Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1953, p. 5

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granites Beautiful Moming we look around Monday morning fours llxlt r135 of $11 tn shining and ad LILWHS are My com citEightqu trim the weather all the little plans pus basking in gonion and odor iul scented morning Li DIl liilti iin Li3 lilghlam fink part Of last Wmltliti Fl Johnstons Visits Brother litII Morison motored down from Sudbury 115 week to iisrt his brotilvr 12 Morrison and other icintivis lltli He expects to make THE Home of Good Permunenls They must be good or Double Your Money Back PHONE 4351 CAMERON 30 MAPLE AVENUE rig of firm the iciuzl tap Week Attends Wedding Mrs Johnson 1501110 recently to attend the Wed ding of he niece Verna Kelso to lDonaZd Morrison in Christie St Baptist Church on May 30 Here from Calgary Mr and Mrs Forbes Sprouie 011 gory Alberta Sproules sister Lynn Barrie called on several relatives and friends here last Week lllcy left of Friday for Montreal who were Visiting Sunday VISIIOIS from Toronto at Mac Boyds iverc Eddie and Ross Morflock Mr and Mrs Harry Hall and daughter and Bob Bruce Buys House lonl Cousins has purchased the Forch Sproule house on Robert Street which has been occupied for some years by Miss Whiting The Ilillcrest service station one mile south of the village on Highway 27 owned by Tommy McAillstcr was also sold last week Sunday Visitors At Wedding Mr and Mrs William Sharpe Mr and Mrs Alalr Ircton and Mr and Mrs Scott Sharpe attended the wedding on Saturday of Bar barn Muriel Comes and Alan Mil 557345215150 I305 SHAW nlsrnlcrbbmlm 54 Dunlop St 13 Barrie TELEPHONE mo Tile llcst background 110 in II liptr Mlmpillc Ill1mm NORWICH UNION ocwm Ow XXXo you like all Arrowroot biscuit you will prefer 9924 97mm r+gtv MILK ARROWRO0T APPROXIMATELY 40 BISCUITS 71001 for the maroon and yellow packer wczyqogogamm vvvovv Ir MAKERS OF MADE av FREAN BISCUITS 9P EEK uh Friday 61 11135 was in Tom Mrs Harry Showers Today Warm and Sticky 80 Yesterday Sunday was pleasantly cool Mondsy and Tuesday warmer with so high and rain started about 10 pm on Tuesday con lming today with little sign of change Thc breeze is south and warm grmd grow ing weather in light soil Temperatures were High Low ti 46 77 11 141 44 June 14 June 15 June 16 Untilti liktll Hersey li Westdaic Church Hamilton Recent Visitors Visitors during his neck 21 Carrs were Mix and Mrs Burit and Chester St Marys Mini and Mrs Harold Burtt Torontof Mrs Milligan 5113 Audrey Mll ligan and Joseph Barrie Mr and Mrs Harry Lynn and Juli also of Barrie Mrs Add McMastLr Yvonne and Murray Bethesda Mr and Mrs lzick lurbliit Mali ton spent part of the foilirlld with their lliothcr here SATURDAY JUNE 13 Fresh lettuce onions rhubarb and radishcs outdoor grown and flower plants brought the summer effect to the market on Saturday together with outdoor flowers Eggs Sold Well Egg prices were somewhat higher with very wide range from puc wces at 35c to junlbos at 70c and with good demand Dairy but ter was 60c 11 choice large chick ens and capons 60011 and fowl 45c lb gt Home Baking Big golden doughnuts were 40c doz fruit cake 60c 1b butter tarts 35c to 40c don date cookies 40c cup cakes 40c layer cakes 50c pics 40c and up bread 20c rolls and tea biscuits 30c doz Honey in various sized containers was on sale also Fancy Work Embroidered pillow cases towels and other novelties knitted goods and variety of hand work is usually to be found each Satur day at the market together with budgics canaries and sometimes puppies or wliathaveyou Plants Vegetables Cabbageand cauliower plants were plentiful in any quantity and boxed flower plants alyssum marigolds phlox cosmos and also pepperssecd beans and corn Po tatoes were plentiful at the low price of 25c to 30c basket and $125 and up for the bag Parsnips car TILBEST QUICK Mix vacuum Packed Cake Mixes claimant Mb While one Mix Iliipiillllollllultelllix planner QUALITY snowrlrs