Becomes Bride of gNuptiais are Held Green Af St Marys Burton Avenue United Church The marriage of Miss Elaine was tbc stttmg in an early June Mary McBride daughter of Mr Wtddlllg Oil Saturday June 1953and Mm Justin McBride ut Barrie at liltctf oclock in the afternoon to Michael James Murphy son Of Wth MES Elli liubel Laking Mr and Mrs Murphy of Bar youngcst daughter of Mr and Mrsf ric took place on Saturday June It iL Liking of Barrie was marla 1953 at nine oclock in the fled to Leopard George Graemlmorning in St Marys Roman only son of Mr and Mrs FrcdcrickiCutholic Church The ceremony Cretan of Stroud The ceremony was performed by Very Rev James was performed by the Rev lilu Clair who also said the nuptial gene Beech The church was dcc= mass and wedding music was play orutcd with profusion of spring ed by Miss Margaret McKinnon flowers and thc pew markers werei church organist who also GCCOIII of white satin ribbon partied tlieisoloist Miss Anne Mur Mrs Ginhm Roach of Barrie phy sister of the grogm played the Wedding music and ac Given in marriage by her father companicd the soloist Emory Hill the bride was wearing strapless of Barrie who song Promise gown of nylon not With insets of Mo before the ceremony and appliqued lace on the skirt beneath Because during the signing of bolero bodice of lace with long the register sleeves of nylon net and lace from Given in marriage by her father the Elbows the WFlStS Her 11 the bride was in traditional white 89ml V9 was caught comm her gown of nylon marquiscne of lace and headed pearls and she over satin styled with bouqunt W215 Carrying crescent bUUQUtt skirt and panels of lace The lace rcd roses white camcllias and lily bodice had siccvcs extending to Of the valley points over the wrists and she was Miss Madeline McBride of Bar wcaring fingertip veil caught to ric sister of the bride was mold halo headdress of orange of hon and the bridesmaids blossoms and lily of the valley were Miss Agnes Dowling and Miss llcr flowers were cascade of Hazel Wright of Barrie The maid American beauty roses of honors gown was of powder Mrs Irene Sweet of Barrie was blue brocadcd satin styled with her sisters only attendant gowncd net skirt and brocaded satin bo in powder blue French crepe and law She was wearing picture lace and wearing matching lace hat of powder blue net Miss mittens with blue accessories Shc Duwling was in salmon pink nylon was carrying nusegay ofTulisman net and was wearing matching roses lace bolero and net picturebat Walter Boyd of Stroud was and Miss Wright was wearing groomsman and the ushers were strapless gown of orchid taffeta Morgan Watson of Stroud and Ar with lace bolero and matching nott Laking brother of the bride net picture hat 0f Barlie The at end flowers wcrc reception followed at the Le blue de1phinium mauve giOH Hall in Hamel Where the sweet peas djOhanna hill roses mother of the bride received in John Murphy of Barrie was navy blue crcpe and gemgeue groomsman for his brother and the wearing wlnte accessories and ushers were Joseph McBride of corsage Of pink roses The gm Toronto brother of the bride and mother who also received was in John Cameron of Barrie navy sheer and was wearing white wedding breakfast and after acccssoms and corsage of pink noon reception followed in St roses Later the bride and groom left JOSLDES Atgtogig zfilvidt on wedding trip to Northern On 10 hicks taffeta tario the bride travelling in weginsg egzvgvegng white ewes sun of powder blue wool gabar series The grooms mother who series were nav dug 1311 anisezhe wearing also received was