Bmm lm 41h Game Mcmorlnl Cu Hm AT WINNIPEG MAPY 3mm WEDNESDAY MAYol MINETS POINT SHOWS ACTIVITY Solicitor Representatives Finalists At no Badminton Tourney Rim Period lSt Boniface Konyk SWINGS BUSY McDonald lioeksirai Things are coming along nicely Zs BO over at Minets Point across the Mcmrimss hm 1106 Bay The landing has been pu Wmmes Moms Ca IVC out and yesterday the swmg ropes Ham Hanan may Whit were up and by evening every swing was rotating to the limits RUbelfIUIi Thomson I115 Of its arc Second Period On able Mr claims 118 ing tho roads ed Cufn Tllirv to 301139 the closm With the widening of the high Third Ian pools way at that point me Store of Mn 7Barrie Teal Tessien in Vlfllllfl and Mrs Herald must go back 8Barrie Mohns Thibeault WT mhev 350 l8 gas pumpsand Tessicri 533 mil9flfililxi the changes Wlll cause consudepl 95g 30an Thomso able lay 01 mm at the Slim Pankhurst Blaine It ham or 01 the bugty SUN loBarric Teal Mohns McKenncyi 1614 MRS LRlu CNN Presents lmplly MTS MCKEIZle MIXED DOUBLES winners Mrs McKenzie and Hollis Rob PSt Boniface 8mm 18 MENS DOUBIES Whine HOllls ROblnSDll and Doug smith illld Doris KilllS 101 the ladies doubles championship inson ST gt PenaltiesNonc them NW Be 1ch little Boy Has convenience VISII TO Bedroom From Leaf Stars Mom PR AN EXAMleS WANT AD the have Tenyearold Jimmy Fergu sons eyes shone with 331316 board was ment and joy Saturday after noon whcn six members of the 01 and Toronto Maple Leafs walked into his room MARINE SUPPLIES 111 for week Jimmy had Phone been looking forward to seeing 3018 or 6137 some of the Leafs who were expected as guests for the StewartChrlstlc wedding at 97A Dunlap St which his father was officiating in St Andrews Church He was very disappointed when he couldnt get out of bed But his mother approached Teeder Kennedy popular Leaf captain after the ceremony and Authorized Codrington asked if he would mind drop ping in for minute to see OUl BOARD MARINE St SERVICE Donald SALES SERVICE Codrmioion builder SATISFACTION Jimmy Bobi Crosbic It took the form of Certainly he would go Tec Shtlly llll it 06de base dcr replied and not that inounlcrl by the king of ChLSSIIiell he took along Coach Jae pr vitha silver plate suttobly inscriblt St menu Sid Smlth llarry Watson ed Jimmy Morrlson and Bob 15 Votes of thanks were proposed to Safd Mrs Crosbic and Mrs Young by han Jimmy Ferguson WOIIt lOISC Kerr for the very enjoyable lat VISII for long llme luncheon which was served Codringfon Anyouc interested in chess who Talk About Luck lcn wishes to join the club is asde Or Perception 82 to contact Grcmo at 5330 Talk about luckor perception or foresightanyway that was our Worsle ORO STATION ncxtodoor coffee friend Mr Frani WMS Meet At Parsonage cois Taylor on the opening day of The next meeting of the WMS is to be held at the home of RevI the races at Duffcrin Park Aprili 30 nesday May 13 at 230 and Mrs Hugh Shannon on Wed An acquaintance from Camp Mrs Howard Crawfold and John Borden was on the yvay to Toronto visltcdher sisters Mrs Frank Lov to view the ponies in action for ering Barrie andMrs Alvin Dreno the rst time this season By namliillsdolc during the week 7W hi WWW Linanceherdroppcd in JD 71331015 Mr 811d Mrs George M650 UN Technical did at Work in the Philippines porch Robinson Ronald Pile Douglas Smith Miss Jean Carruthers strong Miss Doris Kearns OLlDAFlJABOR motion was passed in council cstablishmen Said Frank you and boys attehddthe weddingiif might as well put down something their son in Toronto last week for me on the daily double and gave out $4 for two tickets CROWN lo the effect that an employee Of Mrs Glen Richardson Barrio vis What horsesyou want hm Instill gt the public works department with gt lic Womens module mcctmglnve vearg service should have me itcd Mr and Mrs Norman Leigh on Thursday quired the Camp visitor Lets see now what is there on The favorite sport of cliasing 3SL Boniface lhorndycmft minnows in the creek has lost 1153 Johnson Marius novelty but suckers arc havnig F51 Boniface Mam difficult time on Spring Hips 119 Short Johnson the river SBarrie Cherry At Hoppys Cabins work 36 55 Boniface Pankhurst started on Monday for excavationsl Blaine Thomson in connection with the changell lcrioltiesAShort WhiteJ Rn made necessary by the Department fbemon may of Highways 632 1326 1721 Congratulations to Miss Margar cton Paddison and Elgin Dawson who wcrc married in St Pauls Chumh May Murray Amos attended ii Young Peoples Rally at Huntsville Sot urday and Sunday Wayne and Lindri Richardson and Do 10 Amps spent the weekend wit their grandparents Mr and Mrs Walter Amos Ml and Mrs Ilcrbcrt Pratt and family Elmvalc spent Sunday at Joseph Pratts Barn Chess Club NEWS ItiltllHI lidId 11111th Synrumm Building Expenditure Since St Victoria buildcr On Friday cvcning May the Chess Club concluded its season with very enjoyable social even ing at the rcsidcncc of