Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1953, p. 5

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FOR SALE lift WANTED WANTED Mixed Stovewood SALESMEN HIGHEST PRICES FOR $508 per single cord at Ema 150 MRetar DELIVERED mu comm 31 alter es El full or part time men for PIIOBE 307111 23 INDUSTRIAL ERON METAL on way to secure future Tell us something about your back3 Ml QDunlop St West Ferndalc rite Box Phone 811131 or 6467 and interview 31011 DISPLAY SCRAP IRON CT BARBIE 75012 LINCOLN ARC WELDING EQUIPMENT Oliverything Supplied Arrdrztdc fl Sons srltolfu rrroxc tom 7701115 Barrie Exarrrincr Will be arranged TTT Special High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid sales Phone Barrie Stayner tiltiNliliilt 111 hp 57 2933830r31 95J298J3 iliii lilllllllltll Sllorrtl MAX PUSHKOFF NllittilZ ill Isttralor automatic AND COMPANY lt Lust jgtIIiiy llt llrorre Yard and Office 156 Tifftn St 3732110 LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid Free Collection by our own truck MCLAUGHLIN Poultry Dealers Alliston BOOKKEEPEH Wanted for wholeI1 Phone Alliston 77W sale vegetable house in IlrItiftrtllI lilo10 EVHMI Brad or Prams unm hum WANTED TO ltlNl for tltStlll riding horses for JIrrILoI camp WAITRESS WANTED Apply in Phone Stroud Ziirlii IltTII eron to McCarrns Coffee Bar f5 bklgca Road Open execpt Wed A3 lizD 10 llll xrlratgc lii1lt msdav 1757gcasy vaikrrrg of town centre Agr 0i Box 67 Barrie lixr IIIII LADIES 10 hours per day 750 dilU ttrtrrori Inorre IIQJ IIo mmmwm ML gt LARGE Electric Fans gt Barrie ExI 1111 Silk 355 BM lmiJacksons Departmental Stores 311 libiliitllUSE Automatic oven Immu ma contrtzon used one season Dunlop St Barrie Phone 434 lI MANWANTED with 2ton or was ton truck for business proposrirorrl VS CC mew $20 NCW barf turtl or full tInL Phone wng mucmlw $15 Playpcn tllli 93 Donald St 776 ggfjgltgag lilglljg Zouiiiinu Steel Cutting Lathe tioor model swing with all ggNglbgongnc 833112 lcctotics Price $200 Phone 5684 770 GRADUATE fnfih LOVELY Ornamental Porch Rail NmTe mid CTELIllLrldegrivatc duti rugs made to your specications PulsesprfgnfcnmELL 181akcn lllgtIliitfi Free estimates Phone res 13 4263 Barrie 1737GI 111 159 7176 WAITRESSES must be experienc ADDING Machine TYPEW ed good starting salary hospitalI ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe lzation extra pay for holidays andl Business Machines 08 Toronto St Sundays Apply United Cigar PROPERTY FCR SAlE lphone 4824 7136 0R RENT Store Barrie l55tf llllllbiL for small office or honrc nearly new Budgie bird SEKEEPERT 130330 pm housekeeping and care 015 ROOM llODERN Bungalow hot fk$k83gpb 24 elderly lady Apply stating age water heated or tired Apply 140 cxpericnceand references to Box 66 Bradford St 19itltdCRESS CORN Sum for sure re Barrie Examiner 176 ROOM HOUSE Sim 01 mm litf Your druggist sells Cress WE HAVE permanent position but and CUITI water ilTITfinthd RLnOUJLwe Amati floors piece bath Officers or Open on our staff Matriculam preferred Typing an asset Apply airmen preferred Adults only Half1 REA 1er Box Bed Masonite minute to bus Available Jul IIlbh 200d condition Apply In own handwriting Barrie Pub lie Utilities Commission 17678 At 124 Henry 51 Barrie litI631 mm Suite Barrie vl 77677 hides raw fur horsehair feathers VExperience not necessary Most In loaded lt Davis Gravel Pit Mine LEVIT TRADING Monday mm mm 33 Collier St Phone 1301 my my week Collect phone calls accepted DELIVERY ANYWHERE 32311 Phone 2430 for interview gym WILD Barrie Metal Salvage Phone 2907 Barrie DEALERS IN 