Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1953, p. 19

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11115 Aug larger than any hers in the pttlllillloll and Mr By ALAN DONNELLY Tanadixn Press Stiff Writer OTTAWA yluy ICPnTlIc of comzrsom chafing up the of the ssssmns work before hurl previews last of the airmaing battles that be tough 1n rIdlngs across the before long The date for the next genurul rexnuutcd uncertain Prime St luurrnt told the cum he wont lucid the date un after the Coromtlon on June But the way outlined govern thinking on the mutter left thll growmg convic the election 5111 hp 111 August 10 and 17 both 11 lltlltl lekcd whtllcr the bud picked tlnxse dates olcctiun turgtis did not rule out The Prime Ministers comments sparked the political In of mJmlurs and the weeks look on the earnest tone of that has bcgu heard pIrlmps lesser extent the svssion Mmecm swung sumo of their polItIcnl buynmkcrs dur considemliou of estimates fti Production Minister Howcs The debate dwelt often on the Icportthich criticized ad in and on the report of the dcfcncc expenditures Whitewash Charged The latter report by the commit Inbcrul majority approved construclion cxpcnditurcs mid vmkncsscs pointed out in Currie Riport are being at Conscrvntivcs to The Progressive It llllC1gtll job and interruptions by Liberals road into the Com record their minority report the committee charging waste and extravagance and full lllllly into the en defence setup They argued the had used their majority to up thgsc shortcomings and an adequate investigation The Liberals in turn accusedthe of making the defence political football and cl ptcr and verse of evi Heres the food that helps give catsand kittens strong bones bright eyes glossy coat playful pep and purrfect disposition Get Puss Bootsfbr your cat gaging the armys works deuce latencies to show there was nothingme with the defence program The battle recalled pcrsoml level when Solon Low Social Cred It loader Suggested that preferred treatment no defence contracts had been given the Alexander con Inzuction fimt formerly coined by Mines Minute Prumm Mr Low sounded the firm had friends at court when it failed to complete contract for an RCA base at Penhoid Alta on time and yet got another his contract else where while still stumbling around at Pentium Mr Prudham denied the Alexander firm had ever rmivw special treatment through him or anyone else He mid he bud no connection with the firm since he sold it before the Korean fighting began Election Timan Canada has never had general clectionin August in the 86 years since CoMedcrnfion But news paper predictions that the next election would be Aug 10 or 17 multiplied until Donald Fleming PCToronto Eglintonl asked the Prime Minister about the correct ness of the reports Mr Fleming urged against sum mertime voting and said tens of thousands would be disfranchised because so many would be on holi doys or busy with farm work Mr St Laurent replied he had purposely refrained from readilng even tentative decision before the Coronation because he did not want that event to be disturbed by political controversy He said that whether people go to the polls depends largely on themselves more important as pcct was to see they werent dis franchised by having their names left off the voters list start on preparing the lists bad to be made 49days before polling date he opted Andhc agreed that summcntimd enumeration would likely mean that some persons would not be home when the cnumcmtor called and their names would bl missed postsummer enumeration the Prime Minister said could not start earlier than Sept 14 and that would shove the election date into November an inconvenient time His remarks left the issue uncer tain but many observers assumed that he left the way open for dis solution in midJune on his return from the Coronation in time to stunt the Aug 10 Criminal Code Looking back on 1111c scssions work Parliament could credit itself with big sheaf of major and min or legidlotion But one of its big gest jobs never got finished major overhaul of the Crim inal Codethe first in halfcen turykept the Commons and Sen ate and their special committees working hard But the revision wasnt clcared through linnnittee in time for the Commons to