mm mm W3 FRIDAY JULY 1953 III III In Iw THE KINSMEII CLUB PRESENTS INlll IN BARRIE iMR PEANUT mllllo HELP KIN $5000 HELP KIDDIES Last yearthrough your contributions to Peanut Tag Day sixty needy children received grand holiday at the Salvation Army camp at Hawk River in the Haliburton district This year it is hoped that many more children will be given thexsame opportunity to learn to swim to learn to camp and t0 have healthy holiday To do this your financial support is needed Your dimes quarters and dollars on Peanut Day Saturday July will be gratefully accepted not only by the Kinsmen Club of Barrie but by the manychildgenppagerly looking forward to camp holiday GuEssl HOWMANV IPEANUTS gt MR PEANUT KMSYIID THANK You The Kinsmen Cluh otrBarrie wishes to express its sincere appreciation and gum tude to the merchants and citizens of Barrie Kinsmen proiects have always received your support arid wengoin say Thank You on behalf needy children you have given Us the Opportunity to help it of the many HARRY LOWE President