zoom BARRIE mm more acumen mono JUN 15 no ALLISION SCORE SECOND WIN EARL McCRONE NICKS THREE By DON McLEAN AIJJSTON JUNE lBAlliston Athletics won their second game in as many starts last night as they dumped Scarboro Maitlands 116 in an OLA Intermediate tilt played before some 800 fans in Alliston Arena Allistons first win was against Brooklin last Saturday night when they edged the Dodgers 98 It was very last game to watch homesters as he red beautiful and only 19 penalties were handlshot behind Frank Hayward Ted ed out two of them majors forlChilderhosc made it 24 for Alliston ghting Alliston got 12 of thelat 1326 then Ron Barton put the penalties visitors into the scoring parade Three penalties went acroes the and 31 the Way the quarl board before any scoring tookiendei placer Coll Wllilan Almmfll The Maitlands came back to score was the hrst mansent off and it twice in me second quarter whnei was for crosschccxmg Bob Woodsi their hosts Lamed once Teddy of Maitlands was next for theip owell after taking long pass We Offfnce the P13 Palmer from Red Campbell tied the game was banished for tripping Earlu on Ion Ed cCrone started things for the appass fromg 31ng Payne and when he was about 20 feet oub he fired low drive whichl beat Hayward Maitlands added another at 1419 on Jim Cailaghans shot and the half ended in all tic Allislon were ahead after 28 Second of the third quarter on goal by Colic Wholan Red Camp bell tied the game for Maitlands and at 1139 Alliston were back in front on beautiful goal by Earl McCrone This hard working Maitland crew had tied the game again on goal by Holly LcBlond Clary Payne added another for Al liston at 1425 to end the quarter scoring In the nal quarter Allister soured five times to Maitlands Code 1000 hrs 1400 hrs Maitlands Jerry Fewstcr tied the game up at the Illsecond mark but that goal was short livedas Ed Stcacy put Alliston back into the lead on pass from Bill Gray Colie Whelan scored is second goal ofthe night to pu Alliston The Canadian Army Active Forconoedsmenwillingtosorvo anywhere in the world Heres your opportunityll you are between 17 and 40 Itradeb men 45 and can meal army requirements lEClUIIING OFFICE at Barrie Armoury Barrie Ontario Thur June 53 Why argue about MONEY Gotlfmhmrtinyow WilliHm hanlSSOtoSlONooymmngmm ed banknbhsomnty Upto24monthlturopoyJm ofoihmbomwybhqmck upkeep ooomyMCMm nounimmoral OIISEIIOLDFIIIAIICE AME hilltop so Wool and oor on om emu om mammogram IKfMonnm luraooucmo jor thefirst time in Barrie the new Singer Sewing Machine 301 Slant Needle throughout the United States in Readers as advertised Digest Easy Bug gt SINGER SEWINEMAEIIIIIIltll Phone 4365 get no Liberal TradeIn Allowance Jit mamhove rawyawn in league baseball the roces the Show and the nightclubs are only some folnihe amusements that attract people to the big Round ransom rmness $2515 coroner $2570 RELIANCE two goals up Terry Gordon com bined with Ed Steacy on the ninth goal Earl KcCronc was really trying to malts an impression on the fans as he stickhandled right in on top of Hayward for the 10th goal Terry Gordon nished off the scoring for the period at lit11 The next home game for Allistou is next Friday night and Bradford Celery Kings will he the vstors When these two clubs meet there is always good and exciting game KAITLANDS goal Frank Hay ward defence Ron Barton Red Campbell rover Johnny Bond centre Ted Powell Wings Bob Woods Holly Leblond subs Jim Callaghan Jerry Fewsler Ron Cheeseman Joe Berthelot Ken Weller Ralph Forbes Bill Dancy ALLISION goal Leo Robbins defence Tom Briggs Clary Payne rover Bill Gray centre Colic thlan wings Earl McCronc Terry Gordon subs Hank Pear salL Aden Whelzin Bernie Crhw ford Jerry Moon Ed Stcacy Bob Kehoc Ted Childcrhose Friendly challenge MAKE THE MILE ROAD TEST WWI REM is ways better Its promise Youll drive longer for lessivilh new Reliance gasoline New Reliance is the best weve ever man Rated Not ust an improml gasoline buf an all new gala inc Make the 590ch road testyoull be con vrntcd new Reliance gives you EASIER STARTLNciv rigidly controlled volatility factors mean casrcr cold engine starts greater freedom from vapor lock FASTER ACCELERATION All gt the reserve Owen of your engine When you rice it rs yours With new Reliance gasoline WICKER rumorsA thor oughly warmedup engine in far less time greater economy and less risk of engine strain LONGER MILEAGEYou travel farther for less with new Reliance Start provuig that now Tank up With new Relianceode VicePresident and General Manager Now more in eve vouciiiinaioii Barrie Ladies Hold 32 Stroke Field Day Lead Barrie ladies captured 32strokc lead in