WellKnown Hockey Star Weds Barrie Girl Prince of Wales lH Hear Talk lmuid Home Ccntralla HlSlOfy Ol Barrie Prince Of Wales Home and School and MN My Homer Wes Association held meeting on Apul were guys the wane opened by the Prldenl mrsomalh over if 103 wetkend Cl 550 bUSl 53 part emmens comma me mid cett as hcl and titer was M00 mlwrm and mm on the some discussion of the plans for ilk my cuff reminder of the school term as far as the Home and School 35 pick Sirel had visit last dam concerned Wk 1101 SN ommmlzw zend Malcomson SecretaryMau Luwrecc hour hm 3x3 WDI lCnlgary Buffalo ngzmi Falls Toronto Sudbury Port Dover lllamiltori and other paints Some of those from distance wuc Mr land Mrs George Stcwart Calgary parcnts of the groom M2 Juc Pil ar nicau loiuiitu conch ill the groom St AndrewS pwbymrmug and Mrs Plimcnu Mr Tcd Kcn Wcst lllll cailum of the Church Barrie was thi scino of dV Erma 8311331 pmuy mm weddmx 0n gamma Mapli Lia tam ill Mr ltd anger of Barrie Agricultural Soil EGULAZ field Sm Malmbcmp ancmwn 1963 Wm mi lxcnncdy Missy3 Lawn and Liam cty was the speaker and he 450 11 is Barbara loinmc Chrnnic wu uiiitcd hi Hmmhwl maimed by Clam Mr LUZ anic non mama with Ronam Charles lliil and Mrs Hill Malcomson spoke on the history oil busmcdliid 313Liiq 20 mp 51 Niagara Falls NY Mic Ruth Hill Barrie He had on display mapl Eng LP way he mm mth Buffalo Sid Smith llarr Watson of the fawn of Barrie which wale 33m Ed LM or me Tommo Map Jimmy vlllrll lid ll ll rd 100 vears old giving the malnllo New York Newiounmdm Em still LLSII 3d 3c Emmy Ide in 51 it thc Miiplc lucid streets and estates of the year 1833 idld Lng Afr me lg MW TW He ex lained th on in of thel home bndc daughter ML and NAME mp Laud If nam 3f Eur mgari strccbl Wac adi Mrs Charles Christie Barrlc 19 Ulllll 5lali5vdlhl bide The e0wme gage wgs email anion and 10 STOW it $011 of Mr nd WWW WW 1115mm OW Mn 5me Calgary its still vlui pink and thitc bcadcd Cmynmodore Barrie UK lhegtrfn Clip int WHOM btrta Rev Jazncs Fcrguson pcr mt llllk he Ml KlJWi Brmbh Navy and many of WV55 DUKE 562 of Barm formed thc ceremony ll oclock Ml Shut3 iiml lJll Md it CUPlull Givcn in morlmgc by llti father lhc bride was lsivcly in ll gown of white Frcnclinylun brocade oven satin with V1l of Italian cmbrord cred not With lzclidpiccc to match studded Willi sccd pcarls Site of pink Cunwllirn Mr and Mn Stcwurt Wlll ltrlllt in Calgary for the summer Spring Wedding from British naval officers of that day Barrie was first surveyed as town in 1833 Dunlap Street was named after Captain Robert Dun lop Collier Street was named after Gcorgc Collier who served in lllc British navy under Lord Nelson and Blake Street was named after familiar streets derived their names ario has rcccntl 1031 m9 Sum mss DOROTHY As sccrcluiy to Mr Emond Peck in the Economics and StatfisticsDCpt is oncofthc Clillol Ldrlixiv Newfoundlandcr working Barrie Doroth for inccompany To Show that we iBDCl and the Shh Gcr were glad to have her with us she tpital School Enigma was presentcd with pair of hot uatcd With the 1902 kcv tickets at the rccmt Spoke and remained on the Nurse daughter 15 Lorne Davidson carried bouquet of ml iUStg zmrl stcphnnotis in blinkct dcsign Miss Wln Frances llodgcs Barrio as mild Of honor wmc yclluw cyclct organza at ovch taffvtzi Thr bridcsmuids Miss Dizinc Hill of Barrio cousin Of lllt lltlly Sllllrll Wlllm ka bride and Miss Alinc Taylor of plucc In Walmcr Road Baptist Barrie wch ltowncd alike in or Church Toronto on Saturday May mid we organza or mom 1953 at 230 oclock when Rcv Market Sguarc Plowmg matches carried baska of wmmmng Bum mm in marriage were carried on Just north of thc lzcrd of Everett daisies and wore littlc caps Miss Jcii PllSClllil Baldwin and square IIFillso discussedthc prcs lAlllston hospital and we v33 march mm drgsm mmde with Luwrcncc Grant Mziitlllnd Toronto Ontday fair and explained the him speedy recovery Thc bride is daughter of Mr many points of intcrcstdthot would Oakley Reid Passes dd