74011 SCRAP IRONMETALSFURS ortrss ltlft our $300 errant RIDES BAGS BATTERIES wwwwwnw mt FEATHERSV tillH Llrgt Irrt lHizlillt Ilrrhp We are nth building alnti titrg ll taff nt hart lll IWPIIH in the liilii HUI Our trucks wril call Highest Hlililt In to cover tint and district tttr prices paid Special prices paid It ttIut tory Previous experience is delivered Necessary to sell WU iii from you can be lifetime work and want you with us for long Lint If you are worker here gt bright future with lrrlglr earnrir Car is an asset but out necessary Reply to Downturn Nursery Co Limited Stratllroy Infant 75713 llIKlll il Mower also Na tIi lltgthttl lilorre Hal mW lit 75 PART TIME lltetptiorrist wanted for doctors office Apply Box illil Barrie Exannner 772170 ELECTRICIAN Wanted State exi perlezree and phone number Apply Box 63 Barrie Examiner lL no rtr rlox IIII to 150 lbs capacity mind for summer cottage $15 Home 1151 75411 lmxo NHIVCOMBE trr Will sell 317 in good reasonably 77078 lililNlZA Gerrard jiv ftlrs Thompson 1118 776 III gt szto tinsnrorr 14 ft outboard ill boat in good condition lnozre Barrie 4323 77678 BABY Cartrage lzgirt grey Can be convtrtrti to gttzoller Very good price Phone 3035 DESK SPACE Telephone fzrrrlrties wanted for sales reproserrtntirt Contact Veilranr Chamber of Commerce It 771 TRUCKS FOR Hire on Highway 93 Elmvale Apply on the jtli io superintendent of Maxtcd Sand Na Undergraduath Gravel Co Elrnvale 37170 pmcucallRESPECTABLE old age pension couple to live in country home while husband afrd wife Must be abstainors Apply lint at Barrie Examiner 2177577 GIRL REQUIRED to do light COTTAGE for sale or rent on Lake Simcoe atCedar Harbour PROPERTY FOR SALE Business Opportunities ROOM BOARD CITLMLINGWOOD For sale lclit REAL ESTATE and seven room apartment on Man Street plus two stores garage and warehouse good $5450F1Vc rtrtirn frame bungalow WIWESI Kmml Gaul H350 down Iner 11120557 loronto or LL olngvotrd 252 294175 $9000 Five will one and half store $2610 tierwn COLL DOG year old moor en which dog Very fond of chil3 Phone 8485 38765 BABY HAMSTEBS Ideal childrensi pets ljasy to keep house and feed ch Cill be seen at 99 Donalrli 11116911 Iz 1141 Shepherd Puppies sireti rnplozr RIX of llethalex anti HARRY ll MICIIIL Realtor Illltlilg ftorale Top quality blllrnlollSI Hist 151011011351 rut coznt Imports sablest up lites purtbleti stock Lrnrrtcti py lyebtidge Kennels lleg tlellatters lyebrrdge $1030011ve on brick bungalow $2630 down $5500Seten 11min brick house Liurt to down town hall cash Sibtltlllril llttt blrck utltlgakw cash letrllilrtl insul lltlii four roon iolientirrL Butcher Armstrong Realtors 1706A Avenue Rd 133 Dtrnlop St Barrie Ph 6042 TROPERTY FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Liiii for office space Will reno tte to surf Apply McCtIIIoughs Groceterio Corner Mary and Dunlop St Westi Phone 21180 room solid brick $11000 53130110 51150th0 room storey income ihonre And many other homes lots or illtsttltSSt For full llillilCiiiill call us gt BRUCE REP BARBIE 6642 ROUTE9011 Gentleman Pirorre 4109 After hours call 2239 70 pm room storey stucco New room duplex 157573 thl IIInnoorr for rent Pirouei 1570 It 713 LACEY REAL ESTATE BROKER CARSON REPRESENTING 98 Bayfield St Barrie Ph 5208 TWO STOREY BRICK Full price $11500 Cash $3000 large rooms and bath with bedrooms open fireplaces full basement hot air coal furnacelJIL Large lot Large garage wrtlr vorko balmmm Apply Maple shop 21 blocks from down town 1576 This home is ideal for Duplex FURNISHED Rooms good loca iTlS lion on