an Activities With NK it lnion Station 1h hilli has accuptcd mm llic CNR at thl Tu 1711125 tli vs 1121 Mi and 3111 lZliflLLY and Mrs WtIL Sunday 111 with and Mrs Luiripbcil iii Harmlion Recent and Sunday Mr visitors 111 Perry Chqu and Karl north Webb luronm 11 tliclr homei here Mr it 3v1cChml and family 113 at Elmcrl Pratts Paul Mllillx TiUIl1 wlhl Rev and Mrs Morris Mix and Mrs Morlcy Black Blzlltlit at Blacks Edgar Wcst and Mr Iillcy MilDl and Mr and Mrs Gcorcc Wicc lrvticiiluim at Wilson chcs WI Mccts May 21 Jugtt to rcxuunl llur iadws of tho Womens In litutc thc mccting will be May 21 but cvoryoriu is asked look up and write out the 1115 my of Your litinc These may used for tho ltvccdsmuir llirtory Book Aim al lliis meeting sale of 11 nvcrs plants and shrubs Ally llllllg you expect bUIIILtlIZL would like and you have Illtllt than vou nccd Mothcrs Dav Scrvicc Sunday May 111 is Mothers Day or Famin Day lhc children arc to 111061 with llltil parents for scr vicc at 11111 in the Presbyterian Church good Culltcllllll is hoped for to 11 to Missions Choir pructicn for the umivcr sary scrviccs will be Friday cvcn ing May 11 Barrio Preshtyerlul May 12 The annual mccting of Barrio Ircrbyllcrial is to bc held on Iurs day May 12 at Port McNicoll Miss Margaret Wclzvtcr dircclor from Toronto is to spark in tho morning and Mrs Andrew in the af ternoon Allluanville for Rally Miss Joyce Millcr Duncan and Donald Cuirpbfll and Murray Amos gllicrldcd tho ltpicndid Young Peoples Rally in Huntsville Satur and Sunday May and VisitIBarric 0155 number of lll members of Innisfil Chapter OES visited wrth Bayviclw of Barrie on Monday Iligiit for lllIlr regular meeting and social time afterwards Serve Barrie Veterans lhc members of the Eastern Slur scrvcd banquet to the Votcmns Club of Barrie on Wednesday in the Community Hall Innlsfil Chapter Entertains lhurixiny April 31 lnnisfil Chap tcr cntcrTzlincd the members of ayviow to an enjoyable evening in 10 Community Hall with cucha rv gamcs and dancing Jack Web sttr acted as master of ceremonies 1111 anal Mrs Blythe Black spent the weekend in Toronto with Mrs Blacks parents Mr and Mrs Alex under Miss Mabel Hand Alliston spent the weekend with Hand School Music Festival The first evening of three for the pupils undcr the supervision of Told in the Barrie Collegiate Audi torium on Friday May with the pupils of the Shroud school partici pating along with several of the other schools in this music fwlival large number of parents and friends enjoyed the splendid per formance by the children The theme this year for the series is All Hail the Queen with music and dances from our Common wealth The eighth number was Canada and was divided into the 10 provinces with the Yukon and Northwest teiirtorics and all pupils in massed choir singing Canada followed by Queen DIALSToN II ltcv and Mrs Pike attend cId Simeon Presbyltcryyymcoting at Hillsdalc last Tuesday Mr and Mrs Brown and David Hamilton Were weekend Nisitors at Browns 33 Mr and Mrs Don Cameron were yudiyr Visitors with Mrs Han Sr MothrSDay Program Eva Rumble ARCT RMT was Tncre will be special Mothers gay programat Sunday School next Sunday Come to churchand Sunday School and bring friend With you At Craighurst Concert in number from hefopttcnded concert at Craighuist onifriday ight Mr and Mrs Allan Brown at 2I ndcd the Junior Dormer Confer Home rum Koreas Dalston friends are pleased to Ross Lavender home from cred specialfprcsenoation was old for him Friday evening at Edi arI1IaIII 7sibtlincIikeiivinn Tomi Cm bundim awtumour Penetimg Bottling Co LIMITED IIenetang Phonoo textual Elizabeth of England the King oh Love My Slicphcrd Is God Save 111 Queen bungihg to close lay 121in and splendid music which displayed mud lune and effort on the part of the illusic supervisor teachers and pupils CNR andEPR Time Table Effective Sunday April 38 1953 at 1201 am With Daylight Saving Time all train times quokdm Standard Time CANADIAN NATIONAL BAILWAYS NORTHBOUND No tloronto to North Bay leave Toronto 920 am Arrive Al landalc 1130 am Leave Barrie 1148 am Daily except Sumkiy No tICronto to Midland