SIU Tilt ldls dithu lb Ml benefit ChlldlCll other than mid sun go reporl that Oakley Reid 35 bk Infection ll Mrs Hurry Alcxzmdcr Bald ts thosc licr attend ur wut way attractions The interest taken of Everett pased away very sud xcwmn Ludlow has IllCOUk Qucbcc and the the now waltz lu lll ururim IS son Of Mr and Mrs by VOUUE People In calf Cllle an dcnly at Alliston Memorial Hospital Ill Wllh skin infectil Other LVDOS 0f agFiCUllurC is botOHl on Friday afternoon at ve oclock all wish him cry Club dinner Of course the fact until April 15 of ring ld the winning ticket she zen accept 00 tha slic llt 0150 al Trafalgzir for the door prizc had something to yanmuver 695931 Ho Malcqmson menuoned do with it Doreen who is an ardent Sh Cozumme She es rs am WmCh was held Jusl skicr music lover and artist has 313 in be new p0 1130 years ago and for man years been extended welcome 10 meg PM by tel 021 the Spot now known as An Club Admiral Robert Blake who served Lur gameH vdnavmrkkw cousin Of the bride sang The with pctcr pan collar full pleat Mr Alllln Holllc Toronto attcnd was L4 Mumand Barric mg more prominent my day In Reid was mam mm my Barrie Ml Angus 055 Church WW 0f While Cytlct embroidery Confined To Bell Rev Mr Lee of Markdalc officiall Lords Praycrbcfmc tlIc CClcmlmy ed Slflll Hcr ngertip veil of ed the gnmm and mo ushers The bride Whose father gave Bruce Kc Dim POland Or in marriage wore floorlength in conclusion Mr Mmme dis on for over 50 years The funcrall laed will be hold on Monday May organist played thclwcddllig musrc over strapless white tziffctn slip in 3insulingellgergtkdcHugs if with service at the humc at 230 Mrs Dc Wilde is cont and Miss Ruth Hill of Buffalo The dress had long pomth slccvvs favor of Kentuckv Jaw over 100 under Masonic auspices with titer and we all wish her and Because during the signing ol the register Following the ceremony 11 rcccp tion was bold in St Andrews Church Lecture Room which was tastefully decorated in the attend ants colors Assisting the bridal party in receiving the guests Were the brides mother in navy Muster crcpc and taffeta and yellow acccs sories and the grooms motherin powder blue with navy accessories Guests from distance were from Sellgain A477 77AmmuhiPPCL1hOUglLIIIEgi 7UallEmilillllFMEjldiMfgHF lry Chandler of Mesa Arizona on ornament used on the wedding cake lullc illusion was bold in pltlcc by coronct of seed pczlrls Miss Bcrnicc Baldwin Toronto lltlcnd cd thc biidc as maid of honor Hcr bridesmaids were Miss Marg zircl Downey Dultun Ontario and Miss Louise Elliott junior bridcs maid of Brampton The flower girl was flvcyClirOld CarolLynne Carsczlddcn Of Lindsay Thc maid of honor was in orchid orglindy wliiic Miss Dmvncy worc pale green and Miss Elliott pzilc ycllow The flower girl WZlS in whitc All wore headdlcsscs to match Thc groomsmtln was Rogers Lansing George Martin Lorne Park and Morris Baldwin Coati cook lictcd as ushers Mrs Bouck played the wcdding music and ac compunicd Alclendcr Gray the soloist The reception was held at Glen dale Manor where buffet lunch con was served Receiving with the bridal party were the brides mother in pale blue silk crepe and lhegrrmmsnnothcriirrpalc plnk figured silk Among the guests from distance were Charles Stir ling Montreal Miss lrcnc Bald win Chandler Arizona Thomas chdly Dayton Ohio Mr and Mrs Carscaddcn Lindsay Mr and Mrs Wilson Mon llcal John Briton Ottawa Stanley Baldwin Lennoxvillc Quebec The was one used by the brides great Inillll in St Andrews Presbyterian Ch are Mr and Mrs Ronald George Stewart Mrs Stewart is the daughter of Mr and Mrs BulrnanThompson Wedding is Held Al Long Branch Thc marriage of Miss Audrey Thompson daughter of Mr and Mrs Gcorge Thompson Long Branch and William Frank Bul man son of Mr and Mrs Walter on Monday April 20 at 230 The Bulmnn Port Credit took place in the Church of Christ the King Long Branch on Saturday morning April 18 1953 Father Bennett of Long Branch performed the core nioiiy TitIOTOCICCRIW TNT The