Interest Takes NUPTIals are Held yn FlOnda Church wedding of Wde ElieEEK kink Edgar Luilmi Liiurcri was the place in the Bryan Memorial Met 1g tor early dltdlltl wetl odist Church Coconut Grove on Swank Jullt 20 1853 Florida on Friday evening June 12 W53 it tfhll tiUlUClL wiicrl What 3193 Vtrnu F11 litittlzmyozi Miss Elazabctn Lutllt illctty Lou daugntcr of Mr and Mrs lls Culham daughter of Mr and Mrs lllilcliilblln oi Edgar Freda Cutmm of 51mm Dd wml was ntazxkd flu3mm Laurmmt bump Hg UM Iiiyrc och ii the titanium Larryi Day Sin of Mr anti Mrs Riv Pike pc Elmer Day of Mlilttll The cur3 tintiin and wedding music emotiy was pciftirriicd by Rcvplaycd by Mus Wiziiilfrcd avid Cathcart and Howard BVof Barrie wno also acciliipanird lbury Jr ittlc soloui Robert Parker oi Bar Mrs Cathczirt xtVnsVsoloVist accoini lVltVlVlV the Singing of Low You VV VVVIR hill VBLVLV panch by Mrs lattty Rice organl l1ll baton tiic LtlLlVlilth and tVt tgItIt 15L viii Walk lltSltlL lot during ttlc we Attic nu llic bridc igt the granddaughter igning it the ltgbltl WIIWX flit Ul 311 Mid of Mr ulhain IlltKi haven in mm ltl LillltlVV limo of Bttoi V2 bidL Diitt Baltic Vim DJVcVVig JV tVIL bum this VJ htlAll of LV Vitul iiVVtLLVV second lieutenant Willi tho UbML llgipcr Siillll styled With an ltlVuthlllrl JUV in HM ul and is stationed With the Marina dikes of lace net and French lacu ttlitk 11 0111131 Liliiwa in Norfolk Virginia Where he wzli cutaway yacer Ki you gall USS Macon titr tiIlllcrtuih veil of Iiliruidl we Viw be naval gutliizc air Spotter for tile1 Ciilliit HM 10ml lll lllllmtii Sllklgtl COMM BMW MI Cullle 1th his daughter tullc was Lillltim hull BREATH HISTORY marriage Slic was wearing iornia Jtldlts liJlllllItl xitli mortal NAMUMO ll tltA secret vllltt tulle llll Llldtlllll lat Eand llL as LilVlllll1 ta Idt VVVVV VV VVV VV tlilllLli adorned With SUtltlllbi lUUlllllltl of better tiiiics roses untilmu We MM the bklll which oxtcndcd into SlLplidnUlis by Adam llornu Hudson Bay tac Iain lace bolero topped the1 lne matron of honor MIS Maui gown Ilcr ngertip illustun vuil icc Partridge of Crown Hill sister was attached to halo of laccl of the bride was gowncd in pink trusted with sequins with stcphano and the bridesmaids Mrs Mortoiiwumm ml in Fawn Mm we Us on the brimV thhvwd canny Hutchinson of Edwin 515101411ij VV 0st Slepmnmis and white orchidV Of the whim and Mug Bernice ML tritium showered with gypsuphclia and Muster of Grcnfcl vcrc gowncd in ilcur damour made her bouquet lime green Rd in WHO The MES Low Cunmm was Mr mmldantsv gowns were Hf rm tcrs niiid of honor Miss Elinor taffeta and they were vcarinU DayV Sister of the bridegmmnVMissmatching headdmsses and mm Mary Barns and Miss Jcannc llol lhc matron of honor as carrying vcy Alpha Delta Pi sorority sister Iioscgay of roses inunis andV VVVV Mr of the blldL Mic bridesmaids lhgilllVlVdVVmS Ln Id sug gngs 111 gt They won boulfant gowm of light blue nylon not and chantilly Tlic llowcr gilt Miss Elainc tor Ii ylutllJiU gt call MM litlh yielded rloctiiiicnts and relics close ly linkcd with the pltlllm era Two lace with lace mantillas They car BOINL MOW 0f 10 EIOUIU W115 iied silver lace fans with red vanda in pale blue nylon not over tuftl irchids in spray With small bou eta and was carrying nosogay1 quct handles of pink and white baby mums Miss Eugenia Smith as Slower Ivan Batcs of Toronto vasl 352 VV girl was dressed like the maids in groomsman for his brother and thcf white Hcr twin Gregory was uslicrs were Morton Hutchinron of SlZZlBn ring bearer Edgar and Dec Bentley of Holly VV Fer Bran was groomsman rcccption followed at the hotnc Ly Davc Steele Dick England Chail where Mrs Hutchinson rcccived or 0N GUARANTEED FOODS the bridegroom and Russell High 0f IGd FOSBS MFti Benueyr Slit tower uncle of the bride were tcr of the grom who also received VUShmV Reception was held at the was in pale blue nylon net andi church hall was wearing corsage of red roses The couple loft aft the wedding Later the bride and groom left on for their new home in Norfolk wedding trip to the United Virginia travelling by way of States and Ottawa the bride trav Burnsvillc North Carolina They elling in suit of light blue gab were arriving in Norfolk on July Among the outotown guests at the wedding were the brides grandmother Mrs Culham who travelled by air to Miami to witness the event accompanied by Mr and FrankW Livingston also of Barrie cousins of the bride In addition Mrs Culham was ac