Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1953, p. 8

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the canoe and evidently had beenthe car He had not been drintvl drinking but was apparently sober mg was domg 50 to 73 he claimed lwhen picked up He had gained cn and did wt know of the policx trance to the building by window chasc until stopped by signal at iound guilty he wrllrcznain 2n cus Aurora police block lie considered rtudy until July for scutcacc Or that there was no potential dangci cused had part bottle of wine ll to 400 passed the cruiser and one School ChlldrenThrill Crowd at Beaten Music Festival Thcrc are far too many swim mung fatalitrcs John path Iv markcd to tus vfc as he frusaui wdmg buy immg its when two main boats lllitl lalu lc tlletk rl lln Kl up at our pool xvztn ma Sort no hm taking un cru htrlulaVrV purrazuat nd ttcr plan FufllllV lt aumnut ltlll vs 311th lli plowd llutl al Discuss tfzc lttllllltl iul mark the ours ml hc rtzrzdic of 1x gfu Ut ivrhli thtrr cpasulc inM rllljulullll Dual co mizlltllflg 1v UH fut and il our rt han sz ru Ramiro iv Yttl lurllttllv lr aft Obey warning lglts If sign says Itaugrr it mch just that Dont dlvc into uult familiar aftr You do not Mum the dcplh or whethrr there arr slurp rocks glass or jaggcd edges hlddrn on the bottom thn swimming distance always be accom panied by row boat and climb into it if you are exhaust rd Be careful when playing on raft or lock surrounded by dccp water It is easy to fall off and not nnrly so easy to cllmb out of the water Winn largznnmg to swim vadct out to tho ivvpcr watcr and swim iito shorc ln tzuc always swim to shorc or pazallc to tap vatcrs ultr and not far from land Avoid silly stunts ltl tho vatcr Dont attempt swim or divc ltlllll your cklll or strcngth on ltt0lt foolish darc Dont do lot of xlltn or prctcnd you arc in clanzzct llvrncrnbcr thc boy and thc Wulf Volfi story Stay out of canoe untilhyou can swim Nunswlmmers should wear life bolts for trlp ln any boat or have life prescrch handy Act in responsible my in boat not lmld covalan his Ein tlu vatcl dont jump lll and is good swznmur md know how to tubc By Nancy Clcavu rocking it or chnnglng seats etc If you are tipped out of boat dont sulm for the shore ling to the boat and call for hclp lmmtltnq Act Mammy lvmtcr traffic ulcs to prchnt thouping into tllulllti boat llclp kctp the bat ltVtl from szdc to mic on an Hut kvrZ from bow to lltlzlrt to go or an ovur ultiltdtlltl cttlui llgtlttirl Loan invit tug up bc Nil llltltil thml lll xviht xr lr ilu ulllltll la mulup lIi lmal If utddcn iln stozm cotncs up Iur an uuccxputcd blow ktip lcalin and doit rl panic If vMJnuutlt Sliat ou lllttlS hslSllllltCr ittcnrp ltullt unlvsx you an to about saving lzfc fall for 1min vsulc looking for an lilllll iopr llllll or iillllt ulhcr buoyant fllltlx for tho imu mp If vou dont know how to carry out artificial rcsplratlon lvurn it With knowledge and practice you may be able to saw somcuncs llfr stunt day Watcr Safitvf Its up you swilmnrnu and n1 boats If an liccidcn should happcn you dont rnwd to panic You know what llo do lrnnt takc any chanccs Drowning is so pcrmancnt lo iMaglstrate Court Continual from page scvcnl Thc lcttcrs wcrc thcrc at that timc Thcrc was no lproof that thc rum came from thc lapartmcnl No proof that thc clic 3qucs wcrc thc samc and no proof lthat thcy wcrc in Chappcllcs pos cssion lhc lcttcrs and liqunrwcrc lfandlcd by Morrison lhompson cnumcratcd thc thc truck first Mr tcvcnts as shown in cvidcncc Jack lfaniilton was away his mothcr wont to thc apartment lcft thc lct tcrs on May returning May they were gonc Cpl France exam incd thc door that day The chcqucs land ruin vcrc in the truck Chap pcllc was there when Morrison lcftu jbut was gonc whcn hc came backl 15 minntcs later The cheque dated gApril 30 was proven beyond all lrcasonablc doubt as cxamincd and identificd by Mrs