bus route Phone RANCH BUNGALOW Mb Fun price 515500 with FURNISIIED Bedroom Strit gel mmngud lame mums and ttrnrn Ltatlal gtnt 89 bath With bedrooms one 154672 32 00 Vinii mm With ROOM Nicely Furnished for man vision corner Ultra modern kitchi pwwmbly to employed phone en fanniy size dining room large 35 157678 garage Beautiful basement with picture window Oil air eonditionedi FURNISHED Bedroom single Suit treating Overlooking ravine witlrgentleman Very central Phoni sprirrg pond in rear This home has 4719 1575 country atmosphere and yet lol cated in oire of Barrics choice2 iIOUSKEEPING Rooms SUII residential districts If you areibUSmCSS couple or working girls looking for home of distinction Phone 2442 1576 see 115 LARGE Furnished Modern House lkeeping room Suit Central IPhorre 22 Full price $11000 with crop Cash 15 $6000 100 acres clay loam with creek which enters every field cirerrette and bedroom Excellent buildings with hydro15I Mary St and water throughout room home SMALL roomed apartment with with bath 1676 torlet share bath off hall Phone BRICK HOUSE room dotrblt212377 froln95 pm 157576 garage on corner lot Phone 6043 167g79 UNFURNISHED BedSrttrng room and kitchenette Adults and ab BOOM STONE House acres stainers Phone 6454 1554tf Many extras and pressure system phone 2055 154476 NICELY Furnished housekeeping room very central Phone 2852 or LOTS FOR SALE Apply James apply 91 Worsley St 157677 ROOMS lower flat newly dec Leiglrton miles south Barrie on orated garage and garden Adults Highway 27 1676 HOUSE AND LOT on 122 Queen Rent $05 Phone 3655 1576 FURNISHED Rooms for single ilJilNiSlillll BLDIIOOM Central izronc 41118 15 7t IIOOMICD Flat treated Adultsi oniy Phone 3370 1570 IUliNlSHED lloorn lornts Phone 3902 Five 1576 110031161 Furnished Apartment tentral Phone 5703 157631 Sriitabie for lady only jAlso garage Phone 157576 1881 ROOMED Aarirnent share furnished 1576 St Angus For particulars apply Angus land Gzlford Answers to Penny 337678Chrids pet Phone llrll or phone 5023 Msmwm Aw ROOM AND BOARD for gentle rrten in good home AbslatriersI til lanrsril St Barrie 12576 ROOM AND BOARD available for gentleman close to down town Phone 6257 or apply 45 McDonald Street 1270 LOST aEDUND LOSTSmall white and brown terrier answers to name UI Butch Reward Phone Ivy 7r3 13I LOSTFrom Thornton last Surr day pale green young budgie UIIL Iirri ng rt kindly call IV l2rl New 12776 LOSTlocker Spaniel tan color vicinity of Lefroy Belle Ewart Lefro 177677 no retl purse on East bus Tuesday ed 11400 rilliltlk feet floor space avrri CW Barrie Tent Awning CO Phone 4314 Repairs and alterations to houses carpentry cabinet work Anything in build stores APARIMENT Livingiroom kit wrnrgrrra PERSON who picked ll live please retrrrrr or maill papers whzcil are urgently requiri to Miss Marian Dawson ill 17711 gt MISCELLANEOUS CAMPING EQUIPMENT for rent TENTS CAMP COTS COLEMAN SlOVES PORIABLE REFRIGERATORS Borrie Tent C7 Awning Con 157570 Phone 4314 34 Bayfleld St 5611107I TARPAULINS New Used ORentals Ilepairs Seventhgood used tarps at reasonable prices 34 Baytieid st 5175412 HOUSE REPAIR SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTOR etc Roofing ing BUDGET TERMS No down payment on most jobs Fast effrcrent guaranteed service Phone Collect Stroud 47r13 56098 FLOOR COVERING Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 70 Maple Ave Phone 5185 565142 NOWOPEN TO SERVE YOU AI TAXI YOur business will be appreciated PHONE 5991 II Esso Rd Aliondol 54477 ton Phone 19rd Ivy housework and look after two school age boys