Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1953, p. 9

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Ehtluriol lagr of lly arrir Examiner 89th YeoINo 50 Section ZPages BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY APRIL 1953 is He me Examinlr Feature Articla BritishAmerican Connonweallll glike proposal that the United lStates should underwrite the eco Alflcllcdll politicxunz and ccorlovlnomy of the British Empire if 1103 illnl prism4232 now realize to lake It over By LEWIS MILLIGAN smoky APRIL 24 1953 lin Lizited States cannot stand alone This movie crv plum The Committee further admits munity and district Womens Hospital Auxiliary Recently local interest was focussed on the Royal Victoria Hospital when it made its request for onemill grant from Town Council and this matter also extended to the adjoining townships where financial support was also being asked It is only at times like these that the public During the past year this group of hard suddenly realizes that we have hospital which is giving fine service to the com There is one aspect of hospital work however which is seldom giv en any recognition the work done by til3 Womens Hospital Auxiliary of the Royal Vic toria Hospital andVround The prize the cash that ridcsl on mutual betting ticket Harness racing in the United States out draws even bigleague baseball by couple of million fans In Canada comparatively high margin also exists In Ontario with roughly 150 days of ruc ing more than 1000000 spectators lined the rails at the various tracks chewing their nails and urging their selections on Parlmutucl machines from coastto coast clicked merrily to the amazing total of more than $67000000 last year on the buggyracers and the runners The lightweight sulky has replaced the heavyweight bread wagon The trim tiny Sluiclllcnl on National Policy ihzllcd cg Culltmlllcu for Eco Dc merit the members Lil commcrcial and edu United Llllrlcl ill the The Suituch ZS LUllllllcd in large bookie critlllcd BRITAINS LCONOMIC IROBLE AND ITS MEANING FOR AMERICA which is Illt prticlli outset says Dcsplte liur LLUIIOIIIIL difficulties Bri ZILIlIl ltllldllls our stronng and Cit jcy Jliy Ilzc llullOfl of he eco noznlc problcin and the strengthen ilrlg of the Bruish Commonwealth land AngloAmerican parmcrship ilmvu special unportancc for the United Slates and for the whole true Ulltl cllt wide range that American commercial policies have reduced the ability but coutllrlus tu earn the dollars that need to pay for American em These policres no longer justied on grounds of national Interest says the Committee keep other countries dependent on American au adding substantially to our tax burden and leading to less ef cient use of our resources The Committee therefore makes the following recommendations That we cuntlnue to nego uazc selective reductions in our tariffs through an extended Trade Agreement Act free of weakenin legislative amendments 42 That Congress grant the Pres idelll authority to reduce tariff dub n25 unilaterally under principles and limitations laid down by Carr That is frank and sigma gress can ltdlmsslou and the Com jockey has taken the place of bulky harness working civicminded citizens have done great deal of work to make life just that much more pleasant for the patients in the hospital The year was notablefor the large amount of work done by small group of women who were making vitalcontribution to the effi cient operation of their hospital and it is fitting that cognizance should be taken of the efforts of this group At the present time the WHA number 45 members Who meet each week to sew and prepare dressings for in most communities of Canada as mcchr anized engines have replaced horses as instruments of power The coming season promises to be record your for racing in Canada There is little likelihood that the borse one of mans favorite animals is in danger of dying out either here owbroad Instead he has become the aristocrat of sport Mention high price for the contract of mittce adds new approach to Britains economic problem must be found Many of the measures needed are combined United SuitesUnited Kingdom Commonwealth measures sllzc connecting hyphens in that sentence may notbe intended to suggest the combining of the Uni ted States with the British Com1 momvculln but the National Pol lcy prescribed reads to me vcrv tilt Simplication otuur customs procedures hi Progressrve removal of im port quotas on our agricultural im ports Great liberalization if not outright repeal of the Buy amen ica Act The instability sterling and its unequal compct ion with the dollar in exchange is the basic Turn to page sixteen please any professional athlete and the selling price of champion harness racer or thorough bred runner will top it Centennial Feature the hospital When one considers the com which take up so