companied by Mrs Albert Smith of Toronto Another outoftown of Stockbridge Georgia the brides maternal grandmother who vaca tioned with the Culham family in Barrie last summer Edllll Zelma Cox Becomes Bride of Martin The marriage of Miss Edith Zel ma Cox daughter of Mr and Mrs Sidney Cox of Anten Mills to William Frederick Martin son of ardinc and wearing navy access ories and corsage of pink de light roses and stephanotis On their return Mr and Mrs Bates will be making their home in Shelburne Outoftown guests at theyve ding were from Slielburne Sta ner Collingwood Toronto New Lowell Ivy Holly Grenfel Barrie and the surrounding district horseshoe bouquet of red Sweet heart roses and white stephanotis with two gardenias The matron of honor VMrs Wright of Stroud sister of the bride and the bridesmaid Miss Connolly of Sudbury were gowned in pale blue net over tati feta and were carrying nosegays Vof yellow mums Martin of Stroudwas grooms man for his brother and the ush ers were Arthur Cox of Anten Mills brother of the bride and Jack Martin of Toronto brother of the groom 15 you with new Kaiser Aluminum SHADE surname The thin louvres on this modern low cost screening are set at an angle de ecting thesuns hot rays from the window shadedyet are lightund airy and much 15 cooler Yet you can see out clearly Scttl Milan Eerie Elegant altFla 29c9rltl tirysliils El Result Your sunniest roomsbre Protects against fading repels or onion Purowux Zinc Rings Lacquered Metal lilacs Jelly Jars Mason Jars Glass Tops For Sealers it via Iuhltam e7 fdbaihllllll SMALL SIZE DCZZN 13 PKGS lLE PKG 031 021 032 MEUUl SiZE DlN 119 ALL PRlCES EFFECTIVE JULY COTTAGE BRAND WHlTE BROWN CRACKED WHEAT 21 Lolilruvs Dated lluilyBretId LO3LAWS FRESEILY GROUND Mrs Martiniofqemmor took Aneceptiomitotlowedwin rthee ingimectsmssurespermaueeleamL defsgbroasUMMERbRINxsr Ej place on Wednesday June 17 church basement where the moth 1953 at five oclock in the evening er of the bride received in navy EV 75V age SVVVVVCVALV VVOBVVVAVWS in St Pauls Anglican Church In blLVIVe wearing fbluej accessoViViVes SM SW 82 02 9V VV VVVV VV VVVV nwlzilberfgymlzglgy REEfoEEigbtg Zlloogiscoilnsgtgliirowhgeabbosreieivec TYPE PVIG ff CELLO PKGV VV MrS Roy Ferguson played the was in greyi and was wearing pink aws Eeume 23 IDEAL FOR 372 waERRY SHORTCAKE wedding musxc and accompanied accessories and corsage of pinkV VVV in VV VV EllieBszllloelflillrlelI lfggggiriigirzezsfmg milieu the bride and groom left Added Pestin CLfJAlt gage SPECIAL VV Sectional largo Slatesrelationsin Mill LIMITED Raisers instant icing 3ch mV Lofmws Vigowtis AV iVV thMrlexgitrengave daughter in cgssirieiuxahdwzfdoilSagleavdl gallE 60 Bayheld Stth VVV 43 549 Vi in VOLUME marriage Her gown was styled denias On their return Mr and BARRIE SPECSXL mama 1Bemmdemvgmms ggglgmglgggy titling 315293 gt 21 necklinthrimmed with daisiesand VOutVoftown guests at the wed Phone long lace sleeves tapering to ding included Mr and Mrs Jack point at the wrists skull cap Martin Torontcp Mrs Margaret trimmed with pearls held her fin Webster BelleVIlle and Mr and Everythmg Lumber Vgertip veil and she was carrying Mrs GVrarit Booth Toronto IV Ir g0 cm Sh the Ic Pre ers cALIFORNIAswgkfVg OR CHOCOLATE 336 liceurciiilteesc slithora 41 ohm HoodWhliekeMIx 1422 lililiys Cooked Spaghetti 27 TOMATO SAUCE TINS Eutlhutys Install linkinglaccolntc seq twin Valley peas Standard v95 he 27c Wulker Chccofgltc Elliptiotilties 3352 mmgmggx gr pm 29 OZ TINS all mes Palm zlyilil 3339 litl Taste Choice Peaches Halves glint 17 KrnttVelveelu Cheese all Emma Sacha mm WL 39 LolilnwsTungy 01d White Cheese Lullan IlliIItIu Burr srrziutsor ROASTS ejSFVZEVVZVBB if Wiitg sillltllil rirBnnelesSllouml $69 siPECIALCllOICE gm Short nib ROISB CAuonNIA SWEET RED FLESH SPECIALI ELADEBONE REMOVED Elude Roasts ih3i5 ll EON ARDERS N0 GRMVDVE CQBBLGERIYAFETYV MW svecau IDEAL son MEVAT LOAF uIIHVAMBIGS lbs 53CEAU IDEAL FOR POT ll VEGETABLE Boneless Shoulder Bousls ARIZONA swm CRISP CARDINAL Iouu ma items 35c No mailerwhatpriceyoupoylor Boneless Brisket Plate 1b NOW IN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY lb 25 ONTARIO GROWN Siwlivisilll elicatgssg was 53 $33tltl1 and ITY or nLIcnessm MBA other Ginger AlesHigh LOW fAMllY PERSONAL Permanent Temporaryyour SIZE VSIZE Fr tact OUNCES tgste your good ludgementg 30V 12 ouncss ms DAEYEANS ATTRACTIVE PRICED your own senseVol values will cdnvince you of the injcomparV 35 able value ofWiVsons for