Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1953, p. 1

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pawn Wm FRIDAY low 195 The opera Hansel and Gretel SALTCOAKS Sash 2Cwa adapted from he gamma fairy Zambezi Wiley has lzvcd on 25 smile farm in the Pew 352 for 69 yeasts She hunt cue braid hr Will birthday The Last Column lAnnounce Results Mighty Ranchers Continued from page one conserVanry Here In noted lhcxcfhcr synl pafllellc look whiLh wth oul to Shallow Lake Ranchrrs my wife If hith go on this on Im going to will the nvnspupir plapo lnstru award of fulcrum Scribe of zlmi ruminations rc has terrorllcd Wat em Ontario baseball circles for many seasons will make thril Vicar Tm Ill by the Royal 131 of Toronto iguavdij nl Following firs North Slmcoe butbull Ap Wisml pupils penance here tonight when Ill order oil WY lacklc Barrie Canada Drys at Agricultural Pull ugxhersmmaymns The Ranchers currently In firstplace with Midland lndl ans are reported to be wcll balanced club vllh good pitch lng strong hitting and snappy defensive setup The Drys will be out to break fourgame losing streak Carl Emma 15 expected to oppose the Ranchers l3lr was firsl lmlfvrlrzccl in Germv l893 LOL To St Pauls Service Mcmbm of LOL 15 Will allendlzsny in dumc clwicc in Si Pauls Anglia can Church on Sunday July at ill am Ewrycne welcome Miss Elllh leson return cil to 65 week lttn nazd Jollbztzi allLl vno 5pm Sulzirduy lat Jazllc till nighl following the oclock hows of Walter Sclm mm 31 will be coming your way Wing this Monday night at sev clithirty wllh Paul Wcswn and his orchtslra taking over from he Lombardo Show This should give new taste in music listen ing on Monday nighu with Paul Wanton brcheslra followcd by the chry King Show For you who may halvc been wondering wbt happch to Jim Ward the past week the grape Vlnc llasil that Jim is taking well dcscrvcd holiday So how goudi tilhc while it 135 Jill ollrc mly mrng gnu1 The 24th annual Cochrane Re union will be held at Innlsfll Park Lets See on Saturday afternoon July 18 If Tim Sunday morning at 945 78 ll but nilrlgnlu illl Gram mmmmwna Bebe 15le metal 0m 83m Stunning mum 11Lk ItIIIIlS lholnpson equal Grade IV French HornIlcnthcr bllllg You The cmmdmli old me and modem dancmg went hflimf Gm hm 1Liilllllorgt Lylzdzl Russell Myrna Currie first Class honors Hour yllIl the well known llvmnlewer Wednesday Friday and Sat Papa 11m ils Illll but tm Nmml mu Smth pass me 1V ObmAUEIiC wxgg EVREIglllil John Mctcalf urday El Club 79 Ladies 50c trtlllblc wax also Illll IILI fl ley we remind you of The Gcnllemfm 75c 541 two Im Md IIIJKI 1V l111Il Lynne Walls honors i3 in nlt iIi At 1Xlllcl cur King show which mucos Much and all 25 hzllc to llilllll LA IUN youll huh at Yb Double or Nothing for thc surn Dont lots Socml cwmng 10 be held ln Churchill Community Actually bCIIIIKI our Mrs Taylor thcrc was Jlln and IJinl married and had zhlcc Did you know that tlnrc are 27690 radio homes in Simcw oun ty GGNT MISS TIIIS Special bargain featurc an introductory offer tlut ill make you walll to came back again Reg $1006 COLD WAVE for This offer for limited time llosr BEllllTY Slllllll If your hair innt becoming to you you should be coming to Rose 261 Bradford St ch1 illlllllc Iuxi Ill 4722 gt it 1rlam Mc 31 in Alluson Kath ipu cd in tech lilLhl lixlilllllllt 115 lli hlllilyll Has WDDCIEIIUI llme ill camp he 18 Often begi where mother checks over tor In advance camp we and sends them us mr unlor takeh duclea specml prlde 1n donning clothes that are fresh crisp and splcalldspall for his first rounds of 0m Illuch Jacquilun Lou Corby and Nancy chln Connroll honors my vlllllllllp Cillllll111 lml Illlzlln Mintv wquul Wallace Grade VIII SillgingSylviu Kcll UV cvcn vllc 11011111 lll 1lll$ ml nwlms and rig5 an Tuesmy Ju at 830 Pm still crazv lbout smm llllll Elli DUI ml1mm hm qua BJITS Ehmtilill Tim mm FWD tmng 41 gm hut gt honors Mylllu Illll llld 010110 Mc JlmL Mns p155 for the visiting Eng lsh ltlrgatcs cmgo mm 1mm Vrhm Bumch Behind The Mike Slmcoe Jumor Farnmrs W13 ting tircd with zlll um liithllllll ml Illwhat ms TM Hunmd caning Nth 76 home and now tlnrc llcllt my JN heard cvcry Friday night at ollcc change