wearing grey an WI as suit with navy and white ac ed roses On their re colsage of commas turn Mr and Mrs Greenwill be In yersop Later the bride and groom left making 0m on wedding trip to Cedar Grove Outoftown guests at the vcd ding were from Tmonto Ham Lodge HuntSVIllc the bride tra velling in suit of copper tan ton Meaford Wasaga Beach wear champagne ac Stroud and the surrounding dis linen trict cessories and corsage of Johanna hill roses with mauve plume On their return Mr and Mrs Murphy will be making their home in Barrie at 37 Sanford Stret Outoftown guests at the wed ding wer frOm Toronto Capreol North Bay Windsor Buffalo New Lowell Angus and Stayner The entire wedding was recorded 35th Birthday and filmed from the time the bride Congraxlatlons to Mrs MFRer aFHerhomuntn the couple left on attaining her 85th birthday 03mph wedding trip LEFROI Visiting Niece Mrs Sawyer Mrs Clark son and Mrs lcbo are visiting with their niece at Balm Beach June 14 North Bay their store and Mr and Mrs Elviss wvfesnfatieanuig 15 tale and familyhave already moved to Reid at North Bayrecantly St catharmes Where the wm make their home Mrs Hearn and Mrs CBC Gm Tm will follow shortly We would like 01 were mud guests 0f to wish them good luck in their Grose new home Mrs Grose left by plane Lefroy Inn Sold for Winnipeg last Wednesday The Lefmy Inn has been sold morning to be with her mother Mr and Mrs Morse the former Mrs 500 Who iS quite ill owners have moved to Toronto Inospital Take Service We are verysorry to report that Robert Stewart and Earl Lohness MisSF10rencc Edwards is quite ill occupied the pulpit in the church and lsllow patient at the Royal here Sundaysin the absence of Victoriaf Hospital Barrie Mrs Rev Morris Frank Little is also patient in the same hospital We would wish ween WSW them speedy recoveries and Miss Joyce Beasley Toronto Sell Store Spent the weekend with and OHeam and Elviss have sold Mrs Douglas Reid and family Mother Ill SPORT SHIRTS Mens acetate spprt shirts ucssssnms Mens white reg 395 229 TROUSERS MensvGobordine reg 895 495 WORK PANTS Mens riveteLLSeoms tag 7793 CAPS if Mens fishing caps reg 98c 39g rsmkrs Menslersey TQShirts rg 195 19 SHORTS Mens work shorts rep 295 2159 WORK SEEKS pair loo TIES ireg to 00 each for 25 SUITS lotst materialsond stylgs freg 4995 SPORT lined Ond weathrprOOf reg 1995 Mens rcg 699802 KERCHIEFSonmns silkkerchicfs1reg SOOSOQ fMns cushiOnsfoot dressrsocks pr ovsmts gz childenserOshOble 54c NYLONS pair 25 DRESSES womens hous drss reg 293 159 SHOP EARLY ran all ERS DAY JUNE 21 Cash Your Baby Bonus Checks at Jacksons JacksonslleptStorcs IIHQNI4348 59 writers sf Satisfaction or last Money Rotunda Mr and Mrs Nagy and Ronnie Pet Lamb Fleece To Make New Coat For Princess Anne LONDON JUNE Princess Anne is to it is cost 15 bau spun from the zlcecc of Louis oi sheep adopted what an lamb by the boys and girls invalid Childrens Aid Asccutuu home in Oxfordsimc 11m Linda is month or two UILILll than tile princess been handspun in blunt and now is bcing lazizidtuci1 by M33 quly Kcrr ilvycurold trotbur zizc Cathctiral School of Wcuvxng tit Canterbury The Quccl ushmi but the poll should be ltlt in its natural shunti of wmtc so no SchLill blcuching or coloring pliltch has bii uscd Morcovcr much of lilt wow is lust the ticgreasing 1mg during spinning and weaving pro so that the Princess con will not take the entire llcccc but tlicrc will be more than enough to mukc her smart little garment Miss Kerr who has bccn vczivv ing since she was ll is Working on the cloth in the schools Old oak benm room whore handwww mg