bride who was given in bandcau of pleated tullc and seed ipearls Slic carried Cascadciofi it urch Barrie Central WMA Hear of Missions By Miss Willows The Easter thallkoffcrmg meeting of the Womans Missionary Auxil iary of Central United Church was held at thc home of Mrs Bewcll president Mrs Partridge pre sided and extended welcome to all members and visitors with special greeting for Miss Willowsl whoiwasrthc speaker Charles Christie of Barrie and Mr Stew art of the Toronto Maple Leafs is the son of Ml and Mrs Stallart of Calgary Ihey Willbe making their home for the summer in Calgary Exulnlncr Photo by Fnvcro Senlor Cilizeris Tea and Bazaar LTB Hall May Wednesday afternoon May the Senior Citizens Gettogether Club will be holding their annual tea and bazaar in the True Blue Hall High Street The Senior Citizens will Offer for sale bazaar table baking and homemadc candy and touchand takc table aswcll as ten toAtheir Tho devotional led by Mrs Fcl coral rose and white stephanotis lis opened with the call to worship The brides attendants were Miss theme Now is Christ risen from Lois Crawford Port Credit maid the dead Meditating on the mcml of honor Mlss Ruth Thompson riesbf thagigsglitggmom fol sister olihp baamlciBillming the Crucifixion when the wifch ifidly reqTiireiEnt for man sister of the groom and Miss three women cam to the tomb to visitors The meeting was opened with The Senior Cltlztns Club IS spon age by her father wore asinging of the biggmn The King of gownmf whitc French ChantillyzLove My Shcphcrd 15 followed liltcjlndlll E91 gglpgiell 01 LonaycrthusliorLbusincsnpcriod tulle illusion vas held in place by was then conducted lWllll the afternoon Converter Mrs membershipl are invited toottend isorcd by the Barrie Soroptimist Cluszmd the Soroptimists willbc lon hand Wednesday to help 0th CAlmrl Lee of the service commit tee of the Soroptimists whose main project is the Gettogether reports good regular attendance at the Wednesday afternoon meetings Citizcns over 60 years of age Wewasiidccorated AWLa Mr Bloom liasnt missed card game in the The speaker was thanked by Pellctticr The social committcc scrvcd lunch SHANTY BAY Jinal Card Party The last card party of the season was held in the community hall on Thursday evening April 30 There was the best crowd bf the season present and 10 tables were used The hostesses were Mrs Ralph Hickling and Mrs William Patter son The players who won prizes were Murray Bowen Howard Cald well Hugh Graham Mrs Elmer Uncles Mrs Russell Uncles and Mrs Newson After the gamcs were all played the tables were pushed together to form several long tables lunch was served to the group The item of interest was lovely chocolate cake which field Everyone was curious to know who manufatured the piece of art but no one seems to know During the lunchtherprizcrswwcrc givenmflic winners speI cial prize was given to Rcevic by Mrs Os Packard Mr Reevic last two years as Bhonchlah Pneumonia We are vcrysorrymrcpbrtthif Norman Summerton has colitractcd years Thi rovcd to be an interestg amigu mg Interment Alliston Unlonl SIGNING THE REGISTER following their marriage Saturday afternoon May 1953 Cemetery We extend our heart fcl sympathy to his wife and son John and daughter Blanche and to his mother and sister In Alliston Hospital Sorry to report that Jack Shcp weregucsts present Mrs Rickardl invited the members to hold the next meeting at her home Plans were completed and sorted out on the trip of the delegates to the com vcntion in Toronto on Tuesday May It was voted thltt the WAl send sum of money to Miss Claret Heller who spoke at the last mcetl ing for the continuance of her work Money was also voted for the lin oleum for the Den lunch was served afterwards by the hostesses Private Donatiom Welcome It has been pointed out to me that private donations are also wcl cornedVin the icampaignforwmoncy for the Den Several generousj donations have already been offer ed orreceivcd Visitingwith Mr and Mrs Whytc rthisrwcckiSMrsWT