SED FEED RFD CLOVER Seed for sale power cleaned Phone 13124 Stmud Ray Webb Eli54 vscxmu Alta CRI awards for the bestow Curls won tom of the three pnch and bestdecorated kites kiteflying contest at the cic Whit the prize for flying his the 1731117 11min Wuhan RASPBERRY Caoice clean stock Phone1131 EGBERT GENERAL STORE Ernie Robertson zo is SMITH To Newman the former Krltil hf Saturday May RR Thornton Phone 17r11 Ivy FOR MACHINERY One 1owest or any tender not necess RED CLOVER Seed for sale good quaity power cleaned Ernest Carson Allie1 Lillie 1034 10 TONS CLEAN Oat Straw in square bales for sale Apply Ken Gliplll New LOWvii Phone H321 Crecmorc WOOD FOR SALE RED CLOVER 5111 to 14 EN some Timothy Boll poo cycleclued Apply Mel Prwsl Blitlcslrlg Phone owttn every order for 15 card Mmeslng 221 1054 hardwood Dennis Moran offers KATAIIDIN AND Early Carlos Pul the chime maker cord tatoes grown from Prmce Edward FREE island Seed 51 pct bagR lt McKcnzle Phoni 124r33 Allisto1 219 yfkuiefrgziniz 33 311 105438I participate in this special draw5 BALED Alfalfa Ray FIFSI draw May SCCUDLI dIJNi well saved price $13 with dellv June cl if necessary also some tons louse hay $10 Apply Miller 149 Worsley St Barrie PHONE 2907 STRAWBERRY P13 Frontier and Falrfsx $2 per 11 red Lern lilofl Codringtun Phone 4127 2031 105251 TENDERS sorrwooo Slabs 511 8113 Hardwood Softwood $12 cord Hardwood $23 21 cord llt and loi illtltd Phone 6507 711134 Tenders wlll be received by thci undersigned for the supply of 11ch following llllitlllfltlyi One Tractor on rubber suitable for use with front end loader and 11111111 11011111 power mower for Municipal pltr poses Quote on both light and medium weights Tenders will be received by thc undersigned up to 12 oclock noon DSTon Monday May 11 for the One Front End Loader hydraulic controlled xvlth DUCkets suitable Booth Concession at Innisfll Park for theseason of 1953 for dirt stones and gravel Power Mowcr suitable for mowing woods and other trash on roadsidcs Tcndcls close Friday May 15 1953 One half of the accepted tender at p111 price to be paid on or before May 15 and the balance on or before August 1953 ALLAN Clerk Churchill Ontario arily accepted NORMAN COXWORTHClerk TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Thornton Ontario 5456 5254 WANT TO AT AS 315261 ASSORTED FLAVOURS 215oztins Henley Solid Pack 60s box PIE PEACHES 1602 Iar Salada Orange Pekoe ANADA phenolso Sultana VITAMIN ENRICHED 1131111111 1111111111 Wm ANN PAGE DELUXE 39c Reg Pric 48 Saw SLICED or UNSLICED WHITE CRACKEDor WHOLE WHEAT gt MEAT SPECIALS BEEF ROAST SALE RED 10R BLUE BRAND BEEF 3mm 1m smalls 63c 11011211155 ROUND Billings PLATE NT BURST 15310 Slim 3900 Maplelleal Smoked 1711111 v11 119ng GRADE cur UP CHICKEN BUY ONLY ruesznrsvou PREFER 311111511111111511111 Ballasts 179 1b lb lllil 11111510571111le 1191 glllllcrll llrrr 331 tight OOlock corrm 1191 Titan Pige7chrice for 360 MISIN 216m Inn29 SkirlivMiIk Lowicatoriy Ib35c on cums For Mothero Day iMngt new 11th6ch 41114 No with newwhit 1111111111 10 47 Tax No New Oliop Yellow Barron if NS Mexican No rm rlpc hand slantedQuality TOMATOES Ito 19 Florida No size 176 now at their but gallon for juioo allusions em 39 Cuban Red Spanish No also 12 pnurvotllom today Price effective NM Sltu relay plhflsss HUN III HI MPth HQ COUNTRY General Owen Sou 1111 above 214 51512 and living quarters combined hard wood basement floors 011 25x50 ft Insulated healed dry treat OfflCe man route gas and Substantial cash balance arranged BELLAMY Egbert Ontario 293354 ull large stock pa 33331 Store real thcery Store in Iuurut buslnem near Will 5111 property on any one of See Henry and Borne PERSONAL DAINES ROCK STEAM BATH Edgehill Drive Barrie Body conditioning arthritic treat ment remedial exercises scientic reducing Free Arthritic Consultation 10 am till 10 pm daily