has been clone since the days of the Hugucnotswllic Protestant refugees from France who intro ducccl their own technique of wcuvmg into England and groups of whom settled in Cuutorburv nearly 300 years ago Mission Band The Mission Band was opened With the Mission Band hymn and tliclLords lruycr lllcrc wns short meeting in which it was lo aded to have picnic instead of the August mcciing Plans were made for the bazaar to be held on July The song In Christ Tllcli is NO East or Wcst was sung The leaders taught the children on Africa and lunch was scrvcd by the WMS The meeting closed with the song Praise Him Praise Him and the Mission Band purpose Sunday Visitors Visitors at Lou Ncillys on Sun day were Mr and Mrs NciL ly Mimico and FL and Mrs Wil liam Neilly Grand Bend and on Her lluccc 3235 1mg thc wurmip Saturday Miss hriliy Oriilta and Mr sand Mrs Fusggg Cllll Rgwmd W315 Meeting Tim Lz iirclJlg bums Cl Thursday Lust membczs slid three visitors were lnc prclllzlil the nllll Mrs Girvan Sawyrl Srcorid lttp ldcnt ill charge of sczvlcc Mrs Baker lutuzcd wnn solo Ail rcports wch lukcil and final arrangements mull fui tho mic of baking at the Muslim Build bums on July Mrs llurwc Johnston Barrie gave tiuultizriful talk on Illc work of tin Dullliiilutl Board and on the driftrm mission fields Mrs Suldtls timrzkcd Mrs Johnston for tlllil of all tbc indics BAXTER Attend Wedding Mr and Mrs McAfcc and and Mas Duffiu ltlcudcil ll Mary Adulrs wedding ill worth on Saturday Mr mdiMs Adclnrd lluchi and Stan llzlcni and family on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ruddick and2 Miss Dulls Rllllllluk spent Sunday 11 Allistou with Mrs Dorothy Turtu Building Culvert Tim Finnigun Construction Co are busy building cement culi Midllind on Wednesday vcrt over the Buync Crock on the liitl lino of Essa Losiic Edgar Toronto spent Sun day with his father ll Edgar Mr and Mrs Gziulcy and baby of Toronto spLnt the weekend Willi Mr and Mrs Guulcy Baxter Ladles Aid Baxter Ludics Aid gullicrcd at the home of Mrs Tulnbull their Tlicrc with mumbcls uml tllrcc visitors pres was conducted by the president assist The Biblc study questions prepared by answered from the last two chapters of 2nd con tributed very worthwhile read ing to the program entitlcd Over night Rose Reports were giv en by the treasurer secretary and Friday June 12 to hold regular monthly meeting wash good attendance service cm The worship ed by Rev Gucrgis M13H Wrilkom were Peter Mrs McLachlun pedal Sale gArranged with CoffieldCOm pany enables us to Offer you $6000 Tradein Allowance on youriold washer Regular Pricey 229195 lessllovmnce $6000 wry plcndid talk voicing thug Mulcs 321mm Mpg lsllcli Sir und Mrs Mcckcri sick committee Dori 165 35513103 tins pl for to strawberry law wf zzc fcllii 29112 Joninin weekend with Mrs Wztii lr Wes Siayrier Emmi or 51 and Mrs Waliacu Holberti lit July itrbwspent tho ucckczid min Hamilton of Mrs Elilrfrmnlii 9515 itckcy Yugii of Toronto spend 13 Mr 92ml 51mg few Wijtka Doug Stew and 2m murmurs afranri Episilc deficit of John Roll dl ful June was azuwcrcd by from Ilzc Bible commuting llt flow Tch olicrv Ilium dclustcl with ttn Fruits Cmi Emn Wlmxi At Masonic Service Tilt meeting Mr unil Mrs fillilglllon DEUWM ii xiUil Mill Mr and vlis Burl Bcll tntl Nnnrv iltc mums vi HHIm 374 10119er attended the Masonic Llistrztt mi 13 WW 111311 lLc lllmxnlc on Sunday 13 ilmi lLfliclllt 70m czvmi bv the luluII IiOIHE Twweuwm successful uduvv Dmmh lltllllbcl of lcCWcGWl Jun ixmizmn Mrs El iclmlumi as Firmm fumed the mun mc yum Mm 3m Ed IlLItI tiny in Brztdfurd on