McKenzie who also said that Morrison was intro lduccd as Hamilton Moreover Mor lrison in his writth statement said tixi latcr kncw thc motor was stolcn sscssion charge he was ancd sip gwtth coats of $13 30 or up days lAsscult Cases Florian Heart plcadcd guiEtv charge of indcccnt assault against woman on Juuc it arnp Bor liixucncc was grvcn by Pro vmt Sgt Marta lhv llCCUSCkl tltll ihas ccord for sauilar offLnctts boat In place iot fouling Ur llc ivas rcznandrd in custody for slntcncc on July Anotlur Camp Bordon man was malc pcisun vlh was uslccp at lltc ttrnc on Junc ll at Camp llc was rcznandtd lll custody for tcucc on Jul but mvanlunc wlll lu rxzuuincd by psychiatrist Outboard Motor Case The casc arising from theft of an outboard motor owned by Bert wcns to which Valtcr lagc plea dcd guilty at prcvious court and was given form again camc up with chalgcs against llilton Swan mvttcr lagv callcd as rown vttncss told of going to thc boathousc for thc motor vrth Samucl Gaunt of gut scnt for taxi and that Swan cumc ovcr and was dircctcd to tho Ispot llc said that ho know whcrc to dispose of it Thcy wont to ihurchlll to garagc lagc clamicd that Swan madc thc dval with thc Vlttl thcrc for $75 and that thc lattcr was paid Silt at Allandalc llc also claimcd that Swan Ivan llurkc of Churchill Garage told of Swan whom he kncw com Lmg in on Saturday May 23 and say mg that two fcllows wound to scll tn outboard motor and that flicy owed for thc taxi lhcy claimcd that thc motor had not bccn run but aftcr tcsting hc found that it was used and offcrctl $75 which was acccptcd and hc paid by clicquc for $55 and $20 cash The wanth $125 Swan said that so far as ho kncw it wasnot stolcn Dcfcndcd by Gordon McTurk hc clcctcd trial by highcr court and after thc prcliminary hearing was committcd for trial although counscl claimcd that the cvidcncc was insufficient Anothcr vitncss invnlvcd was contacted on Wed ncsday night at Lindsay Tunasnav var 25 Court again hcld on Thursday June 25 with Magistrate Foster and Assi ant Crown Attorncy Livingston 27 Miles Ar 95 What may prove to be test 0359 came bcforc the court with the hearing of charge of dangerous driving on May on Highway 400 Stlr in t=SSflllilllallofl he admitted that uc tlxi not slow for the clovcr lcul hrre or thc concussion and did not know vlurc it was and alsothat visibildy was not clear for 0m and half mile ahcatl at all placcs warrt itsc trtcuirwl llc ciaimcd that his car Clllil stop 50 faster than most as hown at tlzc road block Mr Livingston pumch out that do tla cvcut of an accidvnt ahcad wotr llSL quick stop Would bc difficult and nuarcotct tlu Word ilolllvusd ln stopping for thc block plcntyl lof distancc would he allowed byi tltc offrccr acting Thc highway lt not spccdway and such Spccd is wry bad cxamplc on publici road police officcr docs not nccd to wait until an accidcnt happcrs bcforc taking action Judgment war rcscrvcd until July Ball was lmvcd Two Cars Wrecked Following two car crash or Highway 90 at thc curve to Angus on unc charge of driving whilc pl llanicl l2 Crowc by PC Cru ricr Oll lhc officcr was callcd at 1230 am and rcachcd thc sccnc about ll5 am lhc two cars were both on thc wcst ltutc It was mining wth lic arrivcd Somc of thc pas scngcrs had bccn takcn to the hos pital from thc car of Norton Car Cpl Crowc had injuries to both logs and was in state of shock Ho had the smcll of intoxicants on his his brcath Thc vchiclcs had met on thc lct front corner of each chris was in thc ccntrc of thc west lanc but no marks were visiblc of tircs or skids Ono witncss Cpl Walker had followcd rowc for throc quar tors of mile bcforc hc could pass to claimcd bccausc thc other wan dcrcd across thc road twicc but nother ritncss Gcorgc Evans had cut Crowcs hair at 730 takcn himi homc for suppcr and hc did no lcavc until llzl No drinking had bccn donc hc said His Worship dismissed the casc as not provcn On