rm BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 1953 GUTHRIE unlined Iu liunplhl Ito IVY former Residents Die Meets MITCHELL SQUARE Jan Bramti slut gown and Inllllly from our neighbor Members of the British They have moved to Bassllcrds are not paid as and WI To Meet May FNMA Iill11c BETHESDA im 11 ruuill 1o Liiluii Built Hi mid IM Lake for lie llilll Road Closing Sympathy is extended to Mrsi sou to icpar gblcCleiinoii and tomin in the pass Henry McCunig had an ace lift of to husband and father Jowpn Willi co 11 Sunday aiiii lfxicClciinoii who died on April 308473 hospital he st were go llltOllVLlLllCtj liJZ to be at his home ncar Wainwright All Mr Lind Airs ll ll Loch to me family and rwlllCS silly weekend Toronto Mrs lsuac Sisters who passed away on April 21 at her daughters home Mr McClennon and Mr Specisi 0011 Plan Coronation The Oil inc it 31 JLkilil were both restdcnts of Ivy in instif1cCiaggt ltl Am 10 lzczv llzij Wins diC Ut May 113 at it it Mrs cii Iticmlu5 ililivrs Everyone KRLlCLitllL olr out Mr Gordon Jemiey and fiiinzly no Isllrtl tiic Ltilllvl munity NLZ lllr wcekrud Sympathy Extended mtzi of 1ch continuing xtciziicu to iziziiiiics oi liu lilt entitled to travelling lulu vln Juli 1101 and Miss Sioux union in Will Liillltlarll 1r Li wholt ti The by the ip wss their con licrc lac he tied kat ngitgtllzl8 Iiridgcs $lt 14Kth and Lin years ltfljttl delicious iiit lililltf WA Mull ifvlis ll iiicli you Th9 WEUIM meant Uf U18 WUlsu lilt lligl tum iltlltl of ti insiis Auxiliary was held at Mistlbobk on 1va Llllljgtlsiiit 31 Cloudc Banting Mrs James hIcHiiric Camimu itth my Sriiplilii am for Yb DWHNH IllCCPWSIdLm PWSldLd lcssiiii iiiLl Edna llnSc Bur ii Icu mgrd $11 Mrs Ilowartdts nbscnctziu tho in lllilltl and printg 1ii township in gitniatllzclo tdlil 133 Hayeixislqur Md 35 SUM ot llltrlt iuils lurid lllf Imllimg bpicfsulgmncpEHTffill will smithniujxu of th summer lmlfic pro We wading bv Mrs CTaude Bam like oIHLIJlch on no origiozuiziiuvim1 Klingon the highway would allow mg was 18km mm ACE 22236 11PAllvit his ml 211in Ililaiooiiirsi The missionary slUl and by Mrs Mm album Addresses nu did WWR 917 lDtrmO1 was my inlercelms Trio in nor Aiwo lli=lt if 0LH1LTXHI 11 fl0 Wltml The WA was told that ill of mis in will gum Uyi JW Lmnmui hat ume sums are cirricd in rural aria 0115 fun WU AMM UM 5min iiiothci tine diniici Mrs and 31 not the Eni of thc he ina iii All the dCVUlIImUl 90 lhel Gilchrist conducted lllt worship tended thcir cliiims musr rczich mom minnodncn by mmuits were read by Mrs Janitopmismg and mum he ay Thcy should also discuss 39mm elm approved Lone Ml Doors in Springtime Miss Audrcy with the solicitor arranged to IWXmom mm Howard and Halfyzird aroused kccn intiicst 1mm by Im towmllllt lUl Mm ESW Daws were read Vi among the girls by her tiilk on ilSSlSLllntC rm annual WImmS A31lllzitiiiiiiil Camp The third chop Thc more pcoplc who show in 11 bt held ill Anns 1311Lir if Mum ningslimi tu in ginoral throughou Ml lions in Toronto wuc givenwwdmd hm mans WC mm township tiic inori grounds vc Dorcas Lonicnci rcportcil all is fox vulnmmm mm for consideration with tho ready to ship bole to thc misvm Mm 23 lhc helici CiFL we proscnt sionarics The program was in the flitII rcmuik of thc solicit cliiirgc of Mrs Thomas Leon piil Lance Cpl KN RN mil Illltd llurlll IVJmlll 1W 50ml ptl on Prayer was icud by Mrstlzmd 111 mm Wlmws who lIii Silblillll School ilic Uiiit 10th ltoii lust wcvkcnd Mrs Mildred Smith read the buslozid o1 WMS worlivrs from History