Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1953, p. 6

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Anniversary at 3er Cornspondencei Their four children it grand children and one greatgrandchsldi were present for the golden wedl ding celebration at Mr and Mrs Clifford heatherdale of Hrarittord at their summer home on Jubilee Island in the Severn River unTues day June 30 The happy couple who were both born lfl tins distizct and re sided for period iii Coldwatci Were showered with congratula tzons and gith nit llitd Sixth anni versary The groom 11 born Jirats Corners tr Mediate iiiwznhip and is son of the late William John leatherdalc and ins wife Emily Melissa Boyd liwth of pioneer lIiItdHltL Toxtrhltip fairnILts Mrs lZdiltiildlu liiii Mur artt Ball iambic of Joseph Ball and his tLIL Surat McDonald Bali of lififlllcltl liiry itvriv lliflefi at Iarriiin stcr by Rev Wilham Mdourieli Institutes New Institute Holds First Regular Meeting The June meeting of Littles Hill Womens IilSlltlltL was held at Holly School on June 23 With it members present Iwo new iiicm bers were enrolled The president Mrs Henry Brown presided Roll call was answered by the most impressive part of the Coronation Extension services for tho homemaker were explained and it decided to have the course on tornins in stitute Procedure and Program Planning The course is to be conducted at the school Mrs King and Mrs Sriglcy conl ducted the evenings program Sandra King favored the gorupl with piano solo Concerto AI contest on Sirncor County llacesl proved interesting and amusing and was Won by Mrs Robinson Mrs Sriglcy read letter rc questing artic 115 of clothmg andt antiques for Canada Day in con2 nection with the entertalning of the Country Women of World at Maple Leaf Gardens in August Different uses for aluminum foil were listed including its use bandage poem entitled What Is Boy was read by The July meeting will be net at Holly School on the 721b 1y invited to attend North Si mcoe Institutes Summer Plans North Simcoc meetings during the summer months have scheduled them as follows subject to change Couison July pm host ess Mrs McFarland convcncr Mrs Ego Dcmonstrationmn Salad Eady July it trip Ebenezer July 15 230 pm hostess Mrs Jones corivcncr Mrs Heels To entertain neighbor group Grenard July 230 Pm4at 7MrEArthur Moffits Paper by Mrs Bell ilIrsdalc July 288 pm host ess Mrs McDonald Social cvcn ing HobartCarley July it it pm hostdss Mrs Middleton Guest speaker JarrattCrcighton July 14 230 pm hostess MrsL McArthur Girls Club Day speaker Miss Ruth Shaver and cooking by club girlsCon vcncrs Mrs Ed CuppzigcMrs Earl Dobson Mrs Joseph Lcahey 230 pm bus or social evening Mrs Tcskcy Mrs will give her report annuaL on caravans JVGI Mrs Harvie Joanson the scpakeri lwho gave very interesting report at 830 pm Those interested are cordial3 District Womens institute brancth who are holding Demonstration of salads Meldufr July 230 pm picnic Warminstcr July 15 pm hostess Mrs Walsh Paper by Moon on the district in mm mm mama MONDAY JULY 1953 ECOupIe Celebrate 50th Wedding ummer Cottage who also Wed the brides partritsf After their lizarriage the couple settled in Coldwate in the Eplett St ticme built for the bride where Dr Hughes now resides andi carries on dental preacher in 1920 they moved to Winnipeg where they iivcd or 10 years He turning to Iteziion Ont they con ducted store Illlitgt which is now optrated by their son Don Mr arid ML heathidols ivcnl to Utili1lli to lit it 1937 and Cilltf five years ttilitd to Brant trird li lnatnerdali was w1tti Canadian Indiutrzts IdllllIJd for tvc years Centre of much interest at the iclrorzstmn was the tour geiiera Lon gmin including their daugh Iti Marion now Mrs ozqtitidiili til WLiziiipig Mair Iict dziigliter Carol now Mrs Ron ald Russell IVlllllltAtg and her in ia daughter itoolyn Russell lilitr iii IIlt Itiilli are another rizilghtcr Mrs iey lJiliIil Ht Billlltliitl arid two sons Donald Hf Iltitili and Dr Jack IAZIIIIII izili ilcriiiry algttl Mun IIHII last man it the wedding was an Hubert Len zzncli of the groom Liiti dale now deceased The bi ii who was Miss Iin Metoiquodiile is still trying Mr and Mrs Cliff Leatherdale now spend much of their time at Jtiblcv Island which has been in the IAillIltItlZIIL funiin for over 70 years The island cottage was one of the first in the Severn Itiver irta which has become it much populated resort dLslrict Jubilee was tired as cottage and hunting camp by the grooms father and other relatives in the early days New Lowell Church Groups Addressed By WMS Officer Womans Association and Missionary Society of New Lowell United Church met on June 17 Mrs Day opened the meeting with quotations on Hap piness and Spiritual Progress fol lowed by Hymn 292 The devotional period and pray er were led by Mrs Lighthcart Roll call was answered by naming ry and minutes of the last tractting were read and ap proved After the business was conclud ed Mrs Day turned the meeting to the WMS Mrs