Ag Secondary School Graduation Div Leon PEnardMH Ag 11 John blathiesonoAlg Ic pltmlas mil he minted as folk Joan BargainA3 II THE BARBIE FEXAMIIIVERKIRIDAYHJILKI195 VI A301 Mike Mug A13 giggibag3gwl mm mm me three peat Lam Doreen Knapp Wow 11111 WAMm 111 Five Option mm Barbara OmhardegI 11 Related 8351 Marginal A3 and Algebra Wilson Ran 131ml tr Pew AdamuEnx EH JGer PeafsaAaghi 1V 5m nu XylenVVLImbert 625sum repeat Latin and Algebra EHI MEMM CI V690 Ag 11 2V 3V Mu Kidd 593 Don Vaiiey repeat 121111 and ngquVAM1 fig CV Ag 13 Ctan DEPARTMENT For Wln WATER WASHED WitRalph Snider 594K gFrnchL CV Rob LivingstonvEng in Pmmted to 308 PrugtedPCantlioiIillyIgomdi Grade XI students regularly chry mismanaAkgu 1V Alg Geom Ag II lat $1115 PhylliiIQ Borker agrant RB vetewn Ron Hume 133210qu Driveway ORG crushed COCMlG OI Fem Culilpzcle iirec departmental 511 cite rraine amp en A3 Ulmwmng threehitter as Barrie Legion clobv 211 rizmfr CI Ms 11 12511331521 11 51121 11312111 Dru ma mam 101 Am and sand For sale at or delivered my gm an rzcui 1m sdaI mi in to move into Smlcc RncheAIMH mom Ag L31 Mus agingEgIlIfIifrgziIchCng sole possessmn of first place in the PIT AT MIDHURST ONTARIO Urge KentonA5le Mg Barrie distrzct softball standings 011111 XIA MI Four Option Diplomas Fralick Sandra Furzecotl Made lt MH CI The Legzon cut 10058 01 Piersun him AJDOUALQMH Mg Jmme ammakmm CCMUS iiiiiigftiaafxs 513 Angus VVmB ll tl Mi w=lll Al Bi EmpkeEns 560m es Joan Leslie John Lewis June mm mm walk and with8 t3 itIr Aliiml R1cc1AIII Alg If La Mkh of an errorV salvaged Ionrvrun Ag Ag Liddiard liar enc ar 1c 3mg an Bimie MVVIVIVVedI 300 Bayfled Sf BARRIE DEd er AMHLA1 Marilyn HaSltlrEng 3m Luty Bill McLean Eleanor Mar VI AI lIrts mg A3014 SJIyam Again A13 12060 ZI Ag 11 II pr II rowI Mae MllburnI Donald Mar The Winners held 90 indd at MargaAvcmmcimm CVAlg gmfUVdAMH Mg Donna KaighinEng 501 Roma Panzing Lorraine Ojluggeilig WM Ag Ag iGNm A8 11 L2 3v Fr Partridch Shirley Perkins Paul 21 lbid foglfghumut Narnia BuylissaAtkhul Aig Brm xVV3VhMadIVmI Dougias McMasterwllng MH RobinsonV Lien Schaly Elizabeth gt mg Ag II 90111 Ag II Lat Shocmkm Virginia Show Ham Pat Wanamaker With four hiLs IV IV on five trips to the plate was big Icsry EclartigtA1H Als Btl Vesn13nAMlI flfz Fr VISOpIIonow B111 lae Marlo Tm weapon BobVIhurlow with three as AL Al II WhiCh mm P3 0U 95 rg 1V Sally saving Mil Como AlItliiI1Ian hm ASIMII Ali iii cnianMH VL Ag 11 13 CI Fr homokd ranked second in the 18bit attack 0mm MB Arthur MurnbersonFms MB Evelyn Ayres Eleanor Beardsall Eaon Pmrm Gm III11 Fitz ingAl Geom A1 II Lat Fr LCWLS Cockburn Delores Cooper gammd the harem for Angus Joan IursonEng Mil Myrna Emms Dorothy Forbes wgmn 0001le 18 mnlllznc kvAlZ Minna$111 11 117 Bar 1111111 in Georn Ag 11 13 Fr 0mm GreensldeI Lynda Handy Angus 0010 011 MOIldai July 6th Ilt 330 Dm DST The New Ag he OCcnnorEng III Hazel Hayes Lenore Home Betty Alliston convention will be held to nominate 21 earn Mariam FuSlcfAlg Citiblznc AndersonMg M1 JohnstonAMIIII gm CV G90 51 II Li Fr Kelly Elaine Lavender Kenneth Mg LEA AS II all Thelma PearsallAIan MH Luck pa Mex he MiiiarV Men Sweepstake d1datc to contest the riding of Dufferm Simcoe for the 13c Manon JVVnernVAllui III mg Wm BIV1EIVVVIAH Aig SI Guam At 11 Lat Fr norms Purvm Dorothy Putnam progrebaIVCConservative Patty in the forthcoming YII IV OntarioV seen her bailing an auto IAE POOLng Iu Cw 3901 Guccn bclttouct Russ button Lor monI All supporters of the Party are nvmedI 21 Lid Fr 21 Yuiin mJIlC mmlcr 111 tunic pint epcals Barbie Lild 53 AIS BICL BigelouASMEI A4 VVI in thousands oftzimiianwmmmlim Ag Ag Skid RupertEngI 2i