the Simcoe County field day competitions Thursday after noon at Coilingwood when they placed second in the fourclim event lot the second successive time Collingwood failed to play the part of good hosts when they paced the day With an aggregate of 603 against Barrios 615 but the local ladies hold combined count of l252 to lead Oriilia ladies by 32 strokes After good showing in the first start of the field do on their own course Orillia taluer in Coiling Wood and finished urth with 648 for an aggregate of Collingwood improv immense ly from their initial start of 688 at Qrillia and now hold third place inlthe standings With 129l while Midland who posted 629 trail the pack with 1296 Mrs Watson of Collingwood nosed out Barries Mrs Corby by two strokes for the days low gross with 93 while promising llycarwlri from Collingwood Beynan fired 97 to produce the low net of 67 Mrs English of Midland was second low not Miss Sue Mulcahy of Orillia blaz ed the low count for the first nine while her club mate Mrs Lam brick was low for the second nine The field day continues Thursday at Midland and will wind up in Barrie next week Look Taller R4836 min24v Munw Try this on for sizesee how beautiftu it fits your shorter waisted fuller figure Fits justas perfectly into your busy dayits the smart young casual you need now and from nowon Have it in rayon cotton or wool Pattern R48361 Half sizes 14 16 18 20i22 2412 Size 1612 takes yards 39inch ii yard contrast This pattern eaSy to use simple to sew is tested for fit Has com plete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins sta ps cannot be accepted for this Item Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St West Toronto 03L fAuro SALESMAXN For large new car dealer offering good proposition on new and used cars Experience and local Connections desirable good permanent MR HILL 55 Dunlap 11 Hiroiioirtrcrlllc malnutrition lt cameraman room ANNIVEIISAII cinnamon 77 Minmioriin OFONTARIO Dosijion seen newer COMMISSION Order Scottiin Clans Hold Chicago Convention Representatives mm Quebecs Var1425 Ladies Auxiliaries of Soul tie Clans passed through Montic al Central Station recently on lllrll wt to the Grand Lodge conven Ilill in Chicago Rvprcsezllzng lilo 12 Montreal auxiliaries 38 members led by Mrs th of 1060 Moilnt Avenue Verdun Tins IS the first tune that the Crslilll Lodge has held ceiivcntum Ill Chicago llEMIIlISTIlIITIIIII of the POLLABD SIDE DE LIVERY RAKE and the Mo KEE FORAGE HARVESTEH COOKSTOWN FAIR GROUNDS Tues June I6 pm ARNOLD ICUOKSTOWN ONTARIO Filly years ago on June 16 1903 Henry Ford envisioning the future Willi the fond dream of building an automobile within the price range of every man formed the Ford Motor Comp uziy Ill recognition of this historic milestone of progress you are cordially invited to attend 501Ii Anniversary Birthday Party Tuesday Jane 16 Ironi 8Ilpiii noon PRIZES arriirsnmriirs ENTERTAINMENT with Susi San School Boards Institutions Householders WHY BE WORRIED WITH SEPTIC TANK and OUTHOUSE TROUBLES Susi Sun modern chemical product will eliminate offen BARRIE Phone 5525 sive odors liquifics in days Guaranteed to work Be Sure to let Piece ol Birthday cure Market Square DISTRIBUTOR Fred Watson 49 Essa Road PHONE 6598 BARRIE Of the season Right across the countrythe trend is to Ford Fords stepping ahead everywhere because Ford is ahead in all the things carbuyerswant most because Ford is worth more when you buy it worth more when yousell it Fords ococloimed from coast to ceast for its great StratoStar llOHp V8 engine delivering the samekind of power that you nd in the most expensive carssmooth lively dependable V8 power Fords applauded in every province for its wealth of necar features including the choiceof three ultramodem trans missionsFordomatic Overdrive or SynchroSilent shift Fords admired by everyone because its such beauty irisidc and outand because it offers such satisfying choice of colours trinisand fabrics Yes there are plenty of reasons why the steady continuing trendto Ford has made it beyond any doubt the success car of tlieseason Youll discover all those reasons when you testdrive Ford filmMmeImmanuelx1 FoddoruorchHVe vlilro ridemllrbesopuaudlgtomm cities When you gotquol byigbus ondqslop over wherever youvvish to arranged Aslt your IOCAIAGENTABourLHN HIGHWAY rouiis rout mars or we ass Remind $945 DETROIT $1485 Subject To Change Tickets and Information of Bill room 5521 Residence and Garageilocated corner of Willow street and Mountain Avenue wauv baushene missionwmmisma by on lldounlt tairi Avenue should hill Ontario 620 jUliivojasity Avenue Toronto gaggle Amman worm times ram uvoun