THE BARRIE EXASlfNEB WEDNESDAY MAY l033 19573CHRYSLERS FEATURE mew BEAUTY $hown Is the now 1953 Chrysler Windsor DcLuxc bpussongcr scdun which features cntircly new and beautiful body styling with long low lines Powered by tho Chryslcr 110 lmrscpowcr cyllndcr Spitfire engine Windsor DcLuxc models have wheclbase of 125 inches The 1053 Chryslers are oilcrod in wide cholcc of thlvc body styles in tucch solid colours and sixtccxl twotone colour combinations piziy today at ticzlltrs Show rm ring the past who Elltl Conw moms across Canada trilmtinc to lhc 11050Chm5103 the WW icrs ncrv Ksllupcd rmr dour lziglnvuv fashion for the coming your CJnllilllll pruriij John N5 514115 McGuirc director and gmlcrul 5th mil qr lll$llPl noutlIlmgo Dittslon Chrysler mpuration nil mW GirlSlSI llllldtflo illl llh 11 Generous usu of gum md nttw Canada Limited lugglgc cozltpzirimcnts incrczlm npticallydcsroncd lllCllitct curvcd Actually the 1053 Chiyslcrs huvc dlltllilm by illld 1h windshiclds longer fenders vidcr 733 more glass area than prcdcul mUVllblU 5km HIll 031101571710 rcar docks and ncw lurgcr parking CLswr modcls partly achieved by lighting Lilsltm is now 150 illld lights which cmp zc width and the use of wider sidc windmvs and prevents all lights going out at low Ippcaiuncc distinguish the Bum ccntrc SldL prstltfO nliIhl in UI 53 Gil completely new Chintlcr models on scribcu Is invisible because doors cull uccordurg to ofcials of New Chryslers Setting Highway THE 1953 HlllMAN MINX CONVERTIBLE lllc witlc bunchtype frnIIl scat is only our of the many lcnlurcs that make this the smoothest smartest ycl the most cmumni cal in its class THE 1953 HllLMAN MINX SEDAN 21 years and 21 billion miles have perfected this our for you Here are the owing lines of b3l lurll lht vvcn whom the Clt l5 bruntng sull cortvtglcr and 2m liydruuhuiily op illUWtl Halon Ig rich also Hints msrr Icccx mi Other practical innmutmns Hf lhc Cslpldiiull of Lanatk tum worthg Hungry englltc slum Fluid pins slums and Abruilx Tilt ItIi il Itcll Il Icvw hm Plvtgf parser ilt liock broiler full in Occulth st now offering cost dzllt is be tn litlll whorl ill nor IsnIUII but llllllllllll of the lg vmk dillit for you Ly liytiruulzc puucr You on actually uiiccl with one nger to ring are praeticulv ch Fluid lortmc Drxvo as combinuttnn of torque Liumuuxlam it provides cxccpimnz moth uccslcr iron from It drug stzrrt lu cruisI xing spotd4 Ll Iti ll and Models Offered The Wide Choice of Holly Styles Clixyricis arc built int livv mni Willi lulle of bodyi stylus The Windsor unit New Yorker mmicls urc all ml 125 inch vliccllxisc and tho Custom lmpcrmls are now on wheelbase of 1315 inchos Thu Windsor is available iii if club LHlipt and an lldlllll sc dun lllt Windsor DCLUXC in chmcc of fourdonr sedan Now port Ikurtfiopl and CUlllLlllblC icoupc Ihc Now Yorker DeLuch medals are available in fourdour Scrian club coupe Nowpult hard lupl and convertible coupe and there New Yorker Club Coupe The Custom imperial is available in fourdour scdzm and town limousine culturing 2m clcctricully upcrutcd glilxlt partition behind the drivers cumpnruucnt lhc ncw Chryslcrs luIvc eight standard body colors our Inclullic coitus md 16 twotone combmu lIoIIs are available It Irxlm owl lllc llllClllHS an exceptionally zir lrslic and luxurious with choice of harmonious combinations of gen uinc lozluhcr broudcl and nylon mixtures with tclIing Vinyl Dccp foam rubber over coiled springs incrcuscs the comfon of the wide choirhigh seals We fuel that we have tho kind of curs the public wants and Mr McCIulrc and we are looking for ward to on outstanding year With our new Chrysler models Auto Chamber Gives Statistics In publishing this Automo arold Hill ltd bile Edition The Examiner is greatly indebted to the Cuna dian Automobile Chamber of Commerce King Street West Toronto which has supplied us with many interesting facts and gures about the CanadianAut omotlve Industryr We offer the core thanks and realize that car alongwithdigbbcueeeououlyvmdexception case of handling HILLMAN heres how you can recognize callous Mm tronIrv am can Willi illnll morons mum 53 moron Isoothe new new 1953 Minx with longer lovcller lines the sleek floinng grace completely unique among the lights 361 cars There are no fewer than 33 new features in the body and chassis lone Easy to park sinooth riding holds the road and up to 35 miles to gallon of gas plus top trade in value Remembers seven factory branches and over 700 Nonle American dealers insure you expertservice and factory portswhemver you drive onion CAR 56m WHEN You In New The ANNIVERSARY At The Chamber of Commerce IIIIIIT can rcuuoru Mona MILESran DOLLAR WII All 0B5 you ourrcndersrwilkfind this information of great interest lvd ism in display will hefllIe riIIInous llillIIIIIn Slllll and Convertible models Dont miss this chance ll inspect lliese leisure EN You no Automobile Chamber our sin 717 mi mum mom PM invites you to inspect the 1953 models of Chrysler and Plymouth Cars on display in our Showroom and at the Barrie Motor Show Friday and Saturday in the Barrie Arena ZfYl Izvze cyzrAcaayc MW1526 M6 sizing215 BALANCED RIDE MUNCID AGAIN OH uunun AGAINST NYC MIMI AOAIMI JOUNCI It Can Illmm nrlvd rvtaiw Mira 1mm llcm hml cLv local doalevforinlalmlion on Howard uqmpmant smoother even on the roughest road 38 New Performance and Snier Features 21 New Comfort Features 34lew 5W1 Mules Gondollrles wo 16 ww55 CHRYS SUPERB NEWSTYLING Too beautiful for words pearlsSS in performance 0N DISPLAY AT RRIE MOTOR unusual gl