mxmm 111m anwwww see PROGRAMS DIAL 12301 Vbow you or can construct our gown boat Just think how happy room and the kids wall bewnen they 11 no Item Go 00 lien Hemline on Count Hour 300 New Bulklin Basra Husk by Burl Ives iknow pop plans to lake lhem boat no no Bean of 011 mu 30 00 06 ling well just as soon as the 1331 few nails are in place Bulletin Bond Motor Memories Henderson poems by John Buyers and Vera Cooley vo cal duel by Henderson and Wunc ran Boon Janet McCualg and Scripture read Finance Committee Cholrmxn lleber bnuth will address Bar on am no ratepayers this Sunday after 80hnlllnr Slums noon at 545 This is another in Sign 1010 8310 1119 current series of community 1010 ybomd Ind broadcasts heard on Town Hall Re Censole port and which is designed to keep 1200 390 citizens informed on the activities 1200 News Headlines Wel than Temp Time of ClVIC government ORONATION COASTAL VISITS The Admirally has announced in London that all available Rome Fleet whips with ships of Home Oonunands will begin program of Coronation visits lo UK coastal lawns and resorts of the end of May Sonic of lliesc ships will lake part in the Coronation review at 800 Tum mm Spilhend on June 15 resuming 03 81mm Roundup 900 by Jack News PM River Riniblen Luv Volley Ranch Boys Gunilla Boys 30 Oeorxlnn Bay bitumen 1000 Mlneli Point 1030 New 10 40 Music for Easy 113 00 News Headlines lenlnx 15 News 11 15 81013 35 Penn Martel Report I8 News Heldllnrs Wra 40 Regional Wenlner ther Temp Time mme 50 New is 00 Time Sign 15 00 Sports Roundup 830 News Headlines 900 News 05 Tuning Post 930 Bind of the Week 1000 News 1005 zeuzn Shopping Centre 1030 Trading Post Ellis of Utopia with friends in Toronto Harold Marie and Ronald Hand erson epeni Sunday an Ulopia Leroy Gies gpf the weekend wilh his parents Mr and Mrs lier bert lies Conestoga Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Marvin Hand Dor ithyand Douglas Eited rclalzvzs at Shelburne or Salunkay Mr and Mrs Peder Switzer and hildren spool Sunday With Mr mill11s Vernon Jenneu Thornton Mr and Mrs Sturge and son lhornlon were guests of Mr and Mrs Ernest Swilzer on Sunday Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs and olher groups intend lo lake part in the feslivilies As far as can be ascertained the Flyers will arrive at the Allandale CNR Sta tion around 1230 Saturday noon From there on its anybodys guess The weather will play an import anl role in the Welcome Home plans If its rainfree day the contingent will move along sched uled route which will lake them through town and end up at Queens Park To keep listeners posled CKBB plans to broadcast unlhcspol live and recorded word piclures of the celebrations Bromi casl lime is scheduled for 110 Sub uldny afternoon 811mb theme on Tune With Spring Mil what everyone should tan tomorrow while is Liking place of Arena Soousored by the 11 Commerce the Motor will be an extravaganza of bounty and color featuring the 111 at models and designs in the auto moth world an onlslnnding fash ion Show beaultful floral displays and last but 1101 lust lilting background of music Tonighl lhc Motor Show lakes lo lhcuir at 111m OCIock and will run until 1030 The program will consist of infor views with local lIll dealers plus Chamber officials and others Extensive plans lo welcome home Barrie Flycrs Cup champions At this Iflit rangemems are Mill in the unla live slagc nliliough it can ox pecled the cclcbrulions will sur pass anything ever lwlll in Barrie Town officials loczil lllLlLIlillllSi tomorrow Phone EGGW AURORA ONIARI BLASTING INSIDE OR lll ANYWHERE Stones Stumps Ditching Wells Bridges Ric Authorized by EXPLOSIVE DIVISION ing by Vernon Embers George McCague presided for the business setsion and spelling melon was an added feature The meeling adjourned with the singing of hymn and the Miami benediction Paul Kerr presided for the meet ing of the junior group and an