1m mums EXAMINER museum JUNE 17 195341 Stcphens Presents An Army of Gift Suggestions For Ills DRESS SHIRTS fnmmls Forsythe and Tooke quality plain or double cuff various collar styles Whites stripes and plain shades dcn entries ll TIES conservative dar ing drcssy whatcvor Dads taste youll find the correct tie in our wonderful selection 100 to 250 TSHIRTS cool comfort during warm summer days Choose the TShirt for md from this wonderful selec tion 125 to 495 SPORTSHIRTS plains checks patternsfeatured in wonderful selection of col ors and styles for Fathers Day gift giving 395 and up SWIM TRUNKS heresa gift that Dad will really go for Choose from fresh new collection of this years fav ourite styles andcolors 295 and up DRESS SOX plains fancys diamonds threes quarterand ankle length select the style that Father prefers in his favourite color 100 to 250 Stephens OBIG norms 15 WNW 81 broom venous mm Borden were making runawfy of the new interlockin softball sche dule representative from the Barrie ing an ace righthunder to the moundwho has yet to registrar and district sldc of the story 5261 ped in and crushcd all cele 124 Victory beautiful Community Park and the Win shoved firstplace me with Mimtsmg in melwcrk but hzs tcntn had sucn bad lease of fumblitd that he let the lpark 21 75 loser He hdsnt scan lilac lrestcd to meet the divisions most ks Off deadly foe Barrie and district softball stand logs the Flych down on six hits his mates contributed it safe Howls second and third inning in each and when lili Flyers fin ally hit the score sheet In the fourth they trailed 120 The Flyers must ered pair in the fourth one run in the fifth and single in the sov enth which foilcd to threaten the Angus triumph if Elliott 1b Nuuslcr 2b Masson 3h Krch iozbin 55 llowis Grant lb Owens Pierson Low dcn lf Moshcr ss Puync rf Lowdcn Angus Trample RCAF Flyers Tielor First Just as RCA Fiyers of Campl three cometouting With Litmus Angus hammered the Flycrs for Monday the spoilers into as Pierson fired the victory setting while Angus did all their scoring in the six runs RCAF Biieski rf Joberg cf Lord ANGUS Eaton 13b Cameron 3b ono 210 134 ooo ooo x12 MidlandPenelang Enter Soccer Loop new application has been ac cepted into the Simcoc County Soc ccr League Thcy are the Midland Pcnetang United which now forms fiveteam group league meeting will be held this weekend to establish the re mainderof the seasons schedule Also in the loop are Itwo Camp Bor RCAF and Provosts New Lowell and Barrio mi a5ldlCcS 5A gpizched liigilillsl Everett Maple Leafs last stand Monday cvcninJ at Ivy With 42 victory Bill Eison strong on the eve of his big game Acid Test Tonight Luckie To Burl Against Redmen Barrie Generals hold an impressive record in South Simcoe baseball competition but their real test will be tonight at Agricu tumi Park when they tangle with the defending cham pious of the north division Stroud Redmen The local squad under manager George Bouchey enter this one with four wins and one defeat And they will be send his first victory John Lackie ix Elsori hobbled through the Ivy battinzf order Ll hung on to the win lie loaded the Socks on two walks Enid hit batsmnn and the $011th Clarence Hogarth playing With niscvorcLy injured knce rop pcd single for two counters An other hit and the game would have been tied but Edwards made good catch on lvzin Spccrs fly to centre to spoil nish Bench gossip Bill Elson showed great sportsmanship in the scvcntli on third baseman Tcd Laycock Sliding Edith the sack inycocic got his nrmin the way of spikes tryv int for dropped ball and though Eison nicked him he tried his best to prevent the tragedy It Could have been worse Hoggnrth the main who holds the Leafs together was injured but nevertheless play cd first and took his turn at bat He was allowed runner czrch time After tonights meeting with Stroud the Gcncruls will play at Cookstown Friday in the rcscth dule of postponed dame Barrie 100 001 24 Ivy 000 000 22 Luckie wns Viczlni of Circum in the teams only loss He masterful Lwohitter list since so should be well The Gencrals made clean swccp of honicnndnomc series With Ivy Maple Louis completing the armed