cum r3151 mm Wt mm ants Moved to Garde Your mum Homewotk Suffer surgical Shock in By Nancy Cleaver 711251 lionth c1211 mip lZl liTlOlt 10 QTY IiFilm dishcsi unmet1 you Am MEMBERS OF ALLANDALE LODGE 575 of the Inter national Association of Machinists longmembership pins at the dinner held in Barrie Legion Hall on Wednesday May 27 Presentation was made by General Superintendent McGregor of North Bay to One of First Members local Machinistsl Association who received their ONE OFITHE FEST AND OLDEST mem 71011110 circus 13 ioitieivurk 1111 in your fazizi chins attitude to 19s twink of iiim may left to right Stanley Sugg Gravenhurst who received 15year pin Patrick Casey Allandale 35year pin and the same to Reginald Candy Gravenhurst Stanley McGuus land and Charles McDonald of Allandale iburning sawdust pile in mill WINS FLOOR LAMP Winner of the floor lzin given by Cl1rks Home Filzlllillllils in lurky draw held iii Home Mer chandise Shiv in Barrie Arena re cently was Mrs Mallory Anne Street BANCROFT Ont CP bush lire believed started by yard destroyed 260 acres of mixed Itiinber in this area north of Tren lton Some 300 cords of slabwood of 35year mem ership pin Shovm left 111 the mill yard also were lost Palladium silverwhite metal nearly as hard as platinum is pro duced in the Sudbury nickelcopper area daily except Sunday HAMILTON LINE No GillFrom Hamilton Allandalc 11 am No 662Leave Allandale 435 pm for Hamilton daily except Sunday arrive CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective 1201 nan Sunday April 26 1953 are some abcizt getting it doi1 arguing about it crs and Lillliiitil loo it 2110 often iriost conic jcc in for too in IEtlll Wu is Li lllCllLii If your child has homework which his teacher has given to his class dont make it harder for him by pouring scorn ori homework criticizing the tea cher or by being too anxious for perfect record for your child in his school marks Accept homework as jail Li done regularly Willltzlll fuss This piece of work if lioiic well by 111 pupil on his own xvii InIp iiiin Hungarian Sisters Church Artists HAMILTON MAY 11 tli Tiro young liungariziii girls are helping to beautify Canadian churches Edith and isubrl Piczck are artists whose work decorates con veiits and churches ill Home iinli Hungary During tho ll inontir they have been in Canada the girls have bouiitiiicd three nmm churches Using room at Mount Ceiiaclc retreat house here the iiczck 31$ 181s have designed pictures for St Ladislaus Church Coiirtlznni On Ladys Welland and Mount Lcii aclc Isabel and Edith studied in Binla post at the University of Fin Arts After graduation they went to Rome where they painted large frescoes for several religious con cojl innimvr Help tour iliild budget his boom out of school Wisely Rate 5131 time when he agrees to begin homework c1011 even ing definite other substi trite time between four uclmk and supper is necessary on the spot in occasions when this ev ening nilltduit is broken into gt 11 illtlllj 5131M sullen iiti inr iruiiii 1111 enli 11 bed Lino of 1ii or 50 light lt jolly SLgt uni ill sliomi Liki in SitIlillii at ilillzt it iiici turn Iiiliiili is iUIlL jilSt In Iqit ittI 11111 ilax ciu attitude to Your Illllllllti 1111 Yul llli in tt ii riot lll icztiitly zinc in il vi parents ti young 11117 is 1111 you izeip will our from yolitcr as lii iIili to build lllll llinlri 235 LANGUAGES Iiitiia and Iiikislzin have about 32 languages cXtill oi dialects coiiiiiincll vents including the Precioris Blood Monastery in Home They received an invitation from the Pontifical Bible institute to prepare plans for 377squarc1oot fresco The original plans were judged by professors of the University of Fine Arts Rome Using the tech nique of the old masters they com pleted thfwnrkdiiring the Holy Iiclcins Ii17ma Iltl lilt procedure Tl1In and the um above giv their recoriiendations gratin of them may iii em the practices you have advice it form It ildJ 11 notany the pruning roots or growth 111 the case of green plants tiaiiy tests have proved this advice to be sound how ever if you grow your own plants stir handful of plant food in bucket Tv1tc1 and pour it on the soil week before you 11il plinit tinin They should talered well the lay below they are moved On tile following day preparni starter solution from solut plant food or by hanging Milli of dry plant food in cloth bag in gallon of water over night tion to the garden ind deep enough to hold its and sand For sale of pit or delivered PIT AT MIDIIURST ONTARIO VARCOE BROS 111 making rosy for the plant to take up Roots of plums should not be in rtrng plants from xsicl 131115 gtii to avoid break iom RepIacrinciit must take place be for lic piaiit can grow very irziicli Tops of plants should not be YIIliliLt 115 care if it 13131 11 Imp10 liyiiratel Yilltin if lililll foil 2111 are snccucnt when soil Take me mqm land air Lire dry and when sun is 3141 SUMO 3011 not Lu gluon pillii can usually he set successfullywithout shade make hole for the plant large especially ii water or starter otslruiuliou is used or without crowding Mix ultn Slli act luirtii soil and root is lit the bottom leulmulllul ui