Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1953, p. 13

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Ithc material which are just right XENTDCKY my 3101 1011 Think of the feeling oil hiatnmoln Lave Klfleukh iaccoinplisiunent you wzli havcgdincovtrcd by accident iwhen you proudly 11th label when bear pounded by Crcaicd by Mary Jones into yourlnanxd iiutchmgs led 222 well111341 garment and when youllau 152 Entrance to the ms can say to Vuur 34112111123 Luanda ugv ITNY AN EXAMINER WANT are of Hit me Me Thum dty and 12 1953 Humid brother has two charges assaulting PC 11 Ctnppel while he was arresting William Brunsliill and 10 for as mulling ievotficcr while he was on duty The third man is Law rence Hassellp charged with obvi siruccing PC Mood while he Home Sewing is More Popular Now EAIEST lINE IN HISTORY mu my ms Modem women dcspitc mach lwider selection of ready model lcloihcs are reverting to the 113351 made 33 Iof the pioneer and are doing mUici lsewmg at home Cora Burke the Womens Institute Branch of tiiel iwas arrcaing William runskill Omario Department of Agriculture and with having bcer in place frcporied today other than his residence The rcason Many women are All charges are of the Sum Wm flowing to liomcsewing as hobby as is one against the rum1h mom nd are at the Isamc tune cxprers ber of the party Ivan Furlong of ring their indiwdualily Many Are obstructing PC Moody while arrestI llmdms 100 that they Are gcmric ing Wzliiam Brunskill Jctler clothes for the money spent People are buying sewing n1 icliiucs taking lessons in sewing and buying large quantities of fab ric by the yard said Miss Burkc Making clothes at home is not 11 MNESDAY APRIL 29 Postu pct wh Crown AW Wu QC The docket 38 charges but num it of odiousunseat and re and down the cases hailed tad just one was cair fled over to pm sitting Brunslcills hmunded Four men who wcrc lfiVUthd in an amull case on ThulSxizi March 12 in Innsfil were again allowed remand to May 13 William Brunskili faces Why argue about MONEY chfmhtmioymfamymnmwithmHPC loaDISSOwSImemmugm VIII bankablcseuny Upwumooduwncpay 1mm ofodmborrowthisquickmonvmkxxwayomya IodayPhonchswpin MYWYOUIEDH ONSEIIOID FINANCE 25 yo In Dunlap W019 mud floor phone 5529 IPenefang Offenders Your young mcn uishcnc who were reinaudui for sciiicncc following prcvuius trial necessarin cheaper if is not always wcrc Ronald Boy who was glVLlll Iusy or quick and it takes plenty flircc 1110111115 11 Illt rcformutory of patience but there is satisfaction likatll dotcrminafc and SIX llldilollillllillt the accomplishment 53 900 GNUJ All on 15 chairc illlfl two Inuiitlisi Frank Novak one for assaulting cuncurrom on SKCUIKd charge F0 do 300d wt or swung at PC Chap Hid PC Hi John Clnvmtcd of auto M0011 Ont 501 fimllxll Whlit INS theft was given one your Ill tlic ability 715 llllpilllfil 11nd 0111 for reforinauiry and on svcond sim Ford trucks for 1953 which will b9 infroduccd in haviig liquor In plow othcr than 111r charge Ill additiome your conI FordMonurch dealerships Iicross Canada March the redelice Iht 9111141135911 All currcnt third charge of brcak 20 fciifurc an cntircly now cab termed the ing and entering with thrift brought rooniicsi most comfortable truck cab on the road six months concurrunl of Icleluiig home you should have good tools Wi warm and allow yourself plenty of time Have good scissors an iron and ironing board at band good drcss mi 0N1 making book for reference Even llic bcst sewers will encounter pro wwuwuw blems Look around for gadgcls Pans rm Anew onepiecc curved windshield and fourfool wulc rczir Window provide the lllllflllil visibility required by drivcrs operating In congcslcd lrntlic and parking areas The truck illustrated is the F450 John Vaillancourt also mvolvcd in the auto thefts rcccivcd forms of uric your rciormutory on the 111 chargc and your Concuriuit on the second charge THERE IS Assaqu Two Months Harry Ioolc convicted 5311111115 young woman mcmuor of tho RCAI at Edgar was giver tycoonDupes Iinm In mm Go of Smuu mm It Umuily of 011 In