Airive Allundalc 802 pm 3ch Barrie 1117 pm Daily execpt Suu day 1w 51101111110 to Sudbury 1mm Luronto at 930 pm arrive Allandalc 1112 pm Lcuv Banic 1117 p111 Daily except Sunday No 3Iorouto to Vancuuvvr Arriu Allandalc 12111 am leave Barrie am daily No 47Toronto to North Bay Arrive Allandiilc 120 am lcavc Barrie 1114 am daily SOUTHBOUND No 52Arlive Barrie Lcavc Allmdale except Tuesday No 46Lcnvc Barrie 1w am Allundalc 513 am daily No 42chwc Barrio 756 3111 Allandalc 1107 0111 Arrive Toronto 1010 am Daily except Sunday and Monday No ItLcavc Barrie 14120 pm Allandale 141 p111 1111in except Sunday F1101 MIDLAND No ItsLeave Barrie 729 pm leave Allandalc 742 pm for To ronto Sundays only FROM MEAFORI No GilLeave Meaford 600 am arrch Alloudalc 750 am Daily ex cept Sunday and Monday Con necis with 42 at Allandalc No 62Arrivc Allandale 410 pm day except Sunday No ISOArrive Allandale 720 415 am 428 am Daily Vpm connecting with No 148 for Toronto Sundays only T0 MEAFORD No tilLeave Allandalc 1145 am arrive Meufurd 150 pm Daily except Sunday No iiiLeave Allandale 815 pm daily exceptSunday PEEPTANG LINE No 397Leavc Allandale 1145 am arrive Penctang 145 pm Daily except Sunday Return arrive Allandale pm daily except Sunday on HAMILTON LINE No GillFrom Hamilton Allandnle 11 am No SSELeave Allandalc 435 pm for Hamilton daily except Sunday arrive CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective 1201 on Sunday April 26 1953 Train times at Midhurst Station are NorthboundNo arrives daily at 1207 ani No 3arrive 111 am No 27 arrive daily 145 am No 25 Sudbury passenger daily except Sunday arrive 1156 am SouthboundNo arrive 428 am No 28 arrive 356 3111 No 26Sudbury passenger daily ex cept Sunday arrive 1253 pm onto spent Sunday with Mr and weekend With 2111 luvurn but on the trdmicalily bcl LleElltszd me citazgc winch Ii11 Laid by PC KMlniktlv Court Noyes up iCsuimucd from pug ll Fadei Slgnai vgtv 11 EST mlml fm Juim uricr allergy1 with farting il what if flatlle fut 11111 on April in mpla 111 Highway 11 pitdtd not guilty ill121311 and ifpccmlfiv In itll EVldtltLL was that two ours is clc iClthlzcll of 55 No Everettqu Invulvm that Gm hum TWI tcrlu lllclt deepest sympathy 01101110 and arzutlicr Toronto mart ngS vfarshals MR Smrdyv Trout Season Opens Tilltil season opened FridayI lMay and the rain did not stop all the fishermen From Frulay through until Sunday heavy traffic lwas seen on all roads leading to 11110 Pam River in Tossoruntlu lTuwtlilllp which river seemed to gbc 11w llslicrmcus parade as cars lCLlllli from distances up to 75 miltS chturc the trout season opened 111113 river held many 11110 spool lmcn of trout as long 3B lllCllLS Small creeks leading into the llln worship loiutrt no indicnq 1ch River held some of 1211750 tion that GIN had made signal lltlitlllts too One man reportttluxld1111td llllt of 510 with stcing twu largo trout over lists of $2850 invim long and you could catchmuw lllltlll in your hands Apparentlyf tncy had got up those trccks when lllL iluud wattr was on Tag Day For Blind lliss Gloria Wugncr and Mus lam Lngiiilld Stayucl visitcd 3111s vum Ludlow cumch 51 1m 16 nrl Wilkinson on Sunday Imimi Saturday may MHII Mr and Mrs Bryce AllllClStlll Frank paucrsunl conwmn wishes 51151 1511911 mm in EWWlll to thank all those who contributed hch Sillllilli in making lift 11in succcss Misses Olivc an Clara quklus Mr gml mum at Toronto VISllcli with friends ill mmpaulcd by 11 Aiuir sprint Timer 11 grillilelKlsslSt Everett on Sunday Saturday in Toronto Ali1 lid 0124 Mr and Mrs Pat ODoncll and Mr and 1112 Clllltll Dunstan dimmed ll lum 01 un1lcRcid on Monday uflcrnoun Mr and 1111 Ltd ODonlll for mu 111111 of Migns xpxts HalfE Omug we funeral 0f 05mm WV Lem fluid there were no classes in the lEvcrclt Schools on Monday afterl Report Lee Home Sold noun Jay ll 1gt reported that the Lee home Gzicr was pioccctilng at 10 units tin hour arid evidently not award 11 Sturdy CUIIlillg up bchirid 112m2 way 11151 as tin other stuitcd to PC Wzbvn Oll stated that the two cars vcic purulch or 12109 road facing southwcst skidi mark till the pavement was about 71 