Mc very fittingly introduced The Womens Quay the Work of the Womans Mis io ry Society She stressed the urgent need for more missionaries gand church workers On behalf oi the ladies Rev Mr Bowcns thanked Mrs Johnson for her splendid address Mrs McQuay rendered 35010 whch was very much enjoyed Hymn 298 was sung and after business was adjourned Hymn 384 sung Rev Mr Bowens clos ed the meeting with prayer Delicious refreshments were 1served by the Committee in charge and social hour was pass ed with the Brentwood and Aiilic ladies as guests Lorne Mcv Retired Minister and Wife Celebrate t3 REV AND MRS WILLIAM CLEMENTS 12 Caroline Street Barrie celebrated their golden wedding anniversary during the weekend with family reunion They are seen here with three of their grandchildren Wendy Rid iclI Terry Clements and young Gordon Clements Prior to his re Barrie Woman Addresses WA At Minesing The Womans Association of Minesing United Church met in the church for its monthly meeting on Thursday June 25 There were 30 ladies present including several visitors from Edcnvalc and Mid hurst The president Mrs Irvin John ston conducted brief business period after which Mrs McLean led in very interesting devotion al period The theme was Serve thc Lord with Gladncss We should use our talents whether 44 nix they may be small or great in the Lords servich said the leader Prayer was offered Mrs McLean introduced two guests Mrs Osborne of Oriliia pcrsidcnt Simcoc Presbytery Wo mans Association and Mrs Jory of Barrie who attended the Dominion Councilin Emmanuel College short time ago You dont have to tell how you live each day if for others you live said Mrs Osborne in her brief talk Think not of what you can get it shows in your Thenextmecting is to be held rat the home of Mrs Snow lSt Marys PTA Elects I95354 Executive St Marys ParentTc chcr Asso ciation elected new Eresident at the final meeting of the year last Thursday evening Kytc will head the 195354 executive suc ceeding Mrs Sheppard rc tiring president Other members of the new ex ecutive are Mrs Lee viceprcs Ident Miss Lynch secretary Mrs Hammond treasurer and James Kelly and WilliamMerrick parent counsellors Following the election of Loffi cars the president Mrs Sheppard thanked the members of her exec utive ir their ctroperation and untiring efforts in helping to make the past season most enjoyable as well as successful year Eugene Smith thanked Mrs Sheppard on behalf ofthe associa prcsldcnt most capably joyiibic evening aeARANCE Apparel except small crimp bf recent arrivals Dresses Sportsiivear 23 DUNLOP or Piionii 2255 QR shamans tion for fulfilling her duties as dainty lunch ciimaxcd the en opAv nits STARTS TODAY face Mrs Jory spoke of social con tacts Every woman should be awakened to her part to be play ed There are 196474 members of the WA We must realize what field we are supervising She took as her topic Jesus has no hands butour hands to do His work today We cannot know the world if our intormationis from our own homestead We should ask What can we give to wards it not what we can get out of it We should follow the con stitution It is like chain and We mustmhavc strong links Three things we needpeace food and health One out of every six born in the civilized world today is men tally dcficicnt So many are not as interested in saving others as wcare inrsaving ourselves Show where you stand in church Work day School teachers will his need cd and 15000 now teaching will have to be replaced Believe 10 cent of what you sch and 70 per cent of actual experience One hundred and 82 tons of clothing were sent overseas in 1052 and Canada has made the grcattrst contribution to the Unit In the next five years 65000 Sun per cent of what you hear 20 per tiral in 1951 Mr Clements was the United Church Minister at Mincsing He was born in Mari chestcr England and was married to Hannah Tyson of Lancaster England on January Ill 1903 The anniversary celebration was post poned due to the fact that Mr and Mrs Clements spent the winter int Florida They came to Canada in 1901 and in 1911 Mr Clements graduated from the University of Toronto and was ordained into the Methodist Church During the lirsvL World War he was the min istei at Stroud and later charges were Scliiimberg Victoria Harbor cd Nations stated Mrs Jory She likened the WA to gardenfour rows of peas tpcncc perseverance personality and push four rows of lettuce leaders love loyalty and leniency four rows of turnips turn up when needed when called on When appointed to office give special prayer and thought to the work and attend to the duties cn tailed Shc stressed the importance of devotional period at every meet ing Ye shall seek Mcand find Me when ye shall seek Me with your whole heart She spoke of the Victor Home for girls 10 per cent of whom are from the city and the remainder from the Pro vince of Ontario Mrs Osborne spoke briefly at theiclose of the meeting The Donia inion Council is made up of all lo cal Womans Associations They make