ctaiii pluii good Cult ctl dicrw ise STONE and CONCRETE WATER WASH ED Driveway stone crushed concrete stone 300 Boyiield St BARRIE P11 1600 of Allahdale Lodge International Asso of Machinists 575 was honored at vieright are General Superintendent of CNR Motive Power and Car Equipment recent banquet here by the presenta McGregor of North Bay Patrick Casey of made by Schollie VicePresi Allandale and Mr Schollie MhboundNo arrives daily of the Canadian Association Montreal ZtmizmNoa N3ai Traintimes at Midhurs Station Yir 1950 are 575 MACiiiNisrsiiou GATHERING very pleasant gathering of the elation ind that of Superint Gordon very pleasant duty fell to Mr TomOn Slmdfls only McGregor of making the draws for three valuable prizes which went to Frederick Willmott of Brant arme Aliand1 7r Supper was served by the LegionJ ford mantel iadioi Thomas am Dally ex of Barrie Lodge 575 of International Association of arranged by the Recre was held on VVd Meiy 27 in the Legion Hall at 630 p1n after James Stinson master of ceremonies extended welcome to breth executive officers and visiting officials With Grace by President James Hadden an appetizing supper enjoyedrby all The Toast the Queen was proposed by Foreman Riddell also introduced the officers Chairman of the Union Cuppello Montreal Vice Schollie of the 1AM Canada also of Montreal Gen Superintendent of Motive Pow and Car Equipment Mc regor North Bay Locomotive Riddell Allandale Foreman Thompson of and Assistant Fore McCuaig AlTandale After 30 minutes intermission the tables were cleared the of membership pins certicates was made by the Arriy Allandale 8102 pm Leave six Barrie 317 pm Patrick Casey Stanley 1day Charles McDonaldof to James Hadden on Superintendent to of Hook Whowasab and to Stanley Suggand Reg Coadya of Grayenhurst 35year pinsWith the excep endent echahic No Daily except Sun No SIToronio to Sudbury Leave Toronto at 930 pm arrive Allandale 1112 pm Leave Barrie Daily except Sunday No 3Toronto to Vancouver Au 1117 pm Ontario extending from Mori additional work entailed through tnTesda Change from Steam power to excep iesel 0f MT Sllgg Who received Arrive Allandale 1248 am leave award Barrie am daily General Superintendent McGre No 47Toronto to NorthBay then spoke at length outlining Arr1w Allandale 120 am leave of his ofcial duties anxenormous mileage ofitlen Patric 134 31 d3 soomnonnn to Armstrong Northern No 52Ariive Barrio 415am Ontario and gave some idea of the Leave Aligndaie 423 am Daily Allandale 513 am daily Schollie also spokeupon the No 42Leaw iBarrie 756am tionship and etaoperation be een the head office of the asso Allandale 807am Arrive Toronto couiisrowii limo Residence ofthe late Mrs Margaretifiong well located on the westside of No 27 H1ghwaysecond from north limitr Immediate possession brick veneer Centre hall seven moms with additionailarge frame kitchen large frame garage Property includes half an aere generous spac for gnrden Price $500000 Inspection by arrange meritI MRS WRAY 19 Frank Ores Toronto PthTe Li 7090 No 46Leave Barrie am 1010 am Daily except Sunday antiMonday No diLeave Barrie 420 pm daily except FROM MIDLAND No risqueave Barrie 729 pm leave Allandale 742 pm for T0 Fnoa1 MEAFORD No GilLeave Mcaford 600 am dept Sunday and Monday Con Riichie of New Toront an auto necis with 42 at Allandale imatic toaster and Mast Boyd an electric lieftle CNR Valid CPR Time Table Effective Sunday April 26 1953 at 1201 am With Daylight Saving Timon all train times quoted are Standard Time CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS NORTHBOUND No 41Toronto to North Bay leave Toronto 920 am Arrive A1 1andale 1130 am Leave Barrie 1148 am Pally except Sunday Tcronto to Midland No 62Arrive Allandalc 410 pm daily except Sunday No ISOArrive Allandalc 720 p121 connecting with No 148 for Toronto Sundays only to near031 No tilLeave am arrive Meaford 150 pm Daily except Sunday No 63Leavc Allandale 815 pm daily except Sunday PENETANG LINE No 397Leave Allandale 1145 3111 arrive Penetang 115 pm Daily except Sunday WRturn arrive Allandale pm nu Steel wane Enamel UMBRELLA TABLsr attractive lawn BEACH and Lawn iUmbrellagsi Allandale 1115 accessories for any am No 25 Sudbury passenger dailycxceprundaylarrive1156i am SouthboundNo arrive 428 am No 28 arrive 356 amNo 26 Sudbury passenger daily lex ceptl Sunday arrive 1253 pm Vsianv FLEETLINE COACH $er covnns SUN VISOR BEAUTIFUL TWO TONE LIGHT DARK GREEN EXCELLENT CONDITION IA REAL Bur Buywith Confidence At DANGERFIELD Morons Barries Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford Biol 4981 AIR CONDITIONING ENJQYLIFE perms REGULAR PRICE eaioes roiling invariants nomnumsmcs 738 BAYFlELDiST ainisoioisss BUDGETTERMS cookies $319 But we can help you beat the beefLand save on food costs with this special offer on The New 1953 Line or GENERAL Eliciaice REFRIGERATOR 2690 on MODEL 11175 ASILLUSTRATED Other special ModelsiFrcln smooch479200 srrcmtrv bitAwFonLcoorCusrourns Alree chance with every complete $2500 spent This means that it is limiteddrawsfoc customers of Coop The bigger youripurchasc the rnore free chances yen have FACTORY mm TECHNICI nitoss was nor gimpwane