Oi the 11143 period normed mist in lwl the police had lo cased lull by years end r5 Borden Contrcts Products NonPayment ls Raised at Ottawa Local firms are included in list of creditors who are still awaiting payment for work dunul on defence housing contracts at Camp Borden and the matter was raised in the House of Commonsi during the past week by JDhIlf Dlefenbaker PC Lake Centre These firms were subcontractors and suppliers to Booth ConE structlon Co Limited Niagara Falls Amongtheso are Thomas Electric Barrie Gypsum Lime andl Alabastinc Co Fox plumb lug Welland Eaton Co Ltd Wiggins llentlngt Brantford Rigby Limlted St Catharines Armett Industries Toronto and Montreal SawyerStun Lumber and otlh erg return tabled by Central Mort Kalle Corporation said it could not answer Mr Dicfcnbakcrs question as to how much was owing the sunOnuracwrs and Suppliers understand these subcontrac tors have not been paid because lot the failure of Central Mortgage lto withhold moneys said Mr Dief enbaker intend to move for more in formation on Monday and if my honorable friends want to get this session through let us have full information said Mr Dicfenbak we DW baker showed that in the past four years four contracts three for With RCAF Coronation Contingent housing and one for sewers and mains had been given the Booth company at Camp Borden The contracts totalled $2148336 There were to be 394 housing units On the contracts just over $2 000000 has been paid by Central Motors adford Street and will operate to firm under the name of Simc Motor Products is seen here siting at his desk making some of the preparations for the official ope ing of the new business which ta cs place this evening MLtDubols only arrived in Barrie two weeks He gain ed hisearly experience it the auto mobile business workin wtih his father who operated Ila ltonMo tor Products in Hamilton ing that time worked in the service department parts nopartmc and the accounting department For the past three years he ked fwith StedelbauerMotors in unit as sales manager and later as general manager During the be served with the RCAF as wirelessair gunner being posted can mu axaman rot rammo room 2414 If its the lust in Charting HAlv IT nits opera at than to view mquicoronotion Orin to Calgary and Prince Edward 15 land during his service and receiv ing his commission keen mem ber of the Hamilton Junior Cham ber of Commerce while he lived there Mr Dubois has already join ed the Barrie Chamber He is main ricd and has three children and Mrs Dubois and the family will be joining him here later Mr Dubois whohad been in Barrie number of times in the past years when he travelled north is very imprcssed with the town remark ing as he did The people appear to be very friendly At the open ing tonight there will be oldtime and modern dancing and many prizes including electric kettles toasters electric irons and elamps The new company will continue with the agency operated by Lon dry Motors Pontiac Buick Vaux Jhall and GMC trucks Opening of New Furnishing Store Takes Place Today Today sees the opening of Bar rles newest business organization Clarks Home Furnishings 38 Bay lield Street Owner of the newlilm is Bill Clark who also runs Barrie Tent and Awning Company 34 Bayeld Street The new store however will be run as separate company with Don Stoneman who has been in the employ of the Barrie Tent Mortgage Corporation The com pany did not complete two of the contracts one for 100 houses and one for 90 The return also said thatCen tral Mortgagcs arrangement was wtth the prime contractor ltl1c Booth company The corporation has received representations from creditors but these representa tions are insufficient to provide an answer as to the list of con tractors and the amounts owing to them However the corpora tion did know that some Booth creditors are still unpaid It is learned that subcontractors on the Booth jobs first were won ried in the summer of 1951 plumbing llrm towhich $60000 was owing refused to do any more work until paid It got $40000 and then other subcontractors demanded cash The Booth company was stalled and central Mortgage took over the job Central Mortgage drovc hard bargains in nishing the job the subcontractors say One subcon tractor says they asked him to do job which he had calculated at $28000 for $15000 The comprom ise was $21000 This subcontrac tor gures he lost $7000 on the deal plus $10000 he didnt get from Booth and Awning Company for the past eight months as manager lhe new store is being estab lished to meet the increasing de mand the original company has rev ccivcd for goods of the type which will be handled complete line of home furnishings Acourteous and competent staff will be avail able at all