co was requested to advise the board whether it was general rule among colleg iates that students are insured for accident insurance The committgecf the board willthen make nal arrangements Fire insurance with Mrifcomsons Insurance Agency is to be on the replacement cost basis80 per cent on the value of the new building and 90 per cent on the value of the old building The TremcoManufacturing C0 after survey of the roof on the old building forWarded detailed report ofjthe work required to place the roof copings etc in good shape Stuart Keyes consulting engineer presented detailed report toge ther with sketches for office ven tilation layoutDI waiting room and two counselling offices as well as report on fan drive The rental charges on the baby grand piano in the auditorium weredecreased from 25 dollars to 15 dollars per night Any tuning is to be done at the Iessees ex pense An assistant to the school sec retary Miss Jessie Hunter Is to be advertisedfor at salary of $1800 year The position will be open on Sept An applica lion was received by the board at the June meeting The board is to obsdtllle its cus tomary holidays during July and in case of emer nancc consideration of the application by theplanning board and if they recommend it to town council it is considered there and if satisfactory the necessary amending bylaw is passed by council and forwarded to the Department of Planning and Development for their approvalflf they approve the Ontario Municip al Board then will arrange for hearing to be held in Barrie where any interested parties may support or oppose the proposed amendment The Municipal Board then endorses or disallows the amending3byiaw after those concerned have had the opportunity to present their views The zoning bylaw for the town which is the official plan for the town specifies the artslin Barrie which are zoned forviesidential R1 R2 and RH commercial and in dustrial use From time to time as the town grows or as circumstances change property ownchmayrwislI to use his property fonsome use not con forming to the zoning bylawand he or she may request that the bylaw beuamended Usually it is decided to change the classdication of the property from residential to commercial but it may be re quest from group to allow church to be built onthe property As the property owners inth immediate vicinity are those who will be the people most affected by any change of land usefit was for merly the practice of theplanriing board on receiving such request to send out letter of enquiry to all property owners within cer tain distance of the proposed change setting out the details and requesting their views on the pro posal After the replies had been Turn to page 10111 please Orillia Council TurnsiDown Book Gift to Quen Orlllia Toivn Council this weekdecldcd not to send specially printed copy of Ste phen Leacocks Sunshine Sketches valued at $12510 Queen Elizabeth The towns coronation com mittee had suggested sending the book Alderman Pete McGarvey said the book would be most fitting Coronation gift It could be read and endoyed by all the members of the Royal family other members of council decided however that $125 for book was too much Some hunky in Buckingham Palace will put the book on 1the shelves before the Queen ever am It saidAlderman John Mtwdontml Idoth It Sunnhlno Shawna wodldm much Mina Kinsmen Raiise $1300 During Peanut Tag Day Through the generous support of Barrie and district citizens the Kinsmen Club of Barrie was able to raise $1300fr0mits peanut tagday on Saturday Although the actual number has not been announced yet busload of children will leaving town this Sunday the Salvation Army outd camp at Hawk River in th Haliburton district The winner of the mantel radio awarded to the person guessing the nearcst number of peanuts on the Planters floatfdws Miss Shirley Frid East Stret Barrie vi Lose at Creemore Barrie Canada Diys dropped their sixth straight North Simcoe baseball contest last night when Crcemore Red Sox collected an 81 victory at Creemorc The Drys play host to Midland Indians here Friday night NW BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY yoga Igsg Uhr flame Examiner MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 5c single copy Manner Clu rumpus WJLA and Audit Iunum ennuiJuno PC STANDARD