of the Queen fzimzly 51 ll lllxhilliilll to lrcsbytciiiil 111 Mrs Lee has just returned fromlhere llLllllLd picsciit it tIicir liuiiiily Day 5111 ti trip to Miami Beach Slic ieSlllylll THCml Vicc it 1131 1111 Sunday Mziy lU marked on the pleasant part of hcil Mrs Muir called on fiiuiiiis spiltliil program is being plun trip and also on some of the very hch on Monday on route to Iliiiits nod iiiid is in charge of Mrs amusing things which she cncoun villc from Stouffvillc ll Young tcrcd while tmvelling down on the bus The Wcsiding officcr closed with tlic1 benediction and Thc Quccn Mrs Bunting thc hustcss sirvcd delicious lunch and lllll St Rt 302 orlrington enjoyed the Social hour very much builders Czintidizin Homes 119 The meeting is be at Mm St Mrs Murray Jock Bantings so oi Codiington so Murriv rington Ammo on ercncc Kcimcdy 149 Sunford St Arnold Banting and Jim llcnryi 149 Slfylltlrd31v lilllldCI 591i attended the Ontario Junior Furni knows1 maple Sin al 64 crs conference and annual mcet aplrnSl lblllllml Sflli ing ill Ontario Agricultural Coli 230 CXlrmmml 5t 230 logo on April 26 27 and 23 as dcll St builder AI egates 10m south Simeon 19 Thumbs in SD Scudon Ecclcs St rth tit 82 Ecclcs St builder self Dcnnis Moran 145 St iit 145 Worslcy St builder self Total $7600 Repairs or Alterations 11 liowc 202 DunlopSt West repair Mdy Rum Foxes wl ti garage for storsz ill 11 Frances St mpm Mrs Hurry Bantind spciit four biiildcr self Livmgston days With Mr and Mrs 13 Puget Sit build sun room no builder self Miles 205 Bay Pratt Toronto during their illness field so altcrdwclling to triplex Ham 59 the weekend builder Corby 127 lnnisfilSti will Mltdarliltll beeLliaitingh Gmham Boys build sun VS Say biiilder self Stewart family of Islington spent the Weekl 154 Toronto St rcrshinglc office end with Mr and Mrs Bert Mcl USED CARS TRUCKS building at 19 Owen St builders Quay Bertram Bros 28 Johnson St of the cs to Suffer tum mgi Severiil Families Hove vslcriiiiv Mr iiizii Mr lain iioigi and his ll from who lune pliltlllluwl xiii farm of llolmrt Joiiiisii ii io um losc Mr inil Mr John ol ii to IJlicx P0llUH in ltsrrie iiis iins ltlll iv Walt Iiis illllllr Mi on Sunday lhlltil Dustn Pamat Features Fast friendly Farm Service SPRING LANTINGSprays fertilizer seed LIVESTOCKPoultry cattll horses sheep etc Inns Miwg Ioiinilo w1i Lllll visitor ill homo ltcturn From Florida liu iiiiiiiy flttlltlti of Rt iind Mi ll LIiiiicitls Will iiilci like to muke 1mm Eumen C3511 promptly tulLtl to know that llliy Ilill hankble scum mt required Wm or can entirely by null llll Illll from llliifi anoyiiolc si Or phone my 1mm 1mm or com in today gtii2ontlzs IJlll12ll Florida can 550 to $1200 on station romiim in non mm in nu vu FINANCE Public Utilities Bldg 15 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Phone 5931 Donald Fish VES MANIW OPEN DAIL TO 5SAYURDAY TO loom mode to midenii at all summoning turn Home Flimm away II and REPAIRSHOme auto tractor born machinery etc PAINTINGHouse farm bulld ings implements etc iiurch llil to you and your Perinits Jump January Continued from page one ibuildcr will chrosc 84 St at Victoria St self 11 Morrison 302 Juniors Meet May The ncxt regular meeting of lvyl Junior Farmers will be held at Thornton public School on Tuesday SALE ENDS SATURDAY MAY FREE CARRYING CHARGES FOR 12 MONIHs AND ONE TANK FULL OF GAS You cant miss not only are prices at their lowest during this stile but we will also pay one years yes 12 months free financ ing on all sales of over