GILFORD Leave For Trinidad yTodd rs Wilford Reilly and Mrs Lou Reilly Sr were the lad its from Giltord WMS attending tlze WMS Slmeoe Presbyteml at The G1ford Mission Bond were Sinner on Tuesday last honored on Monday bv the attendI once at Ihcil mcemgof Rev will Mrs Newcornbe Patsy andf Gvluzl 11 crzdrc2 titr link them on colored tilm Toronto to Mr family leave on June ll for Triull Godspeed and happiness for l3 Manning on Sunday mp Rev dad from and pal IBIS Attend Presbyterlal Mr Visit Orlllia Mr and Mrs Grenville Huxhee Nucuznbe 5903 daughters spent Sunday in few nmnentsr0m313 Mr and Mrs William Nady Mimico were visitors of Lou Nelli iys on Sunday Toronlo Visitors Mr and Mrs Charles Manning Trinidad Newcombe and New Daughter Congratulations to Mr and an THE STORYBF we 0N5 fair ROJSE THE SOLDIERS not WAS mocxeo OFF 8v AS THEY MADE OFF mt ms WRENCHED rue GAG FROM ms mourn AhD SHOUTED new Willi ms SON AND DAUGNTER HEARD ms CRIESAND WHILE HIS SON R1 iD To ms ASSISTANCE DAUGHTER RAN TD ONLY one or me mews POLE ON WAGGON AWE RA WHEN m5 WAS INFORMERIII MONARCH LAUGNED AND ORDERING H000 TO BE BROUGNT BEIOIIE HIM FORGAVE THE MERRY relatives Mr and Mrs Hamilton spent the weekend WWW Mr and bars Herb Kormby willow Mrs Brennan lift and Jim Stewart and JoAnn New ToE rome muted relziives here United Church WA United Church WA held theirl May lilitilllg the mouse in Wye tale with attending vizze member of the WA attend ed the Simcoe Presbyterial mm Unueu Church of Canada ml Eloyner on Tuesday EBuffalo spent the weekend withg 905131 UNION Frank 3mm The ML IL hw in Sawyerl Howard Coons inee Maxtne ZIch net Mo they lllglni Mrs Shermanobem on he Dlllh of dough CUQRIT AND GAVE IIIMA POST IN HIS BCDYGUARD The Universal Postal Union was lie on May is Benet Dance The benet dance for Mrs Edith fRoi on Friday last was huge Success realizing $150 All experi Thanks are due lnc livepiece orchestra the halll Institutes lCoulson lilll Juniors The Hollowle land Gillord and many donations ises were donate1 lbuald and the three in money received MAGNESIUM IN SEA It has been estimated that cubic mile of salt water holds nearly In vaM Mr 000000 tons of magnesmm FABRICATED IRON Fire Escapes Gales Railings Etc ESTIMATES FREE STEEL FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL By I1about to start In earnest Allies suspec at armistice talks are stalling for some ul Observers closely watching more lndepeu of southeast Asia lNDOCHINA nominated CLlSlulllllll lo Ing how for ll 15 prepared to go died to lln southeast Asia due to the new Coup1 munist offensxve in IndoChina military ussosmncnt in Singapol Isis as quuli The UN NEWS REVIEW EXAMINER STAFF WRITERS Lomomomomomonomm Millturists convinced that the battle of southeast Asia is Chinese Communists from Soviet control believed to be setting up springboard for eventual conquest While the United Slates is lucidi MM lliu Ivllmll 10 DL 1113111 10 block Communist expansion mmvus one of suggcsted earlier by the Lommuw IIIJVL Mmcmv that Communists tello purpose dent movement of Communism uklslon 25 llw neutral lake clinrgu of prism 11 lmmlumi Iuklstnl is four A5111 countries find for the roll however oppor Zvfll my expe Ir gti lrcltlllili la SINGAPORE Ilna Thai and Slulayun Irvern have Lillllulllllvtl that lllz uumunls have pushed from Ma llLfldw the southern Illo our2 set up large comps Setilllg msuie llmiluml Allan milzlnry source in Slum has defined llIlS Ilt the most ug threat to summonsL Asia ance the Japanese defeat in 1945 Informed circles In Singapore more the view that life Commune Ms want to establish Burmese lh1ilndoChmesv pllpllt state 15 springboard for the eventual conquest of 111 of strategic south east Asia WAVERLEY founded at Bern Switzerland by the postal convention of 1874 Mr and Mrs John Kolimnn and June of Hamilton spent the week lend Willi Mr and Mrs Irwui Ell lott Mrs Andrews fson of Toronto united onville Mrs Wallace Wood is attending Grand Lodge Sudoury Mr and Mrs Fergu Mrs Lot and Mrs William Mooney THERE IS fill ROSES FOR EVERY PURPOSE The language of flowers express best of 11 the love In your heart for Mother CARNATIONS POTTED PLANTS FlowersbyWire Service SPRING FLOWERS nlly caught the Communists off Burns ATOM BOMB FILM Twenty copies of new Brits es 11m The Atomic Bomb is The Via Minn communism 705519 rm Bids HNkd mr al from and How to Meet Them will vasion of Laos is regarded as belngLWb unlll Md PUSumblY be be Wm Canada shortly bv me the prelude to the lgmmg mezcuuac toey mshcd to refer the Al United Kingdom 0mm points out that the battle of southIe east Asia is about to start In carnillilrd dlld IIILY declined to even mcntion the nomination during the AGENTS FOR BARBIE IlllllIlI WEIIIING MACHINE Ell 99 Dunlop Street East Opposite Queens Hotel 17 Mnlcaster St DIAL 295 territory they have already acilled pooled to spread into Thailand and Burma unless some drastic counter action iS taken Immediately nomination of quired there fighting is now cxlhlllhel Ulhlrtles HONG KONG Pakistan to iyim Some observers are now quite Chlmfe CommunlStS the Ma sure that the Chinese Commun llmlllus Wm men pea isls are acting more independently 59pm 10 come uqu 1351 of the Soviet Union than in the lrom documents which have been days of Smurfs leadership but Captured It Seems clear that whether on difference goes any the past three vols have beJll Peeling