BIIII The mens WCCkly sweepstake at 33 XikclymomAMH A13 Gmm Ag La Pmmowd xuc Barrie country Club was captured for Peel Will be the she ms The lel 1in lem to my 1e1er Mawnghbhng MH Jim Arimlrong Joan Bruce by WI simmers with net 65 over Vivarium LDIIIJ Milly of Almnntr limit on the jnb talc 2511 minutes Ag Ag 1V off for umliug 31ml Dryluv Vin Mgrmzwgmui 1V V1115 1V Sham CCWEXugAkMH Gun Ag ll at Fr Gary Clark Irank Cleare Ronald 18 helm He was hard pressed by Guest Speaker HonI for quick pitlmrup Iami lasting nlrnli Ag CI 111311 SmeeonEng MH Coulis Maryiyn Dyment Shirleyl Gord Bain who blazed net 67 meat 11 1ij 111I1IIIIr Hawk Crankmm II NV 1g 11 13ch 0m GE31 lchIen Eranggrkmljwssscil Best for nine holes was carded DufferinSimcoe and others Will address the RYUWW MW lezng Talgfr 119 IV 35 by Fred McDowell with 32 score E5III ICTI TIICEIIIIL 423 Paul CreasewAcESIH Ag MH 33 511E153 10221 convention 31 rh1n1 Cr menASSEH ll am men on IV in but mm if 31ml Al Ag Bernice MCMHSWT MENvAFH eight SVXbJLCFS Anthmenc and MC 13 garbara DavAkMH K16 old Norrena Morley Packard Mar Did Caculat10n Bookkeeping Btlb Ag gate Patterson Norme Pearson Electiogggespglirncgfgzg EVERYBODYS Iv Bmce DibbleAkhl CI Doreen Reid Harold RObinson ebb Stenography Typewriting FAORnE Duizard DuermorPAtMH lA1g 513 Air an Sracmn IIPat 18 Rat CampbeuI Audrey Arith RC EVANS ll HOPPER All Geo A5 mb wammakcr JIan warhamu Bl 81 51115 11 Mariiyn 31mm Eng NH Webe Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco PreSIdent Score My WWW 1V Don McKinnonEng MH should regularly complete nine 69 Come Sla FergmonAcki Alg Gem CI US subjects English Literature Arith Cunning ShiTlCYAIim RC 01 Bunl An 1V Aime MCMETsmEng MH metic and Rapid Caluculation Bkkg BBS C0 59 av ECO 5W5 Hi wmwuu EliW GillespeA1IH Al AS Lat FF Business Correspondence and Law Cv OX Mad SW TH Ag 1I June OwensEnd MH Spelling Economics Bookkeeping CI GrahamAISIXH Mg Geom CI 13 CI 17 LawI StemgmphyI TypewritingI Farina CatherineArith RC JOIN FUELIng 31M Geom Olce PraCliCE CV Bkkg Bus C0 Sp ECO Ag II Mus Law OP Mach 3I 519 lv Typ Helen ThompsonEng Grade Commercial Ag Lu La Mus 2V Baldwin LoisArith 81 RC Hunter EvelynAr1th tic RC Donald VileyEnv MB Bkkg BUS C0 31 Sp EC0 Bkkg BUS C0 SP ECO Nofi to Pal nts of BO to SKILLED wonmrex MODERN IACIIIXES VjV Gm 3V Ag 11 CV Law or Much Sten Typ Law or Mach Sten Iyp Lit BIG STOCK Ferk 19 Eng Chantler RuthArith RC Merrick PatArith BC We can repair rebuild or fabricate to suit your I1 aglAkfsi Alg Obtained Standing in Subjects gigcforiz2rchtg goofy ngglftofuicrchckfih folliy requirements Sud Lil No 102 Moose Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets of tent lnstruc Helen PooleEng Lat Fr DowneyV BelemAxum RC Nicholson IIeIenBkkg Bus Barrie IS forming pipe band in beptcmber Compc GRAD X11 SALE th at the ton STEEL on Der WileyEng MH Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco Corr 81 Sp Eco Law OP gals will teach the boys patiently and HueyHy Ourummage goal DVCACl 515 Ii Lei FT Grade XII Commercial students Law Op MaCh lubun 11 TYP D1ld EmceAsn Ag Vi A1zn Al 6mm Ag 11 iv Lat Nuu hkx r1 Basinmam Al Geom Ag Bkkg Law OP Mach Sten Typ Mach thnk our son am co SI Lit CI is well trained smartly turchVdVout band you FolII ODHOD Diplomas Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco Lawernce BeechEng MB Law OP Mach Stem Typ invoIVed ofcny kind II Geom Ag II Lat Fr Lil II Tom BrownleyEng ME GreaveSV DonnaArith RC 1V This pipe band is only one of the many extra curricular articles Mum KiddAIm 3I AI Georn Ag 11 11111 Fr Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco which await the boy who enrols in the 10cm