Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1953, p. 15

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by General Motors Canada Ltd ain both Chieftain Series THE 1953 PONTIAC brings Canadians completely new line of automobiles with 29 body styles in iNUMEROUS INNOVATIONS fFEATURE I953 BUICKS loday fast qllifltrbccl make to the Canadian uozc public Mill Golden Asiiiiveipa line of cars UIILIS Three series are utferedthe us tom Such and lloadn Icf with steppedin horsepower and compression ratzo The Custom the Fireball straigiitW int It XIII and cool gill lllL tal itittrt lbuk Kilian The top Lite engizie producing 130 Iiursepuwenof ill road has been extended viti Iures 11 engine rated mesh ve series New styling inside and out new colors improved riding qualities greater vision and are available at extra cost Show roomier interiors are among the highlights Available are eight and six cylinder engines the latter with substantially Increased power Optiohs such as Powcrglidc or IlydraMatic automatic transmis 0118 depending on the series Power steering and the Autronic Eye an automatic headlight dimmer here is the Custom Catalina 29 Body Styles In Five Pontiac Series The 1953 Pontiacsa completely new line of automobileswere in trodueed to Canadian motorists Products of Twentynine body styles in five series with important improve ments Incorporated in body de sign styling and color riding qualities ease of steering and greatly increased allaround vision are offered throughout the 1953 Pontiac range This year Power Steering is off ercd as an option at extra cest on ontiac models equipped with aut omatic transmbsions Available too is choice of eight or six ylinder engines the latter with ubstantially increased power this year two automatic smissions are offeredan im ved Powerglide or the dual ange HydraMatic Drive depend on the seriesas optional ex as Three of the seriesPathfinder are mounted on 115inch wheel asc and offer collectively three ourdoor sedans three twodoor edans two club coupes two sport capes and business coupe As fan aid to easier parking there is pproximately two inches less over ll length than formerly in these Vithree series through less front and irear overhanga result of the new JL ositior bumper guards and Tbumpers The Chieftain Special and Chief Ttain Deluxe series have been lengthened to 122inch wheelbase and offer choice of six or eight icylinder engines with all models Available in the Chieftain Specxal are fourdoor sedan passenger an amassenger Chieftain Deluxe ncludes atwodoor sedan four sedan Deluxe Catalina Cus om Catalina convertible and tion wagon eaturcs of the new bodies hich are immediately distinguishl able from previous models include onepiece curved windshield interiors high ear deck contour greater trunk space new rcar fender design completely re vlsed styling of sheet metal and trim and new luxurious interior designs Pathnder Deluxe Series except club coupe Laurentian Series in Pontiac history These are available in an array of distinctive solid and twotone combinations generous choice of matching and harmonizing interiors in luxurious new fabrics is available in many of the models Pontiacs power steering avail able at extra cost on models with automatic transmission operates hydraulically as booster mechan ism and goes into operation at the turn of the steering wheel when the car engine is running It has the advantage of making steering practically effortless in cornering at low speeds parking and similar situations where considerable eff ort is required normally Further7 more resistance to road shock is an inherent feature of the hydraulic control Greater driving comfort results from the fact that occasion of severe road shack is absorbed in the hydraulic gear Driving feel is retained by resistance built into the system and prac tically effortless steering is had with positive control under all driving conditions In negotiating turns or curves at other than low speed release of the steering wheel permits the front wheels to return to normal centre position without driver effort Many other engineering refine ments are apparent in the new Pontiacs For 1953 the sixcylinder en gine has been made more power ful This gine teamed with syn chromesh transmission has been stepped up to 115 horsepower at 3800 RPM with new compression ratio of 70 to When used with automatic transmission the horse power is increased to 118 at 3800 RPM and has compression ratio of 77 to This increase has been accomplished by the use of duplex carburetion with new intake mani fold new camshaft more compact combustion chambers detailed changes Ofl pump capacity on both tli 8cylinder and 6cylinder engines has been increased The new pump as capacity of gallons per minute at car speed of 60 miles an hour new easy pull hand brake has been introduced which gives easier action of the brakes because of reduced friction and Another very denite improve ment immediately apparent to the driver is the use of ignition key starting which makes starting the car simple onehand operation When the ignition key is inserted and both Chieftain Series carry large onepiece wraparound rear windows on all closed models while the width of the rear win d0w in the Pathnder series and the Pathnder Deluxe club coupe has been increased by approxim ately four inches The Autronic Eye GMs famedl automatic head light dimmqr isolfered on all 1953 Fun iac Series as an option at ex tra new front end suspension sys tem designed for easier steering and steadier ride is offered on In addition to