Saturrloy NU Wm mumps wncu tiny won the boys mftball and mm punnmu tournament second in girl murm nmcnt first in tut wzu mull first in tho squurc dancing com ptlllltlll lzcld in Band IILIxtI Sulfur tiny ctcniug and Mrs Pratt and Auurcy and Mr and M23 William lxutl zlmi Cfltidltll ltlronzu visit tii 31 and Mrs Fam all Sunday CRAIGHURST Mury llcftlustcr Tildcn visual Mr and Mrs llzllcst Flftitl Cllll and hilsnmc during the nick gtltrontu wvrc llic Wtlkclld ltcv and Mrs William Ncwmnn wwlug Mli Simon Mrs Coward Sr Mrs mm MCMj and Sllcificld and Mass Dom Simpson Brut nemfm VHWMC ltlcndctl the WA DLlllltffV lltttllflgi Mum ddmg 151m Saturday Cvcillg Snidcr 11 their homes for WA Deanery Recent Visitors Telephone Change Mr and Mrs Ernest Watkins and Wc are all glad that our talc Mrs Binnlv lmuntt wurc at the plmnc lino is smullur circuits 2m luikins homo for cw duys that our scrvicc is butter Mr and Mias Woullics Toronto Misscs Donna and Elaine and visited Mrs llodgsun on Suturduy $3 TrudeIn Allowance forany iron on new HOT POINT or STEAMOMATIC IRON Singer Sewing Muthine to 22 Owen 5r BARRIE Ph 4365 Windsor Washer 1Clty is former resident of Barrie and know would be pleased to receive an invitation to rimml OLD HOME WEEK Centenan limes Committol cO Th Burl Burma Barrie 011mb Gentlemen wish to inform you hat Street Address Prov or State Benders Nuns MOORWHITE $725 GALLON Thats what Moores One Coat Exterior White will do for youondin addition it will give you the smartest looking white paint iob you have ever seen It is made to cover in One cool old painted surfuces of white or lighttlnlslwhlch are in fair condition selfcleansing white not to be tinted TOP VALUE $785 GALLON $230 QUART PRIMER priming coat of exceptional sealing and hiding qualities For exterior use on new or old work under oil point Prevents many failures of paint iobs due to poor priming May be tmted with oil colOrs $210 QAI BEAUTY PLUS 100g PROTECTION sins mu $16995 Balance payable in 24 Months On Convenient Budgef Plan Collicldy will washer lfers niece IleluxIecluresr gt0 Large Bowl Shape Enamel Tub Double Tub Constructionx Keeps Water Hot Heavnyuty Wringr Instant Release AutOmatic Timer +Tol31al Your Wsh fl no Halvvputycomelu Transmission One Year Ffree Service Guarantee my 12 Ycar FactOry Rebuildlng Guarantee AutomatioPurnp Avnilablat Small ExtruCost concur SlDUNLQpSKI fwwvmwmwc FOR YOUR HOME Painting house is hard work and When is all doneyou wont it to stay good looking and youvmnt the protection you worked for We Recommend Moores House Paint fa Value Protection and Beauty product of Beniamin Moore Co $725 GALLON $2M QUART BEST FOR YOUR vocal FLOORS Moores Porch and Deck Pain really and durable ragged point made to withstand hwy traffic and outdocr axposuro It dries quickly to hard high gloss nish which Is easily dead Use it on wood or cancels pordtos and slap decks of boamgndq ah vyduly Interior oor 3115 Gang $20 or TILELIKE FLOOR ENAMEL For Interior Floors OrConcretoTllls Floor Enamel is recommended for all Flops Stairs and protects Porchosof mood or ltls easy to apply and driesqulckly to unimet gloss rich colOrful busyMoon Floor is the nishing touch that completes the wll decorated room dgggolfllom you Caro Bodpcservas illsl $690 Gil $100 Qt oncoming INSIDE Olt of Heres an enamel which Will glvo you reOl servic in both Oppeqrancoonduwoar The whilst mm rrx xxxLu yellowing rind tho pumanOnto high gloss nish with Wmhabllily Use item furniture Oswell as front doorafshultorsggurdmm On klfciibn cudibo1mom violin cupboards and woodlamvocllscdoaglucwu tummy wrung ammo