much of an individuals time these days it is interesting to note that these women have an average of $196067 District Memorial Unit attendance of 17 at these weekly meetings With the help of several Womens Institute groups great number of church groups and numerous individuals sewn during 1952 3177 articles were However these women did not let it go at that They organized eight moneyraising prejects through the yeaLand netted total Donations to the hospital in cluded $500 for linen $500 for new auto clave and $175 for an automatic stamping machine The auxiliary looks after the stamping of all linens used in the hospital as well as the sewingof them In addition to this the WHA furnishes and maintains room in the new Barrie and The auxiliary paid $50 towards therexpenses of nurse to attend convention in Quebec and gave reference book to each nurse who graduated last une For Christmas the student nurses were givefi 45 records and subscriptlons to two maga OPINIONS OF OTHERS Good Sense ofCCF MP Calgary Herald We do not pretend to know how Ross Thatcher CCF MP for Moose Jaw ever 139ch member ofl the Cooperative CommonwealthFederatlon slilll less how he remains one but we hold Mr Thatclicrl in very high regard In the past few months hel hay given voice to more good sense about the need for genuine economy in government than all thel other members of the House of Commons put to gcthcr Maine and Maple Syrup Fergus NewsRecord While we were pondering Springtime thoughts and lining them up for an editorial The Christian Science Monitor came along with another of John Goulds columns from Maine He has decided not to tap his maple trees thp year because the sap con tains little sugar after mild winter Evidently they had the same kind of winter in Maine as We have had here in Ontario for he describes fluthis way Certainly this winter hasnt set the stage for the For P631933 Only nolrruluuu AT MEI Ive sense of humor bul teeth or if sensitive lad hastol Lndsor Star the ranks and Take drink with =the crowd It is this fear of be ing laughed at and the social pres sure of conformity which is one of the causes for the alarming in crgase in drinking One Canadian province Ontario recently report ied an increase of 83 of gross isalcs of liquor last year over the ancy cover previous year and an average con sumption per family of beer Ii THE 010 FAMILIAR FACES Montreal Gazette niltucl Johzimn std Illl onx llouxi nec on vomit es fr cndshlps In Pokc rulv gt bun not he mean was haf barns in find new hgt oucm to take mun oo Leno Will not be always With us nc ll mow away And then of course there comes the cruel scv zmcc of death One of Lie s2ldueltsclt lt7 10 know rhoning oldera sadness yumgia ma one elders and even ones colilemp ola cgt 11 ll niu take their plaice in ones memories Bu rgcus to give ndvicc Perhaps Dr Samuel Johnson who gave so much cl It and we so magnificently might himself have felt at times how advice really is Alter all soul anddonc it is Zic old friendships that are irrepar l3lll Even the new friends are found and happily thev may be they gain licip ml the gap bu they cannot really take the place of those lnat have gone fter all friendship arises from experiences shared Amew friend inlay seem first for more interesting 1han the old It is notqulte so pogzblc to be sure of just who he is going to say His prejudices are not quite so well known or may at least be more decorously cancelead yrou have not asycl exhausted his stock oiideas Bu lifter little time something seems to go amiS The old un nerstandmg Seasoned and dependable just may not be there For friend lship is not matter of being brigh and conversational It is rather matter of lolerancea putting upvwith the ways and oddities of the people we have long known The old friend knows lllnv to smile at our tiresome or opinionated ways and in the smile we detect no malice or contempt He makes us smile at ourselves And in this nuiliial recognition of our frailltfes there vls reassurance and acceptance of life itself And then there is the great sense of common knowledge The old mines The women alsovsubscribe to daily newspaper for wards six and seven inthew hospital and everypatient in the hospital on Christmas Day received Ureeling card will 11 999 Qlb9raspcctoLIhe work of the auxiliary is that in connection with babies During 1952 atotal of 428 pairs of bootees were made and distributed to the babies borntin the new hopital customary frame Ofrgmllld that makes the hard work of sugaring enjoyable The dooryard has been fulll of dickeybirds all winter and we havent once Tone 0f thecharactersinChristo broken out anything warmer than cotton gloves 13119r Vs The Boy With Cart We rhavent been below zero here all season and makesllhls rellnark NO one likes Mother can sometimes pre 13cLILLQLCQ mlguednsnow t0 331inpugCblldrmhateg er LL to be