at day June 20 1953 at fourthirty Wu Aim BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY 5m 1953 DOUBLERlNG CEREMONY lN ZION CHURCH The marriage or dm Doiotlirli Louise Payne daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter layin of Angus to William Kenneth Butler son of Mrs Reta Butlir Angus took place on Satuillay June 11 i933 at twothirty oclock iii the after noon in Zion ltvlltlfill lunch The doublering eiroiiy performed by Rev it lineage Mrs lucrgis pluycii the ding music itcoiiiiiiiyiiig llic gtl ist Alan Edwards in the in of The Lords li=i inimi ceremony and littlllit at Signing ot the Given lll ltllil gr by lcr fallier the bride was yvegiiliig gown of nylon net over Wllll inn11 lttl with filled lioiilti of lViiitLil lace encrusted with penil head tess of Ninth and eld litl fingertip tll Illl slin was carrying 11 Wiilti pihiir book with ribbons and invite The matron of honor l1lt Jack Pillktl 0f Lllslc was itouiieil iii lime green nylonnct 11v11 infirm and was wearing iziien lil1ii headdress The liiltliwlililltls 1li Suites of Winnipeg Manitoba and Mrs loiricr of Angus were gowned in yellow over taffeta Mrs Shins wearing yellow lldt and M15 loirier was wearing pink head dress The flower girl Mr lllziiiic Good was gowncd lll yellow pligti and was wearing yellow litad dress Kenneth layiic carried the two wedding rings on white taffeta pillow Alan Butler of loiouto was groomsmaii and the ushers wcic Robert Payne and Harold llllllil of Angus reception followcd iii the litillll of the brides parents vlicic llic mother of the bride received in black crepe wearing corsuge of red roses The groiiiiis mother who also received was in grey crepe and was wearing corsage of red oscs threetiered cakc centred the brides table Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Niagara Falls the bride travelling in white pique dress wearing bat trini med in red velvet 011 their re turn Mr and Mrs Butler will be making their home in Angus Outoftown guests at the wed ding were from Toronto Winnipeg and Stroud lii vgisi Marlene Elli And Fonger Wed at Belleville St Thomas Anglican Church Bellevillc was the setting for pretty summer wedding on Satur oclock in the afternoon when Miss Marlene Dorinda Ellis daughter of Mr and Mrs Frederick Ellis of Barrie was married to EdwardI Clive Fonger Of Bellevillc son of Mr and Mrs Leon Fonzei The Rev Arthur Page rector of St MargaretsontheHill per formed the marriage ceremony Red and white gladioli adorned the altar and tall standards of pink and white peonies nd cora belle were on the chancel steps Wedding music was played by the 1ti lllt iy illtlliilic1 villc iiyloii Wheatley who also accozizpanzcd ihe soloist Mrs Eric Laney in me sizigig of ill Wank Beside Yet before the ceremony irsc Me 1111311 the he register The bride marriage by ti and the tltlvd jacket til like Pray Mtg 11 of small sculptured colai and lozig lceves tapering to thc 1115 blossiins lll garland fu ciiibioidiicd tulle She cuzizcd cltnlLl it1 Llligtils and sit the gicozii M15 Villldlll Scott of let the oxidt rm honor the innit111 tlrs lilllullll l1 of Toronto and Miss Mill of Barrie sister of the lhcy tlt gouiicl 1lltc in Sl Sicrdesscs diesscs zn rainbow hues of liloli tolc matching lieu and earned haizno1111g ts of white iicin 111unlt roses and weetpiiis Xtti Fillltll iiiothci of the groin groutin iniii and Raymond Fungi1 of ioronto illo biotaci 11f the groom and Eric Lalicy of llcllc were ushers brides nioliir ii The lionnod iii wli black lLCCgtSUElCS and pink 11r111toi cors1i received the many guests at the Bay of Qiiintc oiiiitiy Llub She was assislc or blue with white ac tiSUtLLs and corsngc of Chief Ta coma carnations gratulatory received from bury lor travelling to Niagara Falls and New York State the bride chose ii navy lllil white taffeta eiiScinblc vith white lltCtSStlO and corszigcof soft pink carna lions On their return Mr and Mrs Fiiiigcz will reside at 19 Viilleyview Crescent llclleville Guests were present from Tor onto Hamilton London Barrie Cocbranc Ottawa Alliston lierry Valley and Langstaffc telegrams Toronto and were ud BrownWilcox Wedding Takes Place at Midland Junc Wilcox only daughter of Mr and Mrs Orville Wilcox Queen Street Midland toRobcrt Lee Brown only son of Mr and 1953 at three oclock in the after noon in St Pauls United Church Midland The Rev Auld performed the ceremony assisted by Rev Johnston of Bradford The processional Perfect Love was sung by the choir and congregation and Love sung during the signing of the register Baskets of orange blos soins and dclphiniun decorated the lt church for the wedding Mr Wilcox gave his daughter in marriage and she was wearing ngn