rnr BARRKE EXAMINER Hosp JULY 1953 BLONDIE has Wide Awake Boys ASSiSfed Pohce gt LEFROY CLlltlqll By Chick Young ap tcady burning light of freedom in anxiety tossed world and to lrllt Sllulul am Mrs if ltrrJ Mr ltcturn to Calgary Home in Norman Sprault uu Lhil tll havc lillLtl thcxr Calgary aiding lll hcr irl=l5 LlHlllr altt Operation at Barrie Sorry rcport that liss Mary wcn items uudcrwcnt an oppr at tlic Royal Vgctoria Illa Barric last lhursday We all slu will havv quick rccm Womans Association The WA mct at tho luauc of Mrs Torruns on the cvrning of BDCI Overtones Record Momentous Year in History Continucd from page scvcl parativc safct of school iritttl0 world Canada with hcr vast almost un touchcd rcsourcvs is thc country of the futurc continues thc young editor who svcs that tho youth of the country must be cducatcd for this land and the responsibility which llfc will put on thcm Can ada is ours the land of tomorrow the land of broad horizons and richcs as great as the dreams in thc cycs of youth We must bc educatch to pridc and lovc of our Country to protcct it from thr tncnaccs of frccdoni to kccp it now up in this our country sec ing always the broad horizons Among literary contributions to thc magazine were the 1953 Over tones contcst vinncrs Shirley Frid Vic Andrews Leon lcriard Sharon Lynn Sturgcss Tom Seth wright Gordon Haytcr Bill flan kin Christine Anderson Alex Yuchcmcnko Alexander Roth John Warnica Mary MacDonald Allan Hooper Florence Jackson Roy Sinkcvicius Eric Lnnstcd Jo annc Willson Wilda Davidson Torry Scawright Bob Livingston and Tom Brownlcy Outstanding events of the school year rccordcdlin the pages of upprccrativt to cvcryuuc lu cull tr1bntcd and vporlacd Take Over terrier Home drucr 514 Best idles Extruded lv atory of Ctum lltll titat and much applu TRY EXAMINER WANT AD young and old Thu Zadlrs to say lllc ttc wry graftIll anti nul Mrs Etk it 2ii rlv icrczLuro pmt lt gt tzta alrs Waitcr Liam uavaixl thc New Residents Welcome gtlxlhh We would like to vplctlmr Mr biplpmk fluff gig and Mrs Lindsay and family to the lb Ullumirj vf Ml VI community They arc thr now own him 21 mm crs of thc chruy lrin We also lav1 Ills Mm land vclcomc to Mr and 3113 Cuppagc from Kirkland Lakv tlzc new opcrators of thr Olltarp and lilviss Store projcct xsxsxxsxxxxs xxgul FOR CO PET EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOM ETRIST at Takes rillia School Post We arc Sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Morlcy lcmcnts and apply Iroiu thc community Mr Clcmcnts has acccptcd teaching post with public school in Orillia The pupils of the public school prcscntcd Mr Clcnicnts with lovely wool and nylon blankcr in apprcciauun of STEPHENSONS JlIWELLIIRS and PIOMETRISTS his good teaching and work in thc FOR AllOlNlMlINT DUN STREET past four ycars Wu would wish PHONE 3338 BAIHUE ONTARIO Mr and Mrs Clcmcnts the bust of Mumxxxgsx 3$b$f$$X$$$ $$$ Hui no 30 MOOD FOR ALESMEN Collier Dial liBlZEAlL 5211 x5 corms THE JOKE YOU OCTOBE CAI AN LOOKIN 5THF4P YEA21 mar5 More rout moms Ace YOHZE TfZYiNTo DEEnraoY GRASS GHALLOW STUPID venue on certmet 9054 AusuPERAHuM lcdcsurmtooy LGsgw unuuowsucezu 9UPEFZ UM CENTRAL IBEEN TKYINTO 11s VERY SAftl EXPLAIN THAT AN WE J89 HAUL9 OFF AN MAKES THE WHOLE TOLE ME Bur YaAz mgnocroaez mm PERFECT JES KEEPAiAIV you MEAN 5555 Comfortable TIATMEAue msz 565 more MAN wouu as over it5N 75M ozpi GRADE SCHOOL CHILD WOULD GRADUATE AT ABOLtT 150 YEAEE up 7015 701 ANI 70 SEE womanr 701125 FPENDN MEDwTHE VERY meowpa SUPERCL Of5 By Walt Kern WIU Haw 1725 150 m1 oweoy 7v RELVIE GROCEPEJ pacerum lt vnhA7E count IMMEDIATE APPLY r02 ow AGE PENSIONSIWMf you 607 GAAsr PEOPLE Ovcrtones were 1952 commence ment exercises the band concert series