second charge of failing to turn to thc right to allow anothc carto pass conviction was rog istcrcd and fine of $10 imposcd with costs of $3070 The evidence was that Crowc had ccred to the lcft in meeting the other car If he had stayed on his former course there would have been no accident Crowe got out of his vehicle and asked Carr what he was doing on the wrong side of the road The accused blamed thc ability impaircd was laid against chargcd 1thllltlccvlllllssltlllpolliuwusmmbltt mm in Wm from chumscth School Arc Colgan blcndcd their votccs in crowd in the Community June 22 OVER 500 PUBLIC AND SEPARATE SCHOOL CHILDREN lottcnham Schombcrg and harmony bcforc largc Memorial Arcna on Monday The cchildren were seated in sixticr scmi clrclc and the decorated background and lighting cffcc Small Railway At Orillia Park Attracts People touchiching Park Railway iltC railways is of Ontarios smallcst bcing outfitted with block signals and plans trc bcing inadc to con struct station Locatcd just back of Couchiching llcach dancc pavilion at Orillia thc railway which runs on circular 1000 fcct of track has chn cadt ing attraction for young pcoplc of Orillia and district sincc it was placcd in optration on Coronation Day Wc arc adding to our plans all said Charlcs rant cnl miniaturc thc tune ginccr who said thc train would bc opcratcd practicalt ly cvcry afternoon and cvcning in Julv lhc railway was pnrchascd by Piano Soloist tliarlcs fathcr llugh tormcrl of Barrio Modcllcd uponl the No Gcncrzll Motors dicscl locomotch with permission of lib LctroMotivc Division of General Motors it has Vl aircooled cnE giuc and is vacuum controlled Tho train has two coaches and an obl scrvation car with capacity of 36 It was manufactured by the Miniature Train Company at chcssclacr lnd Much interest has bccn shown in the train both by local youngstch and visitors Parents have been bringing children from miles round for ride on the train one of the side attractions at Conchi ching dance pavilion for which Pctchrice is manager plug into the Grant passengcr JANET ABRAMS of Tot tcnham thrilled audience at aBeeton with her piano solo and duet with teacher Miss Bartmu CRAIGHURST Mr lian visith weekend and Mrs Prince and Lil prcscnzcd perfect picture for the Rural Schools Music Festival under 1hr direction of Miss Georgina Barton music stpcrvgtor who also actcd as mistrcss of ccrcmouics lllllllf tbc twohour show Proceeds wcrc for the llccton Artrut artificial icc fund Presentation to Supervisor d1 ll months atiun tal hopc try Jack in Pctprboro at the Mrs Pettigrcw and family of Windsor are spending the summer MISS GEORGINA BARTON musrc supervrsor receives $11 with Mrs Bums ver tray cream and sugarset from teachers Presentation and was made by Michael Urbanski and Linda Cerswell park There IS stop ithat he did not steal the cheques It must have been Chappcllc Judgment was reserved until jThursday July by Magistrate EFostcr Thrcc other charch in the same connection will bc dealt with ion the same date Second Offence Charged by PC Gorham OPP with driving motor car in Barrie on June 19 while his ability to drive was impaired by alcohol An drew Nicholson pleaded guilty The officer stated thatfollowing an ac cident be had tried to find the accused but he had gone home andl when located was intoxicated Matl bars were still more serious when it was discovered that he had been charged with thesame offence on trouble on bright headlights SM Conservation Officer Victor Mil ler who is in charge of trout rais ingl stated that there are signs but nothing regarding fishing or hun ting and no signs on trespassing just there Watchman St crling Knapp also gave evidence in lnnisfil against Edward Levy sales manager of chv Auto Parts Weston PC Crozier OPP gave evi dence that at pm on May pa trolling south on 400 about one mile south of Highway 27 with PC Kellogg he saw car pull away very fast and