10 Mfmmsm Bamboo Names arranged alphabetically by gradcsi sVeima Bubbtitc As $1 rcn Shirley Kr Raidts Terry Webb Ronnie Simpkin But Timid Grade BANoreen ODonzzei Wen dy Waite Sandra Worrod Grade 7John Bobbette son rian Smith Glen Wayne Sykes Sr Grade wdim Clayden Billie Reynolds Marguerite Slingcr Grade 64arolyn Corby Emrick Ross Falconer Hadden Beverley chilty Smith Jack Worrod Sr Grade SLKKHIICIII Lloyd Grade 5Ronnie Batters Jim Ian Bcrrtsfurd Murray Bobhettchiiu Ivy Corby Stanley Elliott Viola Foster Melvin McKinnon Johnny Robinson Sr Grade 4Donna Knicele Larry Magaloski Kenneth Wor rod MRS MURIEL JAMIISON Irincpal Junior Room Grade to 4Dizinc Batters Bobby Cheesmzm Helen lilydtlh Larry Haddin Douglas Knicclcy Stanley Kniceley Anne Robinst Sharon Robinson Zophia Tub Grade to 3IIlillhlr Chees man Dennis Corby Sandra Dun can David Falconer May Foster Michael Luanden David McCiy mont Marion McKinnon Donna Robinson Janino Tobiasz Jimmy Tustin Sr Grade 2Iaul lilcm=r Grade to LlIllCii Helen BerrLsford Wayne ox Brian English Barry led Joan Grotelle EIILiDCthIlIIthSOlt David MagalOski Bobby Magaloski c1 Margaret McKenzie Maureen Reed Willis Reynolds Clifford Scott Elaine Smith Kenneth Stalcy Bll ly Stoddart Johnny Stoddart Karen Sykes Denan Tthtm HAZEL BOOTH Teacher sr PAULS so 17 INNISFIL Names arranged alphabetically To Grade QBetty Blundell Lelt land McArthur Allan McMillan Ralph Rowe To Grade 8Lida Beamish Ilen ry Dykstra Marie Jennett Amy Kell Gary Ransom Michael Sheri dan Eleanor Stunden To Grade 7Helcn Ncsbitt ston Rowe To Grade GMcrvyn Jennett Jackie Nesbitt Dick Rowe To Grade SMartcn Dykstra Diane Hanna Marlene McArthur Paul Stunden Eileen chezie To Grade 4Brian Pratt Rowe To Grade 3Edna Kell Barry Lowe Luella Nesbitt Dale Pratt To Grade 2Carol Barber June Blundell Dennis Curry Joan Dyk stra Leigh Ransom Andy Rowe Peter Sheridan HUBBERT Teacher 33 no 15 mmsrn Knock In alphabetical order Win Joe Vctor Elliott Eddy English Roger lear Smith Lil Gatl BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 1953 RM SCHOOL PROMOTIONS Kenneth Bowman Esther Graylnodgsl Carol Pope Margaret Ross Vttc ristoii Peter Metcaif Towari Gibbons Shannon Sturgess Gradi to 4Margarvt Roifiid Clnll Marion Weriy Gray Herbert Dawn Sturgcss Mary liroiyn Thorrie Grade to 5lan Gray Noon Janus Sturgtss Rally Grade to Lin David Sluing Webb Mervin Wicc Grade Ii Selby Bowman it lAruiiewCowim Ella Kchcy David grvltlvlf ct Margaret Nun Grade to bulloberta Burton Donald Gibbons Doiothy Gibbons Frin Hog Wayne Martin Anne Noon Harry llacdts to Donald Shannon GOlllIRN Teacher 85 N0 Cains School Sunnldale Iup In alphabetical order Grade to 8Jtirie Bates Kath ryn Gordon Elizabeth McNiven Doris Nevils George Piphcr Thea Van llelvert Iini Van Hclvcrt Grade to lJoe Mayne Isa belle McNivcn Norma Nevils Bill Van llelvcrt Grade to OThea Gocmens Alllllt Kcrstens Jean Streahorn Glenn Wood Grade to lMarion Havcrson Adriazui Kcistens Harold McNiv on Rcitjc Van Helvcrt iziitlc to Liahlary Kane El ttood Nevils Marie Van Helvert Grade to 2Wayne Foisic llIIINE NORRIS Teacher 55 FLOS VESPRA Apto School Grade 9Alfred Kanis Grade BAnne McFadden Grade HGcorge Panting Grade 5Sandra Cameron licn Campbell Grade 3larry Thomas Roop Grade 2Lcslie Cameron Fred die Richardson IRS MARION COX Teacher SS 12 INNISIIL Alphabetically by grades Wade QThora Crawford Frank Irvine William Rolfe John Pa ccllo Judith Willis Grade 8Patricia Baker Gail Hodge Gary Ingram John Kan tomer Sandra King Dugald Pat terson Margaret Robinson Grade 7Everett Baker Teddy Barron Winnifred Crawford Jean Marie Dube Beverly Ftiryk Elke Hoffman Robert lrvirie Robert Lougheed Keith Maxwell Stanley Rolfe Ruth Walton Col Richardson iorticii Conant Villnlniitia Ratdis 1c lZarl Show IDIRLIILILI rnan Jon Ingram igess Lynn Wells trade IMarilyn