Private appointment only Phone tilItll iLilil WIVCI Wiarton Barrie Rcuibirs 2954 3040tf START REDUCING No Dieting No Exercise No Discomfort No Disrobing Lose pound treatment Special treatments $500 Peggy Reducmg Salon 177 Duckworth St Barrie Appointment phone 3992 303068 CHICKS KELLY CHICK HATCHERY Canadian Approved Chicks Two hatches weekly Tuesday and Friday Hatching New Hampshire Barred Rock Cross and Barred Rocks These chicks are bred for high quality eggs and meat pro duction Phone 2320 Barrie 240tf GILMORES Quality Baby Chicks Most bookings are now filled Order for June delivery now Gil mores Poultry Breeding Farm 60 Penetang St Barrie Phone 2735 24461 ASK US FOR the Bray new price list Especially interesting on pull ers dayold and started And June broilers Prompt shipment The good markets ahead will take what these produce Agent Cope land RR BcetonPhone Beeton 55112 2451 HILLSIDE CHICKS Pullets new prices dayold $1990 weeks 530 weeks $3390 You cant afford to pass these up Also older pullets Mixed chicks Cockerels All chicks Canadian Approved Contact agent soon Dave Miller RR Barrie Phone 805122 2454 ROP SIRED Barred Plymouth Rack and Canadian Approved New Hampshire Rock Chicks for sale produced on our Canada accredited Ontario Breeding Station Poultry Farm Quality stock since 1938 Carter Hawkestone RR Ont PhDDEOro 1012 to CAKE MILK BREAD AUCTION SALE Saturday May 16 Alliston Month ly Community Sales auctioneers one ring under cover 38 livestock pens 20 under cover We solicit your surplus and your patronage 13 your sale Health of Animal Act enforced Auction commences at pm shar Phone 71r3 Ii Par liament Manager 5455 Wednesday May 20 Stanley Dick Lots 12 and 13 Con Township Flos located between Higthays 26 and 27 Auction sale of farm stock and implements some household effects Terms Cash Sale at 130 pm DST Scott Clerk Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer 5053 Thursday May 21 at 9111 Auc tion sale of 37 head of Grade Hol steins Farm Machinery and Equip ment of Elwood Miller North half lot 24 Con 11 Tecumseth 111 miles north of Newton Robinson on Highway 27 5157F very ne turkey dinner was servedby the ladies and after this Wally Perkins pianist and Fred Kelly song loader conducted lively singsong or consider Elrick chord of St Battle 0211 daughter at 125 Royal icitlrla Huspnai Barnes May 1953 Si JAMIE the Royal Vimrm tints Ba Stay 1973 lz JJitul ill Sanford St daughter LAVICTOIREAt 11 Royal Vic liif Hospital Barrie May Pie and Mrs Rudolph lrta Angus Li Sign litur Lllarill E93 lnnoial Cy beloved husband EiNLliA the Royal Victoria 1103 Barne Slay 1953 11 211125 and Mrs llrlch RH No Ba Mill 1MxituciJ1dm1 RAWNAl the General and Mar Inc Hospital CiiJlgNiKkl Aprll 23 1953 Mr nnl 311s tithe Ralvn nee Hciclt Bu Divlllmvt RR Slayzzcr Andrey Ildlzllcr 0121 11 Will ICARD or THANKS WILKINSONTho family llatc Mrs Nellm Vt 111 Wish to extend their Elczlrtfcit thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sylllpatlly and beautiful lcral UIILIlllgs csl pccially thanking Dr Swan the Thomas Funeral Home and Rev Ki Guergis of Angus for his consoling message durlng lizclr 111 bci rcavcment 51 ltulda 31113111 FOR MOTHERS 1113 Deep antoi Roller Canarlcs guaranteed slugI 111mbdiiimc Mi 53 PM 5003 33k Arclcr lllu cur father of M1 13118 Cardinch ford and Harvey of Brad Scrvlce In 113 pm Jargon1s Lclllctcr iill of tile FUNAl the home of her uil Thursday May 1933 Carter beloved xvsfe of 1121 Arthur lidmlston and lliotllcr of Earl Drumbo IMF Icwslcyl Agin Vomistock Elsie rte Rest 31 Chapel Stay Prince Toronto on Wednes 1933 Wliizalll Curry Rcstlng at his late rcsid iioiizlnli 52 Bradford 11 FARMS FOR SALE 5iLC on Friday at 230 pm ill ACRE DAIRY Farm goodlalldi and good buildings nice 6roolll if Pam hmmu 301i0lFaEFIaiRkSimme AlltlitiAt Hill11 Victoria 111 gn Ldik jlld RR 3111 