SPONIIETIIIIE JELLY IIIIII SPECIAL OFFER 19 21 ea7 CALIFORNIA 45sz 80s Grupefrllil 29c annoy doson Plums Pound 12 when PACKAGE humorous lemor THEMEOFTEN srnllwnrnnlrs alinlvmo rassx nour COLLEEN cuolca TOMATOES 2802Tins wnLolrs 32 oz bottle Fresh 36001100 Youll find full selection at oarincaf ounter Attractiver RBIsEn rotors nrrsorrvn Jone islsio OPEN SATURDAYUNTIL pm FEDERAL FOOD scour Corner of Mary Mcwilollclls tantrum soon scour Dunlap Strut Wm FREE DELIVERY Dial 2880 rots and turnips were of good quality still CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 2414 ONEILLAt the Royal Victoria MITCIIINSONAl the Royal Vic lsaNFDRDAt theRoyal Victoria BORN CHRISTENSENAt the Royal Vic Zuil Hospital Barrie June 11 1953 to Mr and Mrs Marvin Christensen RR No Shanty son VHACKEiIAf the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie June Id 1953 in Mr and Mrs George Bartlett lift No Shanty Bay daugh Err Hospital Barrie June 15 1953 to Mr and Mrs Ambrose ONeill 3212 ale 5011 orlzl Hospital Barrie June 15 in Mr and Jack Mitch 184 Dunlap Street West 1mm Hospital Barrie June 15 1933 to Mr and Mrs Lunck Tlulllbicy RH No Home son Hospital Barrie June 16 1951 to 541 and Mrs Bruce Sanford Edgar son COULSONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday June 10 1953 Robert Coul stili late of 72 Toronto Street dear brother of Miles Eliza Mrs llayneri and Ethel of Bar Mm Willuughby 0f AnJLadies Auxiliary to Life Kiwulilszlllttillig gas in his 79th year Resting at the PotluckSmith Funeral Hornet 127 Bliyiicld St Memorial scrvicel by the Rev Bewell in the chapel Friday at pm In terment Angus Cemetery 1iiiDEBITAccidentally at his home MunillaCon 10 Lot 3l Arthur James Hubbert lovingl husband of Emily Mac Cochruncl father of Kenneth of Myrtlci Murray of London Lewis of Ivy Gordon of Foremost Alberta Clifford of Port Perry Donald of Angus Betty and Shirlle of Petelborough van and Mary at home Resting at the McArtnur Funeral Home Lindsay until Wednesday noon thence to the Jcnnett Funeral Home Barrie Wednesday pm Funeral service Thursday June 18 at pm In terment Thornton Cemetery MICKAt his residence 109 Collier St Barrie on Sunday June 14 1953 Alfred Mick beloved hus band of Mary Jane Harris In terment Barrie Union Cemetery ullo 16 SPENCERAt the family resid ence Consecon Ontario on Fri day April 24 1953 Samuel Spencer beloved husband of Amanda Spencer in his 84th year SPENCERAt the family residence Consccon Ontario on May 31 1953 Amanda Smith widow of Samuel Spencer in her 73rd year dear mother of Mrs George LaRuc tVera Mrs Wilfred La Rue Nettie Consecon Morley Trenton Oscar Barrie and Ross Consecon ANDREWSSuddenly at St Thom as on Monday June 15 1953 Thomas Edmund Andrews age 36 son ofthe late Lt Andrews and Mabel Greenish of Hamilton formerly of Barrie Full military funeral from the Marian Funeral Home Hamilton on Friday June 19 to Woodland Cemetery Beloved husbandvof Winnifrcd Elliott dear rather or Carolyn Joan brother of Edith Mrs Harold Cooper or Barrie Davrd Andrews Mrs Ald gate Mrs MacLaren and tMrs Nameth all of Hamil on AUSTRALIAN BIRDS The bowerbirds of Australia and New Guineaallied to the birds of paradise are named from bowers or arbors built by the males reatest GaSOline in 31Yeairs with me boosts powerup to 15 increases spark plug life 150 gives you extra mileage too Today it is possiblefor of an engine tuneup si you to enjOy the effect mply by changing from your present brand of gasoline to Shell Premium with TCPI Youll feel that increase in power by the tinieyouve nished the second tankful and as long as you continue to use ShellPreinium Swith Top In the averagebar certain combustion by products are constantly accumulating both on spark plugs and inlcombustion chambers10 overcome the powerwasting fuelwasting effect of these deposits Shell Research developed fueladditiveTCPThis remarkablejngredient now blended into Shell Premium Gasoline actually renders these deposits harmless Patenf appliedfor