WINNERS OF TOP honors in the 1953 in bedside nursing and Miss Norma Jack mg MISS MARGARET McLAREN 0f Wexford was gold med arr TWO BARRIE GIRLS received their WWW SPlaGmdmm Wm the twelve 1953 graduates of the training graduating class of the Royal Victoria Hos pital were Miss Elverda Reynolds left of Penetanguishene who was awarded the Nurses Alumnae prize for highest standing son of Parry Sound winner of the Nurses alist of her class She was awarded the gold medal for high diplomas at the annual graduation in the Alumnae prize for highest standing in 013 est standing in theory by the board of trustees at last weeks collegiate auditorium Miss Joan Peterson stctrlcai nursing graduation exercises left and Miss Dagmar Grose were among school who marked the completion of their nurses training Vqtm KNOCK Weekeiid visitors at Bowrnan Allens were Misses Janet Abram and Edna Allen of Toronto and Morley Allen RCAF Clinton wu Wmxzs are AMONG THE 1953 graduates of the Royal Victoria Hos Sudbury was awarded the prizemr clinic work Miss Marian gt pita towin special honors Were Miss Helennndersbn lft of Brampton who was given the Canadian Niirse Award as the student who showed greatest promise of professional development during her trai GUIHRIE Icy Francis Milit Speaks In United Church large crowd nttendedthe a1t ernoon service on June 14 at the United Church to hear the Rev Francis Muirs very ne address on Why they left China two years ago and Why they feel they must go to Japan now Mr Muir was accompanied by his wife two was and hismother Mrs ir and had preached in Brace bri ge in the morning The junior choir sang Jesus Set the Music Ringing in my Heart Rev Mr Shannon opened the service and tthe close expressed the congrm gations appreciation of Mr Muiru effort to come to the people of his home church Change Service Time Nexthunday seiViCcWlll he at 1015 with Sunday School follow in at 1130 and so it will con tinue until the end of August In Childrens Hospital Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron hing Miss Hope Connolly of PHELPSTON Father Bennett CSSR is con ducting mission at St Patricks Church here Weekend visitors Miss Mc Veigh Port Credit Miss Catherine ONeill Long Branch Paul Shann lian Toronto Visit To Niagara The pupils of the senior grades of SS PS enjoyed tour of iagara Falls and district with their toacherMr Enns They had ride on the Maid of the Mist saw Brockjngonumcnt and other historic points of interest George and Mrs Cameron drove lMarjoric to Toronto Tuesday where she is now pn ticnt in the Sick Childrens H09 pitul Iicr wrist was operated on last Thursday John McCualg Toronto is visit ing his sister Mrs Love Mrs McCuaig and son Robert of Petcrborough visited Mr and Mrs Love last weekend mm lll No dirty hair to empty Dam filter traps the dlrtln stead Jug empty container igabout once month no muss no gum so ovicrroosn so pansy r6 imnnui saw CLEANING onus CANBE risen rou gramme thitMOIIlIlVG won h1q Burnswof King who was awar prize for general neatness and Miss Jean Reynolds of Bond ded the graduate nurses staff Head right Winner of the graduate staffs prize for operating room technique MANSFIELD Slmcoe Presbyterlal The sectional meeting for Sim coe Presbyterial will be held in the Presbyterian church at Mans field on Friday afternoon June 19 At Collingwood Graduation Mr and Mrs Matt Cauthcrs and Mr and Mrs Alex Armstrong at tended the graduation of nurses at Collingwood on Thursday Among those graduating was Norma Cauthers daughter of Mr and Mrs Matt Cauthers of Manseld ax Fracture of Skull Terry Greer little son etaMr and Mrs Reg Greer celebrated his ilfth birthday in Toronto last 172182 Bradioul St mom$5355 man 1952 CHRYSLER Saratoga Sedan 180 ILI Motor PowerSteering Power Brakes very low mileage 1952 PLYMOUTH