Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1953, p. 12

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Friday again and hve been some contributions Glad to have the In the meantime there at vud yesterday postcard signed column Janie We remainder of the text but the was of plush on the Mediterranean Capri Canrone del Marc no copy The mixing sale at Trinity Par ish Hall April sponsored by the SATISFACTION on casu MONEY REFUNDED Jacksons have just Fankrupt Stack black of infants childrens hdtcs and mens wear Hun too many dreds items to list will it sold tlon of their cost Mens olcnd Handkerchiefs The demand was so art repeating our Imublc Bed sire BLANKETS 17p to El tidlh Plastic Remnants Lu irs GLOVES For Mothers Day Nightgown and Pyjamas 59 DITNLOPA STR msror MARY 51 room 4348 ash your Baby Chum Jam lothcr advance in culture for Can pr 49c Womens Hospital Aid was one of the most successful on record withl $130 realized All members helpedi in the extensive work of gatheringl and arranging the articics Mrs Warren Wilgur and Mrs ll Bigclow were converiero will omit swimming It is interesting to note that tori next season Columbia Artists Malhi agcmcut inc New York have lsigued up Six Canadian artists or groups Columbia is the book1 lug agency with which Community Concert But as yet CAPT 11 HOWARD formerly ll Ba wao sailed toriIogland iKniltlit Togouto piauwt who has 35 WW Vim the camman Army Continent for the Coronation been 093 in Barn ha Sign Lo litifilril sirted in World War again With Columbia for his mirtht Twit Id XML Ama mm scason Newcomers illt LOlS Man mg 36 be yauongd Wm ashall Toronto opraiio and the um may 03733de 0119 Anillen 3Spivak string quartet who how tirirzipeg llc motored East ant been here in the Barrie Collegiate open several days in town beforr lBand concert strus also Ray paccccdlng to Quebec City where Dudlcy brilliant young pianist lthe Canadian Army group assem frorii Biwyrtuiuvillc the liilllulls bled pmu to sailing iRoyal Winnipeg Ballot Company Land the Pack Tm of Toronto This fSthlld be an indication that Coui Ems Of hum when number immlV New 1rlll neighbor and other friends gath ing availabld and suitable Canadian Cd hum Mm Lou Cald lalem ttell ll Bcrczy Street on Wednes lda evening April 29 for miscel Posslbly you Will be motoring to mamu plunten The room was Stratum Ontario some day durw dpctgfapd with pink and mg the coming summit for the streamers and white bells Sliukcspcartim Festival which will monmg bridal contest run every other night July 13 ml eyed and the many lovely August 173 The financial hurdle were presented to tviizcli ainitrt put ii stop to thc nicely decorated ambitious pSJJcCl ui presenting rig Mrs Caldwell in Shakespmrc in Canada Stratford lunch were Mrs oriAvou appcars to have been by and Mrs Jack Garner psd Ovcial budget 15 $259000 before her marriage oi which Citizens have sutucribecl place qtiittiyn Satur STGDOJ and it iS hoped that grants in St An and ickvt sales Will obtain the Church was rernamdcr Alec Guinness British stage and screen star has already sailed for Canada and lil star 111 Richard Ill Jonathan zicior Donald llarron will play the load in All Wcli That Ends Well in which Gumricss has major role Tyrone Guthrie producer at Lon dons Old Vic Tanya Moiseiwrtsch costume designer and Irene Worth lcmale lead are expected in Strat ford shortly to begin rehearsals Almost 80 Canadian actors haw been signed There trill be un ique tented theatre in circular de sign with stage in centre on Strat lords park overlooking the Avon ERiver Seats will accommodate L500 gfor each performance The Shakes lpearian Festival should mark an Mrs Kenneth Ward was thc rcccivcl general fraz 225c rcal we 198 Presbytnziati VauAttcr Miss Dolly urlis of Lclroy has been entertained by friends before he wedding on Saturday May to Russel Browning of Churchill Mrs Jack Smith held linen show at her Churchill home for her niece and Blrs Leslie White Le frcy auntof the groom was at pantry shower The comrr Iy attended