of white nylon styled with full skirt and tight bodice with scalloped neckline b1 grooms lllilllltl who vnsl in antique shaiitiiiig lli The marriage of Miss Madeline of 3991 Mrs Thomas Brown of Bradfordl took place on Saturday June 273mm Never lailcth from The Corinthians wast organza point llkitlllt5 of ifuic iii LUtllllit Llllltgtltl crepe 111 soft aqua siiiidl their home in Barrie Shirred bodice and full skirts over ciiiioliiiis and they were wearing itc iliit and pearls gift of bride llicii bandcau head 1l1clt1lt and 11oltcgays were of Es tlicr Reid daisies Miss Judy Wilcox flower girl was in apple green taffeta her gown styled with short corded skirt and peter pan collar She wns wearing white shoes and lgloves and wearing band in her hair She carried iioscgay loliii Fciuiell cousin of the was grooiiisman and the ltlSlltlS were Sam Lee and William lYorkc reception for llSguests foll owed in the Masonic Temple Sun nyside where Mrs Wilcox mother iif the bride received in cock tail length gown of pink lace over taffeta wearing pink accessories and light blue corsage Mrs lll who also received was gowiicil in aquamarinecrepe and lwas wearing navy accessories and Ia coisage of pink roses Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to the Mari timcs the bride travelling in navy linen suitdress wearing navy lowiiig their Juiic wedding in St Marys Church is the former Theresa Marion Terry Smith daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Smith of Barrie and her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Machod Of Barrie wedding trip to Miami Beach Florida the couple are making Mr and Mrs Hugh Nlacleod lliuto by Henry ll ftooke Barrie The MR AND MRS HUGH MacLEOD sign the register fol bllde After navy picture but and white access zAdlisdon Church Setting For June Wedding St Johns United Church Allis ton was the setting for pretty wedding on Saturday June 371 1953 at four oclock in the alien roon when Miss Katharine MacE hieCach daughter Of andi Mrs chague of Allston ltvas married to Earl Wyeton Gill roy son of Mr and Mrs Albert autiroy of Cookstown Rev Leivis performed the marriage ccrcniony and wedding musesms lplziyed by Alan McKinley organ lrl who also accompanied the list Mrs McCorriuck of Toronto inch in marriage by her fatiier ltiic bride chose gown of foam white shadow lace The strapless lbodme was fusiiioncd with band 1lot sliirring and was topped by buttoned Jacket lylcd with long slim sleeves and tiny peter pan collar The garnered skirt of lace was offset by tiered pleatedl 11 sweep Her veil of 1nl she was carrying 11 bouquet of ll1ldtillln white cliisiiitliciiiiiins and stcplianotis with ivy ller attendants Miss Ioaiiiic Mc Cziguc sister of thc bride and Mrs Roy Dowiicy sister of the gmoin both Alliston were ioxviied alike in shrimp nylon net the sliirred bodices of their gowns were topped with briefsleeved bolcios and their gowns were ylcli with many tiered skirts of tulle falling to the floor They carried bouquets of pink roses and blue chrysaiitlicniums James Arnold of Oba was William Kell of Gilford and George bfgCiigiic of Allston The reception was at home of tiic lldt parcncs tllenzifton Farm Alliston where the mother of the bride received in French blue crepe wearing pink hat and accessories The grooms mother who also received was in navy shadow crepe styled with nylon lace bodice and was wearing ii orics Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to Eastern Can dreri tlt LISLE Congratulate Parents Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gibson Bellamy unee Reta Denig son on the arrival of baby dai ghtcr little sastar for Ralph in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie last week Congratulatzons to Mr and Mrs Ernie Laurence mec Shcila Keighti on hie arrival of dauglnj to in Toronto hospital last week SS Picnic AtSunset Point Th annual Lisle Sunday School rpicnic took pace on Saturday June 27 at Sunset Point ollingwood good aftern ill iv enioyed by ulll who attended es ciaiiy the Cllll Mr Mrs and Mrs William Murray land Mrs Beatrice Robb Toronto weekend Anderson guests Mr and Mr and Mrs Lo Horton uil d111 izhter Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs lfortons parcnts Mr and Mrs Lindsay Jim Davis and son Bob also Miss Visit Family in Manitoba Parker his grandson Butcii last week for Gllilll Manitoba for Dad oaziel of tulle and the back mdcd Marv Anderson of Toronto visited illusionlon Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wal lizitli was held by beaded tinramlcr ANNWm Miss Normzi Grav Toronto itcd her parents Mr and Mrs Nor imziii Gray over the weekend Siuiiio lieauhiirnots Wedding Plans are Announced Photo