Todaycshell Premium with TCP is available in this area but only from your Shell dealer mm snail Damion cisclulswlni Themost powerful gasoline your car can use no lief New Record at Royal Victoria The number of patients tri the Royal Victoria liospit ii mg inc month of May set record in the history all 111 no 121131 he in stage number of pa itflfs ill the lioplll wii and Li peak of 229 patients Iracllttd our time Th nurubcr of painn days was 3328 airt Hospital in May Statistics Short as 112111 in his analysis of the May firmly rial statement given at last chlli board inecimg lit the Ho Sti nurseJ residence Cami irozi board Secretary and llflspillil lllunngcr reviewed the iIlLlCllM lu patient day over the lntc lmzlth In 1952 In May 1952 the mini number of puticnt lays nus 3706 and the average number 11 paf limits in tilt hospital was 1179 AI peak of 104 patients was reached during the month in 1952 Tile number of obstetrical caes had risen from 71 to 90 in May 1933 The hospital superniicudcrit Miss Helen Shannhnn reported that several donations lliitl recently been received by the hospital The Wolliclls Hospital Ailxiliuly 1115 donated $500 for linen and the Club has given $150 to pruiido tracked curtains for Ward 20 The Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club is making all the baby linen for the hospital IN MEMORIAM WRIGHTIll loving memory of dour husband and father Charles Wright who pnssctl away June 19 1951 Each day in some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent you are over hour Still loved still missed and ever dear Sadly missed by wife Iltlfl fam ily 7U CARD or THANKS DALESMrs George Dzllcs and Mrs Ernest Dales wish to expressI sincere appreciation to their many friends relatives and neighbors and Lake View Euchre Club for their many acts of kindness and floral tributes in the passing of their mother who was laid to rest Julie at Zion Cemetery 70 AIIKINWe take this means of notifying our many friends and relatives that we are deeply up= prcciativc of the kindness and sym pathy extended to us during our recent bereavement in the death of our son Michael Mr andl Mrs Gordon Aitkin 70 KENNEDYThe family of the late Catherine Kennedy wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Rev Father Morri son and Mr Hutchinson for their kindness and to their relatives and neighbors who sent mam cards flowers and other messages of sym pathy and helped in many ways CW mu was accepted during our recent bereavement 70 The 31ltliliitlzilt11 11L Litilihilufl oils 111251 1079 lllludlil of 31 ml for nagmt by the lllllilitr alto conunltlcc at tile liarcl foi committee chairzllurl Robertson reported to the board that the retaining wall on the iiist 500 of the lltlt lltlxlllllil llllllillil had iiicu put in 11 cos of if The hospital driveways and pa mg areas have been graded and covered with zinc stone and will Liv sprayed Willi fur later this sum llzcl The grading was done With 1111 town grader free of ckluhrcl and 15 illlitlpilltfl that tile cost of the work will not exceed $300 The committee is considering ai tclzillolls in tile fire escapes of fur old llospllul building 15 requested by the fire chit1 and the buntti members briefly examined the Beard Growing Embarrassment Beard growing comedy cu in some cram result situatirms For proof ask Mayor Thar les Parker of Midland put growing contest in connection with the visit of the CNR muo eum train to Midland Mayor managed to raise hair on his railing Parker fine face During the time of the con test he had occasion to visit Orillia and to walk into an Urillin restaurant in search of refreshment According to The Midland Press Herald Parker was refused service and told to get restaurant wasnt serving any Free trampsL lN APPRECIATION growth of in out the On New H59 new fruit and vegetable grid ing station is being WC on Highway No 400 Worm rici at the Aurora elm Bullt by the Public Works partmcnt for the Ontario Deput mem of Agriculture the