Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 May 1953, p. 9

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HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE SHOWING MONDAY TUESDAY poised on trigger of terror snownu wrniiizsmn our urn EIIE FABULOUS NEW ADVENTURE IN MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT EVE snows 650 pm Its 0IIIOIImann TECHNICOLOR out drum mm ADULT ENTERTAINMENT EVENING SHOWS AT 65 MAT MMGMSOW collarer MOIRA SHEARER tEONlDf MASSINE EVENINGS ADULTS 90c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 35 TAXiNCLUDED ADDED TREAT MlCHELLEPIASTRO mosrm NI TALL MEN BIG ACTION TECHNICOLOR SHOW STARTS mason ALSOI CARTOON FOX NEWS GRANADA Monti TUESDAY IOIEIIHEUMANN IOBERI EOUNSEVIILE PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ONLY BU Ti IEEI IVPv umcs mummmnmw WM Emmnmnmnrzm ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY EVE snows AT 650 pm BIG SPECIAL PROGRAM ON THE SAME BILL THEIHierRic STQRYQEAIL COIRONATIONS NARRATED BY ROBT DONAT MUSIC BY wTHE ROYAL 71 arranwyuu PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA post Damon Municipalities Wanted of Danger From Insecticides serious situationhas arisenrln connection with the We of strong inescticides tontheIoaotermimtion of the warble fly and die Ontario De mm of undead Forests has issued wainlnd to all district formers from Mormon district biologistgfiid thishas been human year tradition pugmmry and color inmate tin mu mplendenr corona tion he Britain biliary MAKE NOW THIS GRAND SHOWW For Movie IMerryGOROundeunO linICKBBI Each Afternoon otSAOIpmI forvraidOd to variou authorities in the county on behalfcf the fores ters gt copyof the warning received by Earl Richardson clerk of WS reads as follows Your atten tion isvdlrwn to the fact that the insecticides commonly used for the treatment of cattle by the author ity Of the Warhle Fly Control Act are lethal tool kinds of fish It isI essential Maximise concerned with this Work be adVised that Linden no condition should any of the solution he allowed to him into any stream serious mortality of speckled al whichlins been done bytzhe De wnpncsnax an Magistrate Gordon Foster prev sided wttb Gown Attorney IL Thump QC Adjourned Again Through the absence of Crown witnees the bearing of charges in wonemion with theft of gas hood and gasoline agpirm William Ernest Courtney and 599135 Burton was again Wedncsckiy May 20 Unusual Penalty By reserved judgment Arthur Boausoliel was allowed suspended sentence of one year on first charge but must pay ensth of 516150 On second count the penalty was oneday term and fine of $100 with costs of 51650 adjourned to Took Rations In another rcscrvcd decision Re Lister was given one month in connection with taking army ra tions part of which were recover ed Another charge had been laid ngtirmt relative Earl White for having some of the goods bacon and eggs in his pomion but re covered by Sgt Martin Defence Counsel MacLarcn QC asked leniency as the accused had served five years from 1939 to I945 in the war hm no previous convictions is married and has two children The Crown Attorney agreed that first offenders usually receive sus pended scntcncc but eases arising in military establishments must be taken seriously Magistrate Foster gave weeks remand for sentence May 13 Each Gets Year Two serious charges faced Sandy Timothy and Edwin Cornish both 21 and both members of the RCAF training school with rank of AC1 First thefit on April 25 in Tossor ontio of an auto owned by Muriels Taxi and driven by Leonard Savi kint and second more serious charge of theft of an auto with violence Defendcd by John Reid they pleaded guilty to the first charge The taxi driver gave evidence that on the night of April 25 he had picked up the two men at the dry canteen with the intention of tak ing them to dance at Alliston On the way they noted two soldiers hitchhiking and he slowed to pic them up but his passengers said to wait as they wanted to pick up some girls Farther on Cornish behind him opened the door so be slowed to 15 and suddenly was hit on the head with bottle by Cornish seeI 0nd blow broke the bottle Timothy then struck him with another hot tle three times on the head and at like last blow he was lying on Old front seat partially stunned but re mined conscious of what was go ing on The two then carried him to the side of the road Cornish went back to the car but Timothy hit him several timw with his fist He was Sill able to hear Cornish call Come on Sandy When they had gone he kitted his head saw car lights approaching and managed to Struggle across the road falling once but successfully flagged pickup truck and was taken to doctor and police noti fied The men seemed to be in good spirits saidThey had been drinking but were not drunk They took no money Major Edward James medical practitioner on the reserve force at Camp Borden