MONDAY am 1953 etery and pallbearers were Peter McGibon Douglas MCGlDbOlt Lorne MCGlbe Sydney Stadium Bern Coranation Year Size 1990 Britain has allocated over 22 million under Colonial Development and Welfare Acts to Top $5500 at Wolverine Holstein Classic Nell of Tuna lmi and James of Eldland Onexslster Mrs William aid MCDmld and Nth 31C Bum Bellini of Toronto prede 35 Wed mm few years 333 With the beautiful owers from Relatives amending the mam3 relatives and friends were tribute were Mr and Mrs Neil Shaw Tem 1380 Tommi Be TGIE agimi Mr and Mrs James Shaw Film C0 331d Lindsay Bar A830 Midland Vernon Shaw Haniiltoiticafl Mrs Henry Haskin and son North 50m liloW Willde 1mm Bay William Hurst Mr and dot2san were Judge McGib Mrs Ted Hurst Mrs Burltll 13w Lindsay Norman McGibbon Mrs 1wiide and son Jack Mar Richmond Hill David McGibbon tin Hurst all of Toronto Mr and TOFOMO West Mr Shaw Mrs Harvey Lines Barrie andl mellmwn JUSlWE GOld gus was held on Thursday April friends from Stayner 11amtlton lfjllrtpinjgaizTomnm Charles ND 23 1953 from the Jcnnett Funeral Thornbury and Midland Home Barrie Son of the Ialc Ntll Shaw and After Long Illness EWIFE OF EARLY Isabella McLachlan Darrick Shaw David McGibbon was born in Sunndale fawnhip Dies At Hospital Supt 27 1868 He Clnlt to Angus Following lengthy illness with his parents agt buy and hail lentil of David Darling Christie been resident until his death on TUOSday AP Hth imuu 9f McGibbon occurred on Sunday MIS Bldltyi WilUSe llUS Wk thh ifde 5pm 19 1953 the Royal Vicloanil was the clerk at the Barrie previous mm bmm game irailway station after it was built in The late Mr Shaw 13gt 13 kmd Un of Charles McGibbon and 1865 died in Victoria where she 13 disposition and had ii host Almina Dunlap he was born on had resided since 1909 on April 23 fricnds young and old Sept 19 1890 in fcnctanguishciieI Etude was predeceased by The funeral service weS conduch had been lumbcrman and had 310 husband Hurry met01mm sup ed by push Rumrt Guthrie of Mid ill 0m WV md mcm crintcndent and director of the Es quimalt and Nanaimollailway Bethel Baptist Church riilia Mrs bar of the County Council for at Shortly after the railway station 1f Souvenir Charms Being Produced LONDON April 27 tCPFCbarms no bigger than athunrb nail will be worn by women all over the World this year as souvenirs of the coronation One firm is producing whole range of these tiny gold mementocs of 1953 There are two groups one of coronation souvenirs and the other of famous London landmarks that for the visitor to Britain will be inseparable from their other impressions of Coronation year in the first group are miniatures me amigo Caribbean urntorias three million The mone yis be in spent on development mojects MISSIIE Myst ranging from airmns and marks to My last do to Salons Accident al research wow buxom when disabled Emmi Service Held Daniel Show 85 lawful Angus Citizen Funeral service for Daniel Shaw 85 highly esteemed resident of An Gordon withors 311itltlltl solo number of Years and was an An 150 200 300 royal cypher with the word cori state lrlsmptzlcr anda ycoman OlgrIwmmmm arcBig Ben and the Houses of gtlt KO Box 65 BanTc threedimensional model of St El ADDRESS Column are also included in the favorite of Mr Show WOHI 31mm and 06 wk How and Iculh of the royal coach the coronationl omuonu underneath mezeam a1 Phone PHILLIES the guard MUIUAI BENEFIT Parliament both roduccd in two Pauls Cathedral The Tower Bridge um 75 designs all ya oood to pay the chair symbolical crown and thei bt ldl ia so in accurac ro es Anth the London landmarks umruuucamussoc sizes and twodimensional and Westminster Abbey and NelsonsI Have To Cross Jordan Alone Surviving of his family are three brothers Judge McGibbon of The llallblallrs We Bun Eal Lindsay Norman of Richmond Hill ton Sanford Page Arthur Ducki and worth William liwin Walter Mc Mackon and Mr Yates was made in the family plot at Angus Union Cemetery Among the marry floral tributes were wreaths from neighbors and friends Three sisters and two brothers left to mourn Marion Martin Mrs Elia Zimmcrl man End Miss Lou Shaw of Angus EITL Archie of Interment lCll Mrs 110 his loss Mrs Mr Mcinrcn lcnctanguishcnc two daughters Mrs Gill Mon Stathiim both of Toronto four sons Peter Douglas Finlay and Lorne of Bar lNaomil The funeral was held on Wed nesday April 22 with service in All Saints Anglican Church Pen ctanguishenc conducted by rector Interment was in St James Cem Rev Spacing Seeds Saves Work ti Thinn Ill ing Garden Rows Lets Small