Barn Canipbcil David Duncan iGrahazn Bdiy Xenwell iMc lika Barry Morrow Marion Anti Margery Stu Allen Roger Kasiincr Dorothy SCGOIK turgcss Kmart Tayioi Jack Tudhope Giadc BuiJuvid Barron Elaine Lynn Bowliey Cumpbell Billy Cheasley Kerry leanings Beveriy Ingram Marion Irvine Gary JCSSOIL Jean Jcsson Robbm King Heather Lackic Vanda Melidlka Brian Pacello AIRS MARGARET Andrew Princtpal MMRS HALIYARD Int Teacher Grade Sr Yvotitic Patterson Grade EwJudy Baker Allen Bun cock Sherry Campbell Sandra hiaslry Arthur Crawford Peggy rawfoid Denise Dube icolel Ilubc Linda litzsimons Freddie Haibzidge Glenn Hodge Paul Jasv person Jane Mendika Elaine Rolfe John Rowe Billy Schouoi cld Malilon Srigley Vaughan Sturgess Grade 3wtlargaret Iwaard Irvine MARILYN RAYMHI Jr Room lcacherm Jasperson KISS NO 19 0R0 16 VESIRA Oakland Hill School ROOM Grade tiJRobcrta Elder Laurt ina liuyer Kenneth Iaulson Rod ney RfllkiS Neil Saunders Andrew Welsman Grade lHlsabclle Dempster Pauline Kunce Alvin Smith Ron nie Urry Grade G7Cor Bouius Robert Hayes Susan Huyer Germain Lib erty Rosemary Raikes Barbara Salisbury Grade EBSylvia Biltcliffe Ho ward Bruce Eric Burnham Jane liuycr Diane Liberty Larry New ton Marlene Reinhardt Grade lQSandra Bczzant Col lecn Holliday VBill McGillivray John Nicholson Darle Seaman Ralph Smith Mary Woodcock IRENE MORIARTY Teacher ROOM 11 Grade SGAnnie Bouius Dunsmore James Hayes Seaman Grade 45Gaike Bouius Kees Huycr Wayne McClurkin Annette Raikts Bethene Reinhardt Leigh ton Smith Grade 34Rudie Bouius Hugh Dunsmore Ronald Kunce Louise McGillivray MRS DAVIS Teacher St my School List Promotions ROOM Mary Larry Grade 6Carole Barnard Sandra Christie Marilyn Graham Bobby Kenwell In order of merit Promoted from Grade to Grade Lor zDoroth Bibby Naomi Pigott raine Harbridge Richard Irvine Donald 1133 Elizabeth Gray Brian RObinSOYl Brenda McMahon Stephanie Mer Janct Schoncveld Leonard Willis rick Bryan Gait Nancy Clark Grade 5Patsy Christie Sr Larry John Vieira Brent Osachuk Jim GladlmitthtthtynLBowmaniDawsonBobbyfurykHeika Hoff mie Comgau sMorieyBuchanan Carolyn Moore Janet Dusome Margaret Charlebois Janice Cav anagh Jim Cancilla Lorraine Kor fanty Paul Marion Denis Bigras Mary White Mary Ellen McLinden Gerald Janowski Dorothy Shaugh nessy Herbert Hulak Promoted from Jr Primary to PrimaryCharles Donnelly Keith Cartier Paul McBride Anne Marie Sullivan Katie DeKlyne Marie OReilly Harold White Mar ilyn Martin Ronald SeadonUPatrick Curtin Joseph Van Gaal Real Carrier Margaret Pollard THERE lg NONE BETTER EnjoqCokeice OOId 7t doling Eulat min ROOM In order of merit Grade to 2Marie Smith Gor don Sullivan John Beare Conrad Maloney John DeKlyne John Moran Grade tbsMary Todd Michael Kelly Geraldine OConnor Madeline Har greaves Patrick Gribbin Margaret Pigott Sheila Gar vey Joanne Bibby Chris topher Sheppard Michael MacNeilI Jim McBride Peter Murdock Mary Jo Ciirtln Patricia Coughlin Raymond Kyte Joanne Potvin Danny White Eliz abeth Van 6331 Charlene Char tier PauLHurtibese Gisele Ger rard Wayne Latour Cornelius Van Gaal Ernie Grisdale Christine Hurtibese Jimmy Daley ROOM In order of merit Grade3 to Grade 4Lise Foisy Sheila McKinnon Mich ael Garvey Eileen OBrien Joseph Saso II Lynn Mc Larnon Joseph Ryther Gail Brown Bonnie De Silva Robert Ryan Donna Kor fanty out Carol McNeil Gregory Murphy David Madi gan Dale Golds Patrick Smith Maureen Pollard Karen OHara Margot McLinden Theresa Med wayosh Tommy 8850 Danny Lee Larry Madlgan Michae138haugh nessy Cornelius Van Der Heyden Mary Shaughnessy Leone Carrier Alan Marian Sheila Cartier Gary Cucullck Robert Kowaliszyn Don nieWebsteh 1R00M2 Grade to 5RonaldMadigan PaulFullertonit Barbara etichgman Gotten Janowskl Monica Murdock Paulette Winter Tommy Smith Michael MurphytH Darlene McLarnon Tania Mc Veigh Judy Lemmon Kenneth CUcullck