six hundred 101 lars Thats right you get the privilege to lt borrow money without having to pay carrying chargesill into the lot this week youll find the car you want in our Iargnwselection Baby Christened While visiting their grandparents Mr and Mrs Lindsay had their baby christened St Thomas 19 Florence St 211 ML and Mm Cleve Patton Cari temtionsp to novelluirr builder Hamn amqu Bamm were Fell jg guestsraLme mmmony Essa Road addition to dwelling Mr and Mm Kelly Toronto builder self Grin Poinswick were weekend guests of Mr and repairs to bake shop at 107 Dunlop East Boswell 54 ollels meme Mmdoch er St addition to store builder Me May 12 581 Cam 235 Dunk ivy Womens Institute will be Evans 146 Bradford St rclti model 144 and 146 into apantmenits builder Scruiton 241 Bradford St East lCShlllglc dwelling build crs Bertram Bros 23 Johnson St Ryder 90 Owen St repair and alteration ibuildor selfiW Clark 34 Bayofield St alterations to Store at 28 Bayifieid 51 builder 13 name 128 Burton Ave Brown Catthew Ont install 2000 held at the home of Mrs George Davis on May 12 at pm The change of date has been necessary owing to the districtannual being mmcdnden May 13 EDENVALE gallon gasoline tank at Smiths boatihduse dock builder Sun Oil Co Toronto Adams 29 McDon ald St rebuild backkltcihen builder Howey Midihuiot Miles 1vRobert Si addition to dwelling builder self Total Mothers Day Service Next Sunday morning Sunday School and church services will be combined in Mothers Day pro gram commencing at 1130 Mr and Mrs HMawspent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Campbell Clark Point $15100 Miscellaneous Dalton White 244 Bradford 51 complete motel bulld ers Canadian Homes 119 Donald 39 club Organizes Sli Victor Uhuwho Burton Avenue Thesoftball club met in the hall construct lodge and tourist cab 435 Tuesday night and elected the ins bulldl Selfl Total $250 following officers for 1953 Presi dent Donald McDonald VicePreS DODGECLUB COUPE Radio TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD ident Kenneth McNabb Secretary Heater visor and many extraS PHONE 2114 Treasurer Fred Maw Amconomou ONE OWNER nomnrnou COAC Air Conditioning Low Mileage One Oanbr s1295 le95 $1975 MORE OUTSTANDING USED CAR BUYS 1943 DODGE CUSTOM 55D 51250 I951CHEV FLEETLINE COACH $1775 1943 DODGECOACH $1050 AER 1949 MERcURY COACH $1350 1948 CHEV c9 1250 RADIO Ant OONDlTlONINGIZ TONE warns will $1 51450 T947 9550795595 95 1949 MERCURY NON 1947 MERCURY SEDAN $1095 NEW MOTOR 1947 CNN SEDAN 995 WTRUCTL i951 FORD l2TON EXRRESS $1199 OLDSMOBIDE liYDRAMAHC SEDAN radio air conditioning Low mileage lllltl Scriiice Investigate the new Electric Range by DEEPF REEZ Fully automatic Electric Range built to the some high standards as famous Deepfreezc llomc yreezeis Every wanted feature from Highpower Surface Units to Banquet size Oven At the amazingly price of $32900 I951CHEV iiioii EXPRESS $1250 1950 lARGOlZTON PANEL 950 3995 twoDODGE SEDAN All CONDITIONING GOOD RUBBER iii43 RONnAcsEDAN $12950 low i95iCiiEstDAN DELIVERY 1400 The latest in i948cnev SEDAN $1275 AND1111111 MORE 1943WMSl2J0NEXPRESSEBSQ own 960 DEEPFREEZE 23mm geepigngltyF ev compartment and th spinal DELUXE Mount vcs Twin high humidity Elem gt BUY wiTiiscONnDENcE AT llctngeriitors Door that Stores More Rustproot aluminum shel crispers77 $12500 fluidlyEleculcnlhstullnlions iioooiis ioi Inrgeniitl smallmlinnpes CHEVROLET OiDsnoaiie CADILLAC CHEV mucus II Used Cai DivisionAllxllon One totalled forYOutfConvempnce lllllmllllcllll 5233 untow 1v