of date of old tlmc ls humid CKBBI Dlmh lldillcrs contest to Wednesday lLLllll Ill Piano Ilavcrlcv CIOWL more Mann RIIIS buck lzl lllc old homc Latest word from Jim il1l LN hunk Nmnm ualmn his 5313ggvsllgtesullj rum July 10 Good prizes Wlnncr off lciully entered in notionle contest Nlbcl Wu llollld lllIYl llzld SUNS Hm NH and Mid Humph mm VCS mm Vim Hm Sllclbume Contestants Contact row ililul Margaret Haslett llld 1lf lllllllllt lll llllpll Arkm Jacky um Wayne cllcn at the mike John prcscnts the latest vocal and national wmmm hwn Rosemom 76 Illlpllcs honors Dizlllc Hayes news with special dedication fol lllmnc Lollghlcd Lois Black Balk burn Allllc Strong puss lbe Dutch speaking waidcnts in file dlStricl Ililllv ll llunowAllnctlc lazlub first class honors Carl Hamilton If you havent hoard Holland Calling yct try and catch it to Edward Young Jnnct Andrew Pa ltfl lnli JmnvllA Cams th null 13 Ilccr nladr 051 1x Iurc klanv Il 13 lmlicc lll hum him was llv llolllc to lnxct lillnl Tllill Vth llzlc llll 1h lllll III also lmt Mylo llllt le the Mom glllx llllll lili night wont to dilncc lczlazl 111 17m wSusan Jones clots llllllll4j Jcan Cunning Su Walls equal Em l11 Ii cliffc honors Glcn puss Grade VI Eilphollilllll nr John Craig Mathicson honors Grade 1V llutcKcn pass Illullzbcrmn V1 lll Hclcn Nesbilt l1lll Slltlill Rodgers llolzuzs lnlll llillllltll Vcrzl Mar lillloxv paw hlvl Ilcuvcr Grade VI SingingvVolcric lcx tcr pass Glade IV Singing Mavis llvcllra Margaret Aycliffc plus Grade II Singing Luann Young li Patricia Guodcrhuln and Mulgillvl 23c 14 High Street Barrie llaslctt lcqnul puss LUNCH AT Camp time coming up fast Call us now St Josephs onvenl Grndc IX IlllllOMillillcl Fcl gllsoll honors Moric Mcllridc pllSS Grndc VIII IlilllUrIUAHH Mur phy honors Grade VII IimloAIatricin Maldi gun honors Glndc Vl IlllllIIillgllltl OCon nor first clam Honors Horticultural picnic District No 16 Community Park Bccton chl ncsday July 230 pm Bring szskct lunch Tea Coffee milk supplied Flower arrangement com petitions for societies and school children Sports cvcnts 76 trlciu Church John Daugherty and Karen Shortt cqunl honors Murlinc lrzlccy Gary Palmer Orillia Doctor PC Candidate Slmcoe East Seal Continued from page one Laurent Howe Minister of Trade and Commerce and Defence production Leslie Pearson Secre tary of State Or Internal Affairs and now President of the UN As sembly Mr Martin Minister of Shanty Bay Road Sunday July Nafional Health and Welfare and Douglas Abbott Minister of Fin ance David Croll Toronto MP who was main speaker of the evening paid personal tribute to Mr Rob insoh and his abilities which were wellknown In parliament Mr Croll predicted that Mr Rob inson would go much further than the post of DeputySpeaker which the riding president had earlier forecast would fall to the Slmcoe East member on his return to Ottawa The Liberal government is ask n2 MJMJEQL plc to continue its job of making the country as happy and prosper ous as it has been in the pasl few yours he remarked The introduction of health in Furancc plan was one of the pri orities for the Liberals if they were elected again But it musl be workable plan Barrio Horticultural Societys bus trip to the Holdcn Estate lo view the beautiful dclphinium display now in full bloom Bus lcnves Wellington HUch at 215 pm Tickets 50 cents Bus rc tllrns pm For reservations call Mrs Gable 4543 76 GUTHRIE Communion Service Next Sunday July will be Com munion service at tho Unitid Church at 1015 1711 Oro Station congregation will worship at Guth rie Thomas Ross will be the solo lst Extend Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Mrs Walker on the death of her sislerinlaw Mrs George Wnples of Vascy Mission Band met alers Dun can McCuaigs on Tuesday after noon withw13 members present Shine dampbell conducted the mcellg very well Mrs Georgg caell Eladriwommr from lhe study book and led in worship service Tho children made articles for the bazaar lobe held in August Refreshments were served New Flog Visitors Mr and Mrs Ruwn and Mr and Mrs Cline Rawn and baby Whats the use Joyce Hicks Karon Wilson Lynda Sllszw Murphy puss Grade PianoDonna Lyons first class honors Garry