Air Cadet Squadron Jean EmblemEng MH La OP Mach Stem AED Ir ap IuIIIm Geom Ag II Lat Fr 11 1V yVp Aichery Volley Ball Documentary Films trips to Camp Borden Shirlev ChristianEng MH Harris MarieAnth 81 RC ALL BICYCLES WE SELL all combine to make the seasons actmtles interesting as well 15 Marion LambertAaali Ag Amps 351115231123 if gifts ZEcgylgi mswcuve en VI 131117 ManWM Ale Gem II Ag La Lit IIIIw CI Eu gt But this is not our main interest The primary obiectlveI of the II Row Vbur Lane Currie Lag Irwm Edith Arith RC India Geom Ag 11 Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco Air Cadet movement is ma eac ca mo triad MD AKLH CI 53 wadaZ DiviiifsolnIjngz Iii Law OP 8111am Sten Typ citizen We teach him discipline habits such as punctuality Geom Lit dmn 1111111 Pate 0le rm 151 neatness and organized anii pride in the Barrie quit vw drums please contact MR McMARTIN at 3201 There are 1101965 th roll of the 17 Elam Bk CO3 A534 GRADE X113 Grant MerylArlth RC 3I would be interested in the slur of the pipes or 51 LL VII Audrev GilpmEng MEI McHugh GregoryArtur BC Ag above all how to cooperafe with other 1107 Joan PartridgeABQIH Alg Geom Ag Lat Fr Bkkg Bus C0 Sp ECO Karen GrayEng MH Geom Law OP Mach Sten Iyp IIIIc PaIIOIIrAmm CI Mg 11 Lat Fr Lit Think this we dumg the summer and MI accordingly when c8iral 1W VchgxgnngnBuiali we enrol new recruits in September Three Option Diplomas Law or 31 Mach Sten Ag Wson RansomAm CaolRixAJt1HZAlgcAgI melkeI Bouiukgng 3I MH Ty Ln cI II Geom Ag 11 Fr Sptorey ElaineArith RC V1 12313131 samEIAkmi Alg Jun BrumkiIPEng MH Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Em No 102 Moose Squadron Royul Canadian Air Cadets Geom Lat Fr Ag Law 0P Mach Sten Typ IS the answer Edith SaunderrAacMH AlgII3I Kay CrowsEng MH 26eom L11 A2 AGENTS FOR unexpected Ralph SnideFAm cIV Mg CI Ag 11 Fr cTyp Van MarieArith RC II II Dick CutlerAg II Fr Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco CCM RALEIGH hospital expense i0ads1eckleIVAmm CV Mg Lesiey HamsEng MH Ag Law or Mach Stem TypV 11 Lat IcI NH II cvlglllitinore VerrolArlth 81 RC omnmo HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Ag All Obtained 59m Sublet Bkkg Bus Corr Sp Eco Stuart StrachanAacm Alg Law 0P Mach c1 TY 36 BAYFIELD STREET Patsy AdamsonAg Lal Students oi the Special Commer Ag rvE com Don VallegvjASLMH Alg 3211 Eur fV Lach Ag IIBmIcoiesang seem Agru Margaret VauserAml A13 gt Ag Freda DelaneyEng Geom CI IV Joe Walton43 Alg Ag Mg Ag CV II Bob W490 Ag CV V1 Grade XIIIgeneal Wit5 65131131111 3551EE3V can be yours 1f youwn be trained ularly complete English Modern History Geometry 111111 French gdrcey ElphickAszm Al VI This cu mm as can snce or 1nVV Ls lemma good wommmmpI And gab gzlrIviggrdl SCerce 11 Dimmer Jim LamontEng CI AMH cI Ag 11 FY PHONE 5355 BARRIB though horseracing ls auVextremely prac Th Ph kW Lemm1 tieal businessIwe cant rum more trul fairI and sporting event in 1952 than mi LIhe mans Immune Vdmi the Ag 11 cI La Fr cI Hundreds of new Jobs are opening up Io alert men 17 to 40 in TV mug igjmemml in Eggsh Composmm Donald McGinnisEng MH Research Designing Manufacturinsesting Inspecting Servicinra 1952 CHRYSLER Vsaratoga Sedan 180 HP Motor iwH Marylani Geom Ag II Alg are short of trained men all pay REAL MONEY Radio College of II Power Steering Power Brakes very low mileage mm an gmnshbmd 1mm own 39ng theIAuanuCI mm the Donald McMartmEng MH Canadaisa Training School you can be proud to enrol in beccuse for 25 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridge scdan race is beside the point The sporting spirit in which the race 090 7931s RCCgraduatesIhVve b90111 