BEARER AGAIN FOR DUFFERINSIMCOE PC Convention Alliston Arena The Hon Earl Roiva who has represented the Dufferin Simcoe Riding for the Progressive Consc ILtilVi party for the last quarter of Li igilliston Arena on Monday ev al opponent for the scat neweIi cuntitlenrc shown that IIIIII r41 McCulloclI iormcr niny llt urislutl if ilIuILk then atom sin III III igcviilc He opposed the ill 12 ICNI Rnxvc in the Ill20 federal lechInm Is Liberal and was re Ililitiililitil for the riding over Ll 1210 Hall Jummcd Islltllllv 700 people jammed illt the seats in the building WIII IItfiflIilltil well before start inc EIIIII and large numbers of pm pic smIIII throughout the Itltil iitu loudspeaker relayed lllk dzifcrInt addresses to people dIIIiczith the hall Estimates plac Li the total listening audience at around 1000 Emzlcs 1S Evans QC Bradford presulcnt of the Progressive Con servative Associatozi for the rid inu opened the meeting by calling fIr IIIIIuinations Vic Phillips Shelburnc immedi ately nomzuated Mr Howe and this was seconded by Blythe McConkey SiIIIIIII member of the audiencc then moved that nmninations be closed and loud applause greeted the suggestion No other nomina tions were presented Platform Party Those on the platform were Mr Rouc the Hon Gordon Graydon MP for Peel George Johnston Mll for Simcoe Centre Mr Ev ans Wardlaw Orangeville vice president of the Association Mrs Mabel Brett Shelburne another Association vicepresident Lcw Menary Grand Valley former MP of 19451049 The main speaker during the evening was Mr Gray don George Johnston George Johnston said that this was one of the biggest meetings of Its type he had seen and this au Bill well for the party at the fort cgiiting elections The Asso ciationwas to be congratulated on havinga president likDMr Evans and on having candidate to rep resent them likeMr Rowe He had been representing them now for about 25 vcars Turning to the broader political field Mr Johnston said he also felt that theProgressive Conserva tive party was to be congratulated on having man like the Hon George Drew as their leader Mr Johnston said that he had seen Mr Drown in action many times There was no disputing the fact that he was indeed wonder ful leader In 1943 he established 22point plan and he put those different points into practice with the exception of those which came under federal control Having sat behind him for five years might say that do not know of any greater man as far as political statesmanship is con cerned he added Mr Drew had now established 16point plan and there was no doubt that he would also put these points into practice Hon Earl Rowe Mr Rowe who then expressed his thanks formhis rtenomination said he had been very happy tobe associated with the people of Duf ferinSmeoe for long time now Lin3 cniiig Iciuly Imctii said Mr Rowe and IWIIS expected of LIIIin Iicr before the election We must not let them real issues by pcisnnalitics he llillttl IIr Rowe said that from what think that llltlSt in pmvci were already power Judging by their statements that if anyone except who Iiave been in power for lti years The speaker went on to say that no matter which party was elected to power there were many fine capable people available in Canada If Mr Drew was called upon to form government he would find cap able people to carry on at Ottawa was happening one would ipauicstrickcn for more it would be tragedy Iclsc governed the tired old country these gent lemon to fill the government ranks Cut Taxation Recently the speaker continued Mr Drew said that he proposed to cut taxation by $500000000 if his At first this claim was scoffed at by This statement how ever was issucd after careful judg It was not hasty remark The speeches of Mr carefully planned and $500000000 party went back into power the Liberals ment was lot of money by this figure was and started denly became Turn to page four please Salute To Barrie century at Ottawa was again unanimously selected by delegates to the Conservative Rally held in the IWIII Contest Duffermjsimcoe As lll yours vcut by IIII elmA tors put increasing rcsponsibilduw on their represeniatIves in Parka more However ielecimns were not challenge to the members if Parliament There was duly Hill Iziullcngu before the electors that of LlSSUIIl liling their