attain 95 They fol lowed and kept the vehicle in sight by chappel OPP for 27 miles but could not overtake Robert Le Wis appeared on TheV radioed Aurora for alcharge of unlawfully entering and bIOCk and dm 35 SEPPpedttrcspassing upon the Forest Station Aurora Cloverleaf Pmland the trout rearing station at He travelch on the crossrng llnCSEMidhurS on Na 29 He was de most of the time ended by John Reid Dkln counsel Gala Al Watchman Art Smith told of see Martm Toronto In crosswxamruatincy mr Darked near the nuance tion brought out that the greensatzm on 09 Th 1932 Oldsmobile owned by Lcv men passed taxi and that there wastgOt out and CImbEd over the Cham that is turn across the ntrance ust one other in front th at eteach night Another came along ISpringwater Park In connection with trespassing case at Springwater Park on the early morning of May 29 Paul Smithbower was convicted for ha ving beer in his carand fined $15 with costs of $450 on charge laid Mr and Mrs Grange daughters were in Buffalo for the weekend TRY AN marinara WANT an For Printing Needs Call The Borrie Examiner Daft USl rig YEARS of medical research spun sored by the Ontario Mining As sedation may have found the answer to silicosis the disease which attacks the lungs of miners exposed to silica dust Curiously enough the treatment consists of breathing Very ne aluminum dust directly into the lungs the oartlcularly April aluminum renders the silica par ticles harmless The treatmcnt has bccn adopted in gold and other mining areas inCanada and throughout the world Aluminum long ust in hos pita kitchcns today saws the medical profcssion in many mus fmmaluminum foil for cotcr ing scriourbums to aluminum acetatc for medical drmings to aluminum blenders for the prep aration of sterile biological prod ucts Aluminum Company of madam Alan jail term of days rc sultcd Boys Assisted Ernest St Louis who stated that he was on his way north to work as bookkeeper in camps there ap rn pearcdon charge of breaking and gtlllellng at the bay side cottage of iDr MacPhcrson on June 19 with theft of canoe He was seen by two young boys who ran and had call sent for pu glice PC Hedrich answered the call and by making use of another game which two older boys were Counsel claimed that the speed given was not dangerous under the conditions It is double highway Levy was alone and had not been ldrinking visibility was good no intcrfcrcncc from traffic and if danger existed it was to himself only and his mental attitude show gcd no reckless disregard for the lsafcty of others and he niovedifor dismissal For the Crown Mr Livingston pointed out that Levy was travel gling much over the 50mile limit land that thercsis one concession fpaddling he reached St Louis dnd Ebrougbt him back to the boathouse The officer found that the ac tread crossing in that distance in the box the accused told of glcavmg Vycvalc and comingdown twoMENToDAY Vclovcrleaf The taxi caught up with lthc others there ctrma and joined them In crossexam matron by Mr Reid the witness said there are two signs at the gate The park is not clearly defined but is all fenced The Forest Station is huge arca Springwater Park is open to the public am to 11pm There are no signs regarding fishing any where near the entrance Provincial officers Crozier and Chappel answered the call by Smith and arrived at the gate at 550 am car was parked at the shoulder They proceeded toward the large pond in the park and saw four men there Mr Reid questioned the officers regarding signs and the road run ThEy dam Oflhefamily buying muchpffgmizy bdhlgingThey find the barzlcva sdferhandly ploceito keep moriey libero pay largerrbills by cheque Going to the banlr is often as much part of shopping day as tnp to the local stores MW 111 BANle SERVING YOURCOMMUNITY Jnckpu srooo 5mm run run wrnun St Josephs Allilditorium fl Tuesday My 81

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