John Ford Jerry Sullivan Mary Lynn Gray Mary Jeroux Bill VanGaul Michael Thomas Colletta Doucette Trudy Derochie Charles Seadon Lawrence Bibby ROOM Grade to TLee Partridge LarI ry Flanagan Terry Godin Diane at an Tonnle axidr heyuen obey Nesbitt putts is to wean Sheppard om am Lm army Ron lug Tlndsll 061330 Camilla 19 Lennon rqaret OConnor adder Smith Peta lookeyt JOO Grib bin Gerald La Hay Helen mim ondi in at uk Ch rles stators em try McBride tr mii Willis Grade to 3Vivienrc hitCont iLcrtzc Bentley cam udmits it or not risen =ior Canada that the economic strength which may Draws Parallel IContinutd rom page nine happy to tag along with Mr Howe laughing uproariously at his wrttic isms and shouting angrily at thuse impudent as to question his in failibiiity They believe he is great man genius verdict With which he himself is not disposed to quarrel But even if all of it were true even if he were the biggest Can adzzin of all time he would still not be bigger than Iarilaxnent Whether he likes it or Ot whether is rcsptm siblc to the House of Commons which in turn is responsible to the people It is In their power to stop him and others like him They were doing that long before Mr llowc was heard of and they will be doing it long after he is forgot ten Liberal Claims Prime Minister St Laurent had to great heights of self glorification in his estimate of what the Liberal party had done He had said recently Canada had achieved the stature it had reached in the eyes of others and the unity which had grown so sturdily here had all happened when the Liberal party was in power Mr Yeomnns added that he had been taught that the foundation of Canadian unity was brought about by Confederation in 1867 and that the men who were responsible were John Mncdonald and group of other Canadian patriots who but become known as the Fathers of Confederation The policies Of the Conservative party in those early years were the unification Of Can ada building railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific tightening the Imperial connection taking over the Northwest Territories and protection for mu infant industries from greedy US industries Government Mentality Queer things happen to the mentality of government too long in power added the speaker government with 187 seats out of 267 thinks itself immune from criticism The motto of the Lib eral party for the people of Can ada IsPut your shoulder to the wheel and your nose to the grind stonc for Mr Abbott The Conservative party your party stands pledged to reduce taxation by cutting out waste and extravagance Mr Yeomans went on to say that the great civilizationsvof the past had risen to pinnacle of glory and had crumbled away again into dust They were not destroyed from without by atomic bombs They were destroyed mostly from within by decay rot greed sel fishness and indifference Our Canadian civilization is no accident It exists because it was founded by our fathers squarely upon conception of human lib erty Wit liftes becauseriwghaver learned to defend the rights of the individual and to respect the dig nity of man These rights are now in danger from the arrogant and autocratic attitude of the Liberal government which has been in power so long that they believe themselves in vincible Greatest Honor Mr Ferguson speaking after his was the sole nomination said It is indeed the greatest honor Ihave ever had paid to me in my 58 years to be nominated tonight as the standardbearer for the Progres sive Conservative party for Simcoe North The speaker went on to say that he had been their representative since 1945 when therrna19rity of people believed he might be caplt able Of representingthem looking after their affairs as far as federal matters were concerned inOttawa He had been again elected by majority in 1949 