at summer cottage Bonsecours Beach Lake Srrncoe Apply Box 57 Barrie Examiner or phone collect Empire 87580 Tor onto 176 AUTO SALESMAN new and used cars by large auto dealer in Bar rie Good opportunity Salary and commission benets permanent Experience and local connections desirable Mr Hill 55 Dunlop St West phone 2427 17577 YOUNG MAN wanted for work atw milk bar and iairySuitable for BDCI student with chauffeurs lic ease and willing to work evenrng shift every other week Apply Lakeview Dairy 17777 MAKE MONEY at home addressing envelopes for advertisers Use typewriter or longhand Good full sparetime earnings Satisfaction guaranteed Mail $1 for rnstructron manual Tlansglo POBox 1543 Wichita Kansas USA WM THE SUN LIFE Assurance C0591 Canada has position open In Barrie If you qualify adequate income extensive training group insurance and pension plan are provided Write stating age eduy cation business experience ad dress arrd phone number Box 53 Barrie Examiner 176 MEN wrtlelmmedratcry for full information how to establish pro fitable Rawleigh business You will be surprised at big results others secure No selling experi ence necessary to Buy on Boldencppeul 10 b31151 solid business Rawleighs Dept 28143 Montreal 170 TOWNSHIP School Area No Tossorontio require qualied Protestant teacher for 88110 Clougher Schooh Duties to com thence Sept 811953 School situated on goodroad and well equipped with hydro etc Salary according to qualications and experience Apply statingw age qualications experience present inspector if ex uberienced and salary expctedy to Olalrlmble StacyTwas Lisle RB 1110 Ont 76477 POSITIONS WANTED woundon would like to baby bit venlngs 50c hour Phone daisasst 270 Mouth catch 1260 off Parts for all makes Welt Itcd 10 Dunlap 02750 170 vale 141r23 aftcrvapm lttlug yior evening Strorrd Fully equipped all mod ern conveniences wtnterized three bedrooms Sale price $5000 Rent 545 weekly $375 for season year around $65 Apply Dean Arbutlr not Store Alcona Beach ill654101 AUTOMOBILES CASH $$$ CASH FORYOUR CAR IN FIVErMlNUTES SEE gt Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131011 MOTORIST WISE SIMONIZ Let IISSimoniz yourwar the right way Car Washing Polishing Sirntmizing Specialty We are as close as your phone FREE PICK UPXSL DELIVERY Phone sslr 137576 38CHEV COUPE in good condi tion Phone 4442 after pro 137677 1940EPONTIAC Coachrmaroon and grey in good condition throughout Phone 5030 137677 41 CHEV COACHexcelicnt condi tion radio heater defroster $500 or best offer Phone 67114 1376 1941 PONTIAC Sedan excollcrlt conditionthroughout must be seen to be appreciated Must sell Phone 8067 1370 WM4 49 MERCURY Sedan privately owned good condition Leaving country Reasonable Phone 45rti Cookstown 1376 1049 CHEV lzTONPickup has been used only for lighttgroccry deliveryggood condition $550 The RCASC School Camp Borden 137476 1940 BLACK Mercury Sedan in good condition Will Sell reason ably Phone Barrie 3835 between portables Gosney Phone 4115 Box 11755m1th Corona Cookstown 84m and pm or phone Elm 137647 47CHRYSLER Sedan privately owned fully equipped newmotor and tires owners since new Can be seen Friday and weekend 3681 Shanty Bay Road 50 Ply 238 Plyrxiouth Continuum 00 Chev Standard Coach 00 30rChev Pickup 375 36 For Panel 073 37 Ford Dum 200Woods hoistwlthtake 47 CHEV Sedan 0d are andW lkl RUGS Broadloom Save up to SowNewtiarugs from old rugs voollens and discarded clothing Newer shades Phone Barrie 2706 7451 FEED YOUR PIGS Master Credit and contracts available until mar keted No interest Phone 