Seeds Drop So That Their Roots Will Not Entanglc When seed is sown too thick sccd if you have doubts about vah built here the stationmaster was Richard Mmpole and his clerk was Mr Beasley The two men left Barrie in the early 1880s as contractors building the new CP Railway around the head of Lake Superior At its conclusion they started official connection with the CPR all through the west as team holding many important po sitions concluding as western man 811013 of the CPR at Vancouver and Victoria respectively Mr Marpolc died about 20 years ago and was Auctioneer succeeded by Mr Beasley who GLENAFION LAUREL JOHANNA brought the top price of $5500 at the Wolverine Clas sic Holstein Sale at Williamston Michigan Consigned by McCague Alliston and bought by Elmer Stoltz Allistou Left to right Announcer Austin ico Elmer Stoltz McCague Smith Ed Jones of MH Farms Milliken Ont the runnerup Mort Butchers herd superintendent at Glenafton FranLee Lass consigned by Hardy Shore Glanworth and bought by Forsgate Farms Jamestown NJ also brought $5500 The Wolverine averaged $1236 with 17 Canadian animals averaging $2048 tckus Mex passcd away in Victoria few years back AS young girl Mrs Beasley made the long and arduous trip from her birthplace in North Wales to Donald BC in 1889 compan ion of her sisterinlaw whose hus band was employed in the little town which was then Canadian Pacific divisional point She mar ried Mr Beasley in 1891 Milk Essential Maintain Heallh Do you and your enough milk family drink There is evidence that grade six students dont and as that is the age when they tend to change from the pattern of eating used in early Beasley ab pigmmem life and turn to the foods eaten by worker in thc IODE at one time and the parents it looks as though had been active and in excellent the Bron health until very recently She an eixamptlse arms as gOOd wgJLShe is survived by her three sons Harold Percy and Ar thurall in Victoria and grand daughter Mrs Bobtaillc in Montreal Miss Elaine Found home econ omist with the Ontario Department of Agriculture reports that sur vey was recently undertaken to study the food intake of grade six children in Toronto As one result it was discovered that onequarter of grade sixcrs do not get enough milk While most adults understand the need for milk during growth in order to form strong bones and teeth great many do not realize that adults needcalcium too After bone growth has ceased it is neces sary to drink at least one glass of milk day to keep the bone struc ture in good healthy Condition New Patrol Boat Canadian Navy Built at Orillia Orillia Packet and Times new patrol boat for the Royal Canadian Navy is being built to secret design by Hunter Boats of Orillia the Department of Defence out anything that is not enjoyed by llic parent aniadiis food rules state that half pint of milk day is the min imum for an adult at least one putt for children under 12 and one and onehalf pints for teentigers So if parents set good example drinkthcir milk and remark on how good it tastes children will be much more likely to drink at least the required amount without any fuss Milk is good and good for you Make point of drinking your share daily FIRST ASBESTOS Asbestos first was discovered in the Italian Alps more than 2000 years ago its elastic fibres were woven into burial wraps for R0 man emperors GetSiOtaoSleuutHFCon yourovm signature No bankahlc mimy MM Up toumonthsu npayPhoncoruopinuCanadal Ihrgcsgmou mcommdodoomumnameorganimtion WHEYme OUSEIIOLD FINANCE 155101 28 Dunlap SI Wat and floor phone 5529 IAlRIl 0N1 mm MIMIug tint toenaila picDD Gay Paris of America You have full days in New onion on this delightful lday tourtime to visit all the famous spots in one of Americas most mysterious and fascinating cilies Pirates AlleyNupoIeoo House the Old Slave Market Versailles Oak andthe quaint shopsond resorts of the Old French Quarter are lost few ofthe sights $96 ROUND TRIP FARE ly much of it is wasted but yOur soil being porous enough much more serious is the crowd ing of seedlings which usually resultstFtakes lot of work to thin out the 038565153 plants and if this is neglected the crop may be failure FROM TORONTO Subject to change WCLUDES HOTEL ROOM FOE9 NIGHIS Prod In the ease of lame seeds such ileum ann0um0d When one cousrdcrs the enorm Thls new Ship to have 92 ous amount of other foods that as beet Swiss chard and peas foot wood mm and Wm be dr cc ma MN We would be re uircd to so ly the TFE1EE5FE pr de by him SCIQWS Powered by two calcium contaiiicd in