Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1953, p. 10

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AY luv 1953 and with the world besot which at times Irv move but at the some time one has to agree to certain extent with the statement made by Mrs Mary Temple Toronto trustee at the convention that there had been some shortsightedneps on the part of the pro GOOD IMO DEDL BONITA Alta CPI Iile owners repoed good lambl ling percentages when the looming season got into full swing in this somhem Alberta district The late spring storms caused no general F32 STOW ON YOU ulcerations and 335 lm remodelling MILBURN Dunlap St It sure vlnce in re rd to education ga it seems difficult at hmtlnteuctly eight years ago twingegamma world shed tears that the destruction of the Second war had come to an end in Europe years which have followed since that when we celebrated VE Day have mmpwplelosethehopesforthe 1m 3nd the peace of the world which they clunttd tenuiously back in 1915 as the war came to its end in the West Doubt has now to great extent replaced the confidence many people felt that at last peace had been secured in our time The Allies made great sacrifice to stem the tide of Nazism Fascism and the Japanese threat in the East Many lives were laid down that we could go on living in the free democracy which has become our heritage Todd our men are still at war this time in an endeavor to stop the tentacles of Com munism strangling the life from that same way of existence which we cherish in Korea and IndoChina the United Na Mrs Temple told the trustees that new pupils now flocking to schools were born five years ago and the government should have been making plans to accommodate them long ago not by suddenly cutting off grants for special rooms However longrange planning In education can be very risky undertaking One cannot burden the rate payers with expenditures on large school buildings and risk the chance of not having enough children to fill them adequately Such situation could easily arise in some parts of the country just as easily as an opposite eventuality At the base of the pro blem one has to recognize that this IYDQoI planning must fall on the individual school boards It is they who mustdecide the fu lnre needs of their communities One can obtain some idea of the problem facing our school representatives when one looks at the situation which has developed here in Barrie It is only recently that the Hillcrest and Codrington schools were built and already it has become necessary to en Collier SI UnlfedChurch uzv LEWIS on Minister LLOYD lUFlORD Organist and Choumaster MOTH ERS DAY SUNDAY MAY 10 1953 ll LapMORNING SERVICE Infmt Baptism Way In Which The Home Translt mits Faith and Character to the Children THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJunior Intermediate and Senior Departments ll ourNursery Beginner 1nd Primary Department pairThe Adult Bible Class punEVENING SERVICE The Home And The Kingdom of God nusr nmsrcuuncnl REV LUCK 5A BI Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY 011101 SUNDAY MAY if 1953 Sunday School 956 an 11 nmMORNING WORSHIP Mothers Law pmEVENING wonsurr FThe Up to date book The FRIENDLY CHURCH rm The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER STREET The Home of Friendly Worship SR MAJOR II MILLS Commanding Officer LT WOOD Assistant SUNDAY MAY 10 1953 SPECIAL tions troops are waging relentless struggle against the Communist threat Despite the prisonerofwar exchange which has come about in Korea following long and bitter wrangling between East and West the battle MOTH ERS DAY SERVICES 11 am and pm EVERYONE WELCOME large Hillcrest and there is distinct possi bility that further addition will be required in the near future at Codrington TRINITY CHURCH Panama WRIGHT Rector There can be no possible doubt that the new 31 still goes on Peace cannot be bought lightly Today we can look back over the years to 1939 and realize just how great the price has been that we have had to pay for it We have now become so used to the ex pression cold war that it has lost its sig nificance to most people and it isyregarded as something which is just part of life in our times Clutching at straws in the wind many people regard the recent peace manoeuvres of the new Kremlin regime as being the turning point in the long road back to peace and normalcy Just what the real signiffv cance of this new move by the Communists is scents impossible at this time to define It is imperative that our country be not lulled into false sense of security Conse quently it is imperative that our people must clooely watch and analyze such overtures from behind the Iron Curtain We realize what Communism is and what it stands for We must resist its encroach ment on our lives with all the strength we command most important thing so for as our children are concerned is to see that they have sound academic backgroundbut it is equally certain that they should be afforded the facilities for recreation Sporting activity has an important part to play in the mold ing of character The problem resolves itself to the question if recreation facilities are necessary and yet it is not an economic possibility at the present time to build thee gymnasiums what is the alternative Most of our schools todayusually have fair amount of land at their disposal One way of he ing to solve this problem would be to follo the lead established many years ago by some of the European countries prin cipally Norway and Sweden ivhere physical culture plays an important