5315 Strand Huntcrs Poultry Farm 77488 RECONDITIONED Electric Refrig erators Keivirrator Beach and lirigidaire Nesbitt Refrigeration Service 234 Duekworth St 77576 WASHER $11950 No Berltty Reduced to tradedns necessary Orriy $1195 down balance $250 weekly Barrie Hardware phone 3661 776 TYPEWRITERS office machines adding machines cash registers sales and senvice 17 Frances St Barrie representative 7601be UURNER Eleetic Gurney range table top good condition reason able lhor Washing Machine good fflllfiit1011fl wooden bed YOUR MASTER Feed dealer Craig Hunter sells complete line of Master FeedspBaler and Binder Twine Frost Fence and Graham Plum For service phone 53r5 Stroud 77488 RANGES special this week Beatty electric apartment $50 tradein a1 lowflllCI for your old stove rang ottootgtotp1ateBalance as low as $250 weekly Barrie Hardware phone 3064 776 WASHER Beatty Super deluxe fllztillitSSSlLCi double tub thermal washclzOnly $153 with trade No down payment necessary Balance $250 weekly Barrie Hardware phoni 3664 HP ELECTRIC Motor 60 cycle juSt rewound Large floor type electric fan 60 cycle Good public speaking system speakers and good microphone Reed t77476F COMPLETaatopound set Weider Barhells Original cost $50 Still as good as new Will sell for $35 Ap ply Hoffman any evening between and pm Peel St or phone 9060 776 15 FT PETERBORO Speedster deck boat cover oars large cush ion lnearly new half price Out board trailer optional equally as cheap 11111 AlgonquinAve Big Bay Point 77677 QUANTITY OF UsedLumber acres of standing tray 13130 used windows all sizes Domestic elec tric Refrigerator Raymond streadle sewing machine also wood and coal cook stove Phone 1105101 TYPEWRITERS and Addlnl Mat chines new and factory resoundi tioned Service by factory trained mechanicsagooc at no 9111 rental rates Gail em ugto NFL ante Phone and spring Phone Barrie 5740 77677 1776 tiara of ohefsimllarhomes transfer Mustisell Apply after hot water oil heating double next door Bob McCrea 167580 CREEMOREBrick house and lot in excellent condition Many ex tras Apply Box 64 Barrie Exam iner 167678 USED CARS and Wrecking Busi ness new bungalow hot and cold water about 414 acres land Phone 811r15 167679 LARGE ROOMS and one small on cornerlot close to school Oil space heater to go with house Low down payment Phone 2036 167677 ANGUSBuff lnsul Brick Cottage rooms 2piece bath hot and cold water car garage large lot Vacant July Apply Secord Margaret 51 Angus 167678 $3800 FULL PRICE for small Highway property miles from Barrie Marshall Representa tivevJ Coulis Real Estate Broker Owen St Phone 2377 NEW STOREY Brick Veneer rooms upstairs rooms and piece bath downstairs rooms and 4piecebath hardwood floors stone 6212 replace oil heated Phone 5573 Apply 15 Burton Ave lovely new Available now Phone 2997 lioor suit business couple Thompson St Phone 5760 Apply LARGE Furnished preferred Central Phone 3443 LARGE Comfortably HOUSEA new insul lad bun galow rooms and athroom hydro hardwood oors and inlaid evenings Ford 80813 Phone 2389 floors forced airijth oilheating commodate coup nice corner lot close to school on bus line NHA nance Priced right Phone 4281 167576 MODERN HOUSE in Alliston large lot all conveniencesPrice reasonable Owner moving due to trance Available Jul Maple Ave dren Phone 5387 pm and weekends Abernethy phone Alliston 19W 167577 SELECTION OF NHA nanced houses or rooms full explana tion of financing will be given on inspection Marshall Repre sentative Coulis Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phon 23773 167 ROOM