Burgcss and Carol Collings equal Sylvia Gublc Brian Iyrcr and Carol Walton cquzll Bcvcrlcy Sutton John Graham and Winston Parl ridgc cquzll honors Douglas Lo gan Joycc Morrow Sheila Forster puss Grade IX ViolinPctcr RIhom son puss Grudc VI honors Gradc VI ClarinetJoan Sill jcant honors Grade IV ClarinetDon McKin non first class honors Lcnorc Bowman Julie McKenzie honors Wilma Evans and Sheila Lemmon ViolinJohn Ricci equal Gall Carruthers pass Grade IV CornetNancy Fergu son honors Ilene Chappell pass Grade IV EuphoniumPal Rat Phone 266W AURORA ONTARIO BLASTING INSIDE 0R OUT ANYWHERE Stones Stumps Ditching Wells Bridges lilorv77 Authorized by EXPLOSIVE DIVISION Toronto Gludc PianoGail Ford holl 01s Grade IV honors Gradc III PianoPatricia Kylc first class honors Donna Wurncr Gcrlrudc Dcrochic Monichur lock Joseph Rythcr honors 0W 7W enriches the flavour of Garden Crcum Scrvc Gzlrclcn Cltzlln at ten timc lunch time any time PEEK FREANS Garden Cream ll ENGLISH lunlll IIilIlOvAlilly Lowcs BRYSGNS 22 DUNLorsrllnm WEST PHONE 4562 MADE PEWREANS Maggrlbnd MORNING Explo$lve Operator 13W ulscllils yellow packet COME SEE HOW AaP STRETCHES your DOLLARS Yukon Club Contents only GINGER ALE 3002 blls 35c Welchs 3702 bll 31c GRAPE JUICE 2002 tins 25C Iona Green BEANS Ann Page 13Aozb1121c 1592 fins 29 lb 49c AF Fancy Tomato KEIGHUP nd fins 29c ANN PAGE LARGE ANGEL CAKE REG 496 SAVE 10 AP Choice Halves PEAGHES AP Special Blend BLACK TEA not jusl plan on paper he added Fnoouscc sFFClhm California No Red Cardinal Larry of New Flos visited Bartholomew and Lloyd last Sun day Erma Clark returned home with them for avisit Red Shield Contribution Fifty dollars was contributed by this community to the Red Shield campaign of the Salvation Army Bradford Pascul 801 We hillbille Spanish Valncia No OR BRIDAND You HOMEMAKERS Here are liveable comfortable easy to live with modern pieces that represent the best in good looks in value Reno From Town Hall Splendid Mission Service One June 26 the WMS and WA met in the United Church with ladies of Barrie Oro Station Hawkestone and Guthrie Presby terian churches as guests Mrs Newton Bessie presided over the meeting and led fine worship Service 6nChristian Stewardship The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs Francis Muir formerly of Stouffville now en route to mission workin Japan Her stir ring appeal to more practical re ligion touched the hearts of all her listeners Mr Muirs brief address on Adventuring In Faith will long be remembered by all who heard him The best wishes and ardent prayers of the home folk will follow Gladys and Francis Wherever their dedicated service may guide them generous con tribution was presented to Mr and Mrs Muir by Rev Mr Shannon Who closed the meeting with pray GREEK er Dainty refreshments wre serv Brd ngks ed in the Sunday School room HY pm where short WA business meet Golden Ripe No Approxvfl8 Oranges cello baa It Peanut ana vllLD MELLOW 168218 Naplite Coloured VALUE FOR YGllll 1602 iar 35C Ann Page nnrssme Econom Heav lOOIl roll Chateau hilhi CHEESE lbpk929c Starlight Summer Raid ANDIES Assorted Flavourv FRGSIADE Christies Rlll Ion SERlllEllES zoom0267 OCIOCK cusrom GROUND llbboxsllc pkg 5t 802 pkg This lovely modern bed room sllite consists of large double dresSer with bevelled mir tor roomy chest and plain bed The serviceable honey finish and attractive draw 715 leS give raddedstylew torithissuiteii Fillers 1501161117 $12950 Vitaminx Enriched ing was conducted by Mrs Ewen Canada Approved ANN PAGE 21561 ns 25 will 35C 24zlgal14 rumors 25921mm Harry Homes USIARD AGP Fancy Sockeye SALMON Solid White Meat IUNA FISH Z62iny35c Iii STEAKS on nolxsrs RED 03 BLUE BRAND BEEF monoclonal 69 5TR5L5ES5 PcSAWRDAYS WWFWWSWM Ft KennIll Extra lean cur CHICKEN llllls nuns 11 while CKSZ LBS 29 BOILING FOWI lb sLlcFo or UNSLlCED 16 oz tin 37c ISllollslimrulllllllleij Easy Bvduellunsvllh7 for Bedroom Suites to suit lonesf SclviceGllnfglls crew Illsle lellll ellely Budget GPEllgllNlll pm P71111175 WHITE orBROWN lbuFIIjolm for Homo Baking Dhnldbt fanatical Haul 17mins 2068 was EFFEOTIVE UllTlL SATURDAY JULY 42 map as Nu men in

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