times to answer any furnishing problems which the public may have CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING BONE 2414 Tu nonunionoroi centennial no aa oundusr7wontor9nto BROAD SMILES and cheery wave from some Ontario members of the RCAFs Coronation contingent as they em bark aboard the liner Columbia at Quebec City bound for London Town and parade rich in pageantry and history Left to right are Sergeant Soutbcombe of Serbia Sgt HOWes Woodstock Courtmanche Windsor Cpl Campbell Kenora Cpl JW Dean Hamilton LAC Chapman Plcton LAC Murray Cobourg LAC Fitzgerald Kincardlne LAC Gerrie Wales and LAC Allen of Redbrldge Cpl Moran Barrie Cpl Panthers Increase In New Brunswick HARTLAND NB MAY 14 CP Panthers are multiplying in New Brunswick forests according to in formation by Bruce Wright Fred erictdn director of the Northeast ern Wildlife Institute Once believed extinct in this province they are thriving and have moved into Nova Scotia he told the Hartland branch of the New Brunswick Fish and Game Protective Association Old recordsshow three types of lynx bobcats and panthers 52 tween 1860 and 19301tbetlatter bellved to have vanished In 1930 however Kent County man shot panther measuring sev on feet seven inches None is known to have been killed since but the species has been reported in almost every countv The weight of one tracked pantherwa estimated at 200 pounds with 21 overall measurement of nine to The panther hunts only at night andstays out of sight by day Mr It feeds chiefly on Wright said deer breeds every two or three years and has litters up to six The out once roamed New Brunswick33 Prospect Today Sunny Warmer GroWing Time The early part of the week was warm but Tuesday brought rain at dusk and Wednesday was much cooler with rain at night and strong northwest wind Thursday was cloudy with rain at night and the cool breeze held out but this morning ls sunny with prospect of warmer Temperatures were High Low May 11 48 May 12 44 May 13 35 May 14 54 most succeessful way to bag pan ther probably would be by trap ping heconsidered LOCOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT In 1951 the Canadian railways retired180 old locomotives and put 240 new ones mscrvicc Build your bank account with Vanguard savings drive the Standard Motor cos VAN 13 by My Woodard Molor tighhovdlinf toll 0099 It detriment 59W 60 mm Condor mid motherhood Markdown til tin Mouton tractor for Cannon shirt service ill V0ngeur Drive this big beautiful Vanguard Voyageur and save money too lt has the long low lines exciting performance lort pickMp roomycomlon and luxury ttings of the mast expensive cars yeritcostslorlddbuyioperatauranre insure and maintain than any other car in its class Gertnot out of ovary driving dollar todoy and every day 9rlve the anguordyoyogeur and solve Askyour dealer about the exclusive Standard SleelvSlIovod Engino OOrvtspEAIERS roRT Keep July 22 open for garden party and bazaar at St Patricks Auditorium Details later 57 Special Midnight Dance at Pinel Crest this Sunday 1205 May 18 Fun galore Admission 75c 5657 Maytlme Tea Bazaar aild Home Baking Sale Trinity Junior Guildl Wednesday May 20 from to pm 57 Old atyme and modern dancing every Wednesday Friday and Sat urday at Club 79 Ladies 50c Gentlemen 75c 54ft Mixed dancing every Friday and Saturday night at Plne Crest Ad mission 50c Muslc by Mac Jones and his Heptones 41Wth Dance New Lowell Community Hall Friday May 22 sponsored by lane Lowell Legion Door prize quay lo 54 Music by Country Ramblers Ad mission 50c 5758 14th AnnualSprlng Music Festi val of Essa Township under thedir cction of Paul McKelvey superl visor of music at Thornton Arena on Thursday May 28 at 815 pm Admission 35 children free 57 Dancing Guthrie Community HallWednesday May 20 from am tb Andrews Orchestra Sponsored by Glcnoro Junior Far mers to nance club work Ad mission 50c Lunch counter 5758 Henley MILD MELLOW nun OCIOCK corrrr PEREIIES Christies BIT XP Funcy Tomato 2002 tins 21 AiP Special Blend Tm MOTORSLTD MARKET SQ BARBIE Pic lioins 23 80 pkg 19 mil pkg 27c Sultana Peanut 1601 iar 29 lb It SLIM Low Calory lb 35 AEP Choico cusroM GROUND AnTPEg Three mm 204 tins 25 ANN ms Qannda Approved Vitamin Enriched oBREAD SLlCED or UNSLICED 2402 loaf White Whole Wheat Cracked Wheat ponKurANs 4mm Ann Page KETCHUP 1cAiiAoAs BEST CAR our intoweJ F6rgtAll visual3me view laoiboltla Lmrii TIDE 1159 PRODUCELSPECIALST GuitarledSpanishNoflnsiu 12 nowth their bost for panning Californiarlgbero nerv ropqrh lite 48 units Fungus No commonst shotgun will do younger jun ORANSIEE it cookga iota it Vlholo orhanltlpodion chemo noon PM 5mm RIB oRISKErrrrr Prion ilttootlvo Until Tum uunsa quilit 4F0399c aheadsl aim Ittc dozr 59 ciosao doom eYIMORIA