levelling out the roughest roads Pontiacs new front end suspension eatly improves steering and idling on curves and corners feature to be appreciated by those who do considerable driving in cities or over winding roads Rear springing on the new Pon tiacs has also been improved Front ventipanes are now crank operated and there is new in strument panel with improved functional styling andnew posi tioning of controls and dials for better visibility and simplified operation Control knobsrare nar tow plasticwith stainless steel inserts Improved green antl 1are lighting illuminates the oper ting controls which may be dim ihcdby rotating the headlamp switcb In the he Pohtiac there are many other appearance changes which beglo at the front bumper and extend the length of the car The new bumper styling gives an impression of massive strength There is completely redesigned more massive radiator giille the elements 01 Which carry out the Styling theme 053319 car In this assemblyr the traditional Pontiac Indian head medallionheld mid between the symmetrical cen grille blades on idge Thesa alsobean rtedesigned The head lamps are encased in more massive recessed chrome doors and are mountad Oman improved ange Which imparts richness and size to the front end One of the distinguishing feat ures of the new models as com pared with previous=designs is the new DualStreak hoo deck mouldings which chrome strips Separated into two groups of three Between thesd is threeinch wide centre strip in body or color giving an entirely new treatment to Pontiacs distinguish ing Hallmark These and wealth of details provide marked changes fromuan appearance standpoint in theaters models The 1953 antlacs offer the wid chrome grille blades encir cle the parking lamps which have antiwar ave six had increased by 60 clockwise turn of the lock cyl inder activates the starter switch at the same time completing the ignition circuit After the engine has started the operator need only release the keyand spring auto matically returns the lock cylin der to the ignition on position new hood latching mechanism with access from the front of the and other greaterleverage in the mechanism IFormer Bradford PC with RCAF Base Bradford Witness RCAF took over iLs first allCantuiian airbase in Germany and manned it with crack unit of Cauadiandmilt Sabre jet fighters The newt Canadian base is helping in the rehabilitation of Zltlblllltll Among the Canadian Flying Of ficcn at this new base is F0 Al Hunter of Bradford F0 Ilunler known to his Bradford friends as Allan Hunter istthe son of Rev and Mrsllunter formerly occu pants of Bradford lresbtyerian manse and now residing in Port Arthur F0 Hunter cnllsted from Brad ford and therefore still carries Bradford as his home address Since joining the RCAF he married Sunday the young lady in Winnipeg Ville new motor produces 118 power Ugnatlow zausmissuin and fortsm Loldir appear 125 with Synchrumesh The Super zinc ll the from profile and hc lae the HilflfllllZiltlStflit5 fenl hood uii=ieut valveizivlieati Vb at thl horsepower with Dynallow and 165 Sy in the Iloadlnuster Buicks airpovver taizluretur horse llLW With The highest compression ratio in the North American automotin industry85 to onels offered by Ilt1l Performance and fuel economy are markedly improved by new Twiu Turbine Dynatlow which is light Ilil project from the rear master and optional at extra cost on the other two series For ample on the Custom Series the new Dynatlow combines With the improved straighteight engine to= give faster acceleration from standing start to 30 miles per hour than was possible on the 1952 Roadmaster with its 170 horse power enginc according to Buick engineers The new Twin Turbine Dynaflow is described as taking hold with more solid feel than its predecess or and in tests between cars with the new and old transmissions those with the 1933 Dynatluw reached 50 miles per hour 83 feet ahead Buicks power steering popu lar option last year becomes stand ard equipment on the 1953 Road master and continues to be avail able on the Super and Cpstom major innovation is power brakes optional on the Roadmastcr self ILCts been partially Td lieolghis are housed in Parking and direction ilglxls have llIU beneath the lltltllilll it suuilated background porzite dilrl plOVdIc light Llcrrl headlight lncorv hc ltZtl tIlll lllft nl Illcbil built The new rear fender l0 crow fl tht cd one 1111 straight back to ithc new V13 engine with Dyna HM 13k XIIJun zllblc extent bulletvsiiaped 1111 With tail and stop standard equipment on the Road The tax and stoplights are mount above rlcllvclux 111 between the other with The hub of the muvlydesigncd steering wheel decorald will red white and blue Golden Asinia zghutncd on the shelf in the trunk versa medallion with gold relt plica of 1903 Buick embossed upon sinnlar It medallion on Iron bumper also carries the ser ies designation in gold letters IIc iezir wmdows are of the lines piece vruaround type with no posts to obstruct the drivers vision through the rearview mirror llt providing firing the engine Buicks twelvwvolt system has been the Ruadmaslcr and Super serics adequate high electrical adopted for both for Vll ignition compression draftproof air condi tioning unit which will be offered as optional equipment the door sedans in the Ruadmaster and reduces cost on at extra twodoor and four the THE BARKER maroon WI 351 cw his aussf5ccaa no MWAgt BUICK F011 1953 features increased power and fresh new styling on all its Golden Anniversary lines Custom Series offers the Fireball