Iniu flu Doom 1qu 01111131141 Orv 73 Thur11111 Inn 111 qu Willi on In if uban TANYA GEMS DEPT 781le Inuit of FOR EVERY PURPOSE AGENTS FOR BARRIE URRYS 36 BAYFIELD SI HonorM WITH Maxwell Insurance Agency 125 Burton Ave Phone 2965 Raymond Gigiuic offciui or was ullowod suspcndi sciilciicc for one yllzu but paid costs of 517 15 MRS 11 MAXWELL Phone 2965 Elclricul Appliances Eleclricul Inslullulions LIIEEIIEIIEEZE Refrigerators 3101111111 Vacuum vcunouu Washing Mabhines And complele stock KELCEY 24Granville Sf Phone 3644 111 111125 or INSURANCE F0 Business and Ranges two months Thc offcncc occuircd In the lurincks lllll ho had cn lltllll llc 11111 no prcvious con iclimis On Theft Spre lln mus Joins young Indian Bland Reserve Briicc Count 111 1r hc most of his time or April 19 he biokc in and 210 giiziigc and body shop Motors near Orillia and On April 20 11c stoic from Corby Motors Barrie the mine day accooding to PC II Doolittle he window at the scr 5Zilk bar of How or Highway 27 in Ves Ec cliocolalc bars and 1ics from the bur to thc $3M 11 to 1111 rcscrvc IlL cu dcr arrest by the In ogrszrbic who notified policc LK or it and has one previous Hc plcsdcd guilty to all but claimcd ho had not 1tio11 wires on the cur Cpl ll France OPP vus advis 1min was rcscrvcd for 1110 by MngistrzilcFostcr and thc ntau was rcmzmdcd in cus tody until then Took Rafions Camp Borden cook Lis far was cliurgcd by Provost Sgt Martin with ihcft on April 22 of quantity of eggs and bacon the property of thc Dcpartmcnt of N11 tional Defence He plczidcd guilty was convicted and remanded one week for scn lcncc No Evidence Dismissed charge of breaking 11nd cnlcr ing with thch against Percy Wells Toronto was Ndismisscd when his counscl Edward Murphy QC T0 iOlIlO called John Flannigan as wif IICSS The latter serving scnfcncc had been convicted on three counts of breaking and entering Vilhitneftfin threc collages at Belle Ewonf and gave evidence that although Wells was the dwncrof bhejruck used to remove the household goods which filled the three11011 vehicle the ac cigcjiclajmcdiigthe and another man namEdTHowcsmadTarriurafl the goods to the truck where Wells had remained throughout Defence climhsel pointed out that there was absolutely no evidence against his client on the charge as Cleaners of smaller apJpIiunces IRoNs TOAsTERs MIXERs RAleos Etc llCllIVIIIN ELECTRIC 20 OWEN STREET BATIRIE ice bonf luff Elwoodup olu slaql and In 0m slated Magistrate foster concur red and dismissed tho case POPULATION SWEDEN Swedens population of 7150000 at the end of 1952 was an increase of 51000 over the previous year 011151111115 100011 Wedding Receptions Dinner Parties Conyntions Banquets IIOMELIKE HOSPITALITY Please Call 5198 Sturtnext winter with PAIDUP HEAT on four bluccoaP Budgct Plan VYoupay SMALL SUMSspread over mouths to fit your family budget you are free of big winter coaliiills and you hay moremoney for other expenses Your bill will In full of bluecoal ready fur winters worstwno 1100 for emergency buying Coal Is now at the years Ionics price Start our blue copl Budget Plan today iaam blu coal DGET JiffySew Charmer Darling of your springinfosumE nicr wardrobe Just thrcc main pattern parts couldnt be casicrl funtodo fashion touch Pattern 7245 Misscs Sizes 12 1l 16 18 20 Pattern pieces embroid eryriitransfcrrwStateigc 77 Send TWENTYFIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps can not be accepted to The Barrie ExI umincr Household Arts Dcpf 00 Front SirW Toronto Onlr Print 74 plainly NAME ADDRESS PAT TERN NUMBER and SIZE TEN COMPLETEPATTERNS Io sew embroider crochet printed in the new 1953 Alice Brooks Needlecraft BookLPlusmany lPosfaI Address For Coronation Contingent Mail service to members of Can adas Coronation Conlingcnt wil 00 the same as for civilians through at Defence lnormal post office channels regular rates National licadquarters announced today Special mics and conditions ap mcmbcrs of 111113 Canadian Armed Forces serv giiig abroad will not apply in the 131150 of troops temporarin posted plicablc to mail for