this move furl deeper is too cal1v to say The recent views expressed by While long bitter fight is ermine new Soviet leader Georgi the belief in top milliliny peeled won by circlesis that it can be got down to it and If the Unitedf States can remedy the present drastic supply deficiencies in this area In just over months time the ruins will start making militaryl operations impracticable in variousl parts of Southeast Asia Thisiwould offer an opportunity for antiCom munist buildup training and stra logic redcployment There is an alarming lack of reordination there at the present time One vital factor to be considered is just how far Communist infiltration of the Malenkov on peace have not been malched by Peking whose official ers foreign policy speech which waS printed only recently was much stronger in tonclhan the Pravda editorial on the some sub ject Also there has been no lessen ing by the Chinese Communists of their violent antiAmerican propu ganda since Stalins death As contrast to the current Moo cow attitude which still has the western world guessing the They have been ordered by the Canadian Government The film is documentary designed primarily for Civil Defence training It based on British World War III bombing experience and intensive studies made by the UK Civil Dc fence College on the atomic bomb and its effects CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 GENERAL the unliCOmmUIllFlS if they rmullcoxnmcnt on President Eisenhowlt1 FIRE AUTO 0mm CASUALTY LINES II SIESSIIII Clapperton St Barrie PHONE 2577 RES 6280 Chinese CommunistS have made no 36 BAYFIELD ST WE DELIVER countries likely to be Subjected to pressure has gone From indica tions it seems that In the Thai bov derlands it has been considerable KOREA The Suspicion is mounting in Allied circles that the Communists are now using their familiar delay Dont wail ASPHALT mouldsAlluillllllgs until the outside of your home is too weatherworn to be easily repairedgel busy right ing tactics around the Korean peaceconference table for some ulterior purpose which affect the situation in either orea or Need money for down payment or repairs on an auto topm or down payment on homo away and patch up those bod spots Youll ndBiSco Asphalt Roongs and Sidings ideal for repair purposes wide range of patterns and colours allows you to mulch your pres ent roof and sidewalls The nequolily of Bisco Products combindwilh iheir low pricesollow you to put your home in AI condition for every small cost SEE YOUR BISCO DEALER NOWI locum BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD Plants of PORTNEUF STATION PO TORONTO and LONDON ONT QUEBECPQ MONTREALHIO Worehouses and Branches TORONTO ONT 0N SALEAT IndoChina At the armistice conference the Communist negotiators are now be Ing Warned in blunt language by United Nations officials at every meeting to get down to business or risk another suspension of the truce talkS at Panmunjom One thing has emerged very clearly The high optimism that existed in April that the enemy meant business this time and was in hurry for Korean ceasefire has now almost completely vanish ed At session on May the Allies It Illlllmlllllulllllllmmlmm 2nd Elly SllRJEllNl co LTD BUIIDINVGV SUPPIIESUI Aw THE BEST 1=UEIS BARRIE Phone246l 2M9Iy St or other worthy purposes Now you can get that cash on your auto mptly and simply Drivo it to ofce GEI 55910 200 III bringing pm approval get cash Of com you keep your car Phono or com in oodny for loan on Y0 lum loons $50 to $1200 on SIgnafuro Public Utllltles Bldgp 15 BAYFIELD ST BARBIE Phone 5931 Donald Fish YES MANpr OPEN DAILY TO 5SATURDAY TO 12 om mile to mldenli cfnll unending Personal Elma mum of not wamany Canadians keep Warm with oil More than millions Oil is used in the 1maces or heaters of more than milllOll Canadian homesbetter than one in four Oil plays large and growing pa How many of these questions about it can you answer How does Canadamnk among the nations in known 011 reserves 3th 17th 2m How many barrel of oil 35 gal lons to barrel do you think Canadians use in year 49 millions millions 300 millions Intlle past 10 years the average rt in our everyday living Far down the list few years ago Canada now ranks eigbtl Excepl for group of Middle East countries Iran Iraq Kuwait and Saudi Arabiaonly Ibo US Venezuela and wave larger reserves Last year 165 million armels about Magellan each day fereveryrm man woman and child Camsz uses twice as much oil cs 518 did six years ago SIMCOE SERVICES DISTRICT BARRIE Yoor Headquarters for Building Mucb less Tbe average wbolesah priceofEssogasahnesamss Colorado New is up about onethird as much as the averagefdr all commodities wholesale prices of all commodi ties have risen 85 per cent Have prices of Esso gasobncs risen mall 105 about the same Energy produced atNiagara Falls 1ch day is equal to that in 9000 barrels of crude oil Prairie oil meltingth the Md the western oil eldseacb day Thlc SmollMoulhed Block Bossrnoy be coolly dlellnguished from his urgemouthed loose lnconlrosf jlhe lollers mouth reachesvrell posl the eye THE cntmo anewnlistlmrro NAmoorofnomopvrmosa eldsnowproduceenergyequalto 2429 ghow mm mm 7+ 11 18 uxes lakes pm of com Jpany income owwould you say lmperials 1952 tax bill com pared with its dividendsPWas its gnaw ms ialmut the me Niagara about 18 tildeskbatgenemted vtingswdieidendr of 10 dam lrdat