part in the lives of all ages The emphasis there was laid on outdoor gymnastics and recreation and those countries have fine athletic records If such system could be worked effectively in those countries it might certainly be worth an attempt in Canada It would be one sure CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY JOHN GRAY MORRIS Windsor Star iObiecls lo Dogs clRunning Loose lHow Clean Up May 1953 To The Editor Thc Barrie Examiner Dear Sir The citizens of Barrie have been gasked to clean up and prizes have been offered for the bestkept lawn How do they expect people to keep places clean when the town is overrun by dogs scatterc Mrs Roberts Choir Director armHOLY COMMUNION 10 armSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 armMORNING PRAYER Subject HOME WITHOUT MOTHER pmEVENSONG Your Favourite hymns will be sung The Signifance of Rogntion Day ALL WARMLY WELCOME === SI Anduws Presbyterian Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR ANGUS ROSS Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY MAY 10 1953 11 am Mothers Day Service pmEVENING WORSHIP The Minister of both services was glad when they said unto lme let us go into the House of the was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord PS 1221 t1 Central United Church Minister BEWELL BA Organist and Cbolrmnter WARREN LMMLEAN CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY 1190 tumMORNING WORSHIP The Home Gods garden spot Broadcast CKBlBl 1045 minORGAN MUSIC pmEVENING WORSHIP Tomorrow is your Remember who you are its worthwhile CHURCH SCHOOL 945 adoJr Int and Sr Depts ll MILBeginners 3nd Primary Come to Gods House on His DayI Way of making certain that even with cut Chjsiian aw ting down on the fads and frills the all theProzeszant Cburc of Xortblplememed by the following lines round education of our children would not Ammm am SdeV Gilliam 319 random wmewnere TAXPAYER be reduced imam yr FarzlvrDaxM5$SBe93 Selim 39 and many marches we hold spec OPINIONS OF OTHERS Sunday If Q0 liord keep them ever pure and true to walk the narrow way 10 317 CC 95 the LI wash the dirt from little hands and earnestly ask ial events during the week and on MOTHERS PRAYER COUIBQEOUS Elmgram by the Ontario Lord may they ever yielded be to do the humblest task NOW as we remember the joy we felt eight Week in These few thoughis are well sup years ago on VE Day and of our sorrow at the lives were given by our young men Morgue nepnmnon me remember how fortunate we are to live in democratic Canada and of the responsibility which is upon the shoulders of each and every one ing garbage and lth on them Lord THE CHURCH SCHOOL All Departments mi Essa Road Presbyterian Church BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH an Minister push the dirt from little feet and as wasbl pray uently 711th naming in Barrie with our new admin problem is not so great as it is in than centres where new schools are be of us toremaln sfeadfast in our ideals To maintain our precious way of life Today on the anniversary of Day let us rejoice in the life and freedom which is ours and casting our minds back to those who laid down their lives to ensure the pre servation of that same life and freedom let us humbly remember those who brought about VJ Day at the cost of their ovvn lives Pads and Frills of Educalion Many peoplein Barrie particularly those connected in any way with education would no doubt have been very interested in some of the points which were raised over the fads and frills of our educational system it the recent conferenCe of the Urban ind RuraiTrusteesf Association in Orillia re ihls matter of cutting down expenditure on school gymnasium auditoriums and other special rooms has recently come to lteall and the public now seems to be split into two distinct factions those who are opposed tothese lads no frills and those who think they are an integral part of our school system The matter is receiving very close atten from our teachers and no less to of students WM wearing at the convention Gordon Emmi mutantsuperintendent of element Vancouver Sun We share George Chandlers angry bewildemen at the sudden apparentabandonmen of the fightl against government radio and television in nopolyg by tbeCEin Association of Broadcasters operator of CJOR and former CABAilmjor ML Chandler has always shown sincere concern forthel freedom of radio as of public expression He finds he cannot in rail conscience join the CAB in either congratulating or commending the governQ ment upon its present television policy He hints strongly that he believes private station operators responsibe for the CABs aboutzface are frightened Tilnomad way in which the government out few TV station license to private operators He implies operators seeking licenses are fearful of being denied licenses if they remain ght5 erg against continued TV monopoly and that they are selling out their antimonopoly principles toi ensure themselves licenses If lbiS is so itsthe most damning proof yet of the menace to any free expression in Canodian TV as ong as it remai under the dictatorship control exercised by the Canadian Broadcastingorporation private operator who swallows his criticism toi avoid displeasing the CBC and the government to get TV license is even more likely to refrain from irritating them in using the license Just as neosg papers operated undeLgovemment license couldnt be expected to remain impartial critics figmentg ixft policy so TV station operators would wath their step The greater the need to tell truths unfavorable