Iovcrscas for thc Coronation Proper address for members of troops Ifhc contingent after the illilVL sailed will be as follows Numbcr rank namc initials Unit Canadian Coronation Contingcnt Pirbright Crimp Brookwood Surrcy England First draft of the contingent will sail aboard the Scythia April 23 and the remainder will follow abozird the Columbia April 29 the Franconia Mziy and the Atlantic lllluy The contingent began concen truting at Valcarticr this week fpiior to sailing IRY AN EXAMINTB WANT AD IIII formerly Iii wishes to Opening of his ne 24 IIIIIILOP ST which will mukb your work easier and quicker If your time is limit cd find out about dressmaking aids like tracing paper and tracing whccl which cut down on firm also learn about the simplified methods of sewing If you are beginner choosc Isimplc garment simple putt3111 will avoid worries and frustrations thn you select pattern dont bc carricd away by pretty picture lMakc sure the style is right for you 11er on simple styles with good Iincs which will flziltcr you Not only will they be easier to make but they will be more becom mg If you apply to your dressmak ing all that you know about your looks youll be sewing for beauty as well is clothing When you choose your pattern and material keep in mind all you know about your best color your best lines and your figure faults Dont be loved gby style color or texture which will not suit you By learning to sow well and by using suitable styles and ma terials you canmake for yourself made look for the price of ordinary icudymdes Do you know that you can order labels embroidered with your name to stitch in the garmcnts you make You are cro ating style for yourself when you chooscnthcwpattern the color and WO0INIEII Essa Road nnounco the Dental Office of above Woolworths palternsrfo Send for including ideas for gifts home accessories toys fashion Send 25 cents now Despite the things said about this modern era religion is showing icsurgnccjWlilcffiiimighty fine thing Larger churches would not be necessary if this wasnt the case The spiritual needs of any com munity are of extreme importance Dictatorships can flourish best when there is no religion Swift Current fSask Sun If the various community clubs and organizations throughout the district could make it part of their years program it would not be long before every farm in thcarca could be easily identified by its nameplate at the main entrance It should be matter of pride for cvery farmer to thus identify his WASHING MACHINES Repairs to all mak es of wash ers fast service 11 Washers for Sale Guar linleed WIIITEII IIIINIII Phone 4852 rum111 ximeksikxwuxxw can qui Allllll pregurc wprry Mimillcep lens This ulmnon body and brain nukes phyllul Ilium wicr to lonehm to main Todaya Ions llvliil lowered mhhnce overwork worrymy of time my affect Vu1can Alta Advocate Horrinl IIIIIney lion When kidney gel 0011on order 011cm acids ml wutu remain In 100131510111 Then Incluchc NINA ml llul findout lieu lied full flop foIIovIlTha1l 11m 10 folio dl Kidney Nil Doddl ullmulm the Iidmyl to 00an Teflon henyoufool holleraloe MLwork helm Ask for Doddl filthy Pills If to drug comm 50 SMITH TIgADEIN SPECIALS 131 DUNLOP ST piece Genuine walnut Diningr roomsuitc with largo oblong extension table large buffet and upholstered chairs real buy for $0000 Oak Dining room suites from $3500 Walnut Tea Wagon $1500 Walnut Dresser with marble top $800 piece Breakfast suites with buffet extension table and chairs Natural or enamel finishes from $1800 Piece Krochler sectional Chesterfield suite with good tapestry covcr Good as new $12500 21 Piece Kroehler Chesterfield suite in excellent con dition Wine whipcord cover New floor covering remnants Large new Congoleum rugs drop patterns 25 off Electric Rangettes of all kinds from $1500 Steel and wooden ice boxes dozens to choose from from $500 up COME IN AND SEE THEJGOODWBUYS IN USED FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS BUDGET TERMS Free Delivery Town Country passed

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