in teresling program appropriate to ipfillgdle vms presented Prayers were offered by Dorothy Hand Donna Buyers Billy Jaffmy liar vey limiting and Larry Council fol lowed by Scripture reading by Dor othy Hand story by Anne Stoll and poem Our Daily Bread Donna Bu cr shorlbusincss session follow Emeigz Mf 9d and mu 03 35 reIrKndCd Roy wom can and Mr and Mrs leums Van de Kemp with each mhmber remnant Mn Ioromo Pledge The Lords Prayer was repealec and readings given by Harvey Keaiing and Bill Juffray Larry Connell contributed God Sees the Lillie Sparrow Fall as solo am lhe meeting closed with the M12 pah benediction game period was enjoyed fol lowing the adjournment AIIleon Play Several from the community en joyed the play My IrLsh Rose presented in Allislon last week lln der the auspices of the Jumo Farmer organimlion Also the Olel Club concert on Thursday evening MONDAY AN 30 Sun on 13 30 Nels Hamlin nnd Muht R400 31 3111111511 CID $ATUIDAY AH 15 News 6210 Ellen On 610 Nets Headlines and Yum Mullet llepoil 631 Musical Clo to News 700 News Headlines 115 News 35 Form Mullet Report 40 Wellher moon SUNDAY AM 855 81m On 00 News 005 P1111 Ooepel Tabernacle 930 Waltz Time 905 810 Lady 1000 This Is My Story 1030 News not News 1040 Family Puvotllcs 1105 111 Nelehbor 1100 Mini Uni ell Church 1130 News llndlims 1130 Roundup T1010 11339 DOW Gm wing on Public to Dinner 11 cmmn held melr meeting on Friday ev MMMm Tlth 930 Sand Prom MJ and amid Hmmn children 5te Saturday rm Inuue Wesmer Temp in Toronto lost 536 am 630 Bonus Dinner ml But Yrs Bum ou Peoples WNW5 some lime wuh an RS Round 60 In 41 Presber 118 3TRY Ah EXAMIHEI WANT AD 600 News Hemline Bis Flrus Emotion Cm ea County Hour urzlll EtcBrowns of week 8m 6y M7 am Mia swam moo Pu and mm in charge of program for the senior mm friends in Barrie 1030 News Iszicieiy which included prayer 10s anion My Souvenirs 1106 New Hemline Titre visits imnicdizilcly lhcrcaflcr mn mm New 05 Guide to Good mom in Style In Bong leoralui lily Islanders News Borden Calling Western anworks Newu Report From Town Hall Just For Young Folk 1130 The Story Book The handy man is on the air 1rc under wayicvery Thursday evening 11 715 lnc vlclurlulisi We bet liturc are many wivcs who 1il Memorial 111 hubby was lilllc more linnliy ar around the home when it comes to tackling some minor chore which has been an eyesore and often Were told causes some husbands to murmur Ollz1ll right 111 fix ii Next Thursday THE Light from the most distant stars yci photographed takes about 500 000000 years in reach the earth MONDAY PM 1200 minim Engagement until 12 10 Sports Digest 1215 Market Report suquy MI Interlude TeenAge lionk Revlrw New Program Btlellns Hour 12 30 Time Sivnal Jobs for Workers 30 News The Church Culentinr 100 Bulletin Board Chas Kunlz Farm Penlutrs Alcolioizcs Anonymous mgmnn Weather Melodlcully Yours llil Tunes Sunday Hymn Time Now Back to lllc Bible Gospel Singer Billy Graham As You Like 11 News Sentimental Mood As the Twig is Bent Shut lns Scrap Book Curtain Cull News Ave Maria Hour Kitchen Kancrs Chapel Chimes Club 1230 Report from Town News Headlines 111111 with Iilbir Bmilh Once Upon Time Finance Committee News 600 News 45 Prelude lo Dinner 015 Weekend Sports 55 Farm Market Report modern chemical product eliminalcs offensive odors llquifles in days Fred Watson 49 ESSA ROAD Phone 6598 JOB FOR PARENTS While we think most comic lOOkS are tasteless inept and bor ng in the extreme we cant see vhy they should be legislated 1gainst Parents should not expect have the laws do what the home ulhorilies should be doing Nanton Altai News cm AN EXAMINER WANT An PHONE 2111 WM SATURDAY gt PM 1200 Luncheon Engagement until 10 Sports Digest 15 Market Report 30 Time Blunnl 30 News Bulletin Board UCGGCGCO kwbuvocu Saturday Special 00 Club 1230 News Headlines Stars of the Week vrwuhuo11 Explosive Operalor WJ MORNING Mothers Day will be