by Smith Studio llama MISS MARGARET ANNE NESS daughter of Mr and Mrs Bruce Ness of Howick Que and Murray RWhrnlca son vis of Mr and Mrs Warnica of Barrie whose engagemen is announced The wedding Will take place on Saturday af TllllOOll July 11 at halfpast two oclock in Howick United Church accompanied by Milne lefti visit with his son and daiighteiu indaw and family Sit and Mrs Macdonald College Both Miss Ness and Mr Warnica are graduates or The bridewlect is granddaughter oi Hon Ness MLA of Howick Parker and children Miss Donna Tryon is spending summer holidays with her brother sisterinlziw and born Tryon Woodstock Mrs Hamlet and son of Detronf are visiting her parents Mr and groomsman and the ushers vvc1eMQ games for few weeks John Parker Master and Mrs Marion Parker of Toronto are hol idaying with their uncle and aunt Mr their and Mrs Milne and listl linn suit with accessories and roses On their and Miss white hat corsnge of return Mr and red and Mrs Gilroy will be making their home in Cookstown THE lIOLAR REGIONS The north p1e is in the Arctic ry ida the bride travelling in blue Ocean but the south pole is within 29 HOTTinu FEET Soothe them quickly and effectively Get fastdryin Minards Liniinenttub it on Feel the coolnessget relief quick KING OF PAIN LINIMENTQ engine power Chevrolet Tiucks offer you it selection of four famous valvcinheid engines to Action front match load grade and schedule The two great 2355 cu in Loadmasiers conven tional and COE the 248 cu in Torque master and the 270 cu in Workmasier all feature fullpressure lubrication and im proved PowerJct carburetion for longer life smoother performance and extra economy braking power TwinAction rear Brakes and Torque brakes both with long wearing linings effectively sealed against dirt and moisture combine to provide effective braking for greater safety and drivmg ease TorqueAction front brakes are standard on all models The positive DuOShoe parking brake on RD models mounted at the rear of the transmission eliminates cable stretching and greatly reduces service adnistnicnis Maseboll church organist Professor Ernestedged with seed pearls halojanil white accessories and cor headdress studded with seed pearls sage of white orchids On their FREE STORAGE held her fingertip veil and hcrlrettiiii Mr and Mrs Brown will 0N flowers were white orchids and be making theirhome in Bradfordt OUR FURS Aniongtbose present at the wed stephanolis in ring form If alterations exceed $2500 The maid of honor Miss Velma ling were the four grandparents cleaning repairs ore or staying PWer Now heavier stronger more durable flames increase rigidity add to rugged ea 9P5 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY relinlng remodelling MILBURN iGilson and the bridesmaids Mrs Helen Vipond sister of thcgroom gowned in coral nylon plissc 299 Dunlap St Ph 811r22 Their gowns wcre styled with ARE itatbcr Outoftown guests came andrkMiss Margaret Hughes LLOinBorL Elgiii crimson Hamils fton Toronto Neivmarktt Bradford jand Peterborough Progressive Conservative 59mmittee Booms NOWOPEN HEADQUARTERS AT lllllllllllllPJl 9amtoio plml ifihinisiii 5936 5987 5988 lot the bride and the grooms grand am My Here are few things thinkare worthy Of your consideration before you buy your truck In 1953 Chevrolet trucks are more rugged have huskier and more rigid construction than ever in the past This means longer truck life and tower over all costs to you irr Youll nd the increased horsepower anse rfield Motor Y9 jchevrolet Oldsmobile fira and higher compression ratios of the four great valvcinhead engines bring you greater power greater stamina greater performanceirater ability to do the job Youll nd that means faster acceleration greater ability to climb the steepestgiades Ami ybufll nd wonderful gain in gasoline milehge too As any owner of 1953 Chevrolet by truck knows these are the sturdiest most powerful trucks Cheerlethas Lu ever built In every load rangefthey hiive provedthemselves to be the worlds leading moneymakers on any hauling job Before you buy drop in at our show room and talk things ever Let us show you why its better business to buy Chevrolet AdvanceDesign Trucks dillalfancl Chevrolet necktieabr ness and stamina of all 1953 Chevrolet trucks Long famous for their ability to take the toughest jobs day after day Chevrolet trucks are now brawnier sturdier than ever economy The new and greater stamina Of 1953 Chevrolet trucks plus extra gasoline economy in heavyduiy models with im proved valveinhead performance reduces hauling costs per iommile brings you greater overall economy throughout the long life of your trucks MORE OM BUY CHEVROLET TRUCKS THAN ANY OTHER MAKII ff8533