demand employers Gwen lives conditioned is the thing that intrigues and wins admiration Joan MayneEng AMH meat and Industry Competent Instructors gmde your every step out 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club Coupe 390m Ag CI eicientPlacementIDept helps you nd wellpaid congenial work after 1951 DODGE Regent Sedan 111 vI 3111 ml rumour oranbrookxsem be rcnvge st Id mg f7 1951 PREFECT VSedanV oggedthgefoiein 131155311 1213 cligfnccortlhewlltlacslgsrirl rec ifs CJgfncpal 9m Ag Lat RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Club Coupe holder the turlimtcad of udirt track And the start was of Coneen Robemm En BuhufnsmegVTogomoV23V IV Lat CI 1950 PLYMOUTH Spec1al Sedan at 815 tied mm 11 ntd ft in It gamngfggm clgmmopglyyugcgraMINES Irom Fr IIV Send Without obligltIion to meFI2IZE 40PAGE BOOK telling me how an 1950 DODGEI Deluxe Coupe Walks SalmonXI 508 IL prepare for KdIJan humor 1950 DODGE Custom sedanI radio ah IrkI vV AJLMH xyhakci II II IIII II wriI now latent Iromt other races out similar type Vut er Wayne Stewaanng CI MB CI EAMIEAGEVV 19500HRYSIIER Wmdsor Sedan nan Illwhkh great horses were brought from EnglanLand to race against the dream of American thoroughbrods Bkkg STREET1PIIONE N0 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan wen defeated under million Am rican hi 11V Helen SwanEng Alg till invaders little chanceapqrtlculgrly gasyln fuse lax fhegtovr II VPat Tom imamEng 3VTyp CITYEDUCATIONII 1949 IPLYMOUIIH SpecraISedan de0 7m homs were shipped by boat IFor tth Maryland race they Marion eitchEng x1 19118 CHEVROLET sedan II vrm rmv Pat WilgarAEngiiic VAM11 1947CHEVROLET sedan VI Whenjnlm Papyrus winnerothheI Epsbm Derby that year Gwm Ag cr 19480PLYM0UIH 59301341531311 1731110 beaten by ZCVI hemmudy Derby CW mate race Wherethere mum ulcrcl emu x111 smaengs Tam 0m 1948 DODGE Special Coach aggelmont therchas some American cheering over what was FUNlJOhnwnDEyENDabiutymmV or More Middle schogV II 1947 PLYMOUTH Delux seda rated the superiority of United States horseflesh to that brecl on mfrcevmonhomfmm VI VV VV heather side ofthe ocean But experts grudgmglyadmitted kc 1947f MONABCH Sedan IV IV thatIlnthe mud which happened to prevail that day track dime high mph Fern BirtchAg II Lat As V1947 DODGE cqndithuentircly strange to the British horse Papyrus wasntl slazl an Shodaprdperlytocombat the trackcondition Even if thV hadbeen VIMkw P301 BOFYSUikAg 11 3V 1940 BUICK Sedan 7111l3lll 1113IlI w311ialrd W159 Delaney Boot Lines Ltd Jack acmeFr 1939 FORD VSedan 111 00 Vmu an was improper sho FL Bum SII Phone ml 1951 Gmesmedmn prim 01 quulity Ith bargamgave him no chanceIIin what was by no meansVa II 1d Edg 111111 II Vn there was the case or fSpinach the French racing star 35101953 Nglameasoxm Ag broughtVacrossI in 1924 and pitted against America8 best Lat VV bone at Ioverlay of distances under American racig conditions Carole MacDonaldAg II Lat He ragVtureeItimesVagamst two or more Americathorses that rep rugbtedAmgrjcas tops at thevarlous distances and all the races 1131 American racing conditions modvll as low as 1952 Chevml sedan Delivery With radio 1951 Thames Panel ton 21 11111111111015 maioiiniziisIIIII VI 1950 Dodge Express ton VI 1948 Dodge schoolnus 48 passenger capacity in excel II lent condition nished in school bus colors In 1947I1Farxo Express ton WWW Wmm IV 1946Ilntematlonal soab and Chassis MMMthE Wt IIIW NW withI 91mm sum c1191 gm international of 1952 more talc and Iportlnf rules place not horse at disadvanta norto The horses met on exactly algal terms tutu the event as oweonducted in the splrlt not called IuervontIol the year any 11