Nobody knows except those elected to that highpffice just how one feels and how humble one should be to think thatithe people of ones community have that con fidence and trust in man have thought ofit many times went to Ottawa as your representative and my one main thought was nobody in Ottawa sent me to 0t tawait was the people in my home constituency who sent rme there to do job MrFerguson said that when veterans wrote to him or when farmers wrote to him he consider ed that he wasrtheir servant He had accepted that position Referring to the present admin istration Mr Ferguson said am sure that if the voters of Canada knew what know about the pres ent Liberal governments admliiss istration then am sure there will be no Liberal government at 0t tawa after Aug 10 The Speaker then went on to praise the Hon Mr Drew and drew attention to what he had done for laborjin Canada making garrangementsf13ersome 20000 skilled workers to cOme fromBri tain at theend of the war Mr Ferguson also referred to his abil lty in the House of Commons Referring to the recent Liberal nomination meeting in Barrie Mr Ferguson said that at that time the Hon Walter Harris Minister of Immigration and Citizenship sug gisted that the Conservative can ddate should be asked to explain the many different views heldby the Conservatives in the House of Commons Thanlg God belong to party where we have differences said the speaker We will never be titttlli blemishes fantl Give them weed treatment with edloatedmptleptlc LChasel 1N Gtimeo an much0228 ttceOINWNr ally Speaker IMASS PRODUCTION N0 Viiut lWlIHOUl ADVERTISING mums CLUB TOLD at SNEIGROVE Mass production is of no va ling people about it some me pay for and use it said Ralph Snelgrove owner of radio station CKBB when he addressed the Barrie Kiwanis Club on Monday June 22 Advertising said the speaker was the most economical way of bridging the gap between the man with an idea it product or servtcc for sale and the man who can bene fit by buying it It saves all of us lot of money every year at the same time that it aids us in securing continuous ly higher standard of living he added may market is as CSSLth ial to pr duction line as the power that keeps the line moving and advertising is the creator of mass markets It is advertising that creates the desire to own massApro luccd merchandise at the same time that the merchandise is being nadc available and in all the many tomes that can use it at the same time Advertising by creating an ab sorptive market for massproduced goods mach feasible the mass ptu luction that produces better mer chandise at lower prices The speaker said that in recent years advertisers had sought to pin 10er the result of advertising They had developed vast and intri tate methods of checking on the size of the audiences reached by their printed and broadcast mes iagesand of measuring to some extent the penetration of those ncssagcs on human minds Out of these studies of the in dividual advertisement results in readership inquiries sales and at titude changes has come very large body of evidence of the pow er of advertising to attract atten tion create desire and produceac= tion Advertising has the power to create desircgo Own where no dev sire existed before By presenting new ideas in favorable light advertising broadens horizons for the people that are reached by it Mr Snclgrove went on to express the point that advertising was not known as rubber stamps like the Liberal members They were in Ottawa the Con servatives and the Liberals for no thing other than to handle the peoples money and scehow It was spent and to look after federal business Mr Ferguson said that the Lib erals were now saying that the government should be all Liberal and that they should do away with Her Majestys loyal Opposition If ever