station Will serve producers in the 8nd furd Marsh The station will start to oper late as soon as the first produce corncs from the marsh The old atltill on Highway 27 near Schum bula berg will remain in operation 1101 1200 and teacher and pupils iof Baxter School for callln to see me for treats cards and ars sent me Liurillg my recent 111 oess liugll Denney Baxter 70 TIIWIISHIP 01 010 Tenders will be received by the lundchigned up to June 27 1953 Mayor wash to 12mm my neighborser rental of heavy duty tractor iilwlfisElwin201VMSGllIUid wiland drIVer to draw and ope for the host of lovely cards ullleownship rate blade Multiple drag 151111 the recipes following lflv flower ricuiveti while 111 hospIlfrucior required to be equipped lax Rate 365 AUTO SALESMAN For large new car dealer offering good proposition on new and used cars Experience and local connections desirable good permanent position See NORTH RIVER lime mooring of Matcllcdasll Council authorized preparation of bylaw setting tax rates totalling 1163 mills for the current your include gulli clul ii mills public school ti mills high school mills county ratc 88 mills roads 57 mills The clerk was instructed to write the Village of Coidwulcr that Maltf clleflnsh considers with other townships $1130 fire protection fee is high llld cquusll ing consideration of reduction Claude Bolycus tender for twoi lavatories at Ten Lake for $180 11011 will be asked to pick site The clerk is asked to write Wood health inspector regarding gur bage dumps at Severn Falls and Black Lake letter is to be sent the High ways Department and Lands tlnil Forests Department asking for record of the road allowance on the line between Concessions and in Malchedash TRAIN TRIP JUNE 20 About 250 members of the Con tral Ontario Train TlIp Committee will leave Toronto on Saturday on their annual excursion via CNR to Collingwood Before returning to Toronto the same day the railroad fans will visit railway facilities at Georgetown Collillgwood and Allandalc DONT Miss THIS Special bargain feature at Ruse Beauty Sal on an introductory offer that you Want to come back again will make REGULAR COLDLWAVE Isaac THIS OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY ROSEBEAUTY SALON IF YOUR HAIR ISNT uncorrqu TO You YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO ROSE 261 Bradford St Next To Allandale Taxi Ph 5387 1111105 in comparison Tea Lake Associa Nelilllurkct EVA DALES ui 11s llllil Iltlglillx tui 1110 for the sunshine lth Iroml with hydraulic power to operate Ebcnczcz kitties Dl Blackwell until hydraulic lift on drug second Hospital Puma stuff of ill my many friends also members ofl Tenders to floorl state size and specifications of Sincerely tractor and price per hour while 70ioperaling Lowest or any tender not nece$arlly accepted TUDHOPE Clerk Hliwkcstone RH No MR HILL 55 01111101 51 CH UIPLI SANDAL Worlds most travelled san da Saddle leather crepe soles for all casual use 1250 SBRAXEBS Strong pump action special nozzle produces types of sprays Sturdy heavy galvanized steel funnel type openlngqfor easy filling venientcarrying strap Capacity 37 gais Cacity 2V2 fgals waSons sraon senor All purpose insect spray to be used in sprayer Nonin lflammalble Safe for humans death to insects oz can We are authorized issuers of 16 ozcan 32 oz can tank with Con $800 35 11 oz can 390 HUNTING FISHING chairmans WILSONS INSECT BOMB New female spray that destroys flies mosquitoes ants roaches etcEasy to manage bomb sprayer Wlnsous SPRAYBOMB Pressure type bomb that can be used directly on liverth which kills or repels flies bugs etc noun Protects cattle deadhltoall DESERT BOOT Eighth Army mode so famous No shoe has ever been made that feels so light 1250 SPRAYER 31 qtcapscihrgau metal sprayer forall insecticides and disinfect lants Goblins srmrsn Contioiialmlst so or made or heavy seamless brass tang copperlfllwin nozzles WILSONS owns SPRAY tag

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