laughed at and not until $13030 Emmas ogjmhom they are older can they acquirei you look queewhu if you El aw 535 sufficient pulse to hide their cha laugh with them men they 27 058 mm Few Fab wont be laughted at weal glases real suffering canl Exxoelltfrglggeisflgge hundred 31ml be caused by the thoughtless comi ments of their chums Carlyle called sacasm the language of the Devil There should be no place in the cou friend is unlikely to stimulate us with the freshness and novelty of his ideas or the brightness of his points of view But conversation with the Iold friends has its own accepted currency Apd it isja currency that is likely to be stablenol subject to unpredictable changes Themeatiitig of what is said is clear for the guarantees back of it are known WTheoldifrlendsimayinoHiwakenthramcipntlonrofsmethin cxpected but the old friends are the most comfortable to have around In their presence you can afford to appear as you reallyare it would beabsurd to appear otherwise And in the ease of slow talking there There was one bright morning when woke to nd the ground barely white and thought it would be nice for old times sake to pushthc snowplow around the house couple of times But had trouble starting the engine and after Wiped the distributor drained the sediment bulb checked the air intake and adjustedthe carburetor the snow had melted away grin cuts are So callous as to laugh wont laugh at you If you in childrs face and hurt his need be no fear of those silences vmcha cause something like desperation cant manage do that you feelings in conversation with the unfamiliar Silences between old friends are know you want straight teeth sign of undemtanding 0r 300d EYCSIEM and you ButAsometlmes Mother Is not sol There is perhaps no poem of greater pathos thhn that in which braces 0l YOU1f 2138585 331 icareful not to recount to visitingCharles Lamb wrote of The Old Familiar Facest lt It is impossible to go througlil life Without the unpleasant exper ience of being made fun of Liti tle playmates can be quite cruel inl The work of the group is diversified in many ways but it is always the welfareof the patient that is being improved Unfor tunately many people do not realize the work being done in our hospitals until they have some personal experience of it It is then that persorrrealizes the debt of gratitude to those who operate thesevinstltutions and to those groups like the Womenfs Hospital Auxiliary who do so much to assist the oper atlon of ourhospitals AristocraLofSporr Therejs been 101 said lately about the They say it is going the way ofthe mastodon the bustle and two dimensional movie in this jet age vanishing horse So as say this sort of winter doesnt make you yeagn for nascent Spring when the buds swell and the streams open up and the birds come back and everything makes you tingle with excitement Another Newspaper SOlCl Summerside Journal PEI Another independentlyowned paper The Bramp ton Conservator has been sold to newspaper chair we think that this chain ownership of newspapers is something to be deplored but no doubt in many cases it is economic necessity that forces the local owners to sell This is probably not the situation in the latest case but the economic factor is always in volved to some degree and in some mariner Newspach amalgamEon and Chain ownership seem to be the order of the day in the newspaper business We venture to say that in no other type tormenting the sensitive child who is writhing under their taunts How can Mother help small son who comes to her with tears runl hing down his grimy cheeks bei cause the other kids are calling him sissy or jmamas baby going to help you Lots of poor childrens parents cannot afford them and they suffer from crooked teeth or weak eyes all their lives Eeered in any eld have bad to The old rhyme sucks and lshut their cars to laughter from stones may break my bones But names will never hurt me is help If he can stand up 30 his tormentors and yell his deance at them life will be easier for him boys of Kingsvxlle followed him When he is little older he wiuwnlhe street honking at him discover that if he can just ignore while he waited for some of the those who plague him or walk Dlglatmg $9859 ying Oyelhevfald t0 away from their teasing they willrlllm Self geese Wm CllDDEd soon stop their laughter Its no 133 On his 900d fun annoying some one you cant get rise out of The child with special handv present day For two long years Jack Miner was called by his neigh bors Old Quack andthe small It takes lot of moral courage No thank youl if they doynot Men and Women who have plum gthe time Noah builthis ark to the irclatives an amusing thing little cllild did or said in his hearing lChlldren hate relatives who poke fun at them and roar with laughter at their blubders Their only safe ty is in retreat They lWIien grownupwith such