the cadet inspection field day and the Tudhopc and Thump son Cup mcct the official opening Us of the new wing on Nov 1952 the band trip to Chicagoin Decem coorcccmgracc AND STORA QELIMITE cial events throughout the year School Activities THE WORLD MOVES SO 00 WE BERRY 55 organizations the athletic teams Activities of the various school and clubscurrent events French MUGGS ANDSKESFER library drama camera ISCF the SKEETERl mom MOMENT PLEASE HQ By Wally Bishop THEN HIKE UPSTMRS AND CLEAN wen IHcRes NO LONGER any Pour IN KEEPING ITA SECREI NOW no SUMMER IS HERE if Key Club etcare recorded in the ages of the year book as souvenir for those students who cave the collegiate this year as its 1953 graduates The Students Council president Bud Cockburn reviews student government activities during the momentous year in the schools YOUlZE some TO WEAR YOUR NEW WHITE SHlRT AND SHORTSGO BACK UPSTAIRS AHD PUT ON YOUR wurre WW EERCONHDENTIALL GRANDMAIHESE ARE MY wane VOU HEARD WHAT smoous2 wane SHQES zhistory Athletic highlights of the year were the winning of the Thompson Cup by the Barrie girls in September and the captbre of the Georgian Bay District COSSA championship by the senior foot ball team The schools band and glee club were among the most active of the schools organizations in 195253 and again both musical groups car ried off top honors at the Kiwanis Festival in Toronto In addition the band played at the National MidWestw Band Conference in Chicago highlight of the entire school year Pick out YOU CAN ArroRD 58510119 Wm get this amount 16 20558 241313 mm 23529 new Abva loans made on your own signa ture or on furniture or auto Payment include principal chargeseverytfun obbur 15month plan upto $500 an 24month plan over $500 Yes ilts to be sure Personal in the way youre treated pcrsonarl in your choice of plans and no bankablemsecurity required Employed people married or single phone or come in today Then youl know why thousands saylts to be sure loans $56 to SHOO COMPANY and public Utllltles mag Join in the texciterngpr of inviting your friends to comcT toVQNTARIO Canadas All Year Vacd Province Let postcard or letter be your personal invirollorr now to friends in of er partsbfCanodu or in the United States to visit ONTARIO Ask them to enjoy real family holidayWHere accommodation is good and rates are edsy on the Vacation budget ONTARIOoffers hundreds of attractions which will appeal to any taste Visitors cdn be assured of heartwarming hospitality with memorable happy holiday experiences wherever they choose to go amid ONTARIOS 52 Vacation Areas Your Department of Travel and Publicitylwill scnd illustrated literature to your friends with your compliments if you ll in and mail the coupon below ONTARIO TRAVELcomplimenfs the winnr In fhe recean letterwriting coansf The appreciation of the Dpparlmnt is expressed to each sluderll of the thousands who Submiffed qncnlry They wish also fo gfllarrk those teachers throughout fhe Provinte whocoperafed with students in Making the Contest such success 3rd pilgrim $10000rGovcrnimn Bond ouch DOIORES lONG USEDng 809 Donald St and Colloge of St Joroplr Fort William msz and m2 $40000 Government Bond $25000 Govcrnmoni bond anon Music JOHN cum Illa 62 Rivorslde arm Whitesh Kupuskuslng Free Mllmlmu nOmwnmnruVIN cash pflll havb bun nold by oumru mm room 57 course 51 ronourtllogmmo nus srnn wmr MY commands rare MAP AND mronmmou incur oummo To ms mm 15 BAYFIELD STREET Phone 5931 Barrloj Donald Fish YES MANnxer OPEN DAILY TO 5SATURDAY TO 12 low mud to mldmts of all surrounding towns hmnnl Hman Company of nude Maw HORSE IS TOO HARDrWllATS BUT IOU DONT KNOW WHAT eooo soy JUNIOR IM GLAD YOU GOT OUT OF THE HABIT OF SLEEPtNG MY NICE NEW LEATHER aura