belonged to governs ment that was elected 100 per cent as this crowd in North Simcoe are lue without some means of tel ans Of making people want to only means of telling large nun bcrs of people about the merchan disc that was to be had but it was also the means of presenting that merchandise in favorable light It created consumer acceptance in the mass at phenomenally low cost In the preselling process through advertising there was no cost of salesmen there was no cost of heavy inventories there was no necessity to carry the merchandise to the buyers in Order to convince them to buy The industrial adver tiser showed the buyer picture of his machinery at work the consu mcr advertiser showed picture of the produce in use in the home The result is that through atl vertising the consumer is already Sold when she enters the store The storekecper merely exposes the merchandise for the consumer to pick up and take home He accepts payment and reorders the replace ments needed to maintain mini mum stock The speaker added Advertising is the creator of markets today These are not the kind of markets that were Opened up simply by moving into new and unused lands They are markets created right at home or in the factory by moving people Into new ways of doing things more easily more safely and more pleasantly Mr Snelgrove was introduced by Gil Garrick and thanked on behalf of the club by Norman Synnott who remarked that the media of advertising seemed to go together like cup and saucer lt TWOMILE BRIDGE The longest bridge in Europe stretches two miles between the Danish islands of Zealand and Fal ster 3m zeta 7mm 75 You can depend on us to match your insurance coverage with your Individual noW advocatingrlwvouldesignz so would any selfrespecting man hope my party goes back into power but hope there is good Liberal Opposition That is demo cracy 5w 8W WEEKI PHONE 2931 24 Parkside Drive Barrie BUYS AWHYS INFORMATION SERVICE MONTREALJust like partyl Thats why this colourful fruit salad is so nice to serve when you have luncheon guests Heres how its made Pour lime gelatine into small individual moulds Wlien they are cool and firm turn them out on crisp lettuce Then put luscious crimson straw berries all around them Andthe nal touch of perfection MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING Whiz you taste it youllrmfke delicious discovery Miracle Whip has the lively flavour Of boiled dressmg and the smoooth texture of mayonnaise Youll love it Ask for Miracle Whip Salad Dressing and only Miracle Whipmade by Kraft Tip For June Brides aftd all their wedding griestsl You should be walk ing on air at Ljyour wedding so be very sure your days Of troussenu shop ping wont leave you with painful corps Get BLUEJAY Corn Plasters right now They contain new medica tion called Phenylium that gets right down under your corn and helps push it out from underneath the rst really new medica tio for corns and calluses inovet seventy yenrsl In actual tests Phenylium went to work 33 faster and worked 35 more surely than other leading remedies So hurry all you lover brides ask for BlueJays with Plicny lium at your favourite drug ycounter today aluminium at your gtocers now Its the one My Family Wouldnt Give Fig for anything but my ownhome it de7itrawberry and raspberry Jam guess they must be preju diced And am too wouldnt rrdo own ally CERTO FRUIT 4PECTIN way Thats the only Way can be sure Of results dont like risking my time moneyaml fruit on anything but certainties The true fruit flavor is retained not boiled awayas so much Of it was in the oldfashioned method And find get up to 50 more jamor jelly from the Name amount of fruits Have you tried Certo Fruit Pectin Youll save 23 the time of the former longboil way of jamy and jelly making There are grand recipes in the booklet