thoughts proper mu5 be con ifused or be distracted from the political Jliies and Drew were Mr St Laurent and Mr Howe had both stated originally that Mr Drewsstaicment on cutting taxes claptrap However it was not very long be fore the press of all different polit ical allegiances took the matter up writing editorials as to whether or not it was possible The people across the country sud interested in this Broadcast Aug CBCFrdm Arena Don Fairbairn CBC com mentator was in Barrie yes terday making Initial arrange ments for the Salute To Bar rie broadcast which will be feature of the Centennial Old Home Week The broadcast wul originate directly from Barrie Arena on Sunday morning August commencing at 945 and will be followed by Don Fairbairns Neighborly News The pro gram is being broiight to Barrie by the ctroperation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation The Barrie Exam iner and the Chamber of Com merce Centennial Committee Admission is free but by ticket only Tickets will be available to all who wish them They had chosen him in many elections to be their standard bear er For that support theyhadgivcn him in tllepast and for their rc town 9r countnyv folk by the end of this Week Further notlt ice of the broadcast in Fridays paper alsolwhereto get tickets in C6unly Playground Leaders Sample SAMPLING oucnoon COOKING ar the Slimmer leaders course held last Monday and Tuesday at the Department of Lands and FbreSts Angussocd Extracting Plant are the directors and supervisors of play ground daycamp and swimming activities in the Simcoe Countyarea this year Left to right are Gorge Woods director of Barrie platygroundsgwmch opened Thursday moms Sing Miss Elizabeth Meltwain Durhamfa their playground supervisor in the who will be Street and at1272x9 and 33 Newton zgltfland 252 Codrington adjoining County of Grey MissLouise Col ley recreation director for Simcoe County who directed the twoday leaders course and Jim Metcalfe of Barriejotnt director forthj Palnswick Day Camp which opens on dnesday July Held from 930 am to 430 pm each day theieadersf course Was very successful and the Weatherman co operated with sunshine and warm trumpets tures for the outdoor activities mil1 Theres Nothing Wrong With It As soon as Gordon lraydon the main speaker at the Pro gressive Conservative conven tion in the Allisitl Arena on Monday evening concluded his address someone In the audi rlce shouted What about the Fitidii Jack There was hushed silence as Mr iraydun walked buck to the microphone and thcn llllItl applause greeted his rc ply There is nothing wrong with the Iniun Jack fRansom Fractures gWrist in Redmen Win at Utopia Stroud lictzmcn garnered an early 50 had and wan on to coast to 7l victory ovcrIUiopiu in South Simcoc juvenile contesi here last week at Utopia The IIcLimcn lost one of their key men in the contest third baseman Bob Ransom when he flactutftl his wrist while attempt in tag of runner He is ex pctted to be missing from the lineup until playoff time Strouds Bruce McArthtIr spun an excellent twohitter in record ing the victory and was robbed of shutout due to errors on the part of his mates He fanned 13 batters in the seveninning tilt and walked four The Redmen got to McMaster of Utopia fast and scored three mud in the first and two in the second for comfortable early front They held 70 lead before Utopia broke into the scoring column with sin gle runs in cacti of the last four frames Vic Bolton with single and double paced the winners Irving Nelson and McArthur each banged doubles in the win Bromlcy with twobase knock and Mumberson with single were the lone Utopia hits Stroud 321 100 07 Utopia 0001111l gt Soccer Standings While Barrie Hawks hold down first place in the Simcoc County Soccer League Provost and RCAF both of Camp Borden were unable to break twoway tie for second place in the standings The pair split homeandhome series the Flyers winning SArandr the Provosts reversing the decision with 32 decision The Hawks play at Provost to night and the Bordenites move into Queens Park Monday for the re scheduled postponement of this week Barrie RCAF Provost New Lowell baseball l6 Pages Two Sections llIoNe ReNominated TWO YOUTHS ON UPTU RN EDBOAT FOR THREE HOURS After being adrift for three hours on lIltIt Lipturned sailboat two