starboard thrower worked the route for his third win of the season letting the Leafs down on five hits The winnch were much tighter in this one failing to make miscuc which made Bouchcy very happy It nus well played from both sides and it wasnt until the seventh and final inning that either team did any great amount of scoring The Generals mustered an un earned run in the first after two re tired butters John Reids fly to cen Lacrosse Schedule AllistonBradford Jitvill1ullxliis ul Blaiukilil Bradford at Allistun WBrooklirl at Bradford Bradford viuitlnizds 116Brouklin Lil Albion illAliiston Brooklni Mnitlzinds it llrndinrd 39 Biouklan at fligtitlamis liesKltlllllilldj at Allistun Bradford at Brnuklzn 4Alil$ltgtll at Bradford TMAlilSlUll zit Mattiamis ltleuitlzuuis Lil Brooklm Bradford it Alliston llBronklm n1 Brodford llBrndfori at llmtlunds rBrooklzn Lit Alliston IllItlllilull Ill Brmklin Mnitlnmis it Bradford 21Brooklin at Mnitlzmds 34 Brzidforti art Brooklin leMziitlnnds Lil Alliston $3wlllistln at Bradford leAlliston it Mziitlunris 31Miitlnnis ll Brooklin Bradford oi Alliston Aug leronklin zit Bradford lBrudford ut Mnitlnnds tlBrooklin at Alliston Maitlnmis of Bradford Come timcs Maitlands Brooklin and Alliston at 1543 Bradford Lil iii pm trc was muffcd and he scored on the cutchcrs overthrow to first at tempting to nab Doug Coulson The run was added to in the sixth with another singleton also unearn ed With two out Chuck Edwards drew walk and scored when Jack Cains knock to centre was fumbled Going into the seventh and final frame the winners hold 20 mania in but it proved later that the fin ul tworun outburst did the damage Elson came to his own cause for insurance with single and Bill Grunt Worked his sccond walk of the game With two out Coulson cracked tworun single very Edge Bond Minesiny Collect Win With Run 1n Seventh Read 43 Minesing pushed across single run in the top of the sev important clutch hit No 27 Highway Adults SLOO Every WedsSat ELECTRIC simvrns sunrsnusnrs CAMERAS 17 enth inning Monday night to break 33 knot and edge Bond Head 43 in an interlocking senior softball fixture at Bond Head It marked Minesings second straight victory after opening the season on setback note Wen Downcy the great little The reliable vctcran who seldom mound find and Bond Heads makes much noise unless it be in Reynolds squared off in torrid the clutch George Miles started mound battle each hurling fourhit ball in game that could easily be postcd as the best played of the cur rent season The lead jockcyed back and forth before Mincsing gained the front in the final frame The visitors scored an unearned run in the first inning when Larry Durnford lived on an error was sacrificed and tallied on ficldcrs choice Bond Head bounced back in their portion of the first when the error was returned and Houghton took advantage with long tripleto right field After Thompson fired to centre Harvey singled for 21 margin Minesing regained the lead in the third on two errors and triple to left by Glen Adams Downey pro tected this margin well until the Miles East of New Barrie Toronto High home with the 33 marker children He Edenvale smother mantel Srs 206 Edcnvale ran amuck on Monday night before their heave crowdto thrash Grerifel 206 in senior softball Vespra League game fifth when Thompson scampercd the winning rally with lcadoff single in the seventh Glen Beilby gr ndcd to second but Bill Adams heavy hitter batting eighth singl ed toil left to bring his mate across Bill lylcCartney drew walk but Durnford bounced into double play td end the rally Ihatls all Downey needed any way Hc retired Bond Head inor der in the bottom of the seventh The Minosirrg righthandcr record ed eight srikeouts in the victory obtaining least one in each frame Glen Adams George Miles Glen Beilby and Bill Adams secured Min esings hits offBeynolds Houghton Thompson Harvey and All Sweeney garnered the safeties for Bond Head MINESING Durnford rf Ad ams cf Adams 55 Win Downey Wen Downey Miles 3b Beilby 2b Adams 11 Luck if McCart ney if BOND HEAD Brown Houghton Thompson Harvey sweeney MurraIy Reynolds Harvey Lang Minesing 102 000 14 Bond Head 200 010 