B1rr1con Thursday May ou Mom 111 lll 10513 llcllry icCualg in his 114111 your beloved husband of Mary Graham and dear father of Catherine and Anne Mount John and William pf brother of Mrs Toronto and Dun ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD available furl one or two gentlemen Phone 6671 12541 ROOM AND BOARDI ll11110111371 preferred Apply it1fLDonald St Phone 4172 125331 lil and iCSSlt RtiKl late residence Guth tur funeral sorvice on Sat lli21 May at 230 p111 ill 511111111 Gutllrlc clllctcry BUILDING TRADES MIDHURST The WA will meet at Mrs Lynn STEWART SON Russells at 230 on May 12 Building and Home and School Meet May r1 Alterations 11c Home and School Axociation lei in SS No 17 on May 13 Barrieg Devotional 3115 Andruss roll 355056 col wild flower EISCIIOILCLCI Convener fills Spence PROPERTY WANTED L11Lh Mls Alfred Sutton 11113 81131111 and 115 Walt recreation WANTED Or more roamed house 1n Barrie Down payment $1000 Mrs Bertram Has Pneumonia Phone 4057 3354 1111 ls Sorry torcport that Mm Waiter under the doctors care WANTED Contracts big or smalLI with pllfllIIIOIlia houses or buildings of all kinds At Simcoc Presbyterial We do alterations Free estimates MB Nash Mm Fink Mm Apply $100 and 3m thilliQA Mason Mm Coutts alid Mrs Phone 87 Om 333134Fi Howey attended the Simcoe Pres TO RENT with opon purchasa byterlal WMS conventionill Stay an pld houswiiiwfarmrllouse near wigs Twain Barrle Alliston Staytier or CreeI Mr and 11111 Coulis visited more AddreSS replies to Box 69 COUPE bILlher Who is Ser Barrie Examiner 335355 iously 111 in Toronto Phone 807r11 The season is getting late andtheres lot of seeding still to be done Late seeding and slow growing usually result in short straw lower yield and lighter grain The final result could be less grain of poorer feeding quality because of high fibre content One good method of still assuring rapid growth is the use of the proper amount oftherigllt grade of commercial fertilizer Grow ers of specialized crops such as potatoes and tobacco would not think of investing their seed and time without the needed fertiliz els We think that this is just as important for grain and clover Coop can supply any analysis of fertilizer and make prompt delivery Phone 2429 for your fertilizer last minute needs now There has heal big demand thisyear fol clover grim seeds III or Mrs Kemp Bar1 ls G1ontgc1t CASUAL Sandals Pumps 5711 Kingston Rd Toronto from magnify school her LAEDER dear is pug bl lent the highest TOWN PLANNING BOARD NorlcE no 1111111111er owners he Barrie Town Planning Board ilavc received pet izioll molesting the name of sure be changed an aa of dfflcul 11 plJlllliilltlzlgl 1119 nanrecorrectiy also in tile Spelling of it There have been sort111 Ltbcr street names mentioned rcm time to time that 11111112 be changed on account of similarity or other cason such as Donald McDonald CALF LEATH ERS Red Blue Tall IIattie Heels and Cuban AAA TO 895 to 1195 JP Moore Shoes OPP POST OFFICE BARRIF ABETTErcnor Much more havebcen used because of this years reaSonable prices Some varieties are becoming scarce such 15 Alfalfa which is now difficult to get However loop still has hlcompletestock of clover and gramseeds Including Alfalfa Photo 2129 for seed 0001 is your business use for your supply of the best ill Seed gt IYMr coforlsllvoun13nsmass 05s sauce alarm coorallanvs sallv Araoun atlas 111m MAPKETSQ 11151111111 sun 11111131101011 11 Dundonald Street etc and before making recommend ation to Council for the required necessary legal action through the Court in respect of the petition already re ceived consideration will be given 11 proposals receiv from any Ratepayer who desires street name should be changed and will givthe reason 1111 such proposed change by writing to the Secretary considers any BLAIR Secretary BARBIE TOWN PLANNING BOARD SH no