miscellan eous sivcr sponsored by the W0 mens institute in Lctroy United Church Hall 19c 219 BET Dalston Institute Meet at Church Special Program Bonus ada We Make Easy Dalston Womens institute will meet in the church basement Thursday May 14 at pm Roll call will be housecleaning hint motto will be To have neighbor be one yourself To Enloy ex wner like will be speaker on gard Tea hosteSScs will be Mrs Ming Wilhladupheb rfayalforbcsandmm tauaj lllE tumour co Phuncul Pay small monthly sums Get rid of those big winter fuel bills Start now on the blue coal Budget Plan and begin the winter with binfull of blue coalall paid for Act Nowwhile prices are at their lowest doesnt know all the an swers neither do be but we DO know what your car ignition needs Drive In Today BRENNAN Auto Electric Service mourn our USE THE bluezcoal BUDGET PLAN Barrie nt Thle lean red meatand iiihrvaluable food elementsjncnthaiion help youtdog develOp mu ietossitcou llEllllll tout llmljllllltISIIItlll mum two wealth If time you are not yum titan tall ed with bctmuta 1mmm will be chccifully Miami Appalzlux mm dot Will that am only pannch colic FE BrowningCurtis Wedding at Leiroy United Church Basket of daffodils and pink snapdmgou decoratedbeiroy Uult ed Chumh tor the wedding at tour oclock Saturday afternoon May of Dolly Ruth Curtis duol ill of Mr and Mn Emerson cunts of chroy to Russel Charles Browning son of Mi and Mrs Net son Browning ot Churchill Rev Morris officiated and Hal Howard Morris played the organ iccompariying the soloist Mrs Ben Morris Given in marriage by her father the bride wore long white lace ind net gown over white satin with natching bolero and mittens Her vaisblength net veil was caught coronct of seed pearls and she arried red roses with Iilyotthe alley Attending the bride Miss Erace Noble of Lefroy wore ong dress of yellow lace and not war satin with yellow lace bolero ind mittens She had headbandl if pink roses to match her bool iuct Walter Browning of Churl bill was best man for his brother and ushers were John Harradine Barrie and Dick Curtis of Le lOV wine crepe and lace with cor age of yellow roses and the rooms mothcr wore light blue town with pink rose corsage Toronto and Newmarkct guests verc among those attending the caption in the church hall arl anged by the Womans Associa ion of which the brides mother president For travelling the bride had chos navy gabardine suit with ight blue tupcont navy and white ccessorics and corszigc of pink1 oscs Following their wedding tripi he couple will live at Churchill African Situation Discussed by WMS Afternoon Aux The Afternoon Auxiliary of Coll icr St United Church WMS held its regular monthly meeting in the school room of the church on Fri day May The President Mrs Maxwell presided Aer the monthly reports were received Miss Rix the supply secretary displayed the quilt and supplies for student missionarys work that the committee have pre pared tor the annual bale Mrs Atkinson then asked wfor patches of material yard goods and thread for the Overseas Elie for Korea The Korean women are extremely clever and such supo plies help to keep them busy The Mission Band Tea will be held on Saturday May 30 and theltor Auxiliary members arebeing asko ed for donations of food and ow ers to help the children with their annual moneyraising project Any one wishing to help in this work is asked to pleasecontact Mrs Allen phone 2513 Mrs Lewis gave brief report of the recent annual Con lerence Branch meeting held in Toronto MrsxAumming led the vim ship service which had as its theme The United Nations and Missions Mrs Cumming read short paper on thlstopic and also told of the WCTU meeting held Cookstown on April29 The Scrirure leason from Cor 12 wasread by Mrs Flook Mrs Cumming led in prayer and dedicated the offering received by Mrs Reeve and Mrs Stew art The members were welcomed by Mrs Stewart and Mrs Good tellow Two members of the Evangelistic teamof the Salvation Army which was tvisiting Barrie provided much appreciated musical