observed Burns United Church with com bined Sunday School and churcl service at oclock Infant baptisrr will be feature with Rev Mr Lewis officialing 1111111 111011 1101115 11 High Street Phone 5046 Agents for and Feed Cookers THORNTON Weekend minors Mrs Carr Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Daughler Born Congratulalions to Mr and Mrs Pclcr Sohop on the binlh of daughter at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allislon on Monday April 21 Amend Convention Several ladies from Burns WME were in Stuyncr on Tuesdoy for thc annual convention of the soc1el1cs in this district Visit Toronto Carr Mrs Simpson and Harold Halbcrl Beamsviue visited friends on Friday Visit Relatives and Mrs Robert Spencer Tom and Bobbie Toronto and Mr and Mrs George Spencer Midland spent Sunday with their rclatiVes here Christian Family Day Christian Family Day will be ORNAMENIAL PORCH RAILS STEEL FOR SALE BLACKSMITKING ALEX CLELAND WELDING Propelor IIS EASY Funerql Held For William Twiss Al Reslhaven Cemetery Funeral of William Alexander Twiss formerly of Barrie was held on April 25 1953 from the Joseph Thompson Funeral Home Bay view Avenue Leasidc for inter IN YOUR SPARE TIME by Sewing Baseballs for 11111111111 11 wruuuut 1111 HEBER SMITH Mr Chairman Finance Committee SUNDAY 545 100 VICTORIA STREET BARRIE Phone 5317 for Informulion Congratulations Barrie When inviling former rcsulcnls to share in the cnlcnnml Festiv ilies Sthfffsl llwy llnvcl on the BLUENOSE SPECIAL carrying the fifth annual HOUSE PARTY ON WHEELS from Western Canada to Tolonlo Ottawa Monlrcai and the Mari alimes over the lines of the Canadian National Railways and sponsored by the Maritime Provinces Association of Edmonton BLUENOSF arrives Toronto Tuesday morning July 21 Leaves Saturday evening Aug 15 F01 full information write DODDS 500 Organizer 110 Box 213 Edmonton Alberta Name lplcusc pilnil ADDRESS wishlio visit lo um to up till nmurhblo not Shib mu Capacitor motor Immm now Inamru unfunnyalum If bearing 13 Dunlop St For those who Suffer in body or spirit The Salvation Arm holds open the Door to Helpan Ilurdy walnut 1L1i Elf Phone 2879 VRIE Hope To the weak the erring the unfortunate The Salvation Army ill an unfailing friend Its under standin hear and human touch can hea thescars of misfortune or misdeed YOUR dollars help keep the doors of The Salvation Armys hostels havens homes and hospitals open To The Salvation Army these dol lars are sacred trust to be used wisely in relieving human 115911 Ivuiion Ar innit APPEAL menl at Resthaven Cemetery Mr Twiss in poor health for some time died of cerebral hemorrhage on Thursday Apri123 Pallbearers were Douglas Twiss Ellwyn Twiss Kenneth Twiss Jack Sanderson Norman Fisher and Herbert Swift The late Mr Twiss resided in Barrie for some years having been connected with local manufac turing firm and later waS in the hardware business before moving to Toronto some 25 years ago He was Presbyterian and had been member of St Andrews Church in Barrie He was Em aotivecurler here and also member of the Masonic Order and Scottish Rite Surviving are his widow Ethel Twiss at 823 Millwood Road Lea side one sonRoss of 123 ParkEL hurst BlvdLeasido and two dauy ghters Fisher Margar et Bain Avenue Toronto and Mrs Sanderson Marion 311 Senlac Road Willowdale Mrs Wilkinson Dies At Her Daughters Home Intermenlval Gore Bay Miter short illness MrsNe11ie Wilkinson passedaway on Wed nesdayA1pril 22 1953 at the home of her daughter Mrs Neil Bush Angus RR In her 80thyear she was born on Nov 20 1873 and wasthe daughter ofilhe late Thom515 and Sarah Plough of Essa Township On July 11 1892 her marriage 10 John Wilkinson was solemnized of Angus by Rev Mr Leishman and latenthey moved to Manitoulin Island 10 make their home Mr Wilkinson died on Jan 10 1920 and in 1929 she returned to Angus and had resided there 1111111 short lime bfore iher dealuh Of