Dutch em not Mm Bee3 on Arena Hill to antic by Max Itou with who 10mm 112mm sole Scrum May Central United Church Sunset group Doors open 01m 53 Rummage sale Saturday May Myalivlme 31m Hall High St 839 Atomices LTB 511 Mid hurst 5354 Piano and vocal recital by pupils of Jgk Bryson Collegiate Auditorium Tuesday May I2 at pm 53 Dance at Baxler Friday May 15 to the music of Paxtons CKBB Haylo Party Dancing from 930 to 13 OIIIW Dance at Guthrie Community wuaiirnzndayomy it Music by Andrews Orchestra Admission 50c Lunch counter 53 Mixed dancing every Friday and Saturday night at Plne Crest Ad mission 50 Music by Mac Jones and hi Heptones 41Wth Rummage sale St Andrews Presbyterian Lecture Hall Owen and worsley Sts Saturday May Toronto spring concert at Eaton Auditorium Tuesday Mrs Virgin Tillcy Toronto is membcr of the choir Barrie mummy MAY 1953 Grand Weather For Everything Nights Milder With Sands good start we lame but excellent scuttle since with the exception of shower on Momby ofternoon my Du nw conddmblc cloning up one new prdenlng comm In light Growth ha been slow but should lump along now but night was one of the rst remaining mild Temperatures were High Low my 62 12 My 71 36 May 68 45 PM Miss Vcrna Osborn Attended the Philharmonic Choirs April 28 HUI cousin Mr and Mrs Frank Couchman attcnded the funeral of After which the motion rcftrred to pbove was poswrl wrrc his he should hasten to pub licly wlthdraw them not his then he as reovc should see Hockey Banquet Tickets All Sold The banquc to be hIld in Slroud on Pri23ynlght May which is being put on by the hockey club is alrcudy sellout Tncic will be ll dance afterwards who will be Qpcn to In public and this mil give those who haw bccn 1kale to attend the dinncr an opportunity to coulrlbutc to thc hockey club1 funds Totally Unrelated To The Truth If tho obov statement is attri buch to thc Iccvu of our township was mark by him is stated by tho township solicitor Iegzirdihgthc rc pori in fhc Ilxzumncr under into of May that it was crztuely unru latrd to the truth it is thc feeling of the writer that he should liastcn to withdmw it The motion rcE gaming the matter caused by the council over his signature reads as follows Ic omitted inadvertently We did so after being in armuxes at the meeting in Match the engagement of licilur to act for the rate payers was IIQIUSSKI and at which the more had told the motting would be paid from public flinch As stated above if these words it they were that his official makes public res IITILUUII 11 GRENFEL Mothers Day Service Sunday School at 1030 on Sun day May 10 and It 11 am will jillli with the congrcmtiun fur the Mothcrs Day service At Simcoc Presbyterial Wilts Mrs lViIcthcr Mrs De gceI Mrs lid Howard and Mm Scott attended the 28th annual nwcting of iilmcoc Prcsbtycrlal WMS at Centennial United Church Stayncr on Iudsrlny May Sunday visitcirs with Mr andi Mrs Emmi Harris wcrc Mr andi Mrs Cliff Barry Dwain and Bow Nltjy from Eagle Lake and Mr and Mrs Russell Mow and boys1 lxlcnvnlc Attend Slmcoe Presbytery Dobson Bill Ford and Ern cst Harris attended the Simcoe Presbytery meeting at Hillsdale United Church Tuesday April 28 3008 WASAGARACI Wow Beach has new saver tiring commission which plans to boost the come ramt by taking some in Toronto chillies mm of $1000 has been given by village council and the group has the sup port of low businessmen Reced ing lake wotch thisycor are giving more normal broch area and It is hoped that with support business will be much imtoved over 1962 my AN EXAMINER WANT ADE raccoon With Salted Peanuts SUNDAE 20c ICE CREAM CAN DY 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 4562 rum suns 5c 10c GOVERNMENT STANDARD Pkc 5c 103 mama mm sum or 95c EMERALII rm sun Ioc HIGHEST QUALITY SMALL norm 29c REGULAR arm 55c tun rIIIIIr 5m mm 69c WM we Putchliolden worms mm 29 ylmef Choice UNGRADED 15 F1 02 cuts 31 SAIIATOCA POTATO CIIIPS some 30c FRESH GROUND PIIIIE of mm com 95c IAG ionuws msnn GROUND IIICII Im com ms 98 no LOBLAWS 109 runs Inoculation INSTANT COFFEE 201 596 JAR COTTAGE IRAND WHITE LOBLAWS wmu anowu open am Ihir Couchmans father George 53Touchman held in Toronto ril