03 The winners counted four runs in each of the second third and fourth innings which more than consolidated the mound from iwhich Bob Armstrong hurled to keep Grenfels bats cumparatively Silent Armstrong and Art Maw each blasted triples in the onesided victory and no matter what Bill Gollop tried to stem the tide Edenvale always seemed equal to the task Buk gave Grenfel some life when he tripledjn the sithf but the damage was done GREN1FEIG0110 McLean 3b Buk 55 Bolton cf Dobson 2b Meltaster 1b Scott rfK Dob son Walton if Canning 1f EDENVALEEredMaw Jim sfzz95 to $3250 is surging turns Allan McNabb lb Art Maw if Sid Bluett rf Jack Maw 2b Grenfel 012 1020 Edenvale FLASH HOLDERS $330 to Brownie ie $47 Genuine imiheiililll to LioHTEizs Th Perfect Gift to go with thosecigarettes cigarsor vic individual13 ms sun uzirntnvnurrcisrs $4957 5795 llLlilIlIDllLE DllllOSf if it FLOORS CONDITIONER That will wux scour clean buff polish anddand floors the best in floor conditioners For Information wusou GOFF 1Phone $184 stunned by RoyTrucy itlMapIeAveJhonoStw LIMITED Phone 2823 Mens Senior TONIGHToCGE at Angus Legion at Minesing Bradford at RCAF Fennells at Bond Head FRIDAYBradford at CGE Queens Legion at Fennells =Ladies THURSDAYStayner at Barrie Queens Newmarket at Edgar rvespra Senior TONIGHTMidhurst th Grenfel Edenvale atCraighurst FRIDAYAMidhurst at Minesing Edenvale at Grenfel Craighurstrat Anten Mills 0m Mens THURSShanty at Mitchell Sq Wonder Valley at Guthrie BASEBALL south Simcoe or Division TONIGHTStrond at Barrie AgriPark Churchill at New Lowell FRIDAY trdud at New Lowell Ev rett at Thornton Barrie at Cookstown South Division TONIGHTBeeton at Alliston ERIDAYeAlllston at JBeeton North Simoe THURSCreempre at Midland FRIDAYvOrillia at Barrie Agri Park second TONIGHTBarrie at RGAF lmsNew Lowell at Provost LACROSSE FRIDAYBradford at Alliston 845 HONEY HARBOR DOCK Bith Cinstrixction Co has been awarded the contract for rebuild mg the dock at Honey Harbor Work on the project which has been pending for more thana year is expected to get under way im mediately The dock is to be rats ed approxirnatelyl three feet abbve thawtcr levellandcappcd with concrete cover nmuknuisom CONFIDENCE Av ON GUARANTEED Foods of Quality BOISE Bread SLICID 0R UNSLICED 2302 LOAF SPECIAL LOILAWS CRISPY IreWafers figurine 21 COTTAGE AND WHITE IROWN CRACKED WHEAT 65L OZ JAR was mos 1601 TIN 13c 29c 29c 13c 23c 39 41c 23c 29c 29c 25c 39c was $13 33c WITH 1602 37c GRAVY TIN 1201 TIN AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING COMFORT run manna rncnmrs insists PARK AND snoe IN COMFORT 52 BAYFIELD Heinz Mustard Lushus Jelly Powders Jeilo Puddings Suncrest Evaporated Milk Crossed Fish Sardines Sovereign Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon Caledonia Fancy Pink Salmon Millionaires Sardines Elurks Irish Stew OIIIIIIS Boiled Dinner llylmer Boston Brown Deans Bums Ehuckwnqon Dinner Burns nmplire Sausage Smfis rem Beechwood Bpei Vegetables Rum SPECIAL WISTONS BISCUITS Wedding Bells mo CELLO BAG TIN nioz 1m 113 SPECIAL Edisons JERSEY MILK Cubes 0F 12 21 SPECIAL Neilsons Peps CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT PATTI no 21a TIN ISOl TIN 1502 TIN 1571 oz nus isoz rm 33c OF 12 SPECIAL Golden Layer leach 29s HIGH IN TASTE LOW IN CALORIES rumour mJZSc RED RIPE FOR SUMMER DRINK ASSORTED FLAVOURI ms CALIFORNIA VVINE RIPENED SALMON FLESH JUMBO 45 SIZE Sevenlip oaonir cm nus orcosrr Servo Often RICH FLAVOUR ammonium mm Now Arriving Fresh Daily Attractiver Priced Bananas 19 mo Deep Drowned gnulgtrfkgs Eueh wruB PORK AND TOMATO SAUCE 74 iOFI oz nu 10c 24c IgfN diniiu Iikiln not 37 21c 24c SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE spacmii lylmer Fancy Tomato Juice SPECIAL lylmer Fancy Tomato Juice Dimer Funcyllartlett Pears vrs lylmerttlioicelineupple rumours lylmerrchoicelfrnitllocktnil lylmer Raspberry Jam Added Pectin lylnerlomulo liaison lylmcr Choice Tomatoes 2m oz rm lBFL OZ LARGE TIN OZ JAII 1H oz 31 nun oz Vrm Ivy IIIle specuusuour cur rum sings Prinenih Boasts bowr sitcom new SPECIALIBLADI nous kimono Madonnas mum smut Hillel lb 319 swimsuits gt and jSole Fillets in Ocean Perth mus his rm in