foul sow them an inch apart ii disrclcngiheskatailsof The max of mm7 pounds of ca bagc Bus beans usually are 31 mum Speed and 0f armament carrots 28 oranges 39 eggs or 27 lowed to grow four inches apari youve always wanted to see Going there and back by bus adds further enjoyment to your trip 1t alsopossiblolo sow 100 fcw seeds and there should al ways be some spare plants to replace those which succumb to accidents or disease The num ber of extras required will vary with the porosity of the soil and the earliness of sowing Exact directionscannot be given for the spacing of small seeds but they should always be dropped so that eachlies far cnoughfrom its neighbors to prevent the tangling Thin sowing is made easier if finesced is mixed with dry sand and the mixture sown as the sand will keep the seeds farther apart If Seed is known to be of sub standard germination sowing is advisable Carrot seed lings are feeble andloften have difficulty breaking through the soil it it is at all inclined to crust Use twice as much carrot both grow roots from en thicker rming in the row Ifyouwishtoavoid vacant spaces good way is to soy beans in pairs spaced four inches apart Seldom will both seeds in pair fall to grow If one can easily be pulled up or let them both dca velop since twin plants will do as wcllas singles After vegetable seeds are sown they should be covered If the soil is sandy and porous draw it over the seeds and firm well but do not overdo the firming In heavy soil inclined to crust it is safer to cover the seeds with speTially prepared soil mix ture containingno clay This should be firmed with caution alsoThe purposeof firming is to drive out fair and bring the seed in close contact with the soil Rough seed such as beet and Swiss chard needs extra mounted by this latest addition to pounds of potatoes4t can readily our navy 0le divulgcslxllll buseciilhtthonly aiicltriuiamc couiiL extent of this Size wouldnormally get its supply of calcium in that carry light automatic weapons only manner Also consider mu differ and WOUld have to Speed of all once in price between quart of ploxtmately 18 knots milk andgg eggs The Hunter boat connacted to Children are great imitators us cost $158500 is an entirely new ually liking to eat thatfor which glass It appears to esembde mOSt aparmttexpressesaprfclencc CIOself fa VSmWEilli diitibh 70f the world War II Falnmuevrnd could In addition they often refilpe to be used for inshore patrol duties or as harbor craft Three othdr boats of this type are being built bathe same classified contract under low bids submitted on open tender by the Grew Iay lor and Midland shipyards on the Great Lakes according to De fence Production spokesman These builders like Mr Hunter belong to the Ontario Boatbuilders Association whose members built several Fairmiles during the last war TRY AN EXAllfllNER WANT An HAPPENED MAY if ONE OF SERIES OF CALENDARS DESIGNEDTO RECALL FOR CANADIANS TODAY OME OF THE INTERESTING EVENTS BOTH GRAVE AND GAY llhIIIllE BIIS rnuiuiii APHONE 5511 SICE I786 SUN MQNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY mm aAIURDAY ADWLWHC uNPOUR COUNTRY CO URFUIL ST 07R YT fiesentedhy ILIGIITWEIGIIT WIIII CANADIAN com welsggssuot CAN ALLANDAIE HARDWARE Authorized CCMSales andService 34 Essa Road miisas summit onsoo PERPLAYER I932 Piionq2944 CANADA THE GREEN FRONT STORES TWO sronus F011 mun Snortmo convauiuuou Doing St Phoiiefzsoi ii URRY BROS Complete SportrLlne Andwe service them too has Quinn Starry 6971 Dunlap si Phone 4946 CAN AS Ki0s JEM ROCHE IN 128 0F Fl let ROUND DilBthllOdFASTEST mm It ction 3674 ADIAN NAVALSERVICE ESTABLISHED I9l0 oiLEGE ANDEURGEON80FUPPER we BA CARTON PLEASE vcquis wusuoimoviius aovEnoasucor Furrusns OLYMPIC MARAT all TALKBYRADIOTELEHWE 35 TWEEN MOVING CNlADth TRAIN BRITISH CAPTURE IOSWEGO monstrous OFFICE 1929 I8I4 MPS CAR ETON LMDEFEATSM 1N WING RACE jAIlROIITDIBIB Foo TION DE cRic allowable at Devonian gloss cmiouoowuzo YSIv mus mouwus INCORPORATEWBS9 Kermcooekovigig tw initialed pa 61874 ariruiiio ALAI TE milresuimgzsgm oustmores wean ED 12 DITIONQLEAVES l87 MilGENERAL AND GIIEFS E5IXMTIONSi I974= Mitimwtterusrcmtum town DAVIS cup moral RUNNING OF KINGS roomme us 193 CL FOLNDATION oriuuosou TOWN HALL LAID AT no awiiom 3in NED My xmrnoouran wnnss xrwoooaus i9 IIOllw TORONTO AND SELECTS $1157 ATHENS I906 0F TOWN I793 CANADIA TEAMF PEDEN MDFIELDING WIN 6DAY BIKE RACE ATTORONTO I932 10mm STREErRiiLWAv co INCORPORATED 1861 Irvr PLATE noenwesruoumso 3a POLICE ESTABLISHED I873 Worst wholemeal comrade