number The chapter from the study book Along African Trails which dealt with medical missions was reviewed by Mrs Ding man While vacationing inFlorida during the winter months Mrs pingman learned that the miss ionary groups there were also studying rabout Africa and were NewelDuguaf Wedding at United Parsonage Angus The marriage of Jun Shirley Newel to Marshall Albert Duxuay took place at the home of the Rev Fraser who presided at the wedding which was held Saturday May at Angus The bride is the daughter of Mr Newel and the late Mrs Newel of Toronto The groom is the son of Mrs Duguay and the late Mr Duguay of Bull Quebec Cpl and Mrs Ivan Anderson were the groomsman arid brides maid The bride wore light brown with mauve fleck tailored suit with white and blue accessories The groom wore light brown suit The bride and bridesmaid wow corsages of red roses The groom and groomsman wore white Carnations quiet reception waS held at the Combined Lounge of l3X Depot RCAF Angus with the Commanding Officer FIL Murphy and Mrs Murphy receiv mg You ngWliiting The brides mother was dressed Nuptials Held At Trinity Church Trinity Anglican Church Barrie was the scene of pretty May wedding when Miss Marion Grace Whiting daughter of Mr and Mrs Lorne Whiting Barrie was unit ed in marriage with Mr Donald Ross Young son of Mr and Mrs Harry Young York Mills Rev dePencier Wright performed the ceremony Saturday evening May 1953 at seven oclock Given in marriage by her father the bride wore an original gown of white Chantilly lace over white satin with cathedral train fitted bodice low scalloped neckline and long fitted sleeves with deep friltcd cuff She wore matching head dress with fingertip veil of tulle illusion and carried cascade of white daisies Mrs James Horn Niagaraon thc Lake was her sisters matron of honor The bridesmaids were Miss Doris Whiting Barrie sister of the bride and Miss Mary Young sister of the groom The attendants were gowned alike in ballerina reading some of the books recom mended for our auxiliaries In her review Mrs Dingman said that the Christian Church has always been intensely conscious of the value of medical missions and in Africa is the only agency that is solely concerned with tho welfare of the African people In Angola situated close to the equa our mission station is fortun ate in its locationon plateau 6000 or more feet above sea level Otherwise the heat would be un bearable There are two tats in this field one at Boot and one at Chlssawba The disases of the white man are becoming more prevalent among the native people who are primitive and rural and have little or no knowledge of drugs Lack education causes fear and super stitlon to be high They have such faith in the spirits that control everything that it is difficult for ourjeachers and missionaries to overcome this fear There is neither sufficient nor suitablefood to build healthy bod ies and minds Agriculture is playing large part in correcting this condition All the time and moncygthat has been spent in Medical Missions ls WA convention held it few weeks ago in Toronto detmioui lunch was served by ers Yorke and her group Ladies Auxiliary CENTRAL UNlTED Of Lions Club JUNIOR WA PLAN WWW Officers for Year SPRING TEA Election of officers was held at Plans for Spring tea to be held the regular monthly meeting of at the home of Mrs William Ste the Ladies Auxiliary or the Lions phenson 92 Clapperwn Street on Club on Monday May Ma 27 were completed at the The new officers for 196054 oral regular monthly melng Of lei Pas President Mrs Jack Rxmllunior WA of Central UntlEdi ardson President Mrs Earl CoxiChurh on Tuesday M3 lst VicePresident Mrs Bruce Sarv Mm Jory Walden Senior WAl jeant 2nd Viceolresident Mrs Rolwas the Speaker She brought al bert Leishman Secretary Mrs EimOSl inlEWSllng cm lhel Bilkey Assistant Secretary Mrs Allan Cook Treasurer Mr Jimi McLean Social Hostess Mrs Knight Directorsers Craig Mrs Parry Mrs Woodger Mrs William Sarjearit convener or the CNlB Tag Day held Satur day May