all laws Mrs McNabb of Edenvalc fav ored the gathering with lovely solo In the Garden of the Mas ter hearty vote of thanks was tendered the speakers for their in spiring and informative addresses Mrs Osborne and Mrs Jory closed the meeting with new set ting of the Lords Prayer tasty lunch was served by three of the members in the church school The Swance River in Georgia famed in song and story flows 190 miles to thglGulf of Mexico Convent Pupils Heard in Recital St Marys Auditorium was filled to capacity last Wednesday even ing when parents and friends ga thered to enjoy piano recital given by the pupils of St Josephs Convent The following boys and girls took part Michael lIIachiI Joanne Bibby Christopher Sheppard Ma deline Iiaugrcnves Robert Ryan Geraldine OConnor Gregory Mur phy Kathleen Kenny Michael Garvey Judith Ann Smith Joseph Ilyther Coletta Doucctte Douglas Bibby lrudie Dcrochie Billy Ken ny Paulette Winter Donna Warri er Monica Murdock Rosemary McBride Mary Lowcerancy Mc Kcown Patricia Kyle Judith Smith Margaret Drury Elaine lDrury Mary Dunsmore Margaret OConnor Paul Sheppard Dawne Mciiiigh Loriic Smith Gail Ford Sharon McLindcn Carol DAm brosio Sheila McKcown Cynthia Lloyd Barbara Woods JoAnn Murphy Gayle Cuculick Patricia Madigaii Noreen McKinnon Mar garet Ferguson Mary Lou Vair Marjorie Vair Suzanne Farrell Anne Marie Hargreaves and Marie McBride The audience was delighted with their splendid performance from the newest little beginner to the advanced pupils Joanne and Lar ry Bibby sang The Little Tin CANADIAN GENERAIL EU Fleslicrton Cookstown Lambton Mills Swastikaand Port Carling Elaifiz and Mrs Ba Pour son of Mr an tin of Emilia it zilay in the afternm Townsnxp the brute was Stll and cotsnge of Edir blue accessories am corsage uf pink roses Mr and Mrs Clements have three daughters Mrs Riddell Kirk land Lake Mrs William Hares Toronto Mrs Dickinson Harn ilton and three sons James To ronto and Arnold Barrie RosseICunningham Nuptials are Held Miss Margaret Agnes Twyla Cun ningham daughter of Mrs Cun ningham and the late Alvin Cun ningham of Alliston and Cooks town was married on Wednesday June 1953 at two oclock in the afternoon in St Georges Chapel of St James Anglican Cathedral Toronto to Otto Edward Rossel of Toronto son of Edward Rosseli and the late Mrs Russel of Zurich Switzerland The Rev Coombcs performed the ceremony The bride was attended by her Soldier and the D011 from France accompanying the words with suit able actions Thcir sweet young voices captivated the whole aud ience and quite stole the show Other vocal numbers were Vienna Life April Showers Amary llis God Bless Our Queen and Ave Maria During the singing of God Bless Our Quecnthe three ranks of girls opened and stepped back to reveal and surround picture of Her Ma jesty for whom they played blessing The singing of Stanfords arrangement of God Save the Queen announced that very pleasant evening had draWn to close Truly music had charms to soothe the troubled mind es pecially when rendered by such attractive and talented young people uo St Pauls Church gSetting tor Early iSummer edding The inarixage Itiil ltilrl Rotu zcd the Anglier Given tit mar with powd acct it mv Itct tit endarzt Mrs Din iii Bzclfiouz ct 012qu sister of the chain was wearing navy bl stilt Il you David Bretlzour ni Oiillii win gronmsman for his lgtrotliczvinlaiv reception followed at Grin mans lodge Big Flay IMnt 3itlij the mother of the bride ricciwtl ii ivy blue wearing white actcw sories The grooms mother who ili so received was in dusty ltSt and was Wearing navy iltttSStltlfS Later the blllt and groom left on wedding trip to Niagara Falls Zliltl Buffalo On their return timyl will be making their home 11 Jri illia utoftown guests at the Vttti ding were Mr and Mrs Ralph tierI Mr and Mrs Mel Middletth gt sister Miss Elizabeth Aline tlll iingliam of Barrie The grooms man was Donald Menniy of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Russel are making their home in Toronto Alliston Herald please copy bum As AiiViiizii IN and made exclusively by the MI with Duriitcrd hlli Ein tail litiitlinu U3 YOURE AiwAvs HAPPY WITHIN63 Keep you cool and comfort able protect interior walls and furnishings complete selection ofcolors IlIirI and hardware Install ml by SkIIICLI workmen at moderate prices Telephone us today for estimate PHONE 43i4 BARRIE TENT BUDGET TERMS ICE CREAM COMPANY AWNING CO 34 HATFIELD ST BAKRIII years and years red or yellow Westpricelleletliilc kitchen click iiitiiiiaila N0 WINDING No itiGUiAii ALWAYS ACCURATE Hotels bright andifriendlykitchen clock priced to please you styled to makeyour kitchen gayer built to keep perfect time for Iii7g The GE IHelpcr has sweep second hand and easyitoread numerals Available in Bosure to see this new lowpriced GE Helper at yourdealers today Small Appliance Department Canadian General Electric Co LtdToronto 551m ITCHEN our AN iiMi its on LASTTIMESMONDAYTUESDAY Mrs

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