dated that he had examined Sairidanf that mght and bound severe contusion on the back of his head and an abraston on the right Iiside of his forehead which required stitches PC George Fyfe OPP Aurora stated that the car had been stop ped about 430 am Sunday April 26f near Thomhill Tuna othy was driving Cornish said they limit know the car was stolep and they had rented it for $13 Charges werLJald by Kreuger of Alliston and pm ED 230 pm tuhhhw For the defence FltiLieut Hook of Camp Iguve evr deuce that the accused men hem enlisted in midwinter one Jtmuary and like other February Botih came from British Columbia and had been consistenttramees with good recomb Replying toa he aid it seemed quite satisfiedwith their progresr had no sample lots regarding the service and their at 1313an previous eonvic ei er any said their counsel Mr Reid They had been drinking and the act was computed on the spur of the moment he Mr Thompson the Bdfence as not an ordinary case of car theft and was not so sure about premeditatlon they had acted in wcwerbmmgmgisngica us tan Eggswgy with brutality shown and mevaere not found until over four hours later near Aurora His Worshnp rema ndod the two in eUstody for sentence on May 13 DATE qu Theftljrm Tth masJoneIs young oapegcmker Resetvar car from Ccnby Mom 2t afterbrenking and Marshall at HOWi Pellnttts vesom with at $100 and brown trout over about three miles of one of the better streams in Southern Ontario has already re sulted frOm these operatibno On this occasion the restocking work concurrent Severe Finally pantment of Lands and Forecu for several years Was destroyed com pletely by title killing Of the entire sh population Would you kindly mire every attempt to moharize those coma cerned with the warble fly control of the hiamnful effect onItlstizpnpuI Ilatio in order that any further mortality Offislrmay beprevented ing on Highway vinIBrovm 22 fined tumes for PC Carl however classed you Atkinson Indian from who took there April otterint Motors onApril l9 diam breaking tlipe was cast in Korea lnI1403 act theft of goods valued was given one year on the car theft charge and nine months each ontheother counts to run Pleadi liq to careless driv as gm 400 on May Mel wns convicted and with coda of $1450 EVI rdenee of PC Wilson was ex planatory About 280 gun as tow truck was proceeding to tow away another vehicle near the Cooksltown cloverleof two 6816899 prelim on the 60W lune Where they wardivmrklng at very MONDAY MAY ll l953 Ifhainnen Give Kiwanis Reports By Committees Monday at the Kiwanis Club of Barrio the program COIIStsiLti of brief verbal or written reports the various committee chairmen llusc included Undcrprivilcgcd children Bill Craig who gave very informative talk on work of the club behind the SCCIILS cspcc iully of rilcrcgtt to tho several new members during the past yeah Boys and Girls Work Maurice MiltLarch Agriculture and Conscrv ration Norman Synnott Corilntiht ity House Ed Flynn and Jock Rodgers Program and Mimic Ken Walks Public and Busmuss Affnim Currie QC Classification and Membership Fred Smith Support of Churches Frank Boyts Ways and Means Jack MaeLarcn Bulle till Isaac Cutler Sports Gordon Nccdham Attendance and Receplt tion Lorne Jackson House and Property Harry Hancock Achieve ment Roy Christie Kiwaan Edu cation Waitcr Steelicy Committee chairmen not present who will report later InterClub Ach Harvey Key Club Stuart McDuffcc Speakers Charlie Crease detailed report also will be pro vidcd shortly by Fred McConkcy regarding the clubs expenditures and work for Crippled Children NANA mmmAuc no Wednesday afternoon the Senior Citizens Club of Barrie held their final meeting of the season at the Orange Hall on High St ahd lo and behold if it didnt turn out to be real Centennial Year party Quite number of the senior citi zens were dressed in oldtimc cos tumes and they really look mag nificent And whats morethese ladies made their own special cos the occasion All of which bears out the old saying youre never too old to learn Per haps some of our senior citizens would be willing to show we young uns how to go about making some of these oldtime costumes Speaking about Barrie Centen nhl Year Old Home Week and what not brings to mind the Grand Centennial Parade scheduled for Wednsday Aug Latest word from the Centennial Committee about the parade is that quite number of local business firms have already signied their intention of entering float and of course thats exactly what the Centennnal Committee wantsdo have as many IIfloats as possible in the parade Batstone chairman of the Centennial Parade Committee wouldlike to know as soon as pos sible just how many local firms in tend to enter float in the parade Old Home Week and Aug are still four months away but time has habit of passing very rapid ly And so now is the time to stunt preparing yotlr oat for the Grand Centennial