Old 11m and modern dancing 29 In in undue Orange Ha every 1dnlloucliman died In MS 9711 Friday night starting at pm Admission 50 cents Refreshments Serveij 106th Dance at Thornton Orange Hall Frid Mo from 913 am Beatl Orchestra Admission 50c Lunch counter Sponsored by LOL NO 15 53 bile Alabama The arrived at SPWZ 513 Femval by pupns their destination after very pleas 01 TOWNS we Gwmimmry ant and interestln trip They took Raul McldCelm SUPCIWSOI gull many pictures and some of the Sicid BOOM 99g Sggmumlad 3i places of interest they stopped off Fr 83 BY 15 at wore Dayton Ohio Louisville sion 35 Chum 99 5053 Kentucky and Tcnnesse They also 5011 53111009 Junior Farmers spent few days at Pensqcbla Annual May Time 910 Florida On their return journey Home dance Friday May the spent two weeks at Wapakan mmmdmd eta Ohio with their soninlaw Powell Orchestra Drags optional and daughter Mr and Mr Tickets may be procured from Nichol mam wuur IIAIEII DAILY 33335 14c 1445ggvnmm ofLvm 1mm IN Moved by Todd seconded by Cook boll resolved that Stewart be employed to rcpre sent the ratepayers affected re garding proposed closing roads re the new highway Curried gave Lockhurt sign Why he should make such 21 statement knowing full well what had transpired at the meeting and was heard by some 50 or more people none of whom could say that the rcponl was totally unrelat ed to the truth However the township solicitor made this stole mcnt in front of numbcr of people at public mccting and ot tIibutcd his information to tho rcevc We did not writo the hcadlincs of the Mom but did write the ar liclc on which our byline was BOSEDALE TOMATO CATCHIIP momom 18c SMARTS CIIOICE SAIIEIIKIIAOT 28 oz ms 33 OCIWIE VITAII CEIIEAI moms176 KIIIC OSCAR NORWEGIAN SAIIIIIIIES SOPEIICIIEAMEII CIIISCO IlaMar Soil Conditioner Vigoro Plant Food Libbys Deep Drowned Benn name If Cheese Plain or Pimento Mr and Mrs Arthur McKee Antcn Mills returned last week from Alabama where they spent the winter with thcir laughter Margaret and her husband William Honnnld of Camellia Courts Mo APPROX lll PKG SLI BAG 30 55 No We 28c LOBLAWS FINEST Orange Pekoo lied IIIth Tea Bags INSECTS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE Jflh County Directors or Junior Farm cr Clubs 53 ENGAGEMEle Mr and MnFIank Levering wlsh to announce the engagement of their daughter Pauline Frances to Brucb Hunter Berry son of Mrs Annie Berry Hanover and the late Mr Elmer Berrylhe mar riage to take place on May 16 in Goldwater United Church 53 Mr and Mrs George Uncles of Lefroy announce the engagement of their daughter Georgina Ila to Harold Payne son of Mr Edward Payne Lefroy and the late Mrs Payne themarriage to take place June ti 53 T3 BORN GOUG At 919 Royal Victoria Hosp Barrie Mayl2 1953 to Mr and Mrs Wallace Gough Shanty Bay son AIKENrAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie May 1953 to Gnr and Mrs Aiken 217 Toronto St daughter CARD or THANKS L1wL ALMJLEPLIYnd family express their gratitude to everyone forthe kindness sym pathy andflowers received during their recent bereavement espec ially thanking Rev 10 Wright also Mr and Mrs Albert Hook Pete of Barrie 53 SPEERSWe wish to thank our ne hbors friends and relalives for ther acts of love and sympathy during the recent loss of be loved mother Mrs Isaac Spears also for the many oral tribues 53 The Family MWILKINSONrIn the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our thanks for the beautiful floral trib utes and our sincere appreciation for the many actsof kindness and emprebsons of sympathy extended by friends and neighbors dur lrt WWII enantfdcathrrof ourBeloved mo er Arthur and Hattie Wilkinson and family An gus compo 51 MEMORIAM Loutse who ihlher 15th 95 hepherd Mom and 53 in memory of mother Mary WI149mm on remembered hugV 511310 Denis Joan 53 L0 Town of Barrie County of Simcoe KOREA VETERAN HOME Wasaga Beach community tend ered welcome home banquet recently for Dick Godfrey Korea veteran who received mantel mdio Dancing and entertainment rounded out the program for the young soldier AIIAS APPENDECIOMY The Bccton World reported last week that Miss Mary Butler of the at her homeqfler on