fer ll lllChLS Sturdy said ticI was 10111 40 to 30 milcs an hour Tucrwo VQllll iwlustr lnc its 11111 1111 lup intsf EV ERETI Wilkinson iluvllllllltt wccltcnd at in homo ll spoilt lllt Mrs fcacock Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs Tor onto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs WllSon in Everett 1115 bccn sold to Mr Mr and Mrs Harris Mulch11qu BaxerI Sheridan spent Sunday with Mr nd Mrs Wallwin Arthur Anderson1oronlo spout MP and MW Illunk ICTOSblfi the weekend with ML and MrsIK Siziyucr accompanied by his moth Russeu Anderson 151 illt staying at the home of Mrs Mr and Mrs Frank Patiersonoikliy RC1 13 tuneful 11 and Gale spent Sunday with friends RCld in Pctcrborough Moves To Home Mr and Mrs Harry Compton Mrs Angus Lcslic moved on and sonZlWaynp of Glen Williams Friday to lnkc up rcsidcncc Ill spent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs Billlll Edgar Jenkins Adair Hcrc For Funeral Mr Marshall Passes Hanover spent the Wu are very sorry to say thati weekend at his home iMl Marshall of Horuiligs Millsl Mr and Mrs Earle Lemon ac passed away in Shelburnc hospitul companicd byMr and Mrs Will early Sunday morning The com 119105 and 11101611 016 $681013 Good looking and practical for work or ploy 100 PF QM all summer long shop toddy 01 generoussized meal biscuit that is lust sli htly sweet So suit able for be time snack or or refreshments when entertaining Serve Digestive with cheese and with bev crngrs men prefer BISCUITS yellow packet soap FLATIRATEwATER HEATERS AREAVAILABLE Installed Without Charge except plumbing expense if necessary Enquire at office for complete information am on WONDERFUL PRIZES For consecutivellwcelts militias Commission DONTFORGET every week until July 11th BIueBonnet Sues Happy cushymes plus the latest Cometf Ampacks by the famous McBriue baggageIIpeople plus new Sportsman portable radius 207 winners in all Northern IEIcctricsI thrilling CONESHS EASY All you do state less why you like Blue Bonnet Margarine best faps with Good HousekeepingSenlsI of Approval from packages of Bluebonnet or facsimiles Mail with your name and address and Enclose en that of your grocerIto BLUE BONNET stirs HAPPY HOLIDAYCONTESI PO BOX 2120 Complete contcsr rules at TORONTQrONI you grocerfs OHSIARIED TODAYtYou can enteteveryweekas often as you like each Week Plan to keep your IIen tries coming rightup to the closingdateofjuly 1th aw BONNET MARGARINE man an Tm coupon Tour 11 My Content v9 mam India om inland Md tioldd I123 word or lost whyI like MolMurnorlm but all MidMN with Good Whom Soul from Nut hunt portionn medulla Holiday Comes will be giving away super swamm vW gwmlar in Her Dayfbut evry day of theyear in 25 words or NYLoivnnoUsns short and long Sleeve 111 beautiful pastclrshades woutlrful gm to pleaseMom nussrs gt 1111111112119 pn minmummm $303 Ti 11th1 it ulna Stllinlbly costs Charles 3drlvcr who turned out to Choose your summ will want two or fibres to see you SWEHTERS by Grandmerc 1mg Glamor First Accident in rocivv iuriggircnt following amzdrrit 11 early spring when two persona wore minted llic of $15 With was nupmcd upon Hurst cxpcricnccd taxi our Mule snow was flying and col lldtzl W113 211113151111 vehiclc 11 was 111 lira dCCtdclil rum mid no own rest11111 BARBIE EXAMINER wounzsmtv not Ifoilcdto Stop Pleading guilty to come to full you on Mil fuilcrsrtai at the uf Highway 11 Jobs lined $10 With our of can stated Ural on highway hi slowed but 1h arwmaciling vehicle collision matting his 111112213211 II slzrriul to turn left of the bigl 56 Ellen St INSURANCE COMPANY to live in 01 Course Illltlf Uur 8min ss NUFAClllRERS SUMMER BLOUSES by Ship Shore Plaids and solids Many different styles 19min $198 owlz JEANS BLACK JEANS Triple stitched Riietted Long wearing from$298 COTTON JERSEY TSHIRTS in Al Ilcics gift for Mom something she ticedssand wants something you Iknow will give her pleasure not only on set Priced from variety of styles Many priced 1293815 er skirt now from our gay colorful patterns You through the summer from $298 to $598 Sheer glamorous nylons by leading Can manufacturers Phantom