Vhytcs broEtliclTltlalcolnl Nellcs oil Ottawa Resumes Position At Store Miss Joyce Hobbs has returncdl to Shanty Bay and her position inl Eattersons storcgw uil Home and School Maps rgguiigswmy1 in demonstration of the PASTE wmc Call lillllSOIUOFE PHONE 6484 one up He handles freight lo and their 50th odd from Alaska bymczlns of alu 1941 mg anmvenlry minum vans which are loaded For honeymoon to Toma ami Norma Law as bridimai Tney pay the last mme of ammonhe weekly meetings at the LTB bronchial pneumonia We hope he Thc monthly meeting of the were an gowned alike in peacockllo their LOde Deming to havei Han and meet men and women of will be better soon and up and Shanty Bay Home and School Assol blue Shamung time With netl difcuhv mm lthcir own age group with variety mund Clation Will be held WedUESday DiSiribulCd by Visitingdastnweck with Mr and drivcntmhed Ontario thebride travelled in erk is of ban Then dndmmlm grey annel suit with orchid long 0v 1r em mg coatblack shoes and bag while gloves land hat On their return the bride and groom will make their home on Sheppard Avenue Toronto ed by cranes from their chassis intothc ships hold Saves lot of cargo handling damage and pil fcring The vans can be individu ally lieatcd or refrigerated to protect special cargos too More than thousand different Canadian companies keep busy ltepairs wore matching hats and carried pink carnations stone in of intcrcstS and tastcx 1009 2y lforeacr opened Donald Jennings Long Muimaml was the groomsman and the ushers were Doripld Carr Adam Nodwcll and Sam McAllister Following the ceremony wedi355 ding breakfast was held at Killar ney Country Club Port Credit Assisting with the bride and groom were the brides mother in navy ing each and every soul into the he inspiring message and all who Kingdom of God Appreciation to Miss Willows for rted with the meeting was fit ly expressed by Mrs More Hamil Johnson was con kircsidcnt Of Torunto Con sence of two years are Mr and Mrs Mrs More were Mrs Al Mctcalfc and son Timmy Of Peter boro Return To Village Back in our village after an ab Gcorgc Wilson Cory Ronnie and Warren They are living in Green Gables slimmer cottage of Mr and Mrs William Garner then they will movie to the home they 06 May atthe school Oclock sharp The suprvising principal Douglas Wilson will show moving pictures on the subject Of Child Development There will also bel preparations on the event Fun Night to be held at the commun ity hall on May 22 Have your suggestions ready for the meeting Filter Queen SalcsOf Barrie 87 Maple Ave PM 3482 turning Canadianmade alumi num into everything from ash trayso minesWcchs Arid if keeps us busy wondering how next they will use this modern meme wiiwrriwri CONSULT iii Noel Stephenson RD OPTOMETRIST at bride worejanavy taffeta ll9357 In bn STEPHENS VB TRISTS Phone check coat and navy accessoriestger gt Imtylunm Lll prcnuit on dill 31b night Q5 LLEITS Iltd 01 4852 On mm gtlwnr and qullls Mr Suttons FOR APPOINTMENT 4DUNLOP STREETvE 53117153ilxitumiou slstcr Mrs Rickard and nlccc who PHONE 3333 BARBIE ONTARIO resrd ce In LongBranch ivrcrzay be imagitml P30514741 arc urn lion MW mxmxw ers fast 77 to an mak with pink accessories and the 711 Prfr bytcrial and expressedI pied two years ago FOR COMPETE grooms mothergin Coronation blue if mng Present GCUWO tl Elston wm yellow hagawggwer illowoLrwunderful nrMiinicfnlloPlE Washers for pink cmsag m2 115 Willi 110C011 parents this wcckcnd 53 Guar Guests from distance included dome of our immc anteedl Mr and Mrs Bulman Minion WWWW by the 5W mm Till monthly sowing meeting Mr and Mrs Stan Watson Barrie Society 54W weigh or mc or 11 fad MFSdAPPlIllillgs 174 prelude brought the Woman Assoulutlon was held sonan 1311 trouble or dollarslorrsorncbody Egan l4 4A3acpi Tuesday owning rpm 23 the Aluminum Company of Canada MJFSS Smalley Allistti gt 49qu and the home of the president Mrs Milt LtdAlcan or honeymoon to Florida the 71 acctgrill Sutton Sewing Wild done by lhci rcwxu cMmMiiww in if