Belle Ewart youths managed to ftilLZl lu shore at Roches Point Tin pair Sheldon Dogal I4 and llurvcy Samuels 20 were less than mile from shore on an iftczriioli cruise WIILII sudden willilll killiililttl across the lake LIlgt1ltl1 thcar small sailboat IEuy III their craft for Illlri Iizzfiirig to within Point on the other side of the Both boys wore Lie gllrillln and Dogal decided il gt1ch out for shore When he intuitIi satly he telephoned police in rescue his chum Aswthe boat i1 ILII closer to shore Samuels lltli swimmer lef the craft and lloateri it gtIIIIIc The police launch William reconrec the sailboat and tank In two boys home clung SOFTBALL Mens Senior TONIGHT CGE at Legion Queens IIIURSDAY Angus at Legion IQuecns FRIDAY Bond llcadat CGE Queens Ladies TONIGHT Edgar at Stayner THURSDAY Elmvale at New market Oro Mens THURSDAY East Oro at Guthrie Wonder Valley at Mitchell Square Oro Ladies FRIDAY Shanty Bay at Dalston Wonder Valley at Edgar BASEBALL North Slmcoe FRIDAY Midland at Barrie Agr Park Crcemorc at Orillia South Simcoe South Division TONIGHT Newmarket at Alliston Aurora at Beeton RIDAY Alliston at Beeton North Division TONIGHT Cookstown at Barrip Agr Park Stroud at Churchill FRIDAY Stroud at Thornton South SimcoeJuvenile TONIGHT Utopia at Cookstown THURSDAY Beeton at Stroud FRIDAY Barrie at Utopia SOCCER TONIGHT Barrie at Provost RCAF at New Lowell LACROSSE FRIDAY Bradford at Alliston Maitlands at Brooklin SATURDAY Brooklin at Bradford CORRECTION 1N BDCI LIST Correction In the list of BDCI promotions published in The Examiner of Friday July the name of Donna Graves was incor rectly spelled Greaves both in General Awards Soroptimist Prize of $25 and in Class Leaders Spec ials threeyear commercial In cidentally the names wre copied from the BDCI listing VALUE OF BUILDING PERMITS TO END or JUNE $975096 UP $82746 ON I952 FIGURE The total value of permits issued by the Town Planning Board to the end of June was $975096 an Increase of $82746 over the figure for the same period in1952 gt During the past monththore was total of 44 permits issggrg amount ing to $326515 The figure for June 1952 was $227200 There were 16 new building permits issued during the month totalling $121500 This was decrease of $500 over the June 1952 figure of 17 permits worth $122000 Sixty new dwellings have been approved this year to June 30 compared with 61 last year There are quite few items pending and July should be record month for value of permits says the latest statement from the Board issued by Blair secretary Dwellings Gordon Pratt 171 Toronto St at 7886 and 90 Nelson Street EVeitch 79 Worsley St at builder fl Green 214 DunlopSt West at 22 Duckworth builder self Haslett 50Sophia St East at 48 Sophia St East builder Bertram Bros 28 Johnson St Neil Dempster RR Utopia at 36 New ton St builder self Realty Painswick at150 Blake St builder Elliott College St Thistletown Ont Fred Webb Sophia St East at 103 Codrington St and 107 builder self 13 Gracey 84 St Vincent St atNapier St buil der Self Lambert 16 Mary at Eccles St North Total 5121 Garages Harris Duplop St East ibdilderfA It Graph 240 Dunlap St West Mitithnd 34 Cook St builder salt Wicca 06ka selfliflbtal $1100 Repairs 913 Alivmtim Egowu 446K reg rs mg on we copstrImt sud mg to storage block plant builder Morris 83 Maple Ave Par ker 310 Codringtori St renovate and add addition builder self West 113 Maplg Ave addition to dwellirig builder BertraihrIVIid hurstl Boswell 54 Collier St addition to store tbuilder Bur ger Brown 220 Dunldp StiEast construct veranda builder Jacobs 97 Donald Si Lowe 125 Wellington St West erect shed and reroof dwelling builder Hicks 113 Maple Avelpc Poucher 39 Burton Ave remodel front of dwelling aitoi Essa Road iIbuilder Tomlinson26 Brad ford Patinick Dun SL builder Morris 83 MaplerAve Freedman 34 Theresa St con struct addition to Simcoe Hoteltf builder Morris 83 Maple ave McCullough 49 Myst makq residence over storeat Dunlop St West builder Mor ris 83 Maple Ave Mrs Lee 238 Dunlap St WesLJVIalterIrtions restaurant Long 1391mm St build open porchiibuilder Total $21300 Miscellaneous Barri School Board addition to Public School butldergEmecy gin ring andCcnstruction builderi hard Society construct mas builderIiim lay St Katmai 5i timeler East convert rooms to2 lactic 57