little lsense appears on the horizon Copyright SiereManor tallowed to make themselves scarcev Where are they gone the old familiar faces Ghostlike paced around the haunts of my childhood in Earth seemd desert wamto traverse Seeking to findThe old familiarfaces And some are taken from me How som they have died and some they have left me on all are departed All nlllaie gone the old familiar faces Keep your friendships in repair said Dr Johnson And of course he was right The new friends are needed as well as the old But in the great crowds of this preoccupied and troubled world lrlhererris nothing that gives greater comfort than to see at least few of tWold familiar faces Allendanl Saves for adults to face laughter and sen1 of business have amalgamations been so numerous cap such 35 eyes which are crossed in what are generally considered to be good times has to ream to defend himseu than the newspaper bwess from personal remarks Children Beobl Who seem to think that newspaper space hate be different am respect thinner or fatter shorter or taTIf Signg tgoghggit firgrsthuhzggggpglgisioxg 223 etc than their companions If the many boysand girls too growing 19 McCagucs pool as he was re dentist decrees that thinskinned up in homes where the parents be3 turnip on No 10 slderoad from fgtirggrggfaiggg go gieizwestggg 13 little girl must wear braces on her lieve in total abstinence desertE Beeton garbage dump on Wednes peopleiwho think that local advertising rates are bfm$cgasgeek tGegrii too high might conSlder that oneof the top gripes 5913 that mean Piaf of national advertisers today is the spread between axe care to drink liquor when it is being served How much more trying it is for an adolescent tol ignore jeersand stick to his print ciplesl That is one reason why Noticing small boy standing in It just isnt So As matter of fact horses are more popular than ever since they have ween taken off the streets and put on the racetracks across the country Begton World And the horses have never had it so good either Instead of sweating it out 10 to 12 hours day pulling plow or milk wagon they now live in posh stallsin neatly painted barns They work an hour or so and spend the rest of their time munching hay living the good life andcomparing press notices the national and local advertising rate in many papers in spite of the tacli thatlocal advertisingfs moreexpensive to prepare They dont claim that thevnational rates are too high considering the cost factors but that local ratesare too lbw Its allbedause the biggest spectatorsbort There are quitega few facts to Which peovl Who inNorth Americaalsnol football baseball or hockeybut watching the horses go round value their local paper but think it runs on air sideration ii on pumm 06155 Newspaper newsrnrens WALLS President la PublishedMonday Wednesday Friday at The Wilson Building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada by THE BARRIE EXAMINERLIMITED 1C CHITIICK VicegPlesident RIVETT SecretaryTreasurer Member of Class Newspapers and Canadian Weekly newspapers Association OntarioQuebccDlvtslon CWNA Audit Bureauofcirculatlons Subscriberto cr eam Average Net Paid ABC Circulation Six Months ending Sept 30 1952 65359 WALLS mum Editor 11 cmrrlcx Bale anrd ruvm Office Menace CHARLES TAYLOR new Editor TOMSON Productlon Mancor 2900288 Ilqnt BumrlMondont By carrier deliver in town 350 for weeks 0600 rcnrrb member 330053 moulha 50 Authorised Is condense mail by the Post office Departmentuottua IUMGRIRIIONS FAYAOLI IN ADVANCE IV KILOIRTOIDE CARI Moo loans tubnap alcohol our pollutants depots component hisFunnyLWorld if old drowning accident Shortly after dinner the 2l2year son of Mr and Mrs Steve mhunuarmntmmin and we dont meanhot air could give some cone eNnunM Syndieuie Indab Amsi Napalm Im on the eighteenth hole and if can get slx brook rm to my cuticle hemoglobin deep in the centre Nosad who resideaty Lot 13 Con chcumseth wandered from his liomeond had walked about three miles to the pond on Mr McCagues liarm which is along tbs goodside labout halfmile south of here iWhen noticed by Mr Mpyberry the little fellow was standing in the pond upto lIlSLkUGES in the icy water The pond is about four feet It was most fortunate that Mr Mayberry noticed fthe child as he was passing in the truck as he could havelquite easily waded bel yond his depth to atragic end Not knowingthe little fellow who refused to talk Mr Maylberry brought him to Beeton where he was made comfortable the op inion that the youngstecmight be lone of Mr Harold Findlays child lren on the 7th line Mr Mayberry took him there On reaching Mr Findlays home it was theredhat Mr Mayberry met the frantic para cuts of the child who werebeabcm ing for him more moor mu vThe great Iague ln don Ill 1665 Well or mode vited roebjoy on

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