Bob Cros bic which was attended by 15 member iTiliuiiiiiiiiw The new cxccutivc which was voted in for host season comprises Young picsitlcnt dc Bartok vicepresident and Gicmo sec ictiiry Highlight of thcucvcning was the presentation of 11 trophy to the Club champion dc Bartok by CITYS LOAD There will be scant satisfaction for thig citys property owners in the knowledge that the circum stances which have led to thump ing increase in taxes were beyond the control of the city council There is something radically wrong with system which makes city bear practically the cntirc cost of educating children from outside its boundaries Prince George BC Citizen The lift that always thrills Finest Cut some BACK ROW left to right Mrs Mildred iJc enzie Arthuro1 FRONT ROW Miss Flora McGregor Mrs Wilma Clark McLean Larry Whitby club president Harry Bailey HollisiMiss Terry Smith Miss Marjorie Longhurst Mrs Joy Arm H0weyNIidliLii7sli51 Flowers of will be held at the homo of Miss en Visitors at the home of Mr and privilege of working his two weeks Mrs Elwood Johnstone were Phone your Plants are orders to Scarce ltum Hickling Wednesday May 13 holidays and get paid along Wilh pm The null Put your his hnnday pay Wendi not go taleiit into the Institute and watch it grow by Mrs Thompson Roll call exchange Of perennial rools or flower Slips Mrs Quin lan agriculture cohvcim will beilllllS enabling him to take twoj in charge Tea hostesses Mrs Rinehart and Mrs Salisbury along with council on this employee is worth granting such lwcks holiday Gcraldton OmJ Times Star If an ga prwilegehmisworthjnore43s the card today Frank says por inf paper Might as well make it For Garry the Flyers werewih lug Over the entry list in the morn cls Blitzcu in mourns race Winnipeg for the second Thats fightJack Blitzcn and Fort Garry the Flyers were in Charlie Rogers Toronto Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford and fam ily Orillia Mr and Mrs Edgar Johnstone Hawkestone Fire Damage To House Mr and Mrs Elmer Shellswell had fire at theirchomc on Friday To get the order early 489 They were helped by the neigh bors and Guthrie re truck Mr and Mrs Shellswells quick action saved the house but considerable damage was done MG CALL THE EXAMINER F0 PRINTING IHONE 2414 paid off at $8765 for the double Twic that amount is what Mr lor got for his four bucks last Thursday Wins First Prize National Sewing Contest Montreal er5 Gee Windermere Avenue Toronto the daughterof Mr and Mrs Fred Cook Codring ton Street took one of the top awards in the national sewing con test just concluded in Montreal MrsGee shared the top honor spotlight winning rst prize to tie with Mrs Elsie McCallum Van couver in the daytime group with fashionable black linen sheath dress with matching jacket lined with black and white stripe As well as cheque for $100 Mrs Gee and another Toronto win ner in different group Mrs Mary Kageyama will enjoy whirlwind Treat her to our specialtlilotliers Day Dinner lodge Located on Highway III Just Past Crown Hill FOR RESULTS us EXAMINER WANT ADs In an effort to improve their cottage handicrafts industries 30 theycan supply domestic demandsvthe Philippines Govern ment requested technical assistance from the United Nations Ex pert training teamstvero provided by UN to aid in Government spomored projects Mtg Lysbeth Wallace UN weaving expert is shown guiding the weaving of mosquito netting on flyshuttle logchiss Wallace is part Of the UN team now working in the it to Mom ea ying at the Philippine Stabilization Corporation prOJect in Manila Moum Royal withlavish emw IiEiiiiiirowriiii =sms The famous nmcSProgiess Brand ondSaJ villcrlow included in this group Of Brand ed LineSuits Big Selection of this years Newest Styles Prices as low as union Mention BUFFET WALNUT Finish 32000 FOLDING unknowns $50ll tosziioiig or maybe Billy the Beaver wasI lthinking that May still means CLOTHING at real Sale Prices Eftrlom his comfortable quarters in gt c200 TRADEoiN4SPEcIALsr lt IA yestShadeSn 8Pce DINING ROOM8mmExci2LLENTcoNDIrION T599518 aimlldi lt $5500 vethnlsilection opcoas in ewes ecciont 1953 OVAL CHEST Miiuooimii 51000 GreatSavmgs wnm ENAMEL TABLE Oniuits $is00 prices fats low km Sign Less251 andiprlced its low 385 Maybe it was that spring feeling ahd theatres shades in wonderful selection of QUAD innswer as Billy took French leave Newest Styling Newest Materials New tainmentsightsceingtoursiwiits ROAMING BEAVER gt to fashionable clubs restaurahts so hurry into these munSize savings lmmmg day Granby Zoologica newest Spring styles materials lSociety would like to know the Granby Que fieaderMail alnuNwsTE NEW CONGOLEUM FELTOL BUGS DOlfPATTERNS KITCHEN BUFFET GOOD AS $1400 POE cnnsrnnmnw SUITESPRING FILLED gt THROUGHOUT $1800 COME IN AND SEE THE GOOD BUYS IN USED FURNITURE or ALLKINDS Mr QWDGET TERMS TonSTORE FORMENW ylltoeillglliiety TOME fi5DiiNLoRsrw rode his PHONE 12566