Parade not wait until just few days before Otherwise there would be con fusion mat speed One cruiser gave chase and clocked Brown at 85 miles an hour but failed to stop him but iadLOcatlstopped the speeding car at the intersection of No in West Gwillimbury Serious Charge On charge laid by Cpl Pave lioh RCMP at Camp BordenRob emt Preece pleaded guilty to an of fenceagaimt small child was conviottxl and remanded in custody for sentence on May13 Allowed To GO Two cases under the LCA of ill toxication in public place were pleas of guilty One was given the usual fine of $10 withcosts of $250 The other man stated he was going to good job in Toronto and was allowed threemonth suspended sentence rolled TO Give Help Charged with failing to stop at the scene of an accident on April 18 in Vemra Leo Burgey pleaded not guilty He was also charged by PCG Moody OPP with having no operatorfs license at the time and on botlticharges was remanded for Ia week to May 13 Two chargedIona of amault and OPP will be heard atxAlliston on May 11 at 2pm against William Lewis The first movable metal printing cording to ancient Korean necords focusing the other theft laidbyPC Kxueger PAiIIE III GODDARD If Soectacie iii in WC COZOR Warn Against Discard BOitIe In Bush Area Witli summer weather in creasing the dangers of forest fires the Ontario Department of Lamb and Forests warns woods trmvcliers not to discard empty bottles in wooded areas Department files record many cases of fires caused by the of the runs rays through the glass Some fires have been caused even by shav ing mirrors left on trees by careless campers Veterans Club Quarteriy Meeting Held at StrOud The Veterans Club of Barrie held their quarterly meetingon April 29 at Strqud Community Hall with President Cliff Elrick in the chair The speakerduring the evening was Stan Hudson Maple Ircpie sentativc of the public relations branch of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests In addition to talk on conservation Mittlud son showed two very interesting films one on conservation and the Harness Racing ultimo um JOHN BULBS iitt from in Dorrie Examiner Section ZwPoges mid VAN IIEFLIN EVELYN KEYES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT snows AT 700 845 pm AD MISSION PRICES ADULTS 400 CHILDREN 150 luck TAX STARTS TODAY ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPnAL BOARD TOCONSIDERIDEA OF NEW HOSPITAL SETUP At their nexfmeeting the members of the Royal Victoria Hospital Board will be asked to consider whether or not the hospital should become part of new setup planned on provincewide basis Recently meeting wag held at the Community House ncrewith delegates attending from lumber of hospitals The meeting was cal led at the request of the Ontario Hospitals Association for the pur pose of onganizing what if it is given general approval will come to be known as Hospital Regional Council No 11 This is part of plan to organize hospitals in the province into reg ional grouprfor the purpose of discussing mutual problems In the past the Royal Victoria Hospital belonged to the Simcoe County Hospitals Association which although informal without either constitution or charter did god deal of fine work Even if the local board decides to go ahead and join other dealing with wild animals in forests On Victoria Day George Johnston MP for Simcoe Centre is expected to open the harness races at the Wasaga Bea 18 There will be four major events during the afternoon featuring some of Ontarios top harnesshors es good field of horses Is ex pected and the racing begins at 230 pm si Postal ows on Victoria Day clcasc be advised that on May Its 1953 in observance of Victoiia Day the service at the Barrie Post Office will be as follows Letter carrierdelivery nil rural route delivery nilI street letter collection one in afternoon special delivery ser vicetIas usual receipt and ties patchhf mails nevusual IE it KIGIITLEY Postmaster 53rd Anpual cadet InspdiO Barrie District Coilgiite institute GIRLS CORPS BAND mill Iluyll 800m Barrie Irene Arum PARADE7 Admission 25 track on Victoria Day May which is being the new group they will still re main part of the County organ ization which will continue to fund iion The delegates attending the meet ing which was chaired by the Rev James Ferguson chairman of the vRVHboard allsignified their at prOval of the scheme but it Will now have to be taken back to the individual hospital boards for their approval All hospitals in Simeoe County would come into the new group as well as these at Huntsville Brace bridge Newmarket orangevilfegnd possibly the hospitalat Muskoka The following executive Was ap pointed at the meeting IH GRobv 77 ertson Barrie honorary chairman Rev James Fergusonfchairman IR Hutchinson Huntsville vicevchair man Cameron Barrie sec retarytreasurer tourm JUDY HOLLIDAgj RAT

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