reported total of $840 received despite the inclemeht weather great deal of praise should go to the taggers young and old who braved the driving rain to tag During 1t short business session it was voted to send $50 to thu Salvation Army $25 to the Little Red Door Canadian Cancer 5433 ciety $50 to CARE $50 to Save the Children Fund to care for our godchild in France and $50 to that CNIB During short social period il very amusuig game vaS played prizes for the best dressed or most xvcr dressed ladies going to Mrs ll Forster and Mrs Hurtibcse WWr YES You may win l7 Television Set if you send your cleaning to Wllllllll CLEANERS Limited Phone 5531 iw Also Storage arid We feature wide solectlon of them beautiful rings In oxquiu ltoly modem stylcr 69mm of Ination with ml Ilvc Rlvw Diamond ring EBB JEWELLERY gt8 tissu Rd Ph 2201 Repairs entitle you length gowns of ruffled white not over white taffeta with matching short white not jackets with point cd wing collars They wore braid ed white bandcaus With tiny whitt facc veils llncir bouquets were noscgoys of white and yellow daisies Mr Donald Sclicll Toronto was the grooms attc hi and the ush rs were Messrs Clive Wilson and Jack Boattie both of Toronto Mrs Roberts church organist playedthc wedding music Following the ceremony recep tion was held in the church par lors Assisting the bridal party in receiving the guests were the brides mother in gown of blue lace over satin with Corsage of pink carnations and the grooms mother in gown of lilac chiffon and corsogc of pink swcetpcas For the honeymoon to Myrtle Beach South Carolina the bride donned black corded coatdress with Chinese red taffeta under skirt and red and black accessOrics On their return they will take up residence at Buyview Courts Wil lowdalc to chance in our Television Draw ALUMINUM AWNINGST Increasethe beauty and value of your home GUAUNMD olOOKIIItECOttVENfIONAlAWNINGS KEN PMmo BIRDS CANT NEST mm tor years Kenya colony in East Africa has 5500000 Africans 120000 Asians no Vim on NGRY wmps 10 HOWl THROUGH The oxduslvo vontlm teald construction proloctl your home In wlnm b3 as cool or wanted awning to sum mostly Indians and about 30000 Europeans Ridgdd wrfuccs smooth surfaces ideal for initial or item name as wall circular designs in Skip or tolld ion with frosted edging Ivy on nowmoro later easy budget terms PHONE ORWRITE FOR HOME DEMONSTllATlON WITHOUT OBLIGATION COMPARE AirShudo WITH ANY OTHEIlJSI BilYSllllllS llllllili Wedding Receptions Dinner Parties Conventions Banquets nonmum iiosrimurv measeCall5198w ill EAsii BUDGET TERMS tantrum mum to May amply justied in the eld of oh stetrlcs alone The support of the work of the Medical Mlsslons over seas isborne equally by the Mls slop Board 02 the Church and the WMS Poverty prevents the people from being selfsuppertlng Their need for help is so great and still the supply is not sufficient to meet the demand Shall we let The meeting closed with the re peating in unison of the Mizpab benediction We wish to thank all our customers and friends for their courteous patronage tn the you in thegfuturc past and We hope to serve Theres llo llelny The lllluniltile Way PHONE 551 ALLANDALE TAXI mammalsam Ito Examiner scalloped wish tolntqrm you out time NIGHT whims Date nIgoutuuuuunlnnuvuuuunuun4unulnunnunntl lt City riov or suite in mm cubical cl Barrie and know would be pleased to receive an nvattw to Attend owiiouu Wants ANDQDAY their pleas for help go unheeded ShopNowWhil full range of poplilor colors is available Theselnore fresh stocks from lines being discontinued by the manufacturer RGQ Price Sale Price SCARFES FLAT WALL FNSH rlor Walls and Ceilings semis tojGLo sAriNirINISH fFor Walliund Woodwork $184 scAiiFeis INTERIOR cuss iINIsH For CupbcarydsgtWoodwprk inducer will stare Almlgvoilcblc inpollovn cone atpropprliolialely Big Savingi Takcudvuplcgo thumbnail opporlunity to Save on rinsrounititv ninth War mlllll Wu um uumumnitmummyumqmnmmimpHymnmum Phone 43

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