BEVELLED Siding Bun galow closeto both RC and public schools oak floors hot water heat erator and garage Central stainers only Phone 5780 galow hardwood oors bath close room vacant July Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen St Phone 2377 1676 able for couple ireplace low down paymentsbalancciless than rent FIVe six and seven room homes from $4000 up Down 1522 payments as low us$1000We have the selection to choose icon See LARGE ROOMED Henry and Elricll Realtors 1676 RUG BRICK Dwellinglar eliv ing and dining room wit flre lace also den sun room and large ttchen airy bedrooms large closets trimmed with gum wood ar ago in leudld condition ec summer season or longer including heat and electricty aminer Colitis Real Estate Bypker girl or man Close to bus stop 1576 UNFURNISHED Apartment in home Quiet location 1576 FURNISHED Rooms on ground 38 1576 LARGE HEATED lower furnished apartment Available immediately Saturday only 78 Tiffin St 1576 Bedsitting room wrth grlii Business couple 157 677 ROOM Apartment unfurnished 11L miles from Camp Borden Bath room and hydro Fitz Angus 1576 furnished hosuekeeping room Very central Adults 160 Collier St Phone 4098 157677 PEEASANT Housekeeping accom modation for girls All convenien ces Further information at phone 1576 1646 ROOMED Apartment kitchen ette separate entrance Available lt July Phone 6414 afternoons and 157476 linoleumi Highqu 90 5111085 SELF CONTAINED Unfurnished We 0f Allandale Apply Percy apartment large rooms piece 167679F bath sink rum Aliandale Adults thaw ROOM Beversrdlng bun galow piece bath hardwood HOUSE ON Dunlop St West ac es separate err Apply 60 1576 NEW BRICK Bungalow on high way south of Barrie Modern in every way Vacant Sorry nolschil 76 WELL Furnished Roomsgground oorbath use of kitchen refrin 157677 1576 NEW ROOM bevel siding but piece to school and bus route Apply 31 Berczy St 1576 UNFURNISHED Upstairs Apart ment rooms separate 3piece bath Abstainers No children Suit couple $40Sep ing attached garage 101 landscap arate entrance 106 Henry St after red Marshall Representative pm 157677 SMALL Well eauip ed house suitV SEVERAL HOMES under NHA plete bathroom telephone eluciigi Wilson Shanty Bay Phone OXO 1576 Furnished Apartment on ground floor now vacant very central $45 monlily so garage Apply Box 56 Barrie Ex 1576 APARTMENT Living room kitch en with sink and builtin cup boards bedroom private 3piece both private entrance Call after 680pm or Saturday afternoon Mom 81 Phone 21177 fie76 100 Torontost 1576Phorle 5882 For Job Well Done Call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 0Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Gyprocing OGeneral Building ESTIMATES ON REQUEST 525th FOR RENT FLOOR SANDERS Do your own floors Its easy Our new HighSpeed Floor Sander does excellent work Low rates Complete line of oor nishing materials paints varnishes shell acs fillers brushes etc We sell everything needed to make new doors from old BOYDS PAINT and WALLPAPER 19 glapberton St Phone 5206 59111 EAVESTROUGIIING and Furnaces Free estimatesPhone Stroud CARTAGEMoving done Reason able ratesCall Rose Stroud 15124 57677 SIGNS Truck Lettering gold leaf window lettering Lund sted phone 6482 55811 BRICK LAYING Chimneys Cem ent work Stucco Plastering Ap ply DTCaer 11R Barrig 76 EXPAINTER and Decorator of Eaton Co 25 years of experience Estimates free Phone 804115 57446 MIMEOGRAPHING and Public Stenography Barrie Business College 66 Toronto 81 Barrie 51362t Phone 4824 WATER WellDrilling For gen erations our only buSlness Wright