to the government the less inclined theyd be to risk their existence As Mr Chandler bitterly points out the present plan of licensing only one private station in eacnl TV area and none where the CBC plans to operate does nothing to end the TV monopoly It stillvronti give Canadian televiewers optional Canadian IV ovations Mr Chandler further accuses the govv eminent of deliberately manipulating TV charme allotments far beyond technical requirements to keep at minimumthe number of TV tions that can be licensed nus on gdvcn Foul the front page pic The pmce wh Lord may her dress 19 91 ng is rather inl Throughout eternal Egesbe Thy robe of righteousness tirnate pose which shows the Primg cg Anne putting up her and zol Eler many hours shall pass know Ill wash these bands again 35 93 fame5 5112 Sme And therell be dirt upon her dies before the day shall end such thing It is most aonrooriate But as she Journeys on througn life and learns of want and pom the ou commolm eath ha bond keep her precious little heart cleansed from all sin and stain head famzly whose domestic life For seems to be quite We arouid also like to rectuml mend the column which appears and water cannotreoch where Thou alone canst see Her hands and feet these can washl trust her heart to Thee 413 ammo gawk in this paper under thel tillg For Pawns Only Here arel same of the real problems of homel and children dealt with realistically and helpfully by mother whoml we understand is successful min isters wife In fact we believe is Mrs Mathews whose busl band recently helped her to reduce according to an article In opopulnrl magazine There will be articles in the var1 loos church papers this week 52121 mons over the radio and sions in the Bible Class concerning the breakdown of home life and the causes of family disintegrat All this true eSpeclally in th cities and the places where the population is always on the move But let us think also ofthe fac tors which make for solidarity in home life Letus remember our marriage vmvs rour mutual love our sacred intentions for our chil dren omsolid hopplum in the things we possess our ability to get along without the things we do not have and our faith in the God who loves each family unit and sent rrChrio to prove Hi5 everlasting concern 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening agarawnde Co Est 1919 mm TB TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Government lunleiul and Corporation Securiiiu ximaylheybL am mu ere victories are won and orders sought from thee 03 me ll scrub the clothes that soil so soon and pray Rev Minister MB FBAN BUTCHER Organist AV CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY SUNDAY MAY 10 1953 ll amBuilding on Sand or Rock pmLiving Epistles Broadcast CKBB Sunday School will meet with the Church at 11 am 77 SAINT GEORGES Church Of England ALLANDALE RECIOR NewtonSmith BA 800 no conmbmou frontMORNING PRAYER pmEVENING munm 221 FREEMETHODIST CHURCH 200 Bayfleld SI 1000Sunday SCllOOI 1100 and 730PREACHING Rev Bright WELCOME mouthwaoromum39 HAROLD Dmsuv Organist SUNDAY MAY 10 1953 11 unisCombined Sunday School and ChurchyService on CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY Theme Christian Foundations for Every Home pmEVENING WORSHIP Subject Where Erranlms Rights Fireside hour following all welcome Holly Sunday School pm lolly Church Service pm Special Family Day theme at both services Lead me in thy truth find teach me ourm APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH LT Hall High 31 SUNDAY MAY 10 1953 Sunday School pm Service pin BabylonianFiery Furnace PASTOR HUToHthoN ed fortthepanment of Educa that the cutting off of grants number speclaomns had because with the in enrolment In the 36110013 the great get the children into The government policy remains monopolistic has coveted long delays and refused Canadians choice of programs he says It hurts business by retriet mg the number of stations deliberately lowers the efficiency possible in the use of available TV chan nels and in many border areas it has driven Canadi Eu GOSPEL TABEllNACLE 20 MULCASTER 81 BARBIE uuv nonocss moron SUNDAYMAY10 195 mismwmcuss COST in your community SHOEGAIN Feeds manufactured at an my American Sefme yr local Mill and sold direct to you allow no middleman to EOYrnmenl ls trying QIEVEHI C3113de kc grunt If to kcprot the follow from having any worthwhile TV at all its certainly in claim of events result usmg the ngbtblueprlnt gt The Farmer Gets ghost Quality Feed At Lower Cost lire manufoeturer to the is symbol of mandamus Autumn 11 antMGRNING wonsme dole logic behind this me paneInseam GOSPEL sutku Class News Published Monday Wednmy Friday mlbn8ndlngPootOteeSquareBarrie Ontario Caua CHIIIICK VicePresident or shammama AMlun on cam Weekly rm mm mm cwu umawmum Wham Cummwmummwm 31m lulu this So easy1ritlz the blue ooalBngetPlamYoo pay mall mutth mono NOW mold PAIDUP supply or the worlds fmbtantbrocite Prices are attbeir lbwesf Act Now USE THE fblue cool iii lliisluel led 15i9mlm mac oets apid Growth Or7wgh Productililt silosmun 17di low in cost to high duality The Feeder Achieves More Profitable Production You on low ismAme and er Ihe cost ofillivestock production with Tmmmmt Marlosz DELIVERYe Tuesspmprrayermetmgu nishmanna People mommy murmume Broadcast CKBB cal 9os 30 aim Sunday Independent NULLMEYERPastor 945 MugDecorated Cake to Family WithMost Children at Bible School doomgnomes mom rho pmwHEN WOMAN trump Gilt to Youngest andOldest Mother At Church

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