Cambridgesedan 1952 PLYMOUTII Cranbrook Club Coupe I951 DODGE Regent Sedan SOPLYMOUTH Special Club Coupe 1950ILYM0UTII4 Special Sedan 4950 Donor Deluxe Coupe 1950 DODGE CustomSedan radlo mo CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan f1949PLYMOUTII Specialediui limo 1m onrtvsmm noyai unrumourii Special sedan radio 1948 DODGE Special Coach 1m muoum Deluxe Sedan 1947 momma Sedan 1941 nation Sedan 1942 muovru Bedan on union Sedan rm malt Coupe ms wth rumour To in Berton Amanda owmu hospital on Wednesday 01 last week Terry is recovering from fractured skull He was moved to the home of his aunt in Tor onto Mrs Gordon Moffat for week then he must stay very quiet for month after coming home Mr and Mrs Elmer Gallaugher visited Pcterboro friends over the weekend Funeral In Stayner Several from Manseld attended the funeral of Leslie Beattie at Stayner on Saturday at monirici Annual Eight members of Mansfield Womens Institute attended the annual meeting of North Dufierin District at Lavender on Tuesday VI Victoria Hospital and CROSSLAND Stanley and Jack Barnes Pres ton spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Barnes mrs James Lee is visiting rela tives here Mts Joe Lock Wasaga Beach spent Tuesday withMrsigptts and Mrs Allen Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Sam Martin who pass ed away Saturday morning at the home of his sister Mrs Smith Glad to report George Wright Sr is gwly recovering and Mrs Cornel Archer Hamilton spent last week with his mother Mrs Gertie Archer Yes andiwhen you purchase trip Sedan 1951 Thames Panel ton 1948 Dodge Sohool Bus capacity car from Harold Hill Limited you can stillalfoid to take that vacation stalwarumo Bur 1952 rumoriii cinnamon CLUB court Beautiful twotone shade in excellent condition USED TRUCKS 1952 figment Sedan Delivery With 48 pendent excellent condition finished In schoolbus colors 1947 Farzdvnxpma ton 1947 Ford Panel ton 1946 international Cab and Chains 1959 Royal ineld Motorcycle rm THREE DISTRICT GRADU ihave completed their training at arroyo received diplomas at the June 10 graduation exer Wrw MLWwumw who their Bradford Exminer Photos by Favero onto visited their aunt Mrs Gibbons and Gibbons on Sun day Visitors during the weekend at Shannons were Mr and Mrs Prince and Mrs Goodhand Barrie and Mr and Mrs Mc Donald and family Kitchener Dont forget themeeting of the local club at Mrs Webbs Wed nesday June 17 Mr and Mrs Wice and fam ily spent Saturday in Toronto Miss Margaret Wice Toronto is spending the week at Wices and Cochranes Recent Visitors Recent visitors to the community were Joe Prossers and family of Lefroy Barbara Windatt and Mr and Mrs Percy Ford and family of Grenfel Mr and Mrs Allan 919SL1tt9ashram Maylieth on chard of Port Dover MlssTLoriailieJWasis gm 0m ofNewmarket and Miss Pauline Iceton of ceys Mr and Mrs Clouter Toronto and Mrs Ashbridge and Mr and Mrs Lottman and family Toronto at Paul Popes in days gone snows amen Wife bad faith irrtlie can egg as starter for reluctant hens Itwassupp9iitd to suggestto them thatlaying eggs was good ideal Almost egg the Royal Bank is good idea too strong inducer mentvto yOuTto saveniore As deposit follows deposit you watchryoxur savings grow Then almost before you know it KL EA IMHOVIMINT WAN3 an ovallqbloilor many viola purpem Aik for our new on the wbloci at your Mum tiltoyoiWiandy caving has become habit and useful one Build up yournest egg at the Royal Bank Theres no prettier picture thimahealthy looking bank baht iivVflVVQn9 Encourage your children to have rust egg too Mi booklet Financial Trainingfor your Son and Daughter dcicrlbn lili pm for tnavkluglyour warm law to handle their cum nancial Ask for your fm copy arc branch or use III Alto in nd MM RM IWl Mr and Mrs Joe Simpson Tor5 at Howard Popes