and Sont633 Hurontarlo St Collingwoodn0nt Phone 318M 5451 owner of the Belgian stallion that had lastyear Anyone interested Phelpston 57377 rt WE NOW OFFER services on all upholstery work slip covers and dra cries We specialize in foam rub er The Mayer Upholstering 211 Dunlap St tWestPhone 2021 2021 551tfli ARNOIII AND Walton painting and decorating Interior or exterior Prompt servrce to all inquiries Work guaranteed to your satisfac tion Phone 6777 or apply 141 Coll ier St 57688 MAGICIAN eed entertainment for Garden Party Club Meeting Childrens Party Get John Warnica mag clan Eeaaonable rates 80 William Barrie JACK GILLESPIE amstrrr the please call 6r237 Elmvale or RR CHICKS Bray has pallets Dayolds And some started immediate delivery Ask us for full particulars it Copeland RR Beeton Phone Beetorr 55112 2476 LOOK HILLSIDE Pullcts im mediate shipment dayuld $1990 weeks $30 Weeks $3390 And older pellets Mixed chicks Broiler chicks Bargains youll be glad to buy Ill take your order Mrller RR Barrie Phone 803r22 2476 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE sneronn CALP for sale Phone 1133113 976 WEANIID PIGS ti on old Kerr llroliey Egbert cousin or pro about let pounds Phone Bldrll 97655 10 YOUNG rattlingrtugsfs Knit old Phone 10r13 Stroud 76 10 Pros amtticks Oioati Graves Minesing phone 1101 97677 VEANED PIGS Apply Allen Ie beck RR Stayner phone 5814 971 COOO warnings Apply Fraser SIIUUII Campbell 16rd 976 ti YORKSHIRE Pigs weeks old 11 Brandon Hilisdale Phone Moonstone 976 22 WEANLINGTIIGS Apply with lam Hall Thornton Phone Le froy 19l24 976 28 WEANED rims Jrtiiguit Apply Walter Schaly RR Thorn 976 HBALTHYPIGS VeekSTld Apply Godln HR Shanty Bay phone Dave ori ROOM AND BOARD suitable foriBROlLER Chicks AugustSecretion immediate possession bricklom or two Apply 31 Sanford Stber should be on order now And rams FOR SALE FARM lu ACRES lexcl glxld loam land suitablefor tobacco potatoes loot bendings Box Barrte Examiner 87679 PLANTS Cr FLOWERS CABBAGE Plants 40 per 100 Cauliflower plan5 70c per 100 the garden Chantier 13 Donald St Barrie 27h Nell TOWNSHIP sthool Area of Vesi praTenders wanted to install oi furnace in rural schools No Midhurst Tenders cltlse July1l1 Particulars from Smith Mic burst 26470511 TENDERS Wanted for painting ii terlor and exterior of Grenfei School also interior of julllOl room Ferndaie Tenders close July 10 For particulars contact Smith Midhurst 26703 FARM EQUIPMENT RECONDITIONED MILKER UNITS All makes available exception a1 values These lniiker units are in Al condition and new parts replaced when needed You must see theSe bargains to appreciate them BARRIE FARM SUPPLY Market Square Phone 2912 3960407 sTor MOWER rut Ford Tlactur Phone 2195 3973773wr 1945 DODGE TRUCK with ButI2 Rake Strachan Edgar Phone 11481113 397679 Crown Hill sidcroad 76 bros WEEKS OLD Apia Wrilrarrr Crittenderr Oro Station Lot Corr Oro near Edgar 976 COW AND Heifer Calf at foot weeks old Arnem No 90 Highway near narrow river bridge 976 24 WEANLING Figs weeks old also 14 Geese Phone Stroud 1022 or apply Brady RR Stroud 976 HOLSTEIN cows2 fresh orle purebred due July 12 Apply James Leighton miles south Barrie on Hrghway 27 976 HEREFORD COW due to freshen about July 11 also standing hay and some potatoes Phone OReilly 803r3 97677 YORKSHIRE Sows due July 13 Hereford Bull months old COpeIand RR No Beeton miles west of Newton Robinson 976 CLEARVIEW Yorkshires servic able aged boars also open gilts 10 chunks of pigs Carscad den Stroud Phone 32r4 Stroud 97479 NUMBER OF Registered large English white