pass if members were to get away in time l0th00010119t10h On four important aSpects of the Criminal Code the Commons crim inal law commibtee recommended even furtherstudy In report It urged the government to establish either Royal Commission or joint Parliamentary hotnmittee to settle the gtfstions of lotteries abolrtion of jdlc death penalty and whipping the use of encc in court The government was not expattr ed to act on these recommendations bofore the election Prime Minister St Laurent inditsrted that like new Parliament must complete the task of consolidating the code andut seemed likely those four special points Would be dealt with then cur Ism toys Hm Part In pronohon Twentyione Canadian Nptiomil Railways employees have been chosen from across the country to playa put in the Coronation cere monies in London Allletcelf CBE vicepresident and executive assistant for the system announc ed at Montreal recently Selected for Canadas Coronation contingent are eight veterans of the Royal Canadian Navy 1091 the Army and two or the BoyerCan adian1Ain Eorce Five aredromv Quebechfour frorn Manitoba three from ontarim two each from Nova Sootia Saskatchewan and New Brunswickand one each ffom Bril tish Columbia wfoundland and Prince Edwa elsl Miss Olga Skoropad ntelephpne operator ahloronto isafmmhiir of an allglrl symphony orchestra representing Canada in thekAllV Notionsm Cavalcade at Royal Al bert Hall during the Coronation festival PILES rebatetreat painful piles with medicated Dr Chases Ointment 5th as it heals safehome treatment for oyer 50 years Dont under any Antiseptic pommim enumeration for voting Conservatives Meet at London PROMINENT PROGRESSIVE TOTTENHAM Hobby Show Simone lrmbytrrul 3311er 11 Ill 1115781011111 sum Iltlt From West tut IlrM 12 11 Slump Jaw CONSERVATIVES at Western ntnrio annual meeting in London May John Dictcnnaker MP for Lake Centre Saskatchewan left and George Drew MP for Carleton Ontario national leader of the party Chill nformnlly during lull in program MIu RATE FOR lNNISFlL TWP TENITATIVELY SET ny roofs Althoughit has not yet 1mm officially approved by councxl tbc TWO Bonnets insanity asa de HER NEW BONNET has pretty flowers on it Or make her lovely sailor hat with ribbon streamers Easybonnet is double crochetsailor is single crochet TWO HATS for your daughters wardrobe Easy crochet Pattern 7161 has directions Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can amincr Household Arts Dept 00 not be accepted to The Barrie Ex FrontASt Wrist Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PAT uuanR TEN COMPLETE PATTERNS to sew embroider crochet printed in the new 1953 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book Plus many more patterns to send for includihg ideas for giftsjhome accessories toys fashions Send 725 centsnow lay my oIIers 10511 1112 rule for lnnmfr11onslnp has been tcnlulncly and the order for tho tux lnil placed with the print 22s The general rules lll 1n Inout ns follows county into 1052 117 nulls 15153 110 mills township rule 13le 20 mills 1053 11 mills general school grunt 11152 15 nulls 1053 23 mills roads and bridges 1952 42 mills 1033 41 nulls parks 1032 05 mills 1933 05 mills relief and hospllnlIzutioII 10511 13 mills 1953 mill pullL 1032 10 mill 1953 011 mills fire protection 05 Total gcncrul rates 1052 211 mills 11153 2101 mills However be raised this may little if allowance is mode to cover the debenture to szy for the toilets in the park for which some funds have ercudy been borIInvzd and which should be churng ovcr 2I period of ycnrs Added to the above of course will be the various school ruins School Area No has rule of 00 school area No has 01 mills Burric District Collegiate Institute 1952 levy and 1953 debenture 52 mills Education of county pupils where not included in district high schools costs 15 mills school section Nos and 155152 mills school section No 10 86 mills continuation school do benture 09 mills and lcvy 06 mills school section 18 debenture 10 mills Other lleS Irc garbage collec lions lukcshorel 111 mills Cooks town village and lights 110 mills Thornton Village 21 mills Churc hill hall debenture 18 mills Stroud strcctlighling ll mills Lfroy and Belle Ewart lights 14 mills III 1s to Malta In lll nor lllxlllllt no 11 James