the family surviving are three children Mrs Neil Bush Hei fiie and one son Anlhur both of Angus troll son Alden gave his life ATTENTION EGG PRODUCERS IIngtutled Eggs Wunletl WE ARE PAYING fruition new ExtrawLarge AVMediumv 57 Smelljii Coses Returned Free PROMPT observed in Trinin United Church Mr and Mrs 310117 and Al anolher son Lyle of Dem SHIP BY EXPRESS TO anadaPackers PAATON ROAD ronomo AS IIIIIIIIIII IIII Hill to pay for next winters cool this simple way Pay small monthly sums NOW and start next winter with binfull of the worlds nest anthracitealready paid for Buy at the years lowest price USE THE bluecoal next Sunday morning There will be mothers choir The program Book was be ried oul and the sacrament of bap The treasurervg report showed that tism w1ll be observed they are away good starl Mrs Lennox spent the for 1953 Lunch was served by weekend In Toronto Eleanor Ma and Helen Carr Alberta Visums Mr aners Gareld Holt Cam FOSC Alla spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Norman Thompson the truth about your motor Our Motor Analyzer checks 38 points for possible trouble Find out the weak spots and have lhem corrected Simcoe Presbyterian Mrs Bonkc Mrs Grose Black Mrs Carr Ivan Maw Mrs Wilson Mrs James Lennox and Mrs West attended the Simcoe Presbyterial in Stayner on Tuesday Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of Trin ixxly tUnited TChltlllCh met at Mrs AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE es on ues ay evening April 28 with good attendance One BARRIE ONTARIO new member was received The in the First World War on May 27 1917 There are alsoitwo sisters Mrs Mark McMoster Ultopia and Mrs Robert Wilkinson Angus and one brother John Haugh Baxter Two sisters predeceased her Mrs Joseph Lee Elizabeth of Poplar in March 1943 and Mrs Robert Ir win iMinnie of Toronto in Janui ary 1952 funeral service was held at the Thomas Funeral Home Alliston on TltiirsdiayAptil 23 at pmcon duolcd by Rev Guergis of Angus Presbyiterian Ohurch and thence by CPR to Gore Bay wlhere service was held of the Turner Funeral Home onlSatucdoy April 25 at pm with Rev Mr Cock burn in charge Interment was in Mills Cemetery there Pallbearers were Willinm Wilkinson George Stain Ted Brocklehonk William Dinsmore William Davis and Harris Bakerw Friends and relatives amended at both services together wilh others from Detroit Trenton Toronto Baxter and Angus Youll be the elfvy of all the kids riding brand new CCM bike 80 boys and girls 116 us in your own rdswhy youd like nevv bio ole w11nd youve chan to win Every week April 11th 111x11 May 16th 1953 COA will give away new 00M Standard bicycles Yes 307 rand new CCM bikes HERES HOW10 wm CanadlaulLtdor that Com panys salon or udverlismg agencies There will be 5i weekly contests Each contest closes on uSaturdm commend April 11th and woe thereafter mlties poatqnurked alter midni ht ouch Friday wtll becon side in the next weeks coolest Entries for the final contest must be received by Frid Maw 15 1953 on which date the 31 contest 105981 The ve entries ouch week 8111 judged beat intbe opinion of panel of Judges will be awarded CQM bicycles The winners will be mulled hymn within 11 week after the close each weekly contest Lists of prise winners available on request The judges decisions will be final and no correspondence will been feted into landing thiswcontesh Finish in 15 words or leap the blOYcIO Write youe onvthe entry formmbtamable Irom youegrocarmr 011 piece of plain white stationery but each entry must accompanied by fho 911114111111 path the plate square on it or reasonable mile fmm eNOCQA ongoing oil as many entriesan you like but each must boeccdm allied by the and Ranger fucsimi toNpCQA Poul Office Box No 368lut1on Hamilton Quintin 00111051 in open go all boy 111111113111 Ontario except 51 49 171 5441 PAYMENTS All rRitnoN ttrst orgarine smeu mommmr 1111111 icon won 111 um