under the label of each bottle of Certo Date Centennial Names Committee co The Battle Exomlnor Barrie Ontario Gentlemen wish to inform you that Name Street Addiftdn WI mummunmumm Innunluunuuu untounu uunnnununuuuunu nIuIItIululununIIduulunnnluulnul City Promo State is Iormerrestdebtot Barrievand lnvltatlon to attend ow HOME WEEK know wbuldglbo pleased to receive an Sender Nome um cmIndodenumummlduunhnlwmommnmnu ND ELEPHANT BONES Skchzcns of the TESSIU primitive elephant of the Puckett Age have been fourad parts of the world in many ow MANY TOURISTS NIAGARA FALLS Ont CPi Queen Victoria Park here is on the way to the biggest tourist sea son in history record total of more than 745000 persons entered In park in autos during May and traffic coritinlied heavy in June Honey Bad WMOTD CF PHONE 4351 Ar CAMERON Ontario Fire Fighters Federation mm MN here urged that Containers of paint Home of flood Permunents They must be good or Double or other inflammable liquids be painted orange instead of red They noted that rial is the color of many Qlliriitan broan Srrnirrn LOYIII TIIUE BLUE Hill 29 HIGH STREET BARRIE SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES 100 cm ALL ARE WELCOME Centrolenited Collier Street United UNION SERVICES Sunday July The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER STREET The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR MILLS Commanding Officer LT WOOD Assistant SUNDAY JULY 1953 ll amHOLINESS MEETING pmSALVATON MEETING Monthly Broadcast Service EVERYONE WELCOME was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord PS 1221 FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 Bayeld St 1000Sunday School 1100 and 730PREACHING Rev Bright WELCOME mm TRINITY CHURCH Rev dePENClER WRIGHT Rector Mrs Roberts Choir Director amHOLY COMMUNION 11 tumHOLY COMMUNION and SERMON Preacher The Rector pmEVENSONG interesting Questions will be answered ALL WARMLY WELCOME BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH AND ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Joint Services in Burton Ave United Charch REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister v4 SUNDAY JULY 1953 945 tumSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amBEGINNERS DEPT ll wmdMORNING WORSHIP Sermon Subject Thefool hath said in his heart there is no God Holly Church Service950 am Holly Sunday School1045 am PRAISE YE THE LORD can in CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev Lewis Minister in Charge Warren MacLean Organist and Choirmaster ll tumMORNING SERVICE bzf SAINT GEORGES CHURCH OF ENGLAND ALLANDALB RECTOR Rev NewtonSnilth BA 11 amMORNING PRAYER Preacher Mr Worfolk Toronto NO EVENING SERVICE YOU tare welcome iz= llNlIIN SERVICES St Ahdrews PRESBYTERIAN AND rlksr BAPTIST CHURCHES SUNDAY JULY 1953 INTIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton itworsiey st REV ALUCK BA BD Minister 950 amSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amMA1NTAININGgtTHE SPIRITUAL GLOW pmCHARACIER STUDIES MOSES You ARE INVITED yo mun UNITED APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH WTinn Hall high so Hutchinson Pastor SUNDAY JULY 5771953 Service pm PASTOR HUTCHINSON Devotional service every Wednesday 730 pm CKBB ER BAPrIsr Independent FellowShip REV NULLMEYERiPastor 9345 amBIBLESCHOL amOOESI=TwOItK 7i pm5FROM ITHE GALLdys T0 GLORY Boys and Girls Daily vacation Bible School June 29 to July 9301130 am Prizes Illustrated Biblev stories and something to make FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Afllllatbd with the Pentecostal Assemblies of 20 MULGASTEB sir mimic REV BURGESS PASTOR SUNDAY JULY 1953 to aimSUNDAY SCHOOL onan CLASS 11 campMORNING WORSHIP 730 pINSPmlNG GOSPEL sunvrcu Tues lamPrayer Meeting Thur nineJonas Rapid Bible Study Wonderful mm Venn 905930 sunny