straighbeight engine producing 130 horsepower while the Super and lloadmaster Series introduce new vzilvevinhcad V8 engine producing 170 horsepower in the Super and the lluadinaster with its Airpower carburetor produces 138 horsepower The new V8 has compression ratio of Elf to The new Twin Turbine Dynaflow Drive for faster acceleration and Bower Steering arestandard equipment on the Roadmaster and optional extras on the Super and Lusfunl Series The front end of the 13153 Block has been completely redesigned with new hood line new grille and an ultramodern headlight arrangement The exterior styling features flowing body lines that blend into new rear fender Other features include wider front seats new instrument panel new steering wheel and wide variety of bright new color and trim combinations Shown engcr compartment from 10 de grees to comfortable level in few minutes The principal part of the air tondiliuucr the evaporator llllll is Compartment and filters cool air into the passenger coimiartmcnt through ducts above the windows It has capacity of Illlt cubic feet of air per minute and changes the air inside the car completely every 20 seconds Outside air drawn into the air conditioning unit is cleansed iof pollen and other foreign matter before ll is circulated through the passenger compartment All tu bacco smoke inside the car is 1115 tercd from the air by the air conl ditioning unit Easier steering is provided out the Super and Custom Series by increasing the gear ratio from 198 itol to 230401 This greatly steering effort on cars Super series has capacity of 32 equipped with manual steering averagesize at extra cost which are will forb household refrigera Wire wheel covers offered as an TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AI take 75 per cent of the footeffort1 tors This is sufficient to reduce option at extra cost on all modelsl out of braking Air conditioning the air temperature in the pass except Custom lend continental PHONE 2114 hood has been adoptedfor 1953 eliminating operation of thelatch from inside the car In the new Rontiacs higher output generator cuts in at lower RPM and output is such that this generator will balance electrical requirements at lower speed than Eormerly As result lgher battery charge level may be main tained Improved windshield wipers and wiper mechanism provide better accessibility quietness smoother operation and easier servicing The wiper control knob is at the right of the master lightswitch on the nstrument panel within convenient reach of the driver The wind shield vase accessory isactuated by push button in the centre of the knob The wiper motor is now ocated onvthe front of the dash instead of under the instrument panel Therevised styling of the rear deck of the new Pontiacshas re sulted in higher trunk lid and new formation of the lid Opening providing considerably greater opening area and more trunk cap Improvedfront door hinges com prise an entirelywngwdcsignwhich add approximately 215 inches to the useable door opening MWith this hinging arrangement thefor ward edge of the doorswings out from rather than into the front fender This type of door hinge permits use of compression typa weather stripping around the com plete perimetersof the opening giving more positive sealing since the door edge closes directly over the weather stripping LODGE MEMBEIISHIP YARMOUTH NS GP The grand master of Masons in Nova Scolia Dr Perry Cochrane of 1Wolfville9tolda meeting here that in the past five years membership per cent in this province NM FIRES TORONTO CF Fortyseven persons losttheir lives and 98 were injured in Ontario fires in the first three months of 19133 according to the Ontario fire marshals report Property loss was $7373607 in 5434 fires an increase of $633481 est choice of brilllant new colors over 1952 Comer llrudfortl kn Streets Foreman dill here is the Custom Series Illlllltlil sedan Those Football Imports Chorge lrafton coach of Vuiniptg beta cs that the import rule in Iliuadiun football could ruin the gtanicmat lzllSl far as most Can itiiati players are concerned Annrichnborn Blue Bombers Under present rules an American player becomes nunimport after playaigz here for four years lraf ton former Chicago Bear centre and onetime coach of Los Angclcs Ilams sets the day when there win he so many AmericanCan adians on the market Canadian football will price itself right out of the game when an American becomes Camidiziiio club cant give him cut Ill salary If anything they have to give him raise because touch of elegance to the overall appearance The new Buicks are available in 15 body colors and wide variety of twotone combin atiuns linsley and John he is more valuable as Canadian Iiafton gave the Winnipeg situa tion as an example Already Pom Casey is considered Canadian Next season Jack Jacobs Buddy Brown will be classed as nonimports By that time well be able to use 11 Americansour eight im ports of that season and four AmericanCanadians All will be drawing fairsized salaries Trafton asked what was going to beconievuf Canadian boys who are the backbone of the game and then answered himself Maybe theyll go somewhere and play 11 nice game of jacks or soiriuthing CAMP EXPERIMENTS WINNIPEG CP Three ex perimental roadside parks have been built by the highways depart ment and decision as to whether more will be built rests on the care taken of them by travellersthis summer The camps are at Emer Son Hat Creek and La Verendrye IN REAT SERIES it 29 BODY STYLES Ans

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