lougn Sunday Visitor III IIIIi Mrs Thomas IIlvIII gtpilll Shinto 121 311 1IIII1TII1I VallIIll IIIIII II mo Mrs Tan li1 lluudllon Vllll llt IIIIIl Mrs IIIIIII gun daughter Jud lquIan II111 Sunday Wllll Mr llIlIIIIiU tlli 1Iml Mrs 11 Mrs Ii Ilcvznnu spout lion lufr In Toronto Mrs llIIIIIInnII llltl he lill11ll Mrs lntk lllvnillston III Allzston motored lo TUIIHIIO Tuesday lust illil tII1III Attend Imvtntion Mrs Ilorb Kant Miss fli111u1 MIs Elliott Mrs Simon IIIIl Mrs McCormick Fora rntepnycr to know what his tax rates will be he can add to the general rates the additional school mics debenture rules which up ply to the district in which his pro pcrly is located and this will give him his This does not apply to Cuokst and Thornton vil lages which take from the general rates the amount charged for roads add in their ownschool rates and include about 45 in Cookslown mills for the Alliston High School mid they will have their rate The total assessment for 1933 will be about 31139358 on which mill will raise approximately $7140 lhc township rate shown at mills covers administration salarIcs to councillors office help and of ficials It also covers the interest charged by banks when funds have to be borrowed and is fund that isthcre to cover unex pected expenses suchas trips by counc If school area finds they need ad ditional funds not included in their estimates this fund may loan them This rate in 1952 was 26 mills and may be less this year The first periodical to print an illustration by halftonc process was The Canadian Illustrated News in October 1869 This illustrating pro cess led to the development of coat ed pnpers and the large industry which today supplies them the best possible tomhmirnformhletnemusecleaning Imago For quick DR CHASSIS Barrie Dancing Academy if who now 131111111111 firms with the Acabmnupnwd of CanadasFav9meyEmerging yNORlHMOREiszYNERDUItdCHER Wednesday May 211 1815 1m Stuttgart AdMisSion 15 Adults Tickets our NIGHTbNgy so cIIIIdrn at door IIIIII TTIIIIIIII rLooIt coNDITIoNtR Will warnscour clean buff polish or sand efflclerltlynnd economically and with min lmum or effort Call All Wilson Golf Phone 6484 Increased sales mean more trudQlnsWe hnve sevequ used Polishers and Vacuum Cleaners It attractive prices 87 Distributor No bug no dust The flu est possible performance Air sealed connections and sound proofod motor CallRoy Tracy Filter Queen Sales of Barrie grooms 3432 fMIIple live Barrie or attending converrtronr Visits Iurcnls liclxm llll 111 I21 Alto lJlilAs lnitrd ti 411 LlJ lIII 31 AIIVI lln NEW LOWELL Watson ilovw wmcd Ens llltlltz de sisteruluw on Sunday bring lug Mr and Mrs llurecll lluwv to Ll DID lldlt Harald BJltS Hamilton Franny vtltzl In Illsltllt new Qllilt ltllltfl llll1 11 here ul of from inspect on Arum Illlllllltl Illt t11tl Burnt 111111 Mn Thomas gtpcut lhursdny fwcmnq wltn Mr and MrsM Dob llll Angus CALL THE EXAMINER FOE PRINTING PHONE 2414 For genuine CIIIIYCO PARTS CALL rIIrITcII morons 10 ROSS SI Phone 5735 INIRODIIING PARK LANE NEW DINVEIKWARII from ENGLAND Colors ROYAL CRIMSON BUTTERCUP YELLOW QUAKER GREY FOREST GREEN ONLY 20 We STARTER 5151 COIL COLLIER BAYEIELD STS WATER GLASSES GOOD QUALITY 55 75c 85c 951 per 12 dozen DICK STEELE PHONEYSSS rubbalanced Orlow shock design givea mtg ride Drive themew Plymouth and experience the amazing pen mgmnIIIsI IIIIIIITLE Inglislt Qlltina tEiftSbnp IIIAIIcin MIAMI AGAINST llllll lower centre of gravity wider softer rear epringsive the new Plymouth stegdier ride hugging the road on curves IIIIIIIIIIIIInIIIsIIITcII Synchronized springing and new weight distribution give more Loyal ride comfort you woutdvexpect only in Iabsorber action and new spring Ride for yourself II VA sonarsnoorHIssrnIIIs or snow mom Int3 31 with Spent lllursd more expensive car il ll wmqu new as M01HER$JIH3 Give your margarine at its no the nmrgurine with Food Value in ism NUTRITIIIII Every Single Ingredient running in NUJCOA is good and goodgforyou HYoull love NUCOAS Iihrally delicate avor Vitamins16000 units of Vitamin 5000 gownth oull benet from UCOAS abundance ofir units of Vitamin per 1b plus NUCOAsj valuable food energy Even UCOAs original delicate color comes from natures own nutritious carotene

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