bred sows and reg rstered Boar over months old Apply Harry Ross phone 55r23 Cookstown 97677 SET OF Heavy Breeching Harn essvarrted also dark red Dual Purpose bull for sale 17 months old price $100 John Williams RR Cookstown 976 BELGIAN Stallion Nero Golden yearsoldfor service Lot 17 Corr Sunnidale Terms itll$10 Mares bred at owners risk Nor man Maxwell Brentwood 97679F REGISTERED large English white Yorkshire Sows Bears 12 weeks 10 and weeks old Priced to sell Chorce stock Sired by Kelmscott Darn Lady Mollington Arthur orlzow Con 10 Stroud 976 12 PIGS WEEKS OLD also Purebred Ayrshire cow due Aug bred by Maple unit Purebred Yorkshire Hog years old from an 89 point sow on advanced reg istry Apply to George Archer Phelpston Phone 142142 976 POLL SHORTHORN Heifer blood tested due July Shorthorn and Hereford Stockers year old York Sow due July part Tam worth Sows due Aug 15 York and Tam Pigs weaned weeks 10yearold Belgian Horse quiet and reliable in all harness 4year old Albino saddle horse sound and quiet and suitable for children very attractive and we think it would be suitable for circus horse Apply Gordon Irvin Allis ton RR No Phone Beeton 49r22 97677 II MlTll SEE THE NEW MM Side Delivery Rake and Tcdder at Wilsons Gar age Minesirrg 397476 MASSEYHarris Mower for sale or exchange for livestock Phone 805r23 Barrie 397677 BINDER Canvases for Massey Ilarris 7ft cut deck and table nearly new Phone l5r24 Stroud 3970 FEW NEW IHC Combine Carr vases No reasonable offers fused Coates RR N0 To tenharrr 3976791 FOR GOOD Used guaranteed Grain Binders see Coates RH No Tottenham at SH Lot Corr Tecurnseth 397682F MASSEYHARRIS Hay Loader rope type used years good as new Morrison RR No Stayner phone 271W2 3976 NEW OTgCO furrow plow new set 28 isc Tandem Harrows Used Spreader Apply Wilsons Garage Minesing 397476F MASSEYHarris Binder 7ft cut in good condition also quantity of Seed Buckwheat Phone Cookstowrr 71r22 Albert Gilroy 3976 HAY LOADER McD Dump Rake All in good condition Priced to sell Apply Jebb AC Dealer Cookstown phone 63W 3976 1952 GFT INTERNATIONAL Cont bine all attachments motor driven Cut approximately 40 acres Rea sonable Phone 17r4 Lefroy 397677 USED CASE BALER Reconditidn ea Milker used 6ft MotorCom bines Bargains on all tractor plows new and used MH oneway Discs George South Heathcote 397679 DUMP RACKS years old tin mediate delibery MH Balers Several FebtiiltBinders 1947 Stud ebaker thalfton truckuDohald Mc Vittie MH Dealer phone 18W Al liston 397576 JOHN DEERE Forage Harvester used motor corn attachment and bloWer Case Combine F2 5ft pickup and all attachments Used Offset Disc Case All machinery in good repair and priced reasonable Apply Ed Nicol Alliston RR Phone 5713 Lot 30 Con 6Adjala 397576 MCCORMICK International Com bine cut engine driven equip ped gram bin clover pickup screens etc good condition or have brand new delivered dur ing Winter never used Allis Chal mers Combine engine driven fully equipped clover pickup clover Screens etc As need onlyorie will sell either The 111 at less than half original cost or the new Chalmers at substantial reduction Morrison Lot Corr Innisl 197678 jrnanrrn STORE USEo ICE BOXES by the dozen at give away prices From the oldebstyle wooden refrigeratorsoh large white metal chest youll find the ice box you needbere uscp OILspACE HEATERS inhalant for cottaglf 6000 Used furniture atoll kinds Budget Tami Preellclivery OPENIUNTII FRIDAYS CLOSED AT 6pm SATURDAY 1111 smut 111011117111 slung 137 Bunion St to Borne

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