hypean op eration in Barrie ENGAGE BEETON TEACHERS Ivan Hill has been engaged as principal of Babh public school succeeding Brittasln who re signed to take another position mmmmg 7m SELECTED FOR CORONATION LAC Lloyd Fitzgcrald an MW technician at RCAF 13X Depot Angus has been selected to join the Coronation Contingent from Canada Native of Kincmdline he enlisted there in 1942 as an air gun ner with the RAF He had 86 operational trips returning to civil inn life at the end of the war He joined the RCAF in 1951 oonpmvonrrrmr The Golden Gate suspension bridge at San Francisco has II con tre span 4200fcclmlopg 220 fcgt above thewalcr Handsome umtypc InsecLO Lite uses ordinary light bulb to generate powerful leap odor lcss stninlcss vapor Harnilcssvtoh IIuImns and animals Ideal moth flying and crawling pest control SEND CIIEQUE OR MONEY ORDER TO dittoAmadounllislrihulingnCog TlIe BurrisExnminer Box INSECT04 PM PKG or 15 19 34c limit Dinner was Hansenslnslnnl Puddings ruvoua Mme Color Iwilr Bfikwnu VEGETABLE AND elm Clark Chili Sauce II II Smiths Pure Strawberry Jam liplons Soup Mix triumph llavis Celnline Five Roses our Vitamin Enriched milk Skim Milk Powder PKG COMPLETE 352 WPKG one ca Mason rm 3211 321 10111 25 PLAYING or me GUARANIIIDFOR IIFE 33kt 49c 38s liiii1llf Now On Sal Eslsuxlvoly neutralch Inn ol tom BtInunus tom 9c CUBAS FINEST Uselobs Mrs Hill was roeengaged for the primary room and Mrs Gould was signed to teach the intermed iates iJIECDMSEEHTAXRTE Tecumseth struck the tax rate for 1953 at 44 mills reduction of 41 over last year General school rate was the some but township geneml rate was up two mills county levy dropped by 21 and high school was down from 71 to 25 Trustee levy was up one mill and high school debentures down BEETON ICE FUND With the fourth week of the Becton Artificial Ice Fund com pleted returns as recivedy the secretarytreasurer Mrs Colwcll disclosed that trheTund had hurdled the onequarter objective of $20000 and that the campaign was on its way toward the halfway murkr CREEMORE sonoor STAET Miss Weir BA Toronto has been engaged to teach at Creemore public school in plac of Anson HOTOMATIC SWIVELTOP Mo you dun up down Mound 010 my room without om moving thuleutorl Geddes who went to Collingwood Miss Weir formerly an Creemvore staff hlaslnce been at St Clem cngs Girls School Toronlto SET SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Following proclamation up celebmtion in Canada of Victoria Day and Tuesday June as day oLgencrcal thanksgiving and rgiolcw log on the occasion of the Corona tion the Ontario Department of Education advises that both lute will be school holidays animal11 your Mom in with hergiffor maillt pointing Monday May 18 for the III thduutlful Hpuoch ChouW mchapoclully dollqnod storing thoEureka RotaMall Trade in yourold cleanerinow wo wIlIgive you thisbautiful HassockWChcst in exchange for your old cleaner on the plirchdse of the amazing new Eureka RotoMotlc QUICKLY votuih III III cleaning tools hole andwand the on attractive and bay built that of Mtg EASY ACTION swivel 77Cleans alldver froml position 20 1mm lumps 111011001 ixclullvo Electric Cord Clamp um mudmulbnlthanoherCleaners Viry mold119 tlbmllon 01an mm IliumNo DIM Conrm Adlultablo auction of C1011 Exctuslve 81025 514495 Illvou damonsttggogf $1 mm FREEI ONCE 0rphbno me demonotmtlon nlnn Draped lt ponelo Fabrichinting without FII lllng Wools up Now for on noz rims 39c Queen Anne Chocolate PLUMP TENDER FANCY GRADE Fresh Corn cAurdIINIA LONG comm cIusr lluncerIIrmIs lleldslloggie liIlllils MIISIGIBIIIIIIIIIOOFOOIIsa SWIGConconlrotod Joni Chan Speed Cont lillllld Wm M01110 lien Soap like gt MIIIiyllIIIIers loilel Soup 15 Sprullsllog lliSculls rot 18 woman lGI Ah 011111 summer7 HimPorn BOX SPECIAL Jule ForMothdrs Day coronation Pliltltieen ninsnszoossooonrr cannons sat mm Ion pinupg Pulniolive Beauty Soup cifs PaceElle Tissues wmo Month Floor Wax Iil Monstrous ms RAMON TIN albino 7t$f momIi nvsragmwwggimu gm our on our strfllnps fIb BucksEMsWr zillion catibiika Commute BritMayo SEMIDENIM ammonium MI PWWIEHSQ mug 12 jij 1102 ulggllumwwllill Illicit than intuition norm my 11 nominal Vij