cmmmimumg The Salad Age Ky DEACHMAN Tne house on the fin is QUIH wry Qultl Parliament is not what it used to be sentence wincn aig ways amigo ne sharp retort it never strange nusn come over ll We re seeking now parliament an elected without serious confiic found if capable of racial cg lrl offbce out particular effort The background has chungedn There is the appearance of arm istice picture of group of men who cohld put up ingot if they deemed ll worm =v lc but mover now in thymine of Whats the use whats the moi This the motto of modern tlcrmicmtxs Where does this feeling origin ate One puny is in power it has dug in it will not be defeated if it can avoid it The press is more less quiet cxccpl on scandals and scandals rarely win clccizons or all least its some lllllt sni they did lilc country more or less inlt different has There was time when the discussion of poliical events was the inn background of ru ral conversation now there is at most jocular comment or two but no sustained effort The power of reasoned discussion is dying out There is too much restraint in the ll0usc of Com mons The young are not yet old enough to arouse interest and the interest of the others is dy ing of inanltion People are afraid to speak lest they reveal the limits of their own capacity Wlints to he done about it hold with firm conviction that the discussion of economic problems is the basis of national progress Any one who listens to the conversation of modern men finds decline in the standard of conversation How are we to account for this change The increase in speed is factor In days of old when horses con stituted the motive power of ag riculturc the farmer stopped his horses for breather at the end of the furrow The tractor needs no rest It would seem that modern machinery would give the farmer more time forrest and rumination the problems of the day Now wevcr we have larger gt farms hich can be covered with more speed by modern machinery but there seems lcm time to think the machine must be watched is there prospect of changel There are times when hold glim mering hope Then get back to fucts and the facts are chillingl When men not machines did most of the work the farmer rested more Vegr accomplished less in clay Al ways atthe find of the furrow there FEARSOME FOURSOME quartet in ac was time or rest time of bro tlierly love or free discussion with on btfore mike ere Ray Sprmg Gersn the neighbor across the line fence It mattered little which ruled the roost If they couldntagrea they didnt quarrel This applied particularly to farm problems Some times on other subjects the disoussions resulted in quar rels tempers broke and the words they used about local leaders were not fit to be heard but in the silent walking in the furrow all tenseness softened and bitterness died out strels presented by the Mens Club of St Johns Jrrgtrt Now him is the strange part of 011 The coming of the new im tsdidnotsolvethe farmers ificulties Some thought they couldgcarn more by Cultivating larger area Some did and some didntForming new style took less physical work but it took more thinking Something new is always happening new implements new methods Of late there is more staff instruction that is the farmer is given more tips on farming than he ever got before liked the years 1926 27 28 and 29 the farmerl in those domesprosperous Therel was stabilityin agriculture and in dustry and neither war nor Sign of war What the world needs today is thousand years of peace HISTORIC DERELXCT SYDNEY NS The old British new ship Pelican was finlt ally moved by Halifax salvage firm to be taken out to deep water and sunk Since some youthful swimmerS pulled out the seacocks 33 years ago the old ship had de fied numerous attempts to get her off the shore PAIROF END MEN Percy mutton and RolyMcLean chew over some witticisms anus EWAR Mr and Mrs Hulflsh arrived on Saturday at their summer home from Chicago Mr and Mrs Rennie Toronto spent the weekend at his home here Mix and Mrs Dick Forbes of Barrie were Sunday visitors with their son Wray Forbes FOR EVERY PURPOSE AGENTS FOR BARRIE Tax AN nxnmuan WANT so 36BAYF1ELD 51 Phone 241s Date L3lmm if cutennlal Names Committee lt Illustrating the Vonthin to The Barrie Examiner LORRAINPTIO kt goid Barrie Ohhrlo lled lop sfcinlesfGuildiie hqcklsgl willitwo diamonds Gentlemen $5500 wish to inform you that Other Gwen Vonthins Name inIltuInnoununnullnulnuunIIInounn nnunsueuuuoIInnA Strect Addresst City Prov or State mnummmm umnlmImmmmnmumuuum mimum Address Elmvole Minstrels Stage Two SECOND SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE of Elmvale Min wood United Church was given in the Community Hall April 29 under the direction of Rev Arthur Vocalizing group above includes Percy Franckom Oscar Gray Ed Campbell Gershom Langman Earl Elliott Fred Langman Fred Beacock and Jack Dickin SOIL rm $3375 NEW lOWELL Successful Performances has Corbett Stayner izsilatl hi4 Cornet and Ellr Stroller on Friday Airs EL PJdillgtui spent Shitliiin Ailf his and My ilaxtoii Move To Toronto and Mrs Zompkinsnn are to Petunia Jziu Airs lililribersun and family md0ttd in Sireczsvillr on Sunday in l5i lrliigt Madeizntlv Dew ic Everett spent the weekend wan Iiir anzl Longnlirl lira Mervm Dobsou il Anglia culled nil nine Thomas tn Sunday Special Service peciiii ScrVlLL mil in the Churcn on Day Sclnzun subject GifiAA Good Muir Ettiytmuy nucleoliir Tsaezc spurizii program for the Sunday School or ii am be lirlil Mullltis p131 The bu Gulls Bcaccck Emerson Doan Leonard Beardsall Roly McLean Ray Spring Curl Trace Jim Donn Clarence Madill Bob Benrdsnli Ewart Tiiurlow and duck Dickinson Mcrvyn Corbett was versatile pianist for twohour show in which members of the cast were responsible for tlioir own costumes Steele was makeup man and Allen Reynolds APTO Fine weather Sunday and Monday have been beautiful days so few murc like thut and some seeding might be accomplished in this area Has Operation Ross Richardson underwent tonsillectomy in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie last week Hope you are soon feeling line again Ross In Hospital and Mrs Irving Carson and Mr and Mrs Murray Carson were lilr WAX PASTE llll Toronto on Sunday in see Ruth iMrs Tliornlonl at Womens Coll ego Hospital where She had un dergone serious operation inst Phone 6484 Sunday and is improving ALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 icy A3 ++++++ rrrncnor The season is getting late and theres lot of seeding still to be done Late seeding and slow growing usually result in short straw lower yield and lightergrain The final result could be less grain of poorer feeding quality because of high fibre content xiguulic lilcurnuce oi $30000 Stock purchased item Murrayscns Went continues Branded by the un One good method of still assuring rapid growth is the use of the proper amount of therright grade of commercial fertilizer Grow ers of specialized crops such as potatoes and tobacco would not think of investing their seed and time without the needed fertiliz ers We think that this is just as important for grain and cloverCoop can supply any analysis of fertilizer and make prompt delivery Phone 2420 for your fertilizer last minute needs now Na NW hm whileTMr Interlocutor Earl Elliott beams from underneath top hat There has been big demand this year for clover and grass seeds Much more have been used because of this years reasonable prices Some varieties are becoming scarce such as Alfalfa which is now difficult to get floufever Ctrop still has complete stock of clover and grass seeds including Alfalfa Bhone29 for seed 0001 is your business use it for your supply of the best in Seed is former resident of Barrie and know would be pleased